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Welcome To Canada — The Doctor Won’t
See You Now, But The Undertaker Will

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 7/17/2023 6:14:06 AM

Earlier this month, Boy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked Taylor Swift to take her tour to Canada, where she so far has no concert dates. “We hope to see you soon,” he tweeted. If she does, she’d better hope none of her crew becomes ill. A person could expire while waiting to see a doctor in Canada. The Vancouver-based Fraser Institute, which has long documented Canada’s miserable government-run health care system, estimates the cost of waiting for care “for patients who were in the queue in 2022 was almost $3.6 billion … an average of about $2,925 for each of the estimated 1,228,047 Canadians waiting for treatment.” The real toll

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bpl40 7/17/2023 6:58:44 AM (No. 1514415)
Remember when the Canadian 'everything for everybody' health system was bandied by out Liberals as an ideal the US should follow? Come to think of it so was Britain's National Health.
13 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Hazymac 7/17/2023 7:06:09 AM (No. 1514423)
The article doesn't mention Canada's policy of recommending suicide by doctor to patients with bad enough symptoms. If I lived in Canada they'd probably be recommending physician assisted suicide for me because after 36 years, the excruciating cluster headaches haven't gone away, not to mention all the spinal surgery and the constant pain associated with that. Here in America three doctors have recommended "pain management," which means powerful pain killers, something I refuse to do because I don't want to become a totally useless person, living in a narcotic fog. It's nice that I don't live up there, though. Canada's leader is Fidel's son.
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: TheLadyNextDoor 7/17/2023 7:29:18 AM (No. 1514435)
Cool down Canadians! All isn't gone. In America we have a president who can't speak to the issue, and a dumbbell vice president.
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: ThreeBadCats3 7/17/2023 7:44:25 AM (No. 1514445)
Not so much better here, where government has replaced independent physicians with robots and “telemedicine”. Excepting a few “specialities”, physicians can’t afford private or independent practice. If they try, they are soon strangled by rules and regulations. The only way to survive is to work for someone else, follow the rules and discard whatever sense and integrity they once had.
8 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 7/17/2023 8:02:59 AM (No. 1514461)
Never imagine that they don't wish you were dead. And all the WEF folks want to increase the human death rate, by any and all means.
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Venturer 7/17/2023 8:07:47 AM (No. 1514467)
AMEN number 4. We aren't much better. Doctors are now salaried employee's Call your primary and the first thing said is : If this is an emergency go to the ER. I am a volunteer ambulance technicin and it is an average 30 minute wait at the hospital just to get the patient off the cot. Recently I took my wife to the hospital for a kidney stone. We spent 5 hrs. in the waiting room. Urgent Care: I went there waited an hr. and was seen by a nurse while the doctor watched her on TV from God knows where. $20,000 dollars a year for BC&BS plus another $2500 for Medi-care. Get old and be refused an operation because of age.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: udanja99 7/17/2023 9:39:24 AM (No. 1514546)
Back in 2009, when 0bamacare was first being debated, I was on a business trip to Victoria, BC and was staying with a woman who was one of my clients. She came down with bronchitis and had to call a government office to get permission to call her doctor. And she just couldn’t understand why Americans didn’t want government “free” healthcare. You get what you vote for - whether it’s the US or Canada.
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Toodles3956 7/17/2023 12:59:59 PM (No. 1514636)
It usually takes at least 6 Drs in the U.S. to maybe get a correct diagnosis. All the Drs give you pills & eventually that's what kills you & you still don't have a correct diagnosis. Most of the time you don't even see a Dr.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Sunhan65 7/17/2023 2:03:56 PM (No. 1514660)
#2, I fully recognize it's none of my business, so I apologize in advance if you know all of this already. In managing my own spinal and neck issues, I had disc replacement surgery, which did a lot of good. More recently I was also referred for pain management, which I initially resisted. When I finally went I was surprised that the pain management specialist recommended nerve relation instead of medication. If information about either would be helpful, I would be happy to share.
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Sunhan65 7/17/2023 2:06:36 PM (No. 1514663)
Apologies again: That should read "...nerve *ablation*" above. (I miss the preview button!)
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DiegoDude 7/17/2023 2:28:10 PM (No. 1514672)
When I lived in Montana and blew out my knee and had surgery, I was in the recovery area and there were 6 Canadians getting routine surgeries in the U.S. because they had been waiting months. They were shocked when I said I blew my knee on a Friday and was in for surgery on Monday.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: MickTurn 7/17/2023 7:58:45 PM (No. 1514864)
We're from the Government "Death Care" brigade, we're here to Help you DIE!
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Posted by RockyTCB 7/18/2023 5:40:54 AM Post Reply
Last week, Vice President Kamala Harris received a round of applause when she said “​​when we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.” And with that, she pulled back the curtain to expose one of the many horrors that is usually endorsed not quite so openly by the political left. We acknowledge that Harris might have lost another one of the many battles she and her White House boss have with teleprompters and public speaking in general. The official transcript scrubs “population” and replaces it
Welcome To Canada — The Doctor Won’t
See You Now, But The Undertaker Will
12 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/17/2023 6:14:06 AM Post Reply
Earlier this month, Boy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked Taylor Swift to take her tour to Canada, where she so far has no concert dates. “We hope to see you soon,” he tweeted. If she does, she’d better hope none of her crew becomes ill. A person could expire while waiting to see a doctor in Canada. The Vancouver-based Fraser Institute, which has long documented Canada’s miserable government-run health care system, estimates the cost of waiting for care “for patients who were in the queue in 2022 was almost $3.6 billion … an average of about $2,925 for each of the estimated 1,228,047 Canadians waiting for treatment.” The real toll
Have We Reached Peak Virtue Signaling
With EVs?
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Posted by RockyTCB 7/14/2023 6:02:45 AM Post Reply
The cars that were going to save our world from the scourge of carbon-based global warming are, says one media outlet, “​​piling up on dealer lots” because they can’t be sold. Maybe we’re finally at the point where most if not all of those who are desperate to demonstrate their green cred already have an EV and don’t need another battery-powered adult toy. Even though “the auto industry is beginning to crank out more electric vehicles (EVs) to challenge Tesla,” Axios reported Monday, “there’s one big problem: not enough buyers.” Two days later, Market Watch said that as “EV sales stall … there’s a ‘step back from euphoria.’”
World’s Shortest Book: ‘The Promises
I Kept,’ By President Joe Biden
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/13/2023 6:50:35 AM Post Reply
During his 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden tweeted that “we need to restore honor and decency to the White House.” On his first day in office, he promised to “bring transparency and truth back to government.” For anyone keeping score, both of these promises bit the dust after cocaine was discovered in the White House and the Secret Service started stonewalling the public about the details. This comes days after Biden let “transgenders” parade around topless on the White House lawn while he desecrated the American flag, and years into running what is widely described as the most opaque administration in history. Decency and transparency? What a laugh.
56% Of Voters Agree Biden ‘Likely’
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8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/12/2023 8:56:51 AM Post Reply
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An Infinite Number Of Days To Flatten
The CO2 Curve
6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/11/2023 6:28:58 AM Post Reply
When three years ago we were told that if we stayed inside for 15 days we could flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases, there was no real effort to respond with civil disobedience. It was a profound mistake, one we paid dearly for and will again, if we don’t stand up to the tyranny. Yes, we know it was President Donald Trump who issued in March 2020 a set of guidelines that called for 15 days to slow the spread by limiting our travel and staying away from social settings. At the end of March, under more pressure from “experts” he should have fired, he extended the guidelines for another month.
Here’s How You Know Conservatives Are Winning 6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/10/2023 5:53:59 AM Post Reply
If you want a good indication that conservatives are, at long last, scoring a few actual victories these days, look at the apoplexy it’s causing those on the left. A prime example is a piece written by Jill Lawrence, a former editor at USA Today, which posted on July 4 on MSNBC and carried the scary title: “Seeing the erosion of our freedoms makes it hard to celebrate this Fourth of July.” It is a remarkable display of fearmongering, incoherence, and illogic. “The Supreme Court, conservative governors and gerrymandered state legislatures are racing to shrink fundamental rights and freedoms,” Lawrence writes. “The result
Biden’s Boast About Jobs Is Coming Undone 7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/7/2023 6:34:19 AM Post Reply
We've pointed out how President Joe Biden is being purposely deceptive when he brags about creating 13 million jobs. An honest accounting shows the job gains to be more like 3.7 million. But what if even that altogether unimpressive number is itself a wild exaggeration? Job growth is one of the only things Biden has to justify his reelection. He can’t talk about inflation – it’s still punishingly high. He can’t talk about real wages – they’re falling. He can’t talk about economic optimism – it’s in the dumps. He can’t point to any poll about his handling of the economy – they all
Say, Looks Like That Supply-Side Stuff
Works After All
5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/6/2023 6:16:42 AM Post Reply
Bidenomonics has been, and will continue to be, a disaster. This is what happens when lawmakers manipulate economies. No one should ever expect a different outcome when politicians enact ideas that they believe are so brilliant that they will overcome the laws of economics. The way out of this mess is to make a policy U-turn to both unleash the economy and expand precious liberty. President Joe Biden last week bragged that his economic policies — straight from the Democrats blueprint that says “borrow, tax, spend, regulate, then do it all again” — are working.
Lacking Unity, Can America Survive Our
Growing Differences? I&I/TIPP Poll
12 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/5/2023 8:15:00 AM Post Reply
How are Americans feeling these days? Certainly not united. Our nation appears to be indivisible in name only. Even more surprising, a significant number of people have even begun to wonder if the United States of America as we know it will even exist in the future, data from the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Starting with the Unity Index, the proprietary I&I/TIPP gauge of national harmony, we ask people each month if they feel our common bond remains. They are then given five possible responses: “very united,” “somewhat united,” “somewhat divided,” “very divided” or “unsure.”
Here’s Another Reason To Hate EVs 19 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/3/2023 7:06:58 AM Post Reply
"As fuel taxes plummet, states weigh charging by the mile instead of the tank.” That was the headline of a recent AP story, which should scare freedom-loving citizens everywhere. And you can place the blame squarely on government-subsidized EVs for this terrible new development. The background is that state and federal gasoline taxes aren’t raising “enough” money these days to pay for roadway construction and maintenance. And a big reason for the growing shortfall is the increase in electric vehicles. EVs get massive tax subsidies to convince people to buy them, but their owners don’t pay gasoline taxes,
The 4 Big Lies (And 1 Terrible Truth)
In Biden’s ‘Bidenomics Is Working’ Speech
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 6/30/2023 6:34:59 AM Post Reply
“I’m happy to call it ‘Bidenomics.’ And guess what? Bidenomics is working.” In a 30-minute speech in Chicago this week, President Joe Biden declared that his economic policies — which can charitably be summed up as “borrow and spend, tax and regulate” — are doing wonders for the nation’s economy. Never mind that just 38% of Americans approve of the job Biden has been doing on the economy. No. The only risk we face, Biden argued, was a return of that bogeyman known as “trickle-down economics.”
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Ron DeSantis Blames President Trump for
J6 Insurrection, Pledges to Stop Prosecuting
Corrupt Democrats and Return to Political Civility
40 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/18/2023 5:15:18 PM Post Reply
Speaking in South Carolina today, presidential candidate Ron DeSantis blamed President Trump for the events of January 6, 2021, in Washington DC saying, “I think it was shown how he was in the White House and didn’t do anything while things were going on. Should he have come out more forcefully? Of course.” However, DeSantis affirmed he does not believe Trump’s transgressions amounted to criminal conduct. “But to try to criminalize that, that’s a different issue entirely,”(snip) Governor DeSantis then tacked to his preferred position that politicians should not be criminally targeted(snip) you don’t have one side just constantly trying to put the other side in jail.”
Massachusetts Calls on Residents to Take
Border Crossers into Their Homes
38 replies
Posted by Imright 7/18/2023 6:03:30 AM Post Reply
Massachusetts officials are now asking residents to take border crossers and illegal aliens into their homes as illegal immigration continues adding to the state’s homeless population. Gov. Maura Healey (D) is calling on residents with empty bedrooms in their homes and apartments to consider taking in border crossers and illegal aliens, WBUR reports: Massachusetts officials are seeking residents willing to host newly arrived families in need of shelter. Hosts are asked to provide a room or apartment for a few days, until longer-term accommodations can be arranged. [Emphasis added] A significant portion of the families in need of housing in the state are new immigrants.
James Comer: Bidens Owned over 20 Shell
Companies to Hide Payments, Launder Money
28 replies
Posted by Imright 7/18/2023 2:01:31 AM Post Reply
The Biden family opened more than 20 shell companies to hide payments and launder money, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said Sunday. After reviewing Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) at the Treasury and subpoenaing banks and individuals, Comer posted on Twitter that the Biden family created more than 20 entities to accept, forward, and collect payment from a wide range of business associates.“We found all these shell companies that make absolutely no sense,” Comer told Fox News. “I don’t believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world.”
Barack Obama Defends Children’s LGBTQ
Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools
25 replies
Posted by Imright 7/18/2023 1:55:07 AM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama wrote a letter defending LGBTQ+ books in children’s schools and public libraries as Republican-led states move to restrict them amid growing concern from parents. “Today, some of the books that shaped my life—and the lives of so many others—are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives,” Obama tweeted along with a letter. “And librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day to make the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and ideas available to everyone.”
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19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 7/18/2023 9:55:14 AM Post Reply
Fox News published its promotional video of its rehashed primetime lineup earlier Monday, marking a new era for the broadcasting giant following the controversial firing of Tucker Carlson. The new lineup debuts tonight, Monday, at 7 pm, with a new slogan that aims to take a veiled jab at Carlson, declaring they’ve found “The Right Voices at the Right Time.” A move that appears to imply Carlson was not the “right voice” for their platform.
New York will now fine restaurants for
including a common takeout add-on in their
to-go meals: ‘Years in the making’
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/18/2023 4:24:54 PM Post Reply
In an effort to reduce plastic use, New York will start fining restaurants and third-party delivery services that provide disposable utensils, soy sauce packets, and similar items without the customer requesting them. In late June, New York City announced plans to implement its new “Skip the Stuff” bill, which aims to reduce plastic use by fining restaurants and delivery services handing out unsolicited plastic items like ketchup and cutlery. Food vendors and delivery services have a moment to adapt. Actual fines won’t start being handed out until July of 2024, and until then, violators will only receive warnings, Bloomberg reports.
Trump says he expects ‘Arrest and Indictment’
over Jan. 6 Capitol riot
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 7/18/2023 10:11:21 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he expected to be indicted on federal charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot by his supporters that disrupted the certification of the 2020 election. Trump, 77, is the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination and decried what he called a “WITCH HUNT” and “ELECTION INTERFERENCE” on his Truth Social platform.WOW! On Sunday night, while I was with my family, having just arrived from the Turning Point event in Florida,
Your Candidate Is an Idiot and I’ll
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17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/18/2023 6:24:12 AM Post Reply
Don’t you just love primaries? It’s a time when people who generally get along just fine turn into Yankees and Red Sox fans on a bender during the playoffs. It’s not fun to be around, and it’s not all that much fun to be a part of. Unless it’s happening to Democrats, of course, in which case you root for as long of a fight as possible. But this year it’s not happening to Democrats, at least not yet, it’s happening to Republicans, and there’s a better than average chance it’ll screw up the country going forward.
Lia Thomas Comes out as an 'Antifa Super Soldier' 15 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/18/2023 6:44:16 AM Post Reply
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Shocking new video from the streets of Philadelphia 14 replies
Posted by Imright 7/18/2023 12:45:56 PM Post Reply
Shocking new footage has shown zombified tranq addicts swaying on the sidewalk in Philadelphia - following presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy's visit to the 'warzone' Democrat city. Multiple spaced-out individuals were seen buckled over, with no control of their limbs, on the trash-filled corner of Kensington and Allegheny Avenues. The Kensington neighborhood, 'ground zero' for the city's drug epidemic, is often seen strewn with trash and addicts injecting drugs in the middle of the day.
DeSantis PAC Spending Big Bucks Promoting
Ad Featuring AI-Deep Fake of Trump’s
Voice (VIDEO)
14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 7/18/2023 10:06:17 AM Post Reply
Never Back Down, a super PAC supporting Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, is about to spend over a million dollars on an ad featuring an artificial intelligence deep fake of former President Donald Trump speaking. The DeSantis campaign has already come under fire for using a deceptive ai-generated image of Trump embracing Anthony Fauci in another ad. According to a report from Politico, the ad “charges Trump with attacking Iowa governor Kim Reynolds as part of a larger pattern of disrespect he has shown to the first caucus state.”
OH MY! Malik Obama Tweets Brother Barack
Obama is ‘Definitely Gay’ – Then
Deletes Tweet in a Panic!
14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 7/18/2023 9:29:35 AM Post Reply
Oh boy. Malik Obama said his brother Barack Obama is “definitely gay” in response to the former president’s statement on banning porn books for children. “Today, some of the books that shaped my life—and the lives of so many others—are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives. And librarians are on the front lines, fighting every day to make the widest possible range of viewpoints, opinions, and ideas available to everyone.” Barack Obama said.
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