DeSantis: January 6 Was Not A "Plan To
Overthrow The Government," "Insurrection,"
Or "Sedition"
Real Clear Politics,
Tim Hains
Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55,
7/22/2023 12:52:34 PM
Gov. Ron DeSantis said the mainstream media has overblown the significance of the January 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol during an interview Friday with Russell Brand. RON DESANTIS: I think it is ridiculous how much money they pumped in for the Capitol Police. This was not an insurrection. These were people that were there to attend a rally and protest. It devolved into a riot, but the idea that this was a plan to somehow overthrow the government of the United States is not true and it is something the media has spun up to try to get mileage out of it and use it for partisan
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
earlybird 7/22/2023 12:58:32 PM (No. 1518069)
This may be the most important statement he could make. I hope this is the “real DeSantis”.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 7/22/2023 1:06:03 PM (No. 1518077)
Of course it wasn't. No honest person ever bought the Nutty, Nasty Nancy lies.
And what about the two women murdered by the Capitol Police thugs? Ashli Babbitt was shot to death and Roseanne Boyland was beaten to death.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
wayneright 7/22/2023 1:21:27 PM (No. 1518090)
Dollar short. Pound under.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jntsrgn 7/22/2023 1:35:34 PM (No. 1518094)
I guess better late than never, but this is ridiculous length of time that it took for him to come out and say this.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Rama41 7/22/2023 1:36:20 PM (No. 1518095)
Listen to the podcast free on I heart radio. Russell Brand is a great interviewer but never uses five words when 50 will do.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
49 Ford 7/22/2023 1:40:38 PM (No. 1518099)
The "real DeSantis" has been out there for all to see ever since Day One of his governorship.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
formerNYer 7/22/2023 1:58:53 PM (No. 1518106)
I'm glad he made the statement too. But it's like he danced with others before asking me.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 7/22/2023 2:22:54 PM (No. 1518118)
Wait until the money people jerk his leash - he'll "clarify" his remarks just like he did on Ukraine.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Catherine 7/22/2023 3:19:20 PM (No. 1518141)
There Was No Riot. None. The Capitol Police went crazy and killed a few people but hey, the conservatives just standing there were being supportive of Trump, they didn't kill or injure anyone. I watched to the bitter end. Trump then told them it was time to go home, peacefully. As long as DeSantis says there was a riot, I will never vote for him.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 7/22/2023 3:22:18 PM (No. 1518146)
Great! What will he do about all the people languishing in jail over 1/6? What will he do about all the people that have been convicted over 1/6? These are questions that every candidate (Republican or Democrat) should be made to answer.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Strike3 7/22/2023 8:07:52 PM (No. 1518265)
If it had been an insurrection we would not have a lying, brain-dead perverted old child-sniffer in the White House right now.
23 people like this.
There was no riot Ron. What is it going to take to get that through your head? Don't worry you aren't the only one who is spreading the lie. The fact it has taken so long for him to come out with this half true statement is very disappointing. A president needs to be able to act immediately Ron, not dither like you and your Bush advisors are doing.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Rinktum 7/23/2023 7:03:28 AM (No. 1518401)
Credit given when credit is deserved. Thank you, Gov. DeSantis.
Of course it wasn’t an insurrection! The only insurrection was the one cooked up by Nancy Pelosi and her thugs in the FBI to tie President Trump’s name to their insurrection fantasy in order to prevent him from running again. This is why they tracked down people and charged them with sedition and other crimes. You can’t very well call for an insurrection if no one is found guilty of insurrection. The DOJ has overcharged these innocent people of crimes that were never committed to create a false narrative they could exploit and the media eagerly went along with it. Did you notice how quickly they called it an insurrection? That was no fluke. Talking points were sent out and the media gladly got the ball rolling.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
bpl40 7/23/2023 7:24:02 AM (No. 1518412)
Before congratulating and thanking the governor consider this. Where was he on this issue so far? Waiting for permission from his RINO globalist paymasters? Only the prospect of being hung by the rank and file has cleared his mind. Sorry!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
msjena 7/23/2023 7:41:23 AM (No. 1518425)
Of course, he's right. But the Republicans--and not just the candidates --should have been saying this all along. When I see the word "insurrenction" in an article I am reading what mentions Jan. 6, I stop reading. If it is mention on TV, i change the channel. This was NOT an insurrection. It was a protest that got out of hand. None of the non-violent protesters should have been prosecuted, even if they entered the Capitol building. And now, they are trying to prosecute Trump himself! My protest--and I hope it will be everyone's protest--will be to vote for Trump in 2024, regardless of the sham indictments or evn possible convictions.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 7/23/2023 8:38:34 AM (No. 1518469)
I really appreciate Gov. DeSantis stepping up to clear the air regarding J6. Unfortunately, Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland aren't here to stand with and agree with him. Perhaps their killers, Michael Leroy Byrd and Lila Morris, can comment.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
fed-up 7/23/2023 8:57:38 AM (No. 1518487)
The only reason Ron is even saying this much is because he knows his only chance to win the nomination is through MAGA country. And the ONLY path is finally pointing out the injustices of Jan 6, and the whole election causing it!
But, too little too late. If you really felt this way, you should have had the courage to say it 2 years ago!
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 7/23/2023 9:02:15 AM (No. 1518494)
Oh, wait. Is DeSantis hinting for Trump to be the veep to a Desantis president. It is getting so I cannot understand plain English. Or convoluted English Politspeak.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 7/23/2023 10:09:51 AM (No. 1518561)
Sorry Ron. The only "Riot" was instigated by the Feds and their "assets" chief among them Ray Epps and other FBI.
The crowd was mostly middle age Trump supporters protesting, First Amendment style, the Stolen Election!
Come on man! It wasn't a riot! Also someone else keeps saying it was a riot. Stop saying that Vivek too!
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Venturer 7/23/2023 10:47:00 AM (No. 1518599)
The truth. The fact, It is unarguable. Nancy Pelosi set the whole thing up and should be imprisoned for it.
They were told some Dem trouble makers were instigating this thing and they should be ready for it, but they deliberately ignored all warnings. The FBI had a hand in it, and so did the Democrat party.
No one starts an unarmed insurrection. It wasn't even a good riot. Mostly it was Civil Disobedience.
To set aside the Constitutional rights of the prisoners in DC jail should be a crime, and those who had a part in it arrested and punished. Nancy Pelosi should be the first to face trial. Instead they are still dicking around and harassing Donald Trump.
Without any doubt in my mind this Administration and the Democrats in Congress are the most anti-American pack of scum to ever sit in Government.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Zigrid 7/23/2023 10:52:25 AM (No. 1518600)
Looks like the rinos backing Santimonious are having second thoughts about who conservatives really want in the White House...and adjusting their spiel to ingratiate themselves with the late...WE know why lying Ryan and carl rove and romney all jumped on the sanctimonious wagon...they were hoping that WE MAGA people would desert President Trump...which will never happen...he has suffered the slings and arrows of the rats and rinos for years...and done it all for US...and WE will never leave his side.....
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
kennedylaw 7/23/2023 10:55:09 AM (No. 1518603)
For a year, left-wing radicals rioted, looted, and burned their way across the country with the open encouragement and support of Democrat officials. Then, in January 2021, some conservative tourists were lead and encouraged to take part in a riot at the Capitol, falsely believing that the rules had changed. The rules had only changed for left-wing radicals.
Imagine the reaction among Democrats and the Lamestream Media if the Trump administration had charged rioting Democrats with sedition and locked them in solitary for years waiting for trial.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Kate318 7/23/2023 11:00:18 AM (No. 1518610)
Don’t kid yourselves. Bushies and Rovites monitor this site, as well as other conservative forums. The simply changed tac because the governor’s previous comments didn’t sit well with MAGA. With the GOPe crowd, it’s all about saying what will get him elected. Nothing more. An authentic person says what they think right out of the gate. They don’t have to poll test and discuss it with handlers.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Citoyen 7/23/2023 11:20:25 AM (No. 1518631)
What to believe? #12, and others, who say that there was no riot on January 6, or my own lying eyes. Of course there was a riot. We all saw it. Whether instigated by government or Antifa provocateurs, a riot occurred. To deny a fact is not useful.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
wyowumin 7/23/2023 12:11:50 PM (No. 1518677)
Reading the comments--all of them--I was saddened and dismayed by how many so-called patriots and conservatives are so willing to be swayed and brainwashed by not only the leftwing media but by establishment Republicans who view--and know to be true--Ron DeSantis as their worst nightmare. Instead they are willing to smear and demean a man who really is a patriot and everything they claim that they want in a President and blindly follow a man who is unstable, a draft dodger, cheated on all 3 wives, has no real idea what a Christian is or what Christianity is, and has the self-control of a 4 year old and the vocabulary of a fourth grader, and behaves like a schoolyard bully. The Cult of Trump.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
keep_right 7/23/2023 1:21:01 PM (No. 1518718)
TRUTH! And not a new statement by Governor DeSantis. He's a wonderful statesman of truth and a master of succinct language. We've got great choices in the Republican primary, of which President Trump is likely going to win. It's great to have others competing to help 'iron sharpen iron'. The American public in general was GOT to have awareness of what's at stake. For the recent DeSantis haters, consider his campaign to provide a valid purpose of candidate preparation for the general. AND if things go absolutely awry due to the unfair multiple prosecutions of President Trump, it's advantageous to have another strong candidate for the general. Bottom line - we need to WIN in 2024! Our top two guys are both wonderfully equipped to restore our American freedom!
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 7/23/2023 2:37:33 PM (No. 1518752)
That’s fine to criticize DeSantis and say he’s way too late in saying what he said. I still believe he and Trump would both govern pretty much the same way and get our country back on track. Think about our other candidates and try to see who has the best choice to win in 2024. Hailey? Pence? Scott? Vivek? Christie? Nope, nope, nope, nope, and nope.
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
stablemoney 7/23/2023 3:05:20 PM (No. 1518758)
We knew this from the start. Poltician's thinks we are as stupid as they are. We can't get a voter id. We need help pulling on our socks.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Red Ghost 7/23/2023 6:09:03 PM (No. 1518851)
I agree that it's nice to have Ron DeSantis say this. So thank you, Governor. But his statement has the stench of political opportunism, as it comes 2.5 years later. Better late than never? PULEEZE! If Republicans, the Governor included, had been forceful in their denial of an insurrection it might have been a lot harder for the deep state and the MSM whor-s to hang J6 around not only Trump's neck, but all of us MAGA people. And most tragically, a strong, STRONG, united statement from Republicans, in particular influential and strong governors like DeSantis, Noem, Abbott, might have saved some of those poor J6 political prisoners languishing in jail, as well as the hundreds of the prosecuted whose lives have been destroyed. BTW, expect some of those prosecuted and perhaps rotting in jail, to say Trump in fact, motivated them to try to overthrow the government, in exchange for more lenient treatment.
J6 was a set up from the start. And many of those rioters were Antifa hired just for this purpose.
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I’m not a DeSantis supporter, but I’m glad he made this statement.