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Devastating’ cost of EV industry takes
center stage in two news stories this week

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Posted By: rememberwhen, 9/23/2023 1:42:43 PM

oxic plumes and neon orange bodies of water are quite an ironic legacy for “clean” and “green” energy—how anyone can miss a paradox that in-your-face is beyond me (but that’s beside the point). Two stories out this week highlighted the growing concern over the “reckless” transition to the globalists’ vision of the energy industry: the first questioned whether or not public services were “equipped” to handle the unique “challenges and risks” posed when electric vehicle batteries catch fire, while the second covered a brand-new study published yesterday by Science Magazine, one of the world’s most prestigious, longstanding, and recognized academic journals (it first entered circulation almost 150 years ago).


And yet, we are told we must eliminate fossil fuels and transition to "green" alternatives to save the planet. Further proof that the move to force us to drive electric cars, etc., have nothing to do with a desire to improve the environment. It's all about gaining and holding control/power.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 9/23/2023 1:55:10 PM (No. 1561882)
So, not only are EV's unaffordable, and likely to burst into flames at any moment, but they are dramatically more harmful to the environment than gasoline and diesel vehicles. "Green" means doesn't work right, costs way more than the normal thing, and is more harmful to the environment. But some of the folks are getting rich off this evil, destructive idea.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: mc squared 9/23/2023 2:14:10 PM (No. 1561887)
Not news to anyone who has been paying attention. 'Saving the Earth' has never been a goal, just a meme so the proles won't mind being subjects in the New World Order.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: stablemoney 9/23/2023 2:43:29 PM (No. 1561896)
Green energy is another device of the left to ruin the country, so they can build back communism.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: walcb 9/23/2023 2:52:40 PM (No. 1561904)
We are surrounded by scientific idiots and don't call oil a fossil fuel, it is not. Coal might be but not oil.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Tennman 9/23/2023 3:14:33 PM (No. 1561909)
Reality doesn't matter to these eco-zealots. Most destroy the earth to save it.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: DiegoDude 9/24/2023 7:39:55 AM (No. 1562212)
Road flares is what EV's are. Get one and watch your homeowners insurance price jump.
1 person likes this.

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Nikki Haley already beats Biden in polls.
Now she needs to win the next Republican debate.
13 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/24/2023 3:58:02 PM Post Reply
Haley's experience and thoughtful answers on abortion, the national debt and foreign policy show she's got the leadership chops – and reasoned temperament – to do the country's top job.....Voters want someone else. How about Nikki Haley?
Devastating’ cost of EV industry takes
center stage in two news stories this week
6 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/23/2023 1:42:43 PM Post Reply
oxic plumes and neon orange bodies of water are quite an ironic legacy for “clean” and “green” energy—how anyone can miss a paradox that in-your-face is beyond me (but that’s beside the point). Two stories out this week highlighted the growing concern over the “reckless” transition to the globalists’ vision of the energy industry: the first questioned whether or not public services were “equipped” to handle the unique “challenges and risks” posed when electric vehicle batteries catch fire, while the second covered a brand-new study published yesterday by Science Magazine, one of the world’s most prestigious, longstanding, and recognized academic journals (it first entered circulation almost 150 years ago).
Ed Dowd Makes Chilling Prediction on How
the COVID Conspirators Will Cover Up Their Crimes
11 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/22/2023 4:18:56 PM Post Reply
“These crimes are so horrific [that] I think … once this comes to light, there’ll be no place to hide on the planet, in my humble opinion.” “We’re getting there [the tipping point] quickly as word of mouth spreads on the dangers of these vaccines,” data analyst Edward Dowd told Dr. Naomi Wolf in a recent interview...“And when we get to a critical amount of people, the anger will be such that the politicians will understand that something’s changed, the regulators will start to worry, and we’ll start to see something — or an event that will cover it all up.”
President Trump Can Win the 2024 Election
With Just This One Idea
9 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/21/2023 1:18:23 PM Post Reply
All Democrats do to win elections….other than rigging and fixing them with mail-in ballots [etc.]... by bribing the voters. It’s called “Highway Bribery.” They bribe the poor with welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and a hundred other government handouts.... And they bribe young voters by erasing student loan debt. ... with the implicit understanding they will vote Democrat as a thank you. I say two can play at that game... President Trump, please announce if you are elected in 2024, you will lead the fight to end all taxes on Social Security.
We Have Two Medias in This Country, and
They’re Going to Elect Donald Trump
14 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/19/2023 4:06:52 PM Post Reply
It’s often asked in my circles: Why isn’t Joe Biden getting more credit for his accomplishments?... There is no one reason. But there is one overwhelming factor in play: the media. Or rather, the two medias... We reside in a media environment that promotes—whether it intends to or not—right-wing authoritarian spectacle. At the same time, as a culture, it’s consistently obsessed with who “won the day,” while placing far less value on the fact that the civic and democratic health of the country is nurtured through practices such as deliberation, compromise, and sober governance. The result is bad for Joe Biden. But it’s potentially tragic for democracy.
Column: Hunter Biden was indicted on gun
charges. Here’s the real reason he’s
in trouble
14 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/15/2023 1:34:42 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden was charged Thursday with three felonies related to lying on a 2018 application to buy a gun. But it’s hard not to conclude that his true offense is being the son of a president whom Republicans are hell-bent on vilifying and defeating.
The “Parental Rights” Fanatics Have
Descended on LA
16 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/13/2023 2:30:15 PM Post Reply
I’m a public school parent. I shouldn’t have to spend my time fighting these violent, bigoted extremists. On August 22, a text popped up on my phone: “They made it here.” A terrified friend who works at Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) headquarters in downtown LA was pinging me, panicked about the members of the anti-LGBTQ Leave Our Kids Alone coalition (LOKA) who had gathered to march on an LAUSD board meeting.
Cars, Gas, and Groceries Will Decide the
2024 Election | Opinion
17 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/6/2023 6:33:55 PM Post Reply
t was February of 1992 and President George H. W. Bush, while out campaigning for reelection, gave a speech to the National Grocers Association. What could possibly go wrong? It was a non-event, evidenced by the fact that only one pool reporter was present, Gregg McDonald of the Houston Chronicle. Before Bush gave the speech, he toured the new grocer technology, including a state-of-the-art scanner that could weigh produce and read damaged bar codes. In his report, McDonald noted that the president had a "look of wonder" on his face as he admired the new technology.
Rules of engagement for the war of words 3 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/5/2023 3:01:02 PM Post Reply
How did the fascist left get the right to decree the meaning of every bloody word in the dictionary? If there’s one thing every nation’s socialist left has been good at, it’s propaganda and wordplay. Joseph Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, and others were masters at the art of lying with language. (Imagining with amusement, leftists out there losing their collective minds over the fact that we just dared to compare their hero to Saul Alinsky or the other way around, but I digress.) Let’s face it, the far left has weaponized the King’s English against our individual liberties and rights....
Why Nikki Haley Scares the Biden Campaign
She almost certainly won’t be the Republican
nominee. But she’s showing where Biden
is vulnerable.
14 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/1/2023 2:24:09 PM Post Reply
Nikki Haley had been paddling in the shallows of the Republican presidential race for six months, making few waves, when an unnamed senior adviser to President Biden confided to Politico two weeks ago, “If they nominate Nikki Haley, we’re in trouble.” It was an odd admission, given that the former South Carolina governor was polling at around 4 percent nationally. But then Haley last week delivered a strong debate performance, and a new leaked poll from Trump world showed her moving into third place in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Opinion: Judge Chutkan chose exactly the
right trial date for Donald Trump
27 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/30/2023 2:27:17 PM Post Reply
On Monday, US District Judge Tanya Chutkan set a March 4 start date for former President Donald Trump’s federal criminal trial on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election. “The public has a right to a prompt and efficient resolution of this matter,” Chutkan said.... Most obviously, with Trump as the current leading contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Americans deserve to know before they vote in the general election if a jury of his peers finds him innocent or guilty of having tried to end the lawful transition of power after the 2020 election.
Florida Gas Stations Receive Contaminated
Fuel Right Before Hurricane Idalia Makes Landfall
32 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/29/2023 9:59:37 PM Post Reply
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) has reported fuel contamination could impact residents who are evacuating from Florida’s coast. FDACS reported fuel contamination has occurred at dozens of gas stations that were serviced by the Port of Tampa. In a press release, FDACS revealed, “Any fuel purchased after 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 26, at stations supplied by Citgo from the Port of Tampa has a strong likelihood of being contaminated with diesel fuel.”
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Christie: When I Win New Hampshire, Trump’s
‘Sense of Inevitability Will Go Away’
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/24/2023 5:36:15 PM Post Reply
Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he plans to beat former President Donald Trump in the New Hampshire presidential primary and take away “his sense of inevitability.” Anchor Kristen Welker said, “Former President Trump is solidifying his lead with GOP primary voters. You’ve been in this race since June. Governor, why aren’t you gaining more traction?” Christie said, “Look, I know you spent a whole lot of money on national polls, so I don’t mean to go after the polling folks, but the fact is that national polls don’t matter. We don’t have a national primary.
Climate Change Alarmist Al Gore Declares
War on Fossil Fuel Industry
29 replies
Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 12:56:26 AM Post Reply
Climate change alarmist and former United States Vice President Al Gore has blasted the fossil fuel industry, accusing oil and gas companies of “using the atmosphere as an open sewer.” Mr. Gore, whose climate rants have grown progressively more unhinged, said this week that fossil fuel companies are “digging and drilling and pumping up the fossilized remains of dead animals and plants and burning them in ways that use the atmosphere as an open sewer, threatening the future of humanity.” Like many prophets of climate Armageddon, Gore has sought to pin the blame for opposition to alarmism on the selfish interests of fuel companies, rather than recognize a growing scientific challenge
“I Vaccinated the Nation and Rebuilt
the Economy!” – Old Man Joe Biden
Starts Shouting Out of Nowhere (Video)
27 replies
Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 9:24:39 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden Saturday evening delivered remarks at the 2023 Phoenix Awards Dinner at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC. Biden lied about the state of the economy. “Kamala and I came into office determined to transform how the economy works — change the way it literally functions!” Biden said. Joe Biden destroyed the economy. Bidenomics = High mortgage rates, high inflation rates, collapsed banks, expensive groceries, record high rent, and dwindling retirement accounts.
Democratic Mayor Proposes Government-Owned
Grocery Store For ‘Racial Justice’
24 replies
Posted by Imright 9/24/2023 8:20:28 PM Post Reply
Chicago’s Democratic mayor has announced a partnership with a far-left non-profit to advance his proposal of a government-owned grocery store, which he argues is needed for the sake of “racial justice.” Mayor Brandon Johnson said in a press release this month that the city-owned grocery store — which would be the largest of its kind in the U.S. — is needed to address the exit of corporate grocery stores and promote “food equity.”“[F]ood access and security link directly to environmental and racial justice,” Johnson’s office said in a press release, adding that “37% of Black residents and 29% of Latine/x residents are food insecure,
Trump 'must die in prison,' MSNBC denizen insists 23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/24/2023 11:41:32 AM Post Reply
Far-left MSNBC columnist and radio host Dean Obeidallah, in a recent interview with a reporter from the leftish Mediaite “news” website, stated: “I think Donald Trump must die in prison because I don’t care if he was 45 years old, you should get life in prison if you attempt a coup, and there should be no chance of parole.” Mr. Obeidallah said that, were the former president to “die in prison” for daring to challenge the results of the 2020 election, it would send a much-needed message to the public. That message? “You can’t do this.” Ah. He further explained: “That’s why I think Donald Trump or anyone else who commits a coup, must die
Did Bidenomics kill the American dream?
Homes and cars are becoming increasingly
unaffordable for the middle class
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/24/2023 6:12:27 PM Post Reply
Average Americans are finding homes and cars increasingly unaffordable as inflation from high government spending raises prices and degrades purchasing power. Half of consumers are being priced out of the car market as the cost of a monthly car loan payment is far exceeding what an average American can afford, while the home affordability index has fallen from a 169.9 point average in 2020 to 87.8 points as of July, according to the National Association of Realtors. One key driver of the rising expenses is inflation, which peaked at 9.1% in June 2022 and is linked to high government spending under the Biden administration,
Clyburn: GOP Wants to Impeach Biden for
‘Being a Father to His Son’
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/24/2023 3:05:27 PM Post Reply
Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Republicans opened an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden because he was “being a father to his son.” (snip) Clyburn said, “I think it’s appropriate to be a father to your son, and if your son is having a problem, and we all know the history of the problem that Hunter has with addiction, and he is being a father to his son. You don’t impeach a man for being a father to his children.”
DA Investigator Accidentally Shoots Self
in Courthouse Bathroom
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/24/2023 2:45:54 PM Post Reply
An investigator with the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney’s Office accidentally shot herself in the leg inside a courthouse bathroom on Friday. ABC News reported the incident occurred in the same courthouse in which “former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants were arraigned” on charges related to the 2020 presidential election. The incident did not result life-threatening injuries. FOX 5 noted the female investigator was in a “handicap accessible bathroom” on the fourth floor when she shot herself. The name of the investigator has not been released. Former prosecutor Ash Joshi commented on the incident, saying, “It was an accidental shooting, so there is no intent to commit a crime."
A Minnesota organization is archiving
plywood art created after the murder of
George Floyd
20 replies
Posted by voxpopuli 9/24/2023 9:02:24 AM Post Reply
Work continues to preserve pieces of art made after 2020 unrest Call it a labor of love, in a northeast Minneapolis warehouse. “I feel very attached, like connected to these pieces personally,” says Amira McLendon, a University of Minnesota art student. “I didn’t make any of them. But knowing they were from my community is important to me.” McLendon is an intern with the group ‘Memorialize the Movement.’ This weekend, the organization, founded by Leesa Kelly, is busily archiving and organizing about 1,000 pieces of plywood art..
WGA strike: Hollywood studios send writers
‘best and final’ offer as deal nears
on strike
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/24/2023 12:14:09 AM Post Reply
The major film and television studios on Saturday evening delivered their “best and final” offer to the striking writers, a person close to the situation told CNN, adding to significant hope that the negotiations to end the months-long strike will conclude with an agreement this weekend. Negotiators with the Writers Guild of America were expected to review the offer and deliver their response. The Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers spent Saturday negotiating for the fourth consecutive day. Should a tentative deal be reached, it would still need to be ratified by rank-and-file members before it could go into effect.
‘God’s Plan Includes Abortion’:
Group Plants Pro-Abortion Billboards in
Pro-Life States Along Highway to Illinois
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/24/2023 2:37:06 PM Post Reply
A group that promotes “normalizing abortion” has lined up six billboards on Interstate 55 through pro-life states leading to Illinois, one of which falsely reads, “God’s plan includes abortion.” Shout Your Abortion, a far-left advocacy group, placed the billboards in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee — all states which have outlawed or limited abortions. The black and white billboards, which face travelers heading into pro-abortion Illinois, also include messages such as, “Abortion is OK. You know what’s right for you,” and “Abortion is OK. You are loved.”
Now They’re Just Poking Their Fingers
in Our Eyes
18 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/24/2023 5:44:34 AM Post Reply
Reading this week’s news of the Biden Administration, I kept thinking of the Three Stooges poking fingers in each other’s eyes. (Snip) Nothing seems to get through to them; their conduct is clear evidence that they believe they can get away with being completely outrageous because they suffer no consequences. (I know you probably can point to more examples -- apart from the open border through which the number of invaders now is the population equivalent of 17 states.) This litigation strikes me as this week’s most easily understood misuse of the law. The Department of Justice is suing Elon Musk for not hiring refugees to build advanced rocket technology.
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