Bill Clinton Claims He Knew Nothing About Epstein
Frontpage Mag,
Daniel Greenfield
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
11/30/2024 8:51:28 AM
Bill Clinton already wrote and sold his memoir, the imaginatively named, My Life, written and published back in 2005, but like his wife, one memoir is never enough and so Bill has another one, Citizen, that chronicles all the exciting stuff he’s been up to for the last two decades.
Hillary Clinton is on her fourth memoir (believe it or not) and Bill needs to pull his weight here. The trouble is that while Bill’s memoir 1.0 was at least justified because he was the president of the United States, he hasn’t done anything since then, unlike Hillary, who really didn’t do much, but at least is out there
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 11/30/2024 8:59:30 AM (No. 1845666)
It is a well established fact that Billy Jeff is a liar and a rapist.
43 people like this.
I can’t remember a single time that he’s uttered the truth, so why believe him now?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
TCloud 11/30/2024 9:08:57 AM (No. 1845677)
Just as Slick as exlax as ever!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 11/30/2024 9:11:11 AM (No. 1845680)
FTA...'Hillary Clinton is on her fourth memoir (believe it or not)...Well, dearie, keep writing until you get it right. List the names of all the people you knew who died under mysterious circumstances. Ron Brown and Vince Foster would be good places to start.
25 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 11/30/2024 9:27:41 AM (No. 1845700)
Some ghost writer must have really needed the money to write this for BJ.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Quigley 11/30/2024 9:35:55 AM (No. 1845704)
"Mannnnnn! I didn't know anything. I was drinking a lot of iced tea in those days so I was probably in the restroom when the orgies happened. Plus, when I see a pretty girl, I kind of black out and don't really remember anything. That Putin is just trying to keep a strong woman from being president. That Mr. Comey - his name kind of upsets me - is out to get us too, saying my wife wouldn't be prosecuted for having classified documents and destroying evidence. Why even that Missed Her Weiner - that kind of upsets me too - had classified documents on his computer but Comey - mannnn! - didn't say he wouldn't prosecute Weiner. Mannnn! And Humma Weiner! Mannn! Nobody understands how great I am. I should have been president during World War II or something so they would have known. But I just flew on Jeffrey's plane I didn't know anything about him. And anybody who says different isn't fit to be on the same platform as my wife."
9 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 11/30/2024 9:43:36 AM (No. 1845709)
It takes a village to run you two out on a rail.
19 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
aripeny 11/30/2024 9:49:14 AM (No. 1845713)
Clinton, the liar, also claimed he did not have sex with Lewinsky.
18 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
hershey 11/30/2024 10:05:15 AM (No. 1845722)
Yah, I believe him...a democrap never admits anything, especially anything damaging..Billie boy is a confirmed liar, married to a loser who has never given up wanting to be president...both these grifters just need to go away..
16 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Marzipan4 11/30/2024 10:20:19 AM (No. 1845738)
Still depends on what ’is‘ is
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Hazymac 11/30/2024 10:40:10 AM (No. 1845756)
Although we're going back to MTV days, here's Oingo Boingo singing (I love) "Little Girls." Clinton's not fixable. He's gone. (Anyone married to The PIAPS would be totally gone. He would rather touch a cobra than touch her again.)
8 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Kate318 11/30/2024 10:40:31 AM (No. 1845758)
Sure, Slick. That’s why Epstein had a painting of you in a Monica Lewinsky-type blue dress hanging in his office.
25 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Hazymac 11/30/2024 10:43:31 AM (No. 1845762)
If you didn't watch MTV then ... here's what I referred to: ("Little Girls" -- Oingo Boingo)
3 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
snapper451 11/30/2024 10:51:44 AM (No. 1845776)
Nor did he have “sex’ with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. Bubba is a multiple times accused rapist, at best a serial abuser of women and serial cheater on the Hildebeast. His ethics were demonstrated via the Clinton Foundation which money laundered Haiti relief funds, that never went where they were intended. Bubba is a POS and soon will come face to face with St. Peter and won’t be able to charm himself out of the trip on the down escalator.
10 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
JoElla Bee 11/30/2024 11:00:36 AM (No. 1845783)
I always thought Epstein’s painting of Bill in the blue dress was meant to indicate that Epstein knew all about Bill, and had the evidence to prove it. Seems very doubtful that Bill would be the only one. Sadly, if things don’t change in a lot of lives, they will have all of eternity to argue about it together.
6 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 11/30/2024 11:09:58 AM (No. 1845791)
How many flights did he take on the Lolita Express?
And, he wants to make this claim still?
Could be really embarrassing after the client list is reveal, huh?
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Hazymac 11/30/2024 11:38:15 AM (No. 1845812)
You must admit you wanted to see this. Oingo Biongo ... "Little Girls"
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
philsner 11/30/2024 11:39:02 AM (No. 1845814)
The feed is full of intelligence insulters today!
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
BarryNo 11/30/2024 12:10:32 PM (No. 1845845)
Like in the comments. We've heard that lie before.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Strike3 11/30/2024 12:27:33 PM (No. 1845857)
Why is it that people who we would like to forget insist on writing memoirs? The Clintons, the Obamas. Doesn't Nancy Pelosi have something to say about herself? I can't wait to see what the Bidens put out as their life stories.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
franq 11/30/2024 12:33:36 PM (No. 1845863)
What IS the meaning of "is"?
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
jinx 11/30/2024 1:32:45 PM (No. 1845898)
I haven't read the book nor do I plan on it. Just wondering if he mentions Jennifer Flowers or the other girl who he had to pay off after he unzipped his pants and asked her to _______ him. I doubt it.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Venturer 11/30/2024 3:29:35 PM (No. 1845957)
As long as there is a buck in it and a printer willing to print it Bubba and Hillary will be writing.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
rochow 11/30/2024 3:57:14 PM (No. 1845969)
Of course not. He also did not have sex with that woman. I guess when he visited the island over 18 times he went there for bible studies. Right.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
anniebc 11/30/2024 6:06:35 PM (No. 1846047)
That means he knew a whole LOT! about Epstein.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
MickTurn 11/30/2024 8:20:46 PM (No. 1846123)
The Liar in Chief goes about his dirty Deeds. "I did not have sex with that woman.".........Bla Bla bla!
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