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Donald Trump set to face forgery charge
from Georgia prosecutors - report

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 8/14/2023 1:42:22 PM

Georgia state prosecutors are set to bring charges including conspiracy to commit forgery against Donald Trump, Reuters reports. The charges appeared on a document posted to the Fulton County court website on Monday - but it was later taken down. Other charges listed included violation of the state's RICO act, and solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer. The document was dated 14 August and labelled the case as "open". It's unclear why it was removed from the website, and a spokesperson for the district attorney said it was "inaccurate" that charges had been filed.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: vrb8m 8/14/2023 1:44:20 PM (No. 1534294)
Oh, for God's sake...
31 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 8/14/2023 2:00:48 PM (No. 1534311)
This threatens to make the freak show in Manhattan look legal. First time tragedy. Second time farce.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Quigley 8/14/2023 2:03:08 PM (No. 1534313)
Farce for sure. Conspiracy to use the wrong pronouns. Conspiracy to conspire. Conspiracy to commit Wrong Think. Conspiracy to oppose the Priest Class.
25 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: aasilver 8/14/2023 2:06:41 PM (No. 1534316)
Conspiracy to being Donald Trump and being a President who cares about the American people.
33 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Birddog 8/14/2023 2:22:58 PM (No. 1534321)
She is playing for media, and pimping for coverage, that is why she blocked off the street and mobilized cops and Nat guard a WEEK ago, for a court appearance that will last a couple of hours at the most, there have been at least five similar court appearances for Trump already, NONE have required any security from/for the venue where they are held. None of his supporters have caused ANY issues at any of them...and the anti Trump demonstrators that show up can be easily handled by his secret service detail. If Biden was going to be visiting HIS security/protection requirements would be LESS than what she has implemented for a Trump visit, and kept in place much longer than the single day required. Inquiring minds wish to know....Does she have ANY connection to the GBI Guy that has been caught delivering voters registration/absentee ballot packets by the thousands in Michigan and elsewhere? Most of his funding and contracts came from Fulton county Ga.
21 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: singermom9 8/14/2023 3:23:31 PM (No. 1534346)
Donald Trump should change the name he IDENTIFIES as and make it Jack Smith.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DrOstrow 8/14/2023 3:48:51 PM (No. 1534357)
Agree with OP. This is NOTHING but an attempt to mire Trump in a quagmire of 'charges' and accusations so that he can't possibly campaign for President. NOTHING MORE because they have been digging this hole for SIX YEARS and have found NOTHING AT ALL - EVER ! Pathetic bunch of desperate losers. I regret that I cannot say here what I would like to see done TO and WITH these .............
14 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: jfodoch 8/14/2023 5:29:41 PM (No. 1534413)
How obvious does it have to be for charges to be brought against this endless wave of harassers ? Isn't there a law against it ? This is nothing but childish bullying and should be against the law !!!
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 8/14/2023 6:34:36 PM (No. 1534447)
OK, I even broke with tradition and actually read the article. What are they saying that he forged?
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: ChattyCatsSusan 8/14/2023 8:54:53 PM (No. 1534522)
Conspiracy to commit forgery?? On what planet? They are beyond ridiculous at this point.
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: JHHolliday 8/14/2023 8:55:24 PM (No. 1534523)
Fulton County. I live in Georgia and the county and city are run by ignorant, low IQ black thieves. Sorry if that offends but they have had two of their black mayors do time along with a former state rep. It’s a den of thieves and race hustlers. It was a beautiful city in the 60s when I lived there but the black grifters are turning it into just another hellhole.
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: mifla 8/15/2023 3:56:48 AM (No. 1534649)
Fulton County is a very large county, largely controlled by the Atlanta population in the southern part. The northern part of the county is viewed as the ATM machine for the politicians.
0 people like this.

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Posted by Dreadnought 8/15/2023 10:54:59 AM Post Reply
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Indictment in Fulton County
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/15/2023 12:15:09 AM Post Reply
Indictments were returned by a Fulton County, Georgia grand jury Monday evening, against Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, former North Carolina Sen. Mark Meadows, and John Eastman. The 41-count indictment includes charges of racketeering, solicitation of violation of an oath by a public officer, conspiracy, and filing a false statement. Others indicted are Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, Ray Smith III, Robert Cheeley, Michael Roman, David Shafer, Shawn Still, Stephen Lee, Harrison Floyd, Trevian Kutti, Sidney Powell, Cathleen Latham, Scott Hall, and Misty Hayes. We reported back in April that Willis was looking at announcing criminal indictments related to the 2020 election between July 11 and September 1.
Georgia grand jury hands up 10 indictments
in Trump 2020 election investigation
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/14/2023 9:24:22 PM Post Reply
The Georgia grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in the Peach State handed up 10 indictments Monday night. After approximately 10 hours of hearing testimony and voting on potential charges, the bill was presented to Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney, who signed off on the charges shortly before 9 p.m. Hours earlier, the court clerk’s office appeared to prematurely post the potential charges Trump was facing in the case. The prematurely posted docket included 13 counts against the 77-year-old former president, including violation of the Peach State’s anti-racketeering law, conspiracy, false statements and asking
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/14/2023 2:45:55 PM Post Reply
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Biden's Handlers Rush to Clean-Up His
Stunning 'No Comment' Answer on Maui Fire
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/14/2023 2:17:39 PM Post Reply
Well, that didn't take long. As RedState reported, Joe Biden stunned onlookers earlier on Monday by answering "No comment" to multiple inquiries about the devastating Maui fire. The Hawaiian Island has been battling deadly wildfires, with the death toll currently sitting at 89 people. One would think this would be an all-hands-on-deck affair, much like when a hurricane causes widespread devastation, but the president has been enjoying yet another vacation in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware. That followed two prior vacations that spanned multiple weeks in July and August (and Biden is scheduled to head to Lake Tahoe
An American Airlines pilot’s message
about good conduct goes viral
11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/14/2023 1:58:39 PM Post Reply
I never post on Facebook, but I remain on it to follow a group that posts pictures of women’s clothes from the 1850s to the 1960s. When it comes to street scene photos from the 1930s onward, the comments invariably include people noting how well-turned-out everyone was: hats, gloves, polished outfits. The word the commenters are looking for is decorum. We are a society without decorum in our appearance, speech, and behavior. We are the kids who flunked out of kindergarten. However, the enthusiastic response to a video from an American Airlines pilot pushing back against this behavior says that, maybe, Americans are finally getting tired
Donald Trump set to face forgery charge
from Georgia prosecutors - report
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/14/2023 1:42:22 PM Post Reply
Georgia state prosecutors are set to bring charges including conspiracy to commit forgery against Donald Trump, Reuters reports. The charges appeared on a document posted to the Fulton County court website on Monday - but it was later taken down. Other charges listed included violation of the state's RICO act, and solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer. The document was dated 14 August and labelled the case as "open". It's unclear why it was removed from the website, and a spokesperson for the district attorney said it was "inaccurate" that charges had been filed.
Exclusive: Georgia prosecutors have messages
showing Trump’s team is behind voting
system breach
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/13/2023 11:58:27 AM Post Reply
Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia are in possession of text messages and emails directly connecting members of Donald Trump’s legal team to the early January 2021 voting system breach in Coffee County, sources tell CNN. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is expected to seek charges against more than a dozen individuals when her team presents its case before a grand jury next week. Several individuals involved in the voting systems breach in Coffee County are among those who may face charges in the sprawling criminal probe. Investigators in the Georgia criminal probe have long suspected the breach was not an organic effort
The Great Realignment 4 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2023 5:20:57 PM Post Reply
Matt Taibbi offers a bracing assessment of the current political landscape at Racket News and YouTube. “Campaign 2024: Not Left Versus Right, But Affluent Versus Everyone Else.” It is the sort of thing that ten years ago, I wouldn’t have taken seriously. But now… The realignment of major parties away from blue against red and toward a rich versus poor dynamic is America’s most undercovered political story. *** There are now so many taboo subjects in American politics that even data journalists, whose job it is to give us the cold hard facts, are forced to communicate in allusions and metaphors, because what’s happening can’t be discussed.
Georgia DA will present case against Trump
early next week
10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2023 4:58:26 PM Post Reply
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) is expected to begin presenting her case against former President Trump to a grand jury early next week. Two witnesses in the case said on Saturday that they have been asked to appear before the grand jury on Tuesday. Independent journalist George Chidi said in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, that he had received a call from Willis’ office and was “asked to come to court Tuesday for testimony before the grand jury.” Former Georgia Lieutenant Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) also said on Saturday that he was called to appear before the grand jury.
Garland's Past Claims Come Back to Bite
Him After Appointment of Special Counsel
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2023 10:31:37 AM Post Reply
In what was obviously meant to be a Friday news dump, AG Merrick Garland appointed David Weiss as special counsel over the Hunter Biden probe. According to the DOJ, Weiss requested the elevation and will now use it to charge the president’s son in other districts. That led to a lot of different questions. Was the move meant to get a plea agreement in front of a more friendly judge in Washington, D.C.? That seems incredibly likely given how hard Weiss tried to hand Hunter Biden a sweetheart deal in Delaware. Then there’s the House investigation into the Bidens to consider. Would this make it more difficult to force
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Posted by sagman 8/14/2023 8:32:11 PM Post Reply
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President Biden plans ritzy Lake Tahoe
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questions on devastating fire that killed
10 that has killed nearly 100 Americans
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Posted by Imright 8/14/2023 4:50:05 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden jets off to ritzy Lake Tahoe on Friday for another summer vacation as the White House still hasn't announced plans for him to visit fire-devastated Hawaii. He didn't answer questions about the issue when he returned to work on Monday after a weekend at the beach, after avoiding comment on the tragedy this weekend. The president is scheduled to arrive in Lake Tahoe on Friday, August 18 and will stay there until the following Thursday, according to guidance from the White House.But there has been no word on if he'll head further west to see the billions of dollars in damage
Breaking: Donald Trump, Mark Meadows,
John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis
Indictment in Fulton County
30 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/15/2023 12:15:09 AM Post Reply
Indictments were returned by a Fulton County, Georgia grand jury Monday evening, against Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, former North Carolina Sen. Mark Meadows, and John Eastman. The 41-count indictment includes charges of racketeering, solicitation of violation of an oath by a public officer, conspiracy, and filing a false statement. Others indicted are Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, Ray Smith III, Robert Cheeley, Michael Roman, David Shafer, Shawn Still, Stephen Lee, Harrison Floyd, Trevian Kutti, Sidney Powell, Cathleen Latham, Scott Hall, and Misty Hayes. We reported back in April that Willis was looking at announcing criminal indictments related to the 2020 election between July 11 and September 1.
Biden's Handlers Rush to Clean-Up His
Stunning 'No Comment' Answer on Maui Fire
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/14/2023 2:17:39 PM Post Reply
Well, that didn't take long. As RedState reported, Joe Biden stunned onlookers earlier on Monday by answering "No comment" to multiple inquiries about the devastating Maui fire. The Hawaiian Island has been battling deadly wildfires, with the death toll currently sitting at 89 people. One would think this would be an all-hands-on-deck affair, much like when a hurricane causes widespread devastation, but the president has been enjoying yet another vacation in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware. That followed two prior vacations that spanned multiple weeks in July and August (and Biden is scheduled to head to Lake Tahoe
Hillary Clinton breaks out into laughter
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Posted by Moritz55 8/15/2023 8:19:02 AM Post Reply
Just hours before former President Donald Trump was indicted for a fourth time in Georgia on Monday night, his former political opponent, Hillary Clinton, laughed merrily at him on MSNBC. "All over the country, people are wondering what Hillary Rodham Clinton is thinking watching things unfold in Georgia," MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said Monday to laughs from Clinton. "Oh, I can’t believe this," Clinton said, again breaking out into laughter. "Honestly, I didn’t think that it would be under these circumstances. Yet another set of indictments."
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Posted by Imright 8/15/2023 5:01:50 AM Post Reply
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters at a briefing Monday that there was “zero evidence” that President Joe Biden had “discussed,” or was “involved with,” his son Hunter’s business dealings, now under scrutiny by a special counsel. Jean-Pierre answered questions from reporters on her first briefing in several weeks, and the first since Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware, who was already investigating Hunter Biden, as the special counsel.While avoiding specifics, she said: “They [Republicans] keep turning up documents and witnesses showing the president wasn’t involved, never discussed
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Posted by FlyRight 8/14/2023 7:39:56 PM Post Reply
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governor reveals terrifying '1,000-degree'
fire tornados tore through Maui's buildings
killing 93 people - as it emerges the
island warning sirens Did Not go off
23 replies
Posted by Imright 8/14/2023 12:56:01 AM Post Reply
Hawaii's governor has said that the terrifying fire tornados that tore though the island's buildings were '1,000 degrees' - as it's revealed warning sirens did not go off. The blazes on the island of Maui have now become the deadliest wildfires in modern US history - killing 93 people - and authorities are still working to identify the victims. Hawaii Gov. Josh Green described the wildfire as a 'fire hurricane' - blowing 80mph winds and reaching temperatures of up to '1,000-degree heat.' Meanwhile, Hawaii Emergency Services Administration said Friday: 'Neither Maui nor HI-EMA activated warning sirens on Maui during the wildfire incident.'
'Unthinkable:' J6 Committee Accused of
DESTROYING Key Intelligence Documents
About Capitol Riot
22 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/14/2023 6:59:35 AM Post Reply
It looks like the background intelligence documents about the Capitol Hill riot have gone the way of certain Secret Service call records, the Capitol Hill pipe bomber’s identity, the ID of the White House cocaine addict, and Hillary Clinton’s bleach bit emails. Key evidence is missing. It’s gone. Vanished. If you’re in any way confused, let’s be clear: this is how a corrupt, banana republic, tinpot dictatorship acts. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) and former President Donald Trump alleged that at least two terabytes of information were not preserved by the Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney show trial producers. “The more we go in,” Loudermilk told Fox News Digital,
Breaking: Georgia Grand Jury Returns 10
Indictments; Trump and Allies Indicted
19 replies
Posted by Imright 8/14/2023 9:25:47 PM Post Reply
Update: The grand jury has returned 10 indictments in the Georgia 2020 election case but the defendant(s) were not named. Trump and his allies were indicted. The indictments are currently under seal. (X Video) The judge cracked jokes to the reporters in the room after signing off on the indictments against Trump.WATCH: (X Video) Reporters swarmed the Fulton County courthouse as Trump’s fourth indictment loomed Monday evening. WATCH: (X Video) The corrupt Fulton County District Attorney’s office posted the proposed charging documents before the grand jury even deliberated on Monday.
National Review crashes and burns over
"Rich Men North of Richmond"
18 replies
Posted by AltaD 8/15/2023 11:22:17 AM Post Reply
I was not going to write about Oliver Anthony’s brilliant song, Rich Men North of Richmond, because I have nothing worthy to add. The video puts all other commentary to shame. North of Richmond refers to the federal government, which is too large, too powerful and too uncaring. But Mark Antonio Wright, executive editor of the Never Trump National Review, butted in with a Learn-to-Code column attacking Anthony for daring to complain about DC’s treatment of the working class. It lectured Anthony to be more like Woody Guthrie, the Nazi apologist and communist.(Snip)what makes America great are the very things National Review now opposes.
CNN reveals major anchor overhaul in sweeping
bid to lift sagging ratings
18 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 8/14/2023 4:15:35 PM Post Reply
CNN — which continues to get pummeled in the ratings –revealed sweeping changes to its programming that will see new faces in key slots and launch new weekend shows for veteran anchors Chris Wallace and Christiane Amanpour. Under new management, CNN has named Abby Phillip, a senior correspondent and anchor of “Inside Politics Sunday,” to the network’s 10 p.m. time slot on weekdays. Laura Coates, an anchor and chief legal analyst at CNN, will grab the network’s 11 p.m. hour.
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