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Column: Hunter Biden was indicted on gun
charges. Here’s the real reason he’s
in trouble

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Posted By: rememberwhen, 9/15/2023 1:34:42 PM

Hunter Biden was charged Thursday with three felonies related to lying on a 2018 application to buy a gun. But it’s hard not to conclude that his true offense is being the son of a president whom Republicans are hell-bent on vilifying and defeating.


Did you know that Hunter Biden would be in absolutely no trouble if he weren't the son of Joe Biden? That's the only reason he's facing criminal charges according to the LA Times. So it must be true. [Sarcasm off] Anyone not the son of the Usurper-in-Chief or another powerful Dim would have been sent to prison long ago for Decades. Just imagine the length of sentence Donald Trump, Jr., would have gotten if he were guilty of a fraction of the crimes Hunter has committed.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MissNan 9/15/2023 1:39:18 PM (No. 1556698)
OP said it all for me.
20 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Bur Oak 9/15/2023 1:40:14 PM (No. 1556699)
LA Times releases White House talking points on Hunter. Hunter will be up for beautification next.
18 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Vaquero45 9/15/2023 1:40:27 PM (No. 1556700)
Oh fer Chrissake. They're really getting desperate.
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: rochow 9/15/2023 1:51:49 PM (No. 1556714)
Litman equals absolute a@@hole.
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: cor-vet 9/15/2023 1:55:04 PM (No. 1556718)
Harry says the Republicans have nothing of substance on old Joe! I suggest they accuse him of being a Russian agent because that doesn't need any evidence!
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: rikkitikki 9/15/2023 2:19:20 PM (No. 1556740)
The real reason for Hunter's indictment: to divert increasing scrutiny of Hunter's multiple other crimes, all of which implicate POTUS Beijing Biden. From Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit: "Weiss’s charges today continue his deceptive pattern–for years–of protecting Hunter. More troubling, Weiss is protecting President Biden. Indeed, where are Hunter’s charges related to foreign corruption, acting as an unregistered foreign agent, tax evasion, wire fraud, and other criminal charges that could implicate President Biden?”
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: downnout 9/15/2023 2:28:02 PM (No. 1556747)
The fish wrapper LA Times has lost its mind.
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 9/15/2023 2:42:36 PM (No. 1556763)
Strange how poor Hunter was indicted on the only crime that doesn't involve old Joe. As always the LAT reports the opposite to the truth, we all know the real reason Hunter isn't in trouble.
17 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: OkieTom 9/15/2023 3:55:53 PM (No. 1556808)
I disagree #4. He’s not an a@@hole, he’s a whole a@@.
1 person likes this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Illinois Mom 9/15/2023 4:09:03 PM (No. 1556814)
The guns have to be taken off of the streets! We NEED more gun laws!!! Too many criminals have guns!! Criminals don't obey "sensible" gun laws. When a criminal is caught violating one of the gun laws, it depends on the criminal and whether he or she is related to an "important" person. A strung out junkie, who is actively using, but is the son of a DEMOCRAT gets a pass from all of the rabid gun haters in the media, dismissing the three FELONIES as trivial. Any other guy in same scenario gets 25 years, AND, the seller loses everything.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: smokincol 9/15/2023 4:37:20 PM (No. 1556831)
the son of diapers, Hunter, is not in trouble, in any sense of the word and don't let anybody try to convince you, he is skating on this one just as easily as he is able to smuggle cocaine into the WH
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: David Key 9/15/2023 6:41:37 PM (No. 1556879)
Poor corrupt drug riddled baby. I shed a tear for him. When daddy dies or retires the family is going out of business. The kid deserves to be in jail for a whole bunch of reasons and crimes, real legitimate crimes not the made up fantasies of the left about Trump.
0 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: danu 9/15/2023 8:06:58 PM (No. 1556932)
a pantload , when viewed from any angle.
0 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mifla 9/16/2023 7:42:38 AM (No. 1557215)
I see the LA Times got the memo the White House just sent out about digging into Republican talking points. Hunter's real trouble is that Daddy won't be in power much longer and his antics will catch up with him.
0 people like this.

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Nikki Haley already beats Biden in polls.
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Posted by rememberwhen 9/24/2023 3:58:02 PM Post Reply
Haley's experience and thoughtful answers on abortion, the national debt and foreign policy show she's got the leadership chops – and reasoned temperament – to do the country's top job.....Voters want someone else. How about Nikki Haley?
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Posted by rememberwhen 9/23/2023 1:42:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by rememberwhen 9/22/2023 4:18:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by rememberwhen 9/21/2023 1:18:23 PM Post Reply
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We Have Two Medias in This Country, and
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14 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/19/2023 4:06:52 PM Post Reply
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Column: Hunter Biden was indicted on gun
charges. Here’s the real reason he’s
in trouble
14 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/15/2023 1:34:42 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden was charged Thursday with three felonies related to lying on a 2018 application to buy a gun. But it’s hard not to conclude that his true offense is being the son of a president whom Republicans are hell-bent on vilifying and defeating.
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Posted by Imright 11/26/2023 10:48:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 11/26/2023 3:33:38 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 11/26/2023 7:44:46 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 4:53:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 11/27/2023 10:21:44 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 11/27/2023 6:29:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 11/26/2023 11:35:19 AM Post Reply
Like Longfellow’s little girl, who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead, sometimes ad agencies are very good indeed, and sometimes they’re horrid. When they’re good, it’s worth taking note because, as with all media, those short videos have a disproportionate effect on the American psyche. In the case of Chevy’s holiday ad, that effect can only be good. When I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, in the pre-streaming age, you watched ads whether or not you wanted to. These years were the heydays of jingles and slogans. Indeed, for us, jingles were a family tradition.
Curing Jews of Leftism 18 replies
Posted by Imright 11/27/2023 7:20:32 AM Post Reply
Holocaust-2 that broke out in Israel on October 7 may suddenly have a positive impact on many left-liberal American Jews. The recent tragic events will cause an upheaval in liberal heads and shift their political mindset to the right: the American Jews will wise up, move away from a liberal worldview, and become more conservative. I will try to explain this seemingly unexpected prediction. From the 8th century B.C. to the middle of the last century, Jews have been persecuted and periodically expelled. Unlike many other peoples, who sometimes were also persecuted by their neighbors, the Jews until 1948 did not have their own country,
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