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Have We Reached Peak Virtue Signaling
With EVs?

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 7/14/2023 6:02:45 AM

The cars that were going to save our world from the scourge of carbon-based global warming are, says one media outlet, “​​piling up on dealer lots” because they can’t be sold. Maybe we’re finally at the point where most if not all of those who are desperate to demonstrate their green cred already have an EV and don’t need another battery-powered adult toy. Even though “the auto industry is beginning to crank out more electric vehicles (EVs) to challenge Tesla,” Axios reported Monday, “there’s one big problem: not enough buyers.” Two days later, Market Watch said that as “EV sales stall … there’s a ‘step back from euphoria.’”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Bur Oak 7/14/2023 6:51:38 AM (No. 1512336)
The government will just increase the subsidies for electric cars and promulgate more onerous regulations for internal combustion engines. Then the problem will be fixed. The government must be obeyed. I kind of like my 20+ year old car.
23 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: privateer 7/14/2023 7:37:17 AM (No. 1512374)
When the dogs won't eat the food, just make sure that there is NOTHING else to eat. Of course, there is always the possibility that the dogs will eat their masters.
27 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jinx 7/14/2023 7:45:58 AM (No. 1512378)
The average citizen can't afford an electric car. Follow the money. It is fine to make one but don't try to make us buy one.
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: sw penn 7/14/2023 7:52:41 AM (No. 1512380)
Internal Combustion engine - Cloud of Smog Electric Vehicle - Cloud of Smug Smog As the damage being caused by this fantasy becomes increasing clear, EV owners are going to get the "SUV" treatment they so graciously gave others. Have you seen the pictures of the fields of hundreds, thousands, of unsold "New Energy" vehicles in fields in China? Can you imagine the shear hypocrisy and resource waste to build thousands of EVs to then just leave to rot in fields? Your elites are destroying your lives for their profit...
20 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Skinnydip 7/14/2023 8:16:31 AM (No. 1512401)
And most don't have AM radios...
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 7/14/2023 8:25:49 AM (No. 1512417)
Unworkable, extremely expensive toys. They are not useful transportation for most of us.
21 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Venturer 7/14/2023 8:37:30 AM (No. 1512432)
My wife had a Buick Roadmaster. It had a 350 LT engine in it. It was big, it was powerful, it got 26 MPG on the highway. We traded it for a Toyota Venza with a 4 cylinder engine. It won't pull the hat off your head and it gets 26 MPG. Many of the larger cars were getting good mileage, but they are gone replaced by low powered cars because of CAFE laws. People are driving pick ups now instead of big cars. Pick ups that cost $80,000 dollars. The Ford Lightning costs $90.000 dollars and goes 300 miles between charges, until you start using it as a pick up and loading it down or pulling your trailer with it. Then it won't get you to the first charging station.
20 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: 3XALADY 7/14/2023 9:29:06 AM (No. 1512477)
There is a charging station at one of our local grocery stores. I have seen one car charging there in the 3-4 years the store has been built.
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Ashley Brenton 7/14/2023 11:44:22 AM (No. 1512608)
If you live somewhere the temperature can get down to single digits, an electric car is a dumb idea. And dependence on batteries means being dependent on China. Another dumb idea.
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: dbdiva 7/14/2023 12:15:30 PM (No. 1512650)
I'm still driving my 2007 Corolla which has been totally dependable all the years I've owned it. I don't plan to buy a new car any time soon. I'm retired and don't put on it nearly the mileage I used to. I keep it regularly maintained. My supermarket installed 2 charging stations which I've never seen used. The government always seems to put the cart before the horse. They push EVs before they've ensured that all electric grids are robust enough to support the additional use. But that will allow rules/decrees/laws to be enacted that restrict how often or when EV owners will be allowed to charge their vehicles --- once a week? once a month? The endgame of every tyrannical government: restrict movement. I hope I'm wrong but this is how the left rolls.
10 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: RayLRiv 7/14/2023 3:20:06 PM (No. 1512764)
It's a vanity toy. When they're capable of going 500+ miles on a single charge through the mountains in winter time all for under $40,000 then let me know. The technology just isn't there yet. Maybe in another 50 years. Otherwise I'm sticking with my internal combustion engine.
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: bpl40 7/14/2023 3:59:22 PM (No. 1512785)
If you can do math, you won't touch them with a 10 foot pole. The technology isn't there, and is not likely to in the foreseeable future. The economics of purchase price, repair and replacement is even worse. And the politics of dependence on China is insane.
6 people like this.

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Have We Reached Peak Virtue Signaling
With EVs?
12 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/14/2023 6:02:45 AM Post Reply
The cars that were going to save our world from the scourge of carbon-based global warming are, says one media outlet, “​​piling up on dealer lots” because they can’t be sold. Maybe we’re finally at the point where most if not all of those who are desperate to demonstrate their green cred already have an EV and don’t need another battery-powered adult toy. Even though “the auto industry is beginning to crank out more electric vehicles (EVs) to challenge Tesla,” Axios reported Monday, “there’s one big problem: not enough buyers.” Two days later, Market Watch said that as “EV sales stall … there’s a ‘step back from euphoria.’”
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Posted by RockyTCB 7/12/2023 8:56:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 7/11/2023 6:28:58 AM Post Reply
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