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Time for Another Great Awakening

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Posted By: Imright, 9/3/2023 5:55:45 AM

We live in an age of unbelief. The foundations of American life are eroding. America is entering an uncharted, revolutionary time. We are no longer the America of our founders or even the America that existed twenty years ago. We are in trouble, and a cataclysm of ominous events may soon overwhelm us. We need a national spiritual revival. Two seminal revival movements were such game-changing events in American history that historians were compelled to call them Great Awakenings. The First Great Awakening in the mid-1700s created the moral climate for the Declaration of Independence and the founding of a new country,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: avital2 9/3/2023 6:32:42 AM (No. 1548418)
time for renewal across the board. our 250th 1776 -2026 is around the corner and a perfect time to cap off a mass movement to return to our founding principles. this has to include the election of the right president in 2024 to make it happen. let's put shoulders to the wheel.
58 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Lawsy0 9/3/2023 9:16:36 AM (No. 1548520)
Unfortunately for us, Great Awakenings are an act of the Holy Spirit, not by design of man--regardless of how badly we know we need one. Azuza Street can no longer handle the crowd.
19 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: udanja99 9/3/2023 9:19:04 AM (No. 1548522)
#1, the way things are going, I doubt that we will be allowed to celebrate our 250th birthday. Doing so will be deemed another insurrection. And I fear that, if we elect the right president next year, the left will tear the country to pieces.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: privateer 9/3/2023 9:42:53 AM (No. 1548549)
The Global Communists, the backward head-loppers and atheists agree on one thing: Christianity must be destroyed...and then the broken US. The Jews shrug their shoulders and say: oy vehl! we could've told you this Jesus thing wouldn't work out.
11 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 9/3/2023 9:53:40 AM (No. 1548562)
We don't live in a world of unbelief. The commie trannies etc. just want us to believe it because of the huge hollowness inside them. Don't fall for it.
34 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Muguy 9/3/2023 10:12:40 AM (No. 1548579)
The Founders KNEW we would some day be in times like these. The vast majority of people still hold to the bedrock principles but live in fear and cowardice lacking the leadership to make the first move and are purposefully kept unorganized into a force for revival and restoration. It is a mistake to believe that political 'messiahs' will come rescue U.S. but just in case, they have decided to persecute and crucify President Trump for questioning the results of the 2020 election to keep those who would band together by intimidation and unequal application of governmental power and financial and judicial pressure to RUIN anyone else who tries. Demonrat socialist Marxist can complain an criticize about so-called 'stolen elections' breaking establish rules of elections, but not republicans. If one is a believer in eschatology, we are most definitely seeing the signs of the End Times and things Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 24, but things have to get a lot worse and rapidly the evil and corruption is getting a foothold in our daily lives. We may have one last chance to do something electorally but with the wickedness and lack of action required being almost non-existant there is no one person who can prevent us from drowning..... Its time to get our house in order because its only going to get worse.... "Chose this day whom you will serve"
29 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: avital2 9/3/2023 10:13:50 AM (No. 1548581)
we'll never Overcome by being Defeatists. shake it off and get busy, folks.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: czechlist 9/3/2023 5:50:48 PM (No. 1548811)
IMO mass immigration without assimilation is dooming this country. Too many immigrants come for the opportunity to make $$ and not to embrace, protect and extend the founding American values
20 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Italiano 9/3/2023 8:19:18 PM (No. 1548856)
When I first heard "Axis of Evil," I never thought that America would become a junior member, but it did. For most of my life, with some lapses, we were the good guys. No more.
25 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 9/3/2023 9:28:29 PM (No. 1548882)
FTA: “We take back the nation by praying, repenting to the Lord, and acknowledging that the Republic will fail without our hearts returning to Him.  We must call upon Divine Providence and plead for mercy.  We know that God responds to those who cry out to Him.  Only through Him can national revival come, and the blessing it brings becomes possible.  He watches over us today just as He did in generations past.  Keep the faith, be encouraged, and keep praying.  May another Great Awakening arise in this dark and uncertain time.” Amen! Lamentations 3: 22  Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not. 23  They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness. 24  “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”
22 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 9/3/2023 10:20:44 PM (No. 1548903)
One other thing in addition to #10: Read Hebrews chapter 11, & recognize that these heroes of faith didn’t just pray and sit back and expect everything to be accomplished and provided by God with no effort on their part. They had an active, obedient faith. The same has been required throughout history. It is still required today.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: Rinktum 9/4/2023 7:31:44 AM (No. 1548984)
I do believe we have strayed from our religious heritage in this country. With more diversity comes different beliefs that do not have their foundation in Christ. While they may not be believers, they are respectful and believe in a higher power. However, the people who are atheists and have found a home in the democrat party pose the greatest threat. They are very vulnerable to the concept of human secularism and are willing to make themselves the final authority in all matters believing that God has no moral authority over them. This is why our culture has gone off the rails and it is the reason that justice is manipulated because it benefits them and not because it is right or just. We are battling a spiritual war today, and it is a battle between good and evil. This is not a sophisticated or complex war that is being played out in our lives. It is as old as man and with the same protagonists warring for the souls of humanity. The end is certain, but we do not know just where we are on God’s timeline. Therefore, we must choose whom we will serve and just as Joshua told us so many thousands of years ago, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: Strike3 9/4/2023 8:39:15 AM (No. 1549018)
Our historical founding is the ideal inspiration to fix this mess that we have allowed our country to become. Back in the mid 1700s, the people in this new world were of mixed philosophies just like we are today. There were many who still wanted to remain under the yoke of Britain while the brave half risked it all for the attainment of precious freedom. When George Washington led the Continental Army to victory with overwhelming odds against him from the British and their Hessian mercenaries, he did so under the penalty of death for him and the few hundred soldiers that he was able to recruit. They won because right and justice was on their side but it was not easy. Do not be afraid of death in combat. The life that these evil communist misfits and thugs have planned for us is far worse than death.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 9/4/2023 10:38:09 AM (No. 1549139)
As a nation, we are divided. Pray to God to bring us together as a nation. It is the only thing we can do. What needs to happen has to initiated by God, not humanity. Humanity is divided, and it will take an act of God to bring us together. Pray, people.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/4/2023 11:09:03 AM (No. 1549172)
Wake up...the great Awakening has and is more Americans see the danger obama and his henchmen have done in 3 get on board...or...move over for some real Americans who wear President Trump's shirt with the mug shot on it...and get knowing smiles for everyone WE meet...there are more of US out here than you think...
14 people like this.

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Gold Star Moms Slam Joe Biden Over His
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1 reply
Posted by Imright 9/5/2023 4:32:54 AM Post Reply
Three Gold Star moms who lost their children in the suicide bombing during the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan appeared on ABC News this weekend and slammed Biden’s response to their loss. One of the mothers describes Biden telling her about his son Beau and trying to compare the loss of his son to theirs, which is not a fair comparison at all. One of them describes the outrage at seeing Biden check his watch as the remains of the soldiers were received. RedState has more:
Jill Biden tests Positive for COVID with
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spending holiday weekend with her
1 reply
Posted by Imright 9/5/2023 4:30:02 AM Post Reply
First lady Jill Biden has tested positive for coronavirus, her office confirmed on Monday night - as the White House said Joe Biden has tested negative. The 72-year-old is 'experiencing only mild symptoms' and will remain at the couple's home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, a statement said. Meanwhile the White House said the president has, so far, tested negative for COVID, as cases of the virus are on the rise again globally. The couple spent Sunday night together at their Rehoboth Beach home before Joe flew to Philadelphia Monday to mark Labor Day with a speech to union workers.
Illegal Immigration in the Rust Belt:
Ohio Residents Say ‘Enough Is Enough’
After Death of 11-Year-Old Aiden Clark
0 replies
Posted by Imright 9/5/2023 4:26:10 AM Post Reply
Residents in Springfield, Ohio, are sounding the alarm over illegal immigration in their community as Breitbart News revealed that an illegal alien is accused of causing a school bus accident that left 11-year-old Aiden Clark dead on his first day of school. Hermanio Joseph, a 35-year-old illegal alien from Haiti, has been formally charged with aggravated vehicular homicide in the death of Aiden Clark, who was on his way to his first day of school when his school bus was hit and ultimately overturned. According to police, Aiden Clark was killed after being ejected from the bus. Joseph’s bail was increased to $150,000 this week.
The ACLU Is Once More on the Side of Convicted
Killers Identifying as Trans
12 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 6:44:50 PM Post Reply
Back in June, the ACLU lamented that the state of Florida did not provide "medically necessary gender-affirming care" to Duane Owen before he was executed. He had killed and raped a 14-year-old and then also committed murder again, years later. The ACLU is at it again coming to the defense of a male inmate who claims to be transgender, this time in Indiana. (X's) The latest lamentation about transgender inmates is just as tone deaf as the one from earlier this year. In late August, the Indiana chapter announced it was suing the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) for denying surgery to a biological male,
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Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 6:25:36 PM Post Reply
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Joe Biden Trashes Trump, Lies About His
Awful Economy in Divisive Labor Day Speech (Video)
10 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 5:46:46 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Monday took a break from his Rehoboth Beach vacation to travel to Philadelphia to deliver a divisive Labor Day speech to Sheet Metal Workers Local 19. Biden trashed President Trump and lied about Bidenomics. The economy is in shambles thanks to Joe Biden. Inflation is still high; Gas prices are still skyrocketing; Outrageously high grocery bills are crushing middle America;. 30-year fixed rate mortgages are nearly 8%; 61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck because of Bidenflation. A six-figure income is no longer enough in Joe Biden’s America.
Exclusive Photos: 300 Migrants Stroll
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into Arizona on Labor Day
7 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 5:42:33 PM Post Reply
LUKEVILLE, Arizona — A single group of nearly 300 migrants walked through gates in the border wall welded open by the Biden administration west of Lukeville on Labor Day morning. The migrants eventually surrendered to Border Patrol agents at a nearby rally point. Breitbart Texas posted along the border in the small town and observed as Border Patrol agents prepared the migrants for transport to a Border Patrol processing center. (Photo) The large group consisted of migrants from a host of different countries including Venezuela, Nicaragua, the Peoples Republic of China, and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
Will Cain tears into Biden, Dems for ‘standing
on the graves of dead children’ to ‘pimp’
their agenda
5 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 1:12:44 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden traveled to Florida over the weekend where he toured the area hit by a powerful hurricane and used the opportunity to push his extreme climate agenda, a shameless pitch that infuriated Fox News host Will Cain. On “Fox & Friends Sunday” the topic came up about Biden’s remarks in which he blamed Hurricane Idalia on climate change, also taking a shot at skeptics who don’t unquestioningly swallow the doomsayers’ malarkey whom he accused of not being intelligent. After rolling a clip of the geriatric climate fearmonger’s comments in Live Oak, Fla., Cain tore into Biden and his fellow Democrat ghouls who, like buzzards, regularly descend on areas where disasters
Biden, 80, dropping out would NOT be a
'total shock': Biographer says president
has 'insecurities' about 'being perceived
as stupid' - and sparks more questions
about his 2024 bid
19 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 12:58:46 PM Post Reply
It wouldn't be a 'total shock' if President Joe Biden ended his 2024 reelection campaign by the end of the year, noted a biographer with enhanced access to the White House. Author Franklin Foer said Sunday that he found during his time with Biden and his inner circle that 'one of the primary insecurities' of the President 'is that he does not want to be perceived as stupid.' Biden, 80, announced in late April his bid for a second term with Vice President Kamala Harris – but questions have emerged in the last year over whether the President is too old or too unfit to serve for four more years.
'Little Bit Of Wisdom': Biden Defends
His Age Amid Concern From Majority Of Americans
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 12:22:01 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden framed his age as a positive as Americans continue to voice concerns about his physical and mental decline. “Someone said, ‘You know, that Biden, he’s getting old,'” the 80-year-old president said Monday during his Labor Day remarks in Philadelphia. “Well guess what, guess what … the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom,” Biden continued. “I’ve been doing this longer than anybody, and guess what, I’m going to continue to do it, with your help.”
Biden Laments ‘I Can’t Go Home Home’
While Enjoying Rehoboth Beach
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 9:07:04 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is a man of many houses but just one home, it seems. He made that clear Sunday when he told the press in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, he was not on vacation even as he enjoyed a sun, surf, and sand escape. The admission came after he went to Mass locally at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church. “I have no home to go to,” lamented Biden, who lives at the White House weekdays and spends most weekends escaping to the delights of Delaware, where he has not one but two residences. (X) AP reports he went on to say the U.S. Secret Service has been doing work on his
So-called Nazis resurface in Orlando,
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11 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 4:30:01 AM Post Reply
So-called Nazis were on the march near Orlando, FL on Saturday when a group of costumed men going by the name of “Blood Tribe” turned out to seek attention in a demonstration that conveniently feeds into the Biden regime’s claims that “white supremacy” is the most dangerous threat to America today. Coming a week after a “racially motivated” incident at a Jacksonville-area Dollar General store that saw three black people gunned down in cold blood by a disturbed young man who left behind a racist manifesto, the gaggle of demonstrators who are dressed in remarkably similar garb to the Patriot Front group which has mysteriously disappeared, spoke to
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Posted by Beardo 9/4/2023 8:25:30 AM Post Reply
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ABC host shocked by new poll showing Trump
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Trump's legal 'baggage'
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Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 4:13:07 AM Post Reply
ABC's George Stephanopoulos appeared stunned Sunday by a 2024 election poll showing former President Trump and President Biden tied at 46% in a hypothetical rematch, calling the findings "kind of shocking" in light of Trump's mounting legal woes. During a segment on ABC's "This Week," Stephanopoulos brought up a Wall Street Journal poll released over the weekend showing support among Trump and Biden split directly down the middle at 46% support each if the 2024 presidential election were held today. "It is kind of shocking in a way, that despite all of the baggage that Donald Trump carries, he’s tied with Joe Biden right now," Stephanopoulos said.
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25 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 4:20:27 AM Post Reply
Squatters have taken over a Wyoming city after some left millions of dollars worth of damage to a motel and others left 500lbs of feces in the downtown area. Casper, the second-largest city in the state, is home to 60,000 residents but now also has about 200 homeless people. Some have seized various properties that are empty or abandoned, including an abandoned Econo Lodge motel that hasn't operated since November. Casper Mayor Bruce Knell described the extent of destruction as akin to 'third-world-country stuff'.
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23 replies
Posted by DW626 9/4/2023 9:19:58 AM Post Reply
For those who think the truth about the crime and slime associated with Jeffrey Epstein has been deep-sixed down the memory hole, there may be another bite at this rotten apple. Mimi Lui, an attorney representing the U.S. Virgin Islands, has filed suit in federal court against JPMorgan Chase. Lui charged that over $1 billion in suspicious transactions have been reported to the U.S. Treasury since Epstein’s death and that JPMorgan Chase ignored sex-trafficking red flags over many years, thus enabling these crimes. The case will go to trial on October 23 unless a settlement is reached.
Biden Laments ‘I Can’t Go Home Home’
While Enjoying Rehoboth Beach
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 9:07:04 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is a man of many houses but just one home, it seems. He made that clear Sunday when he told the press in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, he was not on vacation even as he enjoyed a sun, surf, and sand escape. The admission came after he went to Mass locally at St. Edmond Roman Catholic Church. “I have no home to go to,” lamented Biden, who lives at the White House weekdays and spends most weekends escaping to the delights of Delaware, where he has not one but two residences. (X) AP reports he went on to say the U.S. Secret Service has been doing work on his
Biden, 80, dropping out would NOT be a
'total shock': Biographer says president
has 'insecurities' about 'being perceived
as stupid' - and sparks more questions
about his 2024 bid
19 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 12:58:46 PM Post Reply
It wouldn't be a 'total shock' if President Joe Biden ended his 2024 reelection campaign by the end of the year, noted a biographer with enhanced access to the White House. Author Franklin Foer said Sunday that he found during his time with Biden and his inner circle that 'one of the primary insecurities' of the President 'is that he does not want to be perceived as stupid.' Biden, 80, announced in late April his bid for a second term with Vice President Kamala Harris – but questions have emerged in the last year over whether the President is too old or too unfit to serve for four more years.
What the Left Did to Our Country 18 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/4/2023 8:10:44 AM Post Reply
In the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence—the corporate boardroom, media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the administrative state, academia, foundations, social media, entertainment, professional sports, and Hollywood. With such support, between 2009-17, Barack Obama was empowered to transform the Democratic Party from its middle-class roots and class concerns into the party of the bicoastal rich and subsidized poor—obsessions with big money, race, a new intolerant green religion, and dividing the country into a binary of oppressors and oppressed.
Is America Under the Thumb of a Shadow President? 17 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/4/2023 5:38:00 PM Post Reply
Those of us who have been paying attention since January of 2021 have all seen the ongoing deterioration of President Biden, and it's a matter of some concern for everyone, be they Left, Right, or center, that the man who supposedly sits at the levers of power in Washington is not all he should be. (I would argue that he's not even within shouting distance of where he should be.) With Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the political mix for the 2024 presidential election, there is nothing normal about our politics or this campaign season. Almost no question is too crazy to ask.
Did Joe Biden Just Tell His Biggest Whopper Yet? 17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/4/2023 2:31:36 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has actually been receiving quite a bit of criticism for all the tall tales he’s told. Heck, even the Washington Post decided to catalogue Biden’s lies about his biography. In the past couple of weeks, he’s told the same bogus story about a small kitchen fire in order to empathize with victims of the Maui wildfires and Hurricane Idalia in Florida. Few can question his commitment to the lies he tells, even when they’ve been debunked, but one would think that in light of the fact that even his allies in the media are pointing out that his yarns are, at best, gross exaggerations and, at worst,
ABC’s Stephanopoulos: ‘Shocking’
Despite Trump’s ‘Baggage’ He’s
Tied with Biden
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/4/2023 1:08:46 PM Post Reply
ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that it was “shocking” a Wall Street Journal poll showed former President Donald Trump tied with President Joe Biden, 46-46% in a 2024 rematch. Stephanopoulos said, “It is kind of shocking in a way that despite all of the baggage that Donald Trump carries, he’s tied with Joe Biden right now.”Former Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile said, “When I looked at that recent poll, the Wall Street Journal, I said, ‘this could keep me up at night.”
'Little Bit Of Wisdom': Biden Defends
His Age Amid Concern From Majority Of Americans
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 12:22:01 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden framed his age as a positive as Americans continue to voice concerns about his physical and mental decline. “Someone said, ‘You know, that Biden, he’s getting old,'” the 80-year-old president said Monday during his Labor Day remarks in Philadelphia. “Well guess what, guess what … the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom,” Biden continued. “I’ve been doing this longer than anybody, and guess what, I’m going to continue to do it, with your help.”
Report: 90% of Online Content May Be AI-Generated
Garbage by 2026
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/4/2023 4:06:38 AM Post Reply
A recent report from Europol warns that by 2026, as much as 90 percent of online content could be generated by artificial intelligence, raising concerns that the web might be even more jammed with useless garbage in a few short years than it is today. Futurism reports that a recent study by Europol suggests that by 2026, up to 90 percent of online content could be artificially generated. This staggering figure has sent ripples through various sectors, from journalism and art to technology and law enforcement. Synthetic media, which refers to content generated or manipulated using artificial intelligence, is not a new phenomenon. However, its rapid proliferation has
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