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Bibi Won The Case For Israel In This Fox
News Interview

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 11/26/2023 10:27:38 AM

World War II began in September 1939. But the reason the War lasted five and a half years were the policies of England, United States and Russia in the 6 years leading up to the outbreak of the War. Despite all of the tricks of the Nazi Party in Germany, they did not hide their ideology of the Germans being a master race, the Jews being vermin, and their goals of expansionism to the West and East of Germany. However, following the deep human cost in World War I, nearly every country was not anxious to get involved in a world conflict again. That natural inclination was correct.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Namma 11/26/2023 12:25:14 PM (No. 1605327)
Bibi does not have to "win a case for Israel" Israel was attacked. No "case" needed.
48 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 11/26/2023 12:40:20 PM (No. 1605332)
Islam has much more in common with the Socialism of the Nazis (and with Scientology) than with real religions. It's a political ideology disguised as a religion to implement complete domination of its believers. Like the Nazis they openly call for world domination and elimination of Jews. It should have been contained in the Middle East and its adherents forbidden to migrate to the West, Instead, our Leftist leaders suck up to rich Muslims and appease Muslim terrorist groups whenever they can.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: FormerDem 11/26/2023 12:48:54 PM (No. 1605338)
The US was pacifist in the runup to WW II in some large part because of the signal from the Soviet Union to its allied writers and artists. That changed when the German army crossed the Russian border. That is the great irony of the Russians saying they fought alone. Yah. We woulda been there if you hadń't fanned us away.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Luke21 11/26/2023 3:22:48 PM (No. 1605392)
Most of the British government in the thirties was of the Halifax and Chamberlain variety. Churchill and Duff Cooper were scorned and mocked when warning against Hitler. France was a hideous mess. Roosevelt was worrying about his economy and Stalin was busy slaughtering everybody.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 11/27/2023 6:55:54 AM (No. 1605623)
The Russians beat the Germans with generous help from the brutal Russian winter but they did not show strength until they had to defend their cities. Once we got sucked into the war we did a lot of damage to ourselves in the person of General MacArthur. He had one strategy, dump thousands of Marines on beaches in broad daylight and keep dumping them until enough dead bodies accumulated to give the later waves some cover. In places like Peleliu, we took expensive ground with little or nothing to show for it. Patton was more successful in Europe because he defied Washington and did it the right way. Incompetence in government and the military is not a new thing. Often, the competent and effective, like the IDF, are hindered by those who aren't.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 11/27/2023 9:31:42 AM (No. 1605713)
Phil, there is no "case". Bibi and the IDF are just doing some housekeeping. In time, it will be job done.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Zigrid 11/27/2023 10:51:11 AM (No. 1605770)
Bibi is wonderful...he sticks to his guns and Israel is the winner....the pictures of the hostages being released was an eye opener....the Hamas terrorists murder the parents of a four year ole hostage...and then took a two year old and a four year old as prisoners of war....the world doesn't like children used as pawns...and the IDF needs to follow the monsters to their death....and what about the babies that were burned and killed with amount of fake news will change that......
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Bibi Won The Case For Israel In This Fox
News Interview
7 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 11/26/2023 10:27:38 AM Post Reply
World War II began in September 1939. But the reason the War lasted five and a half years were the policies of England, United States and Russia in the 6 years leading up to the outbreak of the War. Despite all of the tricks of the Nazi Party in Germany, they did not hide their ideology of the Germans being a master race, the Jews being vermin, and their goals of expansionism to the West and East of Germany. However, following the deep human cost in World War I, nearly every country was not anxious to get involved in a world conflict again. That natural inclination was correct.
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Posted by 4250Luis 11/22/2023 5:36:28 AM Post Reply
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How did America become a deadlier place
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Posted by 4250Luis 11/21/2023 4:20:50 AM Post Reply
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How many aid groups knew Hamas was hiding
in a hospital and lied about it?
12 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 11/21/2023 4:17:25 AM Post Reply
Hamas used Gaza City’s Shifa hospital as a base of terror operations. That’s the obvious conclusion following Sunday’s discovery of a large terror tunnel under the hospital along with videos of Hamas bringing Israeli hostages inside. Now comes an important question for Congress: Which US-funded international organizations knew the truth about Shifa and helped Hamas conceal its war crimes? The Israel Defense Forces this weekend discovered a tunnel beneath Shifa hospital that extends 10 meters down and 55 meters across — leading to what might be a booby-trapped door. Special units that specialize in handling explosives have been summoned to break through to the next section.
Dutch election promises tight race and
new era in politics
4 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 11/21/2023 4:14:31 AM Post Reply
There really is a sense of a new era beginning in Dutch politics in Wednesday's snap parliamentary election. Not only is a brand new party among the front-runners, but the Netherlands could be about to welcome its first female prime minister too. It has been only two years since the last vote, but many of the leaders standing are new, including Dilan Yesilgöz, the woman tipped to lead the country and the new head of Mr Rutte's liberal-conservative VVD.
Palestinians: 'Extreme' Support for Terrorist
Group Hamas, Israel's Destruction
10 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 11/20/2023 9:02:17 AM Post Reply
A public opinion poll published on November 14 showed that 75% of Palestinians support Hamas's murder spree, including rape and beheadings, as opposed to only 13% who disapprove. Surprisingly, the poll found that support for Hamas and its "military operation" is even higher in the West Bank, where Abbas's Palestinian Authority is based, than in the Gaza Strip. If such a large number of Palestinians in the West Bank support the murder of Israelis and Hamas, it is safe to assume that a new "Palestinian state" would be controlled by Hamas or another genocidal, antisemitic terror group.
So -- It Wasn’t the Sidewalk After All 15 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 11/19/2023 7:08:42 AM Post Reply
Murder and Mayhem ,l This week the Ventura County Sheriff arrested Professor Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji in the death of Paul Kessler, a 69 year-old man who had been standing on the sidewalk peacefully supporting Israel. Alnaji, who bashed Kessler with a megaphone, was charged with involuntary manslaughter and battery causing serious bodily injury and both these charges contain special allegations that Alnaji “personally inflictedgreat bodily injury.” This comes as no surprise to most of us who get their news online but it must have been news to those who read headers which said he died after falling and hitting his head on the sidewalk.
When Neutrality is Immoral: Israel, Hamas,
and the Problem of Moral Equivalence
6 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 11/19/2023 7:02:50 AM Post Reply
While many the world over had the integrity to condemn "the hideous crime, naming its perpetrators and acknowledging Israel's basic right to defend itself against the atrocity," the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches were unable to muster up such moral clarity. While the IDF goes out of its way to minimize civilian casualties, Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups do their utmost to maximize them — not only by indiscriminately murdering Israelis, but also by hiding among their own civilian population and using them as human shields, resulting in disproportionately high numbers of Palestinian casualties, caused -- deliberately -- by Hamas.
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7 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 11/17/2023 1:54:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 11/26/2023 10:48:18 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden privately apologized and vowed to 'do better' to a group of Muslim Americans for casting 'excessive skepticism' over the number of Palestinian deaths released by the Hamas-run Ministry of Health. The president, 81, faced five community figureheads who were furious one day after he publicly dismissed a Palestinian death toll on October 25. One person organizing the meeting said the process was a 's**tshow.' At the press conference at the White House, Biden - who has been steadfast in his support of Israel since October 7 - said: 'I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed.'
Oliver Stone: The 2020 Election Might
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Posted by Hazymac 11/26/2023 3:33:38 PM Post Reply
In a recent episode of his "Club Random" podcast, leftist comedian Bill Maher had film director Oliver Stone on as a guest. During the discussion, Stone essentially argued that the 2020 election could have been stolen. Here’s how it came up. At one point in the discussion, they were discussing the COVID vaccines and the pandemic, and Stone argued that Biden was being authoritarian with his vaccine mandates. “That's one form of it,” Maher replied. "I would say the form that Trump is threatening us with is even worse." “Which is what?” Stone asked. "Well, I mean, he doesn’t concede elections, you know, the elections only count if we win theory of government.
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26 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/26/2023 7:44:46 AM Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi’s nepo-baby, Alexandra, was caught on camera admitting essentially that January 6 and the ensuing prosecutions were a marketing gimmick to propagandize the public for the benefit of the Democrat Party. The video, apparently filmed surreptitiously in the style of Project Veritas and released by CitizenLens, reportedly between Pelosi and a January 6 defendant she was courting so as to appear in her documentary of the event, featured Pelosi discussing the political implications of the Jan 6 show trials and their effects on the upcoming 2022 mid-term elections. After the Democrats lose the House and then they get rid of the committee, people may lose interest.
The Guy Who Can’t Win v. The Guy Who
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24 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 4:53:48 AM Post Reply
Based on the current polls, we may very well have an immovable object meets an irresistible force scenario, except here it is two aging, past-their-prime retreads who, in any normal time, would have retired to enjoy the remaining sands of the hourglass but have decided to instead run again for president. Both have fatal flaws. Under the old rules, we knew the election outcome without a doubt. Trump can’t possibly win, and Biden is certain to lose. But someone has to win, and it will not be that RFK weirdo. This spectacle is not a done deal. Though he’s far ahead today, Trump can still lose the nomination. I
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21 replies
Posted by Imright 11/26/2023 6:31:45 PM Post Reply
According to a new Washington Post story, the Biden team is at its wit's end. They don't know what to do to convince the American people that the economy is in good shape. Of course, part of the reason they're failing so badly is because people know how much more they've had to pay for everything, and they see the high interest rates. Young people who would like to buy a home can't even do so in the current economy. But they're still trying to sell this to us, such as by claiming Thanksgiving was cheaper this year.
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21 replies
Posted by DW626 11/26/2023 12:57:00 PM Post Reply
Former UFC champion and one of Ireland’s most prominent celebrities, Conor McGregor, finds himself in the eye of a new storm, as he is currently under investigation for comments linked to a series of violent events in Dublin involving immigrant assailants, The Sunday Times reported. Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released. Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. Their condition is unknown. There are reports that the perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant. Following the attack, five-time world champion MMA fighter and Irishman Conor McGregor
Chevrolet’s ad company knocks it out
of the park with a heartwarming tearjerker
21 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/26/2023 11:35:19 AM Post Reply
Like Longfellow’s little girl, who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead, sometimes ad agencies are very good indeed, and sometimes they’re horrid. When they’re good, it’s worth taking note because, as with all media, those short videos have a disproportionate effect on the American psyche. In the case of Chevy’s holiday ad, that effect can only be good. When I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, in the pre-streaming age, you watched ads whether or not you wanted to. These years were the heydays of jingles and slogans. Indeed, for us, jingles were a family tradition.
Wyoming governor’s speech erupts into
fight over future of fossil fuels, carbon capture
20 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 11/27/2023 10:21:44 AM Post Reply
Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon sparked a backlash from state lawmakers when he discussed plans to make the Cowboy State carbon dioxide-neutral during a talk at Harvard last month. “It is clear that we have a warming climate. It is clear that carbon dioxide is a major contributor to that challenge. There is an urgency to addressing this issue,” Gordon said during the “Decarbonizing The West” talk. The governor added that the problem won’t be solved by turning off fossil fuels, and he promoted the use of carbon capture and sequestration.
Why is Steven Spielberg Silent About the
Hamas Pogrom in Israel?
20 replies
Posted by DW626 11/27/2023 6:29:21 AM Post Reply
As the Academy Award-winning director of Schindler’s List and founder of the USC Shoah Foundation, which records the testimonials of Holocaust survivors, the Jewish Steven Spielberg has been surprisingly silent about the barbaric October 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel. Silent about the 1,200-1,400 Jews who were raped, mutilated, and murdered. Silent about the thousands of Jews who were injured. Silent about the hundreds of Jews taken hostage. Not. One. Word. Many have asked Spielberg to say something…anything…but have been met with (yes) silence. David Schaecter, a 94-year-old Holocaust survivor and the president of Holocaust Survivors’ Foundation USA, wrote an open letter to Steven Spielberg.
Canada's Trudeau Blames 'Right-Wing, American
MAGA' for Vote Against Ukraine
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/27/2023 12:59:02 AM Post Reply
What would left-wing politicians do without MAGA? How would they terrify ordinary voters into supporting liberals for office? I'm sure they'd think of something. But it's just too darn easy to blame MAGA for everything. So until another group comes along that presents itself as a suitable scapegoat, MAGA it will be. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused the Conservative Party of turning their backs on Ukraine following a unanimous vote by the Conservatives against an update to the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement. "I've actually boasted . . . that it's not a political debate in Canada, all parties in Canada stand with Ukraine," Trudeau said at a press conference Friday. "So
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