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56% Of Voters Agree Biden ‘Likely’
Took Bribes In Office: I&I/TIPP Poll

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 7/12/2023 8:56:51 AM

Whistleblowers allege President Joe Biden and his family have taken up to $30 million in illicit bribes and payments from foreign sources tied to China, Russia and Ukraine. Biden denies it. Do Americans believe him? No. By more than 2-to-1, they say they believe the whistleblowers, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. The online poll of 1,341 adults, taken July 5-7, asked respondents how likely is it that the claims are true? The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.7 percentage points. The results weren’t close. Americans, by 56% to 27%, called Biden bribery charges “likely,”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jethro bo 7/12/2023 9:03:19 AM (No. 1511004)
56% believe Diaper Joe 'likely' took bribes while in office. 100% KNOW that the CIA, IRS, FBI and Dept of Just-US with a huge assist from Obambi judges will do absolutely nothing about it!
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: BillsMafia49 7/12/2023 9:03:27 AM (No. 1511005)
Awesome. But how many of those WILL still vote for the decrepit old crook.
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: mifla 7/12/2023 9:08:51 AM (No. 1511008)
100% of the Bidens don't care what the voters think.
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: john56 7/12/2023 10:19:45 AM (No. 1511062)
Problem is, about 90% or more of the RAT-infested media whores don't care if Sleepy Creepy Crooked President Uncle Joe and his family of bagmen are walking around with hundred dollar bills oozing out of every pocket they have. They don't care if they are treated condesendingly by the dopey mop haired press secretary or have to cover the word salad Vice President or take insults from their beloved Joe. He's not that mean ol' Trump. And the new good-ol-boy network is still in charge.
5 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 7/12/2023 10:47:03 AM (No. 1511088)
So 44% of people are paying absolutely no attention to the news is that what I'm supposed to summarize from these numbers?
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: bad-hair 7/12/2023 10:52:28 AM (No. 1511091)
Likely ? Obviously ? And our new president is ... ? sarcoff
2 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: dbdiva 7/12/2023 11:26:37 AM (No. 1511115)
#5, I'd assume that the 44% do listen to/read the news but their chosen outlets are part of the biden protection racket and so have decided to print nothing negative about him, his family or anyone in his corrupt, wicked administration. I have searched my local paper high and low to find any news about the Resident and found nothing except for a report that he's on his way to Europe. That was days ago. These are also people who refuse to watch or read any news that challenges their belief system or that is triggering to their minds. I predict that one day the bubbles in which they live will burst. I wonder how they will handle their lives then. I doubt it'll be pretty.
1 person likes this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: billa57 7/12/2023 1:16:42 PM (No. 1511194)
Just think how many more people would wake up if the MSM would just report the truth?
3 people like this.

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Posted by RockyTCB 7/13/2023 6:50:35 AM Post Reply
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56% Of Voters Agree Biden ‘Likely’
Took Bribes In Office: I&I/TIPP Poll
8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/12/2023 8:56:51 AM Post Reply
Whistleblowers allege President Joe Biden and his family have taken up to $30 million in illicit bribes and payments from foreign sources tied to China, Russia and Ukraine. Biden denies it. Do Americans believe him? No. By more than 2-to-1, they say they believe the whistleblowers, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. The online poll of 1,341 adults, taken July 5-7, asked respondents how likely is it that the claims are true? The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.7 percentage points. The results weren’t close. Americans, by 56% to 27%, called Biden bribery charges “likely,”
An Infinite Number Of Days To Flatten
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Posted by RockyTCB 7/11/2023 6:28:58 AM Post Reply
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Here’s How You Know Conservatives Are Winning 5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/10/2023 5:53:59 AM Post Reply
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Biden’s Boast About Jobs Is Coming Undone 7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/7/2023 6:34:19 AM Post Reply
We've pointed out how President Joe Biden is being purposely deceptive when he brags about creating 13 million jobs. An honest accounting shows the job gains to be more like 3.7 million. But what if even that altogether unimpressive number is itself a wild exaggeration? Job growth is one of the only things Biden has to justify his reelection. He can’t talk about inflation – it’s still punishingly high. He can’t talk about real wages – they’re falling. He can’t talk about economic optimism – it’s in the dumps. He can’t point to any poll about his handling of the economy – they all
Say, Looks Like That Supply-Side Stuff
Works After All
5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/6/2023 6:16:42 AM Post Reply
Bidenomonics has been, and will continue to be, a disaster. This is what happens when lawmakers manipulate economies. No one should ever expect a different outcome when politicians enact ideas that they believe are so brilliant that they will overcome the laws of economics. The way out of this mess is to make a policy U-turn to both unleash the economy and expand precious liberty. President Joe Biden last week bragged that his economic policies — straight from the Democrats blueprint that says “borrow, tax, spend, regulate, then do it all again” — are working.
Lacking Unity, Can America Survive Our
Growing Differences? I&I/TIPP Poll
12 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/5/2023 8:15:00 AM Post Reply
How are Americans feeling these days? Certainly not united. Our nation appears to be indivisible in name only. Even more surprising, a significant number of people have even begun to wonder if the United States of America as we know it will even exist in the future, data from the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Starting with the Unity Index, the proprietary I&I/TIPP gauge of national harmony, we ask people each month if they feel our common bond remains. They are then given five possible responses: “very united,” “somewhat united,” “somewhat divided,” “very divided” or “unsure.”
Here’s Another Reason To Hate EVs 19 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/3/2023 7:06:58 AM Post Reply
"As fuel taxes plummet, states weigh charging by the mile instead of the tank.” That was the headline of a recent AP story, which should scare freedom-loving citizens everywhere. And you can place the blame squarely on government-subsidized EVs for this terrible new development. The background is that state and federal gasoline taxes aren’t raising “enough” money these days to pay for roadway construction and maintenance. And a big reason for the growing shortfall is the increase in electric vehicles. EVs get massive tax subsidies to convince people to buy them, but their owners don’t pay gasoline taxes,
The 4 Big Lies (And 1 Terrible Truth)
In Biden’s ‘Bidenomics Is Working’ Speech
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 6/30/2023 6:34:59 AM Post Reply
“I’m happy to call it ‘Bidenomics.’ And guess what? Bidenomics is working.” In a 30-minute speech in Chicago this week, President Joe Biden declared that his economic policies — which can charitably be summed up as “borrow and spend, tax and regulate” — are doing wonders for the nation’s economy. Never mind that just 38% of Americans approve of the job Biden has been doing on the economy. No. The only risk we face, Biden argued, was a return of that bogeyman known as “trickle-down economics.”
The Democrats’ Definition Of Democracy
Is Like The Marxist Definition Of Peace
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 6/29/2023 7:01:40 AM Post Reply
"The meaning of peace,” Karl Marx said, “is the absence of opposition to socialism.” To the Soviets, peace was the state in which resistance to their territorial and philosophical ambitions was not only futile, it was fatal. If Democrats were as straightforward as their philosophical consigliere, they would define democracy, which they refer to in worshipful tones, as the absence of any challenge to their political power. Given how that party has continually revealed its authoritarian core, there can be no other explanation. We’ve argued before that the Democrats don’t want to govern under constitutional limits but instead rule without constraint,
Biden Will Be Haunted By The Ghost Of
His Campaign Past
10 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 6/28/2023 5:53:59 AM Post Reply
An Axios story over the weekend carried the headline: “Biden’s 2024 vision: Play 2020 again.” If true, that means Joe Biden will be running against himself, because the attacks he lodged against then-President Donald Trump four years ago – on the economy, on COVID, on disunity, on corruption – all look worse today. Before COVID, for example, Biden was attacking the economy, arguing that, despite the 40-year low unemployment rate in late 2019, things were worse than ever. In a speech Biden gave in Scranton, Pa., in October of that year, he talked about an interview he’d done with “60 Minutes,”
Mike Pence, Anti-Woke Capital Crusader,
Caved To Woke Capital
18 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 6/27/2023 7:33:30 AM Post Reply
It’s hard to notice amid the hullabaloo over The Donald’s and Hunter’s legal challenges. But lookit who’s vying for the coveted “Christian Conservative lane” in the GOP presidential sweepstakes – along with the close-akin anti-woke capital corridor. “I’m a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican — in that order,” erstwhile Trump veep Mike Pence trumpeted in launching his candidacy in … hmmmm … Iowa a couple of weeks back. Ya don’t say. Sure could’ve fooled the “Christians-and-conservatives-in-that-order” of your somewhat-slighted Hoosier State.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
'Sad' Dylan Mulvaney flees to PERU and
complains she no longer 'feels safe' in
US after Bud Light fiasco: Trans influencer
frolics with llama and hires a SHAMAN
31 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/12/2023 2:39:06 PM Post Reply
Dylan Mulvaney has fled to Peru for some much-needed solo travel and soul searching after she complained she no longer felt safe in the US. The trans influencer, 26, has been at the center of scandals this year - having caused a storm of outrage after partnering with Bud Light in April, knocking millions off the value of the beer company. After addressing the ordeal publicly on her TikTok last month, Mulvaney has announced she's solo traveling in South America to reconnect with herself - and filmed herself frolicking with llamas. She told fans in a series of videos, which included posing with a llama:
Biden Administration Says It Opposes Using
‘Merit’ in Military Personnel Decisions
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/12/2023 12:01:25 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration on Monday slammed the Republican-controlled House’s version of 2024 National Defense Authorization Act for requiring military personnel decisions to be based on merit and not race or gender, among other provisions. “The Administration strongly opposes the House’s sweeping attempts…to eliminate the Department’s longstanding [Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access] efforts and related initiatives to promote a cohesive and inclusive force,” the Biden administration said in a Statement of Administration Policy. The House’s NDAA contains a number of Republican-authored provisions to roll back the Biden administration’s efforts to push Marxist-based Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives throughout the entire Department of Defense establishment, including the military.
Farmers Insurance Company Pulls Out of
Florida – Another 100,000 Policies Will
Not Be Renewed
30 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/12/2023 2:15:50 PM Post Reply
The insurance crisis in Florida is hitting the middle-class family, working community and retirees on a fixed income directly. Hundreds of thosands of residents have lost insurance coverage, and even more have seen policy premiums double. It is not uncommon to find homeowners who are paying more for insurance than their actual mortgage payment. Unfortunately, the situation is getting worse. Farmers Insurance has notified the state they are pulling out of Florida, will not be writing any additional policies in the Sunshine state and when existing policies expire, they will not be renewed. Home and auto policy rates have already doubled i
Kamala Harris Explains AI: “AI is Kind
of a Fancy Thing. First of All, It’s
Two Letters. It Means ‘Artifical Intelligence'” (Video)
27 replies
Posted by Imright 7/12/2023 4:33:50 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris explained AI during a meeting with civil rights leaders on Wednesday. Harris huddled with the CEOs of the Center for Democracy and Technology, UnidosUS, AARP, and AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler. Kamala Harris treated the CEOs like children. This may be one of her most profound statements yet.“AI is kind of a fancy thing. First of all, it’s two letters. It means ‘Artificial Intelligence.'” 81 million votes. WATCH: (Video)
Secret Service CLOSES White House cocaine
investigation: Biden administration is
accused of COVER-UP over failure to catch
suspect who left drugs in West Wing locker
- despite security cameras recording 24/7
26 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/13/2023 3:19:05 PM Post Reply
The Secret Service is closing the investigation into the White House cocaine discovery because of a 'lack of evidence' in a stunning move just 11 days after the drugs were abandoned in a West Wing locker. Furious Republicans have called the shuttering of the probe 'ridiculous' and accused the Biden administration of a 'cover-up,' with agents unable to find a suspect despite poring over surveillance footage for more than a week.(Snip)Trump-era CBP Director and longtime FBI agent Mark Morgan told last week that the case is 'straightforward' and could be solved in the matter of 30 minutes.
“Shame On You!” – Rep. Troy Nehls
Destroys Chris Wray Over Jan 6 – Catches
Him in Lies on Child Pornography Cases
– Batters Him On Ray Epps!
25 replies
Posted by Imright 7/13/2023 4:44:57 AM Post Reply
FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee today. The hearing, “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” examined the politicization of the nation’s preeminent law enforcement agency under the direction of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland. Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), a former sheriff, destroyed dirty Chris Wray during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Nehls brought video and photos of Ray Epps encouraging Trump supporters to enter the US Capitol on January 5th and January 6th and then leading the charge through the first ste of barriers to the US Capitol.
Former Manson family member Leslie Van
Houten released from California prison,
official says
25 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/12/2023 9:20:36 AM Post Reply
Leslie Van Houten, a former Charles Manson follower and convicted murderer, was released from a California prison on Tuesday, a prison spokesperson told CNN. Van Houten was released to parole supervision, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation spokesperson Mary Xjimenez said. Van Houten will have a three-year maximum parole term with a parole discharge review occurring after one year, Xjimenez said. Van Houten, now in her 70s, was 19 when she met Manson and joined the murderous cult that came to be called the “Manson family.” Prior to her release on Tuesday, she was serving concurrent sentences of seven years to life after she was convicted in 1971 for her role
Raskin: We Are Still in the Thick of Fight
to Defend America Against Kleptocrat Trump
23 replies
Posted by Imright 7/12/2023 6:05:51 AM Post Reply
Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that the country was “still in the thick of this fight to defend American democracy” from so-called kleptocrats like former President Donald Trump. On House Republicans investigating President Joe Biden, Raskin said, “Really what we see is a grasping at straws in attempts to find something, anything to get at Joe Biden. Why? Because it is a massive distraction from the fact that Donald Trump had one overriding purpose for being in office and one overriding purpose for coming back into office. He had a moneymaking operation. He converted the presidency into
The FBI Asks Americans to Report Crimes.
Things Go About as Well as You'd Expect.
23 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/12/2023 1:42:18 AM Post Reply
Officer, Americans would like to report the Biden Administration’s FBI for the act of social media trolling. After all, that must explain why the “premier law enforcement agency” and political monkey wenchers that interfered with the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential elections laughably issued an appeal for Americans to come forward and report crimes. The FBI issued a tweet that used a flowery script against a mauve pink background inviting Americans to “Speak Now.” “Justice is better than revenge,” the FBI’s tweet stated. “You may not be Superman, but you can help the #FBI protect the country. If you have information about a federal crime, speak now.”
CNN under fire for misgendering Dylan
Mulvaney: ‘Unbelievably bad’
21 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 7/12/2023 1:09:39 PM Post Reply
CNN is under fire for misgendering Dylan Mulvaney as “he” and “him” in a segment about the “culture war” being waged over the transgender influencer’s partnership with Bud Light. Correspondent Ryan Young failed to use the 26-year-old influencer’s preferred pronouns in a short segment about the backlash against the beer giant that has led to plummeting sales. Young also mispronounced Mulvaney’s first name as “Dylvan” while describing the social media star to “CNN News Central” viewers Tuesday.
Fox News Sued By Ray Epps Over Claim He
Was At Center Of January 6th Conspiracy
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/12/2023 3:12:46 PM Post Reply
Fox News is facing a new defamation lawsuit from a man who claims that its former host Tucker Carlson falsely identified him as an undercover FBI agent who triggered the January 6th attack on the Capitol. The lawsuit was filed in Delaware Superior Court, the same venue where the network recently faced a lengthy trial over Dominion Voting Systems defamation claims that its hosts and guests amplified a false narrative that the company rigged the 2020 presidential election. Fox News settled the case for $787.5 million. Epps, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, and believed that the latter election was stolen from him, according to the lawsuit.
Geraldo Rivera Gets Mocked After Announcing
He’s Going on “The View”
19 replies
Posted by Imright 7/12/2023 6:15:04 AM Post Reply
Just when you thought Geraldo Rivera was completely done he emerges from the ashes. As previously reported, Rivera rage quit Fox News after getting canned from “The Five.” He made the announcement form his boat in New York. Unfortunately, the former Fox News host revealed that his next move was not permanent retirement but rather a return to the airwaves, at least for one day. On Monday, Rivera announced that he would be sitting down with the View’s clucking hens on Thursday presumably to bash conservatives and his former employer. He was excited about the invite.
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