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Beginning of the end of the Obama-Biden
Democratic Party

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 10/20/2024 6:03:05 AM

Harris and Walz have made a thing of “turning the page,” but the page that must be turned is the one they are on. In recent years, beginning with Obama, the Democratic party has become unmoored from its basic center-left policies and embraced ideas and policies which are illogical, absurd, and increasingly unpopular. Things like these: Allowing open borders coupled with a very generous social welfare system to be tapped by all who enter; Endorsing chemical castration of children and allowing transgender women into the private spaces of actual women; Engaging in endless wars in which we have no genuine national stake;

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Rumblehog 10/20/2024 6:39:32 AM (No. 1816511)
Of course "pulling up the rear," so to say, is Bill Clinton... it was the "Kid from Hope" who started the "Boomer Wave" in government,, along with the Party's infatuation with the "Corporate Embrace" to draw in the big bucks in campaign donations with favorable legislation and regulation in return... the Democrat Party became thoroughly corrupted with Bubba's "Third Way."
40 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: spacer 10/20/2024 7:21:26 AM (No. 1816518)
Nobody but Donald Trump could have decimated the Clinton/ Obama/biden machine of filth ,corruption deceit, lies and treason. MAGA and God Bless
78 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 10/20/2024 8:43:46 AM (No. 1816559)
My wish is that after we get rid of this terrible plague that has divided and bankrupted America we would never have to hear from Obama, Hillary , Pelosi and George Soros again. Like most wishes it won't come true.
53 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: cobieone 10/20/2024 9:08:30 AM (No. 1816587)
OMG Clarice, you have to be kidding me! FTA… "Absent enormous voting cheating of the sort, we saw in 2020, I think Donald Trump will win.” Nov 2024 will be exactly like 2020.
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/20/2024 9:22:51 AM (No. 1816598)
Interesting analysis by Feldman. FTA - "Looking at some tea leaves, I see the beginning of the end of this party as presently constituted. It will soon have to refashion itself, jettison its most outrageous members and their notions or be replaced by another new party altogether." Somebody should write a book that describes the gradual descent of the dim party from say the Woodrow Wilson days to the present. Maybe even the pubbie party, too, since it became infected with RINO-ism. As for a new party? Well, we have a uniparty that has already formed. But who or what will oppose it after Trump has retired to Mar a Lago.
23 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: udanja99 10/20/2024 9:44:37 AM (No. 1816610)
I may be looking at the election through rose colored glasses, but I don’t believe that the demonicrats will be able to get away with the steal this time. We weren’t on to their antics in 2020 and now we are. Even the SCOTUS will be forced to get involved this time if needed - they have had to suffer the consequences of their inaction for the last four years too.
34 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Trapper 10/20/2024 10:55:25 AM (No. 1816644)
The strategy of the Democratic Socialists of America has for decades been to run DSA members in Democrat primaries. The plan was that once enough DSA members had been elected they would take over the Democrat Party, eventually electing enough senators and congressmen and a US President to take over the US government and implement socialism in America. They succeeded in taking over the Democrat Party, and in their newsletter congratulating those of their members who won their primaries, they included a young Barack Obama when he won his first primary for the Illinois Senate. Of course DSA never tells citizens outright who they are or what their plans are because they know the American people don’t want it. So they lie. Eventually lying becomes such a habit that they lie about everything, all the time. We are now confronted by the grotesqueries that are the modern DSA Democrats, a party of morally bankrupt pathological liars. A party of monsters.
22 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 10/20/2024 10:56:53 AM (No. 1816646)
I hope she's right.
20 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: earlybird 10/20/2024 11:54:20 AM (No. 1816673)
Clarice bases her opinion on the demise of the present Dem Party on what she saw while in the USSR, as a US government representative, when its repressive policies were causing it to crumble. She knows whereof she speaks....
16 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: seamusm 10/20/2024 12:16:15 PM (No. 1816687)
The Dims RAN down the rabbit hole of socialism even without Bernie Sanders when they elected Obama because at least he was kinda black and voters could be made to feel good about themselves with that phenomenally stupid virtue signal. I pray that era will cease because America won't survive being ruled by people who hate it.
14 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: seesfarwoman 10/20/2024 1:33:22 PM (No. 1816720)
As usual, great Sunday piece by Clarice Feldman. I'm not as confident in the outcome as she is, however. Democrats know how to cheat, I just don't know why they wouldn't do so again. I live in a deep blue area -- Harris/Walz signs everywhere. I put up a Trump/Vance sign. Someone took it off my lawn. I put up another one. None of my neighbors will acknowledge my existence. They are rude and hateful. And they will steal not only a yard sign, but an election.
10 people like this.

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Posted by Mercedes44 10/21/2024 8:40:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 10/21/2024 8:38:08 PM Post Reply
This is one of the most challenging columns I have written. Not only have we experienced unprecedented unconstitutional abuse of government power exercised in response to COVID-19, 2020 election irregularities, and January 6, which has left our country in a state that has more in common with a banana republic than the constitutional republic that has defined us previously for some 230 years. Recent developments suggest that this could be a prelude to worse to come.
The Wall Street Journal needs to get a
grip about Trump
8 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 10/20/2024 6:50:30 AM Post Reply
Trump had tariffs, lower taxes, energy independence, rapid economic growth, and extremely low inflation during his four years in office. Americans of all races and all economic levels, especially those at the bottom, saw rapid real wage growth. Poverty hit an all-time low at the end of 2019 before COVID hit. Income inequality was being reduced. Contrary to what Obama says today, Trump did not inherit a great economy from him. Trump inherited slow economic growth from the Obama-Biden years, along with the slowest economic recovery in seventy years. Big government is the problem.
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Posted by Mercedes44 10/20/2024 6:47:58 AM Post Reply
Vice President Harris and her allies are making a last-ditch effort to peel off Republican support from former President Trump in the final days of the election. Harris rallied with a number of her prominent Republican supporters in battleground Pennsylvania on Thursday, telling the party’s voters “there is a place for you in this campaign.” During the same trip Harris took part in her first sit-down interview with Fox News, a cable network with a sizable right-leaning audience. And Republican Voters Against Trump and the FF PAC launched an eight-figure ad buy hitting the former president in key swing states.
Beginning of the end of the Obama-Biden
Democratic Party
11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 10/20/2024 6:03:05 AM Post Reply
Harris and Walz have made a thing of “turning the page,” but the page that must be turned is the one they are on. In recent years, beginning with Obama, the Democratic party has become unmoored from its basic center-left policies and embraced ideas and policies which are illogical, absurd, and increasingly unpopular. Things like these: Allowing open borders coupled with a very generous social welfare system to be tapped by all who enter; Endorsing chemical castration of children and allowing transgender women into the private spaces of actual women; Engaging in endless wars in which we have no genuine national stake;
Voter Fraud: The Only Issue That Matters
in 2024
1 reply
Posted by Mercedes44 10/18/2024 2:02:25 PM Post Reply
No, it’s not “the economy, stupid,” in spite of the schizophrenic stock market since our remarkably resilient capitalistic economy ran head-on into the socialist-cum-communist Biden-Harris regime, with its $1.8-trillion deficit. And no, it’s not domestic policy, where we have had the luxury of being on the receiving end of these: High taxes. High food prices. High gas prices. Sky-high regulations. Alarmingly high crime rates throughout the country, particularly in states run by Democrats, where arrests are few, bail is nonexistent, and raging criminals enjoy no consequences for their assaults, rapes, murders, racist attacks, etc. Eleven million illegal and unvetted aliens are further draining our economy thanks to the largesse of this regime,
Why the West Wants Israel to Stop Winning 3 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 10/18/2024 8:38:17 AM Post Reply
Western powers, often suppliers of advanced weaponry to Israel, are pushing the Jewish state to stop fighting Hamas and Hezbollah. Why? You would probably laugh. Orthodox Jews do not use electronic or electrical devices during the Sabbath and holidays. Smartphones, computers, and the like are generally turned off with the entry of a holy day and only turned back on when the day goes out the following night. So what happens when Israel assassinates Hassan Nasrallah or kills Yahya Sinwar on one of these days? Orthodox Jews are still curious people, even if their internet-connected devices are off.
Look Away, Democrats. Obama Has Some Unfiltered
Observations About Kamala.
3 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 10/17/2024 11:40:38 PM Post Reply
You knew news organizations would be making calls to professional lip readers after Joe Biden and Barack Obama were caught having a frank discussion at the funeral for Ethel Kennedy this week. The late Mrs. Kennedy passed away on October 10 at 96. Her funeral was another event where politicians, friends, and family would gather, and like most scared Democrats, some discussed the 2024 race. With death organs blasting in the background, Obama and Biden seemed beyond dispirited about the Kamala Harris operation, with the former president bluntly saying that Biden’s gal simply isn’t strong enough to win this election.
Trump tops Harris in Nate Silver’s model
weeks out from election
4 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 10/17/2024 11:28:52 PM Post Reply
Former President Trump has taken a narrow lead over Vice President Harris in pollster Nate Silver’s prediction model just weeks out from Election Day. While the race remains essentially a toss-up, Trump now leads Harris by just more than half a percentage point, 50.2 percent to 49.5 percent, in the model updated Thursday afternoon. “However nominal, it’s Trump’s first lead in our model since Sept. 19,” Silver wrote on his Silver Bulletin site. The political forecaster noted that Harris was leading Trump a day earlier by about a point, 50.3 percent to 49.4 percent. The former president picked up ground with “some good polls” entering the database Thursday,
‘Progressive’ California At War With Progress 6 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 10/16/2024 7:25:57 AM Post Reply
Much has been made, as it should have been, about the stark differences with Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the once-great NASA’s pathetic woke-DEI-politically correct existence. Musk wins on merit, but in California, that’s not what counts. So Musk has been vilified because he dared to leave the progressive plantation. SpaceX has been launching rockets from the Vandenberg Air Force base in Santa Barbara County for more than a decade. It wants to increase the number of annual launches from six to 36, and maybe even more. The Air Force has no problem with the plans. The California Coastal Commission does. It voted 6-4 last week to block the increase.
Understanding the Dramatic Jewish Shift
Towards President Trump and the Republican Party
11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 10/15/2024 12:03:14 PM Post Reply
The Jewish vote is, for the first time since Reagan beat Carter 44 years ago, likely to be close. Considering that Hillary Clinton garnered over 70% of the Jewish vote in 2016, and Trump less than one-fourth, this is a tectonic shift in Jewish allegiance away from Democrats. But it’s not hard to understand why even Jews with leftist leanings are reevaluating their loyalties this year. As a community rabbi, director of a popular Jewish study center that attracts Jews from all backgrounds, and an officer of the largest rabbinic public policy organization in America, I am very well acquainted with local and national Jewish thought.
Blundering Tim Walz dragging down Harris
campaign — while brilliant JD Vance
helps Trump surge
12 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 10/14/2024 6:48:49 AM Post Reply
As the latest polls Sunday showed Donald Trump and Kamala Harris neck and neck with just 23 days to go until the presidential election, Democratic spinmeisters are trying to calm the bedwetters, and Barack Obama has been dispatched to scold black men for not being impressed by his protégé. But as uncomfortably close as this election is, one thing is certain: Tim Walz has to be the worst VP pick on record, in stark contrast to JD Vance. If Harris loses, her self-indulgent decision to reject popular Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro in favor of a running mate even dumber than she is,
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Posted by Hazymac 10/21/2024 6:57:59 AM Post Reply
I officially retired from the US Army on 1 August 2004 and vividly recall sitting and watching the 2004 Democratic National Committee convention. At that convention, a fella named Barack Hussein Obama gave the keynote speech. He had just become a State Senator in Illinois. Angela and I listened to a rousing, emotional, rhetorical speech using the southern pastoral iambic pentameter rhythm and said to each other...this is the guy the Democrats are going to run for President. We were correct in our assessment from 2004. We all witnessed a meteoric rise of someone whom we had no idea of who they were. As a matter of fact, Obama once
Not Lovin' It: McDonald's Offered Kamala
a Chance to Work at Restaurant Like Trump—She
Never Responded
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/21/2024 4:21:06 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris was offered an opportunity to finally work at a McDonald's restaurant but never responded to the invite, a statement circulating on social media indicates. A franchisee on X posted what they describe as "an internal statement to the McDonald’s system from the US Senior Leadership Team" regarding Donald Trump's visit to a McDonald’s in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They describe the memo as "100% real." By now, most of our readers know that Trump swapped out his suit jacket over the weekend with an apron and proceeded to work the fryers and the drive-thru section at the fast food restaurant. [Tweet, video] It was classic Trump.
House Finds Secret Service Responsible
For ‘Preventable’ Trump Assassination Attempt
16 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 9:25:12 AM Post Reply
House lawmakers tasked with investigating the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania said Monday that the attack never would have happened had the Secret Service been prepared. The House Task Force on the July 13 assassination attempt in Butler released a 53-page interim report detailing the “stunning security failures” that led to Trump being struck in the ear by a bullet fired by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. These failures included numerous communication errors and inadequate planning to secure the site.
Trump’s genius McDonald’s stunt will
fry Kamala at the ballot box
16 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 9:03:06 AM Post Reply
“Even if you flippin’ fries at McDonald’s,” Oprah Winfrey once said, “if you are excellent, everybody wants to be in your line.” I thought of this quote when Donald Trump turned up yesterday at a McDonald’s restaurant in suburban Philadelphia to do a shift making French fries, then handing bags of food to drive-through customers. As political stunts go, this might have been the best I’ve ever seen, because it served two very powerful presidential race purposes.(Photo) First, it reminded voters that his rival Kamala Harris has repeatedly boasted about having a summer job at McDonald’s
Barack Obama Holds Tiny Rally for Kamala
in Las Vegas High School Gym
16 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 8:59:08 AM Post Reply
This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission. Barack Obama holds a small rally in Las Vegas in a high school gym requiring ID to attend. The following comes from Pam on Facebook. Obama swooped into Las Vegas, NV, to a high school gym to rally voters to go door to door for Kamala in Vegas. No longer the days of holding court in large venues.The requirement was to sign up on GOOGLE with all your information again and receive an email to obtain entrance. The most hilarious requirement was you needed to show ID. Let me get this straight: I can vote in NV without showing ID,
Seven Jewish Israelis arrested for spying
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/21/2024 4:27:59 PM Post Reply
Seven Israeli citizens were arrested last month on suspicion of spying for Iran for as long as two years, carrying out hundreds of tasks at the behest of the Islamic Republic, prosecutors said on Monday. “This is one of the most severe cases we’ve ever investigated. There is a real possibility that the main charge will be aiding the enemy in wartime, for which the penalty is death or life imprisonment,” said Chief Superintendent Yaron Binyamin, who heads the Lahav 433 serious crimes unit of the Israel Police. The suspects, all residents of Haifa and the north who emigrated from Azerbaijan, include a soldier who deserted
Libs Are Melting Down Over Trump's Trip
McDonald's and It's Over the Dumbest Reason
14 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 12:54:58 PM Post Reply
The trip to McDonald’s in Bucks County, where the former president made French fries and served customers, is causing the Left to melt down, and it’s over the dumbest reason. The man was shot in July, with another lunatic waiting to take shots at him as he golfed in West Palm Beach, Florida, in September. Was anyone expecting unvetted drive-thru customers to grab food from Trump where a crazy person could open fire at point-blank range? It's a stunt, they say. Oh man, when Democrats do it, it's a campaign stop, but when we do it better, it's a "stunt."
Carville to MSNBC’s Melber: We Will
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13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/22/2024 1:41:56 AM Post Reply
Democratic strategist James Carville said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that he and host Ari Melber will be arrested if former President Donald Trump wins the election. Carville said, “Trump goes out, and he says I’m going to use the military to arrest my political enemies, and then Mike Johnson’s and Lindsey Graham, and the Wall Street Journal editorial pages say oh no, that’s not what he meant and then he comes back and says yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. You know what’ll happen? You pointed it out; if he wins, he will say, I told people I was going to do this. I have the legitimacy of an election
In Logansport, Indiana, kids are being
pushed out of schools after migrants swelled
county’s population by 30%: ‘Everybody
else is falling behind’
12 replies
Posted by mc squared 10/21/2024 10:19:13 AM Post Reply
Thousands of migrants from Haiti and dozens of other countries have arrived in this isolated Indiana city of 18,000 in just a few years. Furious residents say they no longer feel safe in the once-sleepy downtown, and their kids are being muscled out of the schools by new students who don’t know English and need a lot of help. They blame Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden. “Do something. Our community cannot withstand this many people being here,” Candice Espinoza, 32, a local photographer, told The Post when asked what her message would be to the Democratic presidential candidate.
Ohio’s Issue 1: the left’s sneaky
redistrict power grab — your state’s next
12 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/21/2024 6:18:53 AM Post Reply
Once in a great while, what happens at the bottom of the ballot can reshape a state’s political future for decades to come. While New Yorkers on Election Day will vote on the controversial “Equal Rights Amendment,” Ohio is ground zero for an effort to wrest control away from the people and give it to unelected, Fauci-like bureaucrats to achieve “redistricting reform.” And the movement is anything but organic: It’s an out-of-state (and even international) attempt by left-wing politicians to trick voters into rewriting our state constitution by passing Issue 1. The ballot measure — masterminded by the likes of Barack Obama’s former Attorney General Eric Holder-
Kamala Harris town hall host Maria Shriver
says crowd can't ask questions because
they're 'pre-determined'
11 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2024 9:07:10 PM Post Reply
A town hall event with Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday featured a shocking revelation after one voter simply wondered whether she could ask a question. Former California First Lady Maria Shriver admitted while hosting the event with former Rep. Liz Cheney in Royal Oak, Michigan that she would only include 'predetermined questions.' 'Are we going to be able to ask a question?' asked a woman in the audience.'You're not, unfortunately we have some predetermined questions,' Shriver replied. 'And hopefully I'll be able to ask some of the questions that might be in your head, I hope so.' Typically, presidential campaigns allow voters at townhall meetings to ask unscripted questions,
Telling Us Who They Are Again: Outrage
After Newsweek Tries to Cancel PA McDonald's
That Trump Visited
11 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/21/2024 3:57:04 PM Post Reply
Pretty much everything Donald Trump does triggers the left and their media allies. That certainly was the case in the aftermath of his visit to a Pennsylvania McDonald's where, as we reported, the GOP presidential nominee seemed in his element while working the fry station and interacting with employees and drive-thru customers. Indeed, wahmbulances have been on standby for the Usual Suspects who, among other things, have suggested this whole thing, which appeared to go over well, was no big deal because presidential candidates "frying food" for the cameras was not a new thing, although we're hard-pressed to find another example in modern history
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