Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Americans
Must Be Ready to Import Palestinians
Breitbart Politics,
John Binder
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/21/2023 9:45:49 AM
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a leading voice of the Democrat Party’s far-left wing, is suggesting Americans must be ready to bring Palestinians to their communities.
During an interview on CNN, Ocasio-Cortez was asked whether Arab countries in the Middle East ought to open their borders to Palestinians rather than the United States.In response, Ocasio-Cortez suggested she would support such Arab countries taking in Palestinians, but Americans would also need to be open to refugee resettlement.
The exchange went as follows:
Reply 1 - Posted by:
marbles 10/21/2023 9:49:36 AM (No. 1582694)
So tell me cortez, why is it that all the neighboring muslim countries don't want them? Why is that?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 10/21/2023 9:51:17 AM (No. 1582696)
I am ready to remove from office any elected representative who tries to import this rabid bunch. They were kicked out of Syria, Jordan, Egypt! and Israel for their violence. We don’t need more violence here from people who are taught at birth to hate and destroy the majority of US population.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
24tea@Mag 10/21/2023 9:55:05 AM (No. 1582701)
If other countries don’t want them, why would we. If they are like anything that is already here, forget it. We already have enough unrest in this country and don’t need any more. AOC doesn’t help the situation and the gang is worse.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
padiva 10/21/2023 9:57:18 AM (No. 1582706)
Heehee! Does she want to date them?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
garyhope 10/21/2023 10:10:05 AM (No. 1582714)
Why is this stupid, obnoxious, moronic runt, bunt, punter of a so called legislator in our government at all? She hates this country and it's people. She should go back to dancing or waitressing. How in the world did she ever get elected..
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
jimincalif 10/21/2023 10:10:20 AM (No. 1582715)
Democrats want to expand the government-dependent welfare class. They’ve been doing this with the wide open southern border, the so-called War on Poverty, destruction of black families, etc. for years. Government dependence = votes for democrats. As permanent “refugees” for some 70 years, thanks to UN, Arab, Europe and U.S. policies, Palestinians are the most experienced welfare recipients in the world, so of course AOC wants to bring them here.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Marzipan4 10/21/2023 10:10:35 AM (No. 1582717)
She may sponsor as many as she can legally vet…
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
DVC 10/21/2023 10:15:08 AM (No. 1582724)
Sandy, the tip-stealing barmaid can take as many as she can fit into her own apartment. Otherwise - not one of these savage, murderous 7th century barbarians should be allowed in. Talib is one too many already.
45 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
5 handicap 10/21/2023 10:16:26 AM (No. 1582727)
That's kinda like importing a case of the crabs, is it not? Egypt and Jordan refuse them and we should bring in people who hate us as much as AOC and Tlaib?
24 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/21/2023 10:17:40 AM (No. 1582731)
The Trash of the Middle East...and why NO Muslim country wants anything to do with them.
All they are useful for is the sympathy card and boatloads of cash for the Terrorists!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 10/21/2023 10:18:28 AM (No. 1582732)
Importing Mulsims is national suicide.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/21/2023 10:47:30 AM (No. 1582769)
One thing is for sure, the more “Palestinians” who are allowed into the USA as “refugees” and otherwise, the more anti-Israeli, Jewish hate, and the glorifying of the murders of Jewish people in Israel through terror tactics, with the ultimate objective of destroying Israel will also be imported into the USA. If you watched the recent anti Jewish and Israeli demonstrations the have been taking place in the USA you should have noticed that many of those anti Israel activists who are effectively supporting Hamas terrorist activities have foreign accents. That is just another example of Biden and his crew refusing to effectively enforce the U.S. immigration laws that provide that foreigners who support terrorist activities are excludable from the USA, and if found in the USA are subject to deportation. Unfortunately the leftist and socialist Democrats are all for allowing unlimited numbers of new Islamist “Palestinians” be allowed into the USA as “refugees” because they believe that large percentages of such “refugees” will become future leftist and socialist Democrat supporters and voters in the years ahead.
16 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
hershey 10/21/2023 11:02:04 AM (No. 1582776)
Hey you dizzy barmaid...other countries don't want them, we don't want them, and furthermore, we don't want YOU....why don't you go over there a spit your views and see how they are liked...we already have a Mogidishu in MInnessota...we don't need more...
21 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
VAPMAN 10/21/2023 11:22:48 AM (No. 1582790)
No AOC. Let’s send boat loads of illegals to Gaza.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
SailorJack 10/21/2023 11:22:49 AM (No. 1582791)
To your neighborhood, Sandy.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Axeman 10/21/2023 11:48:32 AM (No. 1582804)
I'm ready already. Well stocked on ammo.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
mifla 10/21/2023 11:52:22 AM (No. 1582810)
Great idea Sandy! Go sell it to your NYC Mayor and NY Governor.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Daisymay 10/21/2023 12:16:27 PM (No. 1582820)
I think since she loves them so much She should move THERE! We absolutely should NOT import Palestinians. I'm betting we have enough of them already (who have appeared in the Millions walking through our Borders)!
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
BeatleJeff 10/21/2023 12:21:18 PM (No. 1582826)
I'm ready to deport AOC and the rest of the Squat.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
danu 10/21/2023 12:43:55 PM (No. 1582837)
#14 could end all wars, and bring peace to troubled lands!
that would fix their airses, quick time. {consider throwing the bar maid into the deal.}
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
rememberwhen 10/21/2023 12:48:54 PM (No. 1582841)
Actually, we need to find a way to export AOC and others of her ilk.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
JonR 10/21/2023 1:14:07 PM (No. 1582860)
As far as I am concerned, bringing Palestinian scum into this country is cause for major civil disobedience against our current, disconnected and rogue government! Under no circumstances, can these people be brought into this country!
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
jalo1951 10/21/2023 1:21:18 PM (No. 1582865)
NO and while we are at it send the other's back to their own countries too. If anybody should be opening their borders it is the other muslim countries. Unless they plan on living with AOC hell no!
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
bighambone 10/21/2023 1:38:42 PM (No. 1582877)
Sure things are when Biden gives the OK to open the USA borders to the large scale importation of Palestinian “refugees” into the USA that you will not know about that, until after they are resettled in the USA by the nongovernmental organizations that are aligned with the leftist and socialist Democrats at U.S. taxpayers expense. The major reason that Biden, and the leftist and socialist Democrats would do that is because they believe that the vast majority of “Palestinians” who gain entry to the USA will no doubt become future leftist and socialist Democrat supporters and voters in the years ahead.
History also shows that countries who have allowed large numbers of Middle East Muslims to enter their countries have then experienced attempts by those Muslims, after they reach a certain percentage of the populations those countries, to convert those countries both through politics and wars into Islamic countries or caliphates. In that respect if you have watched US media reports regarding the pro Hamas and Islamist demonstrations that have taken place in the USA, you should have recognized by now that many of the pro “Palestinian” activists who appear on TV at those pro “Palestinian” or Islamist demonstrations that when they speak have foreign accents indicating that they recently immigrated to the USA. The U.S. immigration laws have provisions making aliens or foreigners who support terrorist organizations to be excludible from the USA and if found in the USA are subject to being deported. However Biden and the leftist and socialist Democrats for partisan political purposes have decided to ignore and to not enforce the U.S. immigration laws thus allowing Muslims in the USA to effectively support Middle East terrorism against Israel from within the USA.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Birddog 10/21/2023 2:02:21 PM (No. 1582890)
"Lady Ga Za"
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
smokincol 10/21/2023 2:03:12 PM (No. 1582891)
and send them all to your District, right comrade Ocasio-Cortez?
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
paral04 10/21/2023 2:28:12 PM (No. 1582905)
A Contraire. We need to start deporting these savages.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
Birddog 10/21/2023 2:46:19 PM (No. 1582920)
approx 5000 currently gathered and chanting anti Israel slogans, preparing to march through Brooklyn...How many more does she want?
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Namma 10/21/2023 3:39:08 PM (No. 1582945)
Sure. Just what the USA needs. More people in our own country that hate us and want us dead. AOC lacks common sense. But I guess that is included in a brain!
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
SALady 10/21/2023 3:43:33 PM (No. 1582947)
How about we trade -- one innocent Palestinian woman for each member of "The Squad"?!?!?!? Starting with AOC!!!
Heck, I would even go 3 innocent Palestinian women for each member of "The Squad"!!!
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
2assume 10/21/2023 4:07:03 PM (No. 1582960)
We have enough home grown terrorists that have been brainwashed for decades by government paid professors. The country is in grave danger from people like her. The Palestinians have been taught from birth to hate us. Even the children are dangerous.
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I hope the first batch are Hamas members who she has to live with.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
MissMann 10/21/2023 8:45:51 PM (No. 1583084)
No! Gazans are surrounded by muslim countries that can take them. If they will not, what does that tell you? NO!
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
rochow 10/21/2023 8:46:25 PM (No. 1583085)
Send this dumber than a brick dame back to the bar and collect tips. Tlaib is just one Palestinian too much at this point.
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