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Gov Newsom claims Big Oil is to blame
for high gas prices, but new report blames
climate policies

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Posted By: Beardo, 10/6/2024 11:04:37 AM

California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom has continuously denied that the state’s policies have anything to do with sky-high gas prices the state's residents pay, arguing that it’s “Big Oil” driving up gasoline prices. But a new study shows policies have added as much as $1.91 per gallon to what Californians pay at the pump. According to AAA, Americans on Saturday were paying on average $3.177 a gallon for gasoline. Californians were paying $4.676 per gallon on average. The gap can vary. A year ago, the average national price was $3.814 per gallon, while Californians were paying $6.059 per gallon.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: red1066 10/6/2024 11:08:57 AM (No. 1808528)
Canceling contracts to drill on federal land has increased oil prices.
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: RobertJ984 10/6/2024 11:37:45 AM (No. 1808537)
Then wave your magic wand, and lower the prices
6 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Dipi 10/6/2024 11:39:40 AM (No. 1808538)
This turkey knows his government is responsible for the high gas prices with all their stupid rules and regulations; no other reason.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: itsonlyme 10/6/2024 12:07:52 PM (No. 1808552)
Many low information votes, through the aid of an interpreter, will blame DJT.
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Starboard_side 10/6/2024 12:09:45 PM (No. 1808554)
He's so full of Schiff and he's simply trying to fool the gullible Democrat voters who seem to buy this each election cycle. He knows that CA has not built a new refinery in over 40 years. When the Richmond fire happened and Chevron wanted to expand the capacity during the rebuild, they were fought tooth and nail by the City of Richmond and the bevy of environmental groups. They've also been hostile to the bounty of oil and natural gasoline in the State and off shore since 1968 despite this being a tremendous source of revenues and high paying jobs. Instead the state has simply decided to import the oil it needs, mostly from foreign countries. Then, they have a special blend only found in CA so they can't bring any supply from other states which has isolated the options. The state recently pushed a ballot measure that increased the gasoline tax with the intention of helping to build the crumbling infrastructure but little has been done for the actual roads. I'm sure salary increases, expanded benefits and pensions were fulfilled instead.
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: stablemoney 10/6/2024 12:12:20 PM (No. 1808557)
Not to worry, Gov., Ca. is going all electric.
2 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Ashley Brenton 10/6/2024 12:49:06 PM (No. 1808570)
Neat trick Big Oil pulled to make gasoline more expensive in California, but less so in the rest of CONUS.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Krause 10/6/2024 2:09:17 PM (No. 1808609)
Aren’t prices high on everything in California?
4 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Roscoelewis 10/6/2024 2:58:13 PM (No. 1808633)
There are a bunch of really, really, really, stupid and ignorant people in California.
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: earlybird 10/6/2024 3:18:45 PM (No. 1808639)
It has been common knowledge in California for a long long time that our gas costs us more because of all the regulations.
5 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 10/6/2024 5:10:42 PM (No. 1808674)
Newsom is a liar and a fool. Gas is higher in California because of California's crazy "green" laws.
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: JimBob 10/6/2024 7:54:14 PM (No. 1808747)
KonnieFormia should thank Big Oil that they have ANY fuel at all.
0 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: mifla 10/7/2024 4:38:10 AM (No. 1808846)
When you reduce supply without reducing demand, prices go up. Hope that helps, Gavin.
0 people like this.

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Pope Francis to Make Gay Rights Advocate
a Cardinal
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Posted by Beardo 10/7/2024 9:10:50 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis has announced his intention to make 21 new cardinals on December 8, among whom is the pro-LGBT Dominican friar Timothy Radcliffe. In 2023, the pontiff chose the woke friar to open the Vatican Synod on Synodality, who began his words by confessing, “I am old, white, a Westerner, and a man! I don’t know which is worse.” (snip) “I have no doubt that God does call homosexuals to the priesthood, and they are among the most dedicated and impressive priests I have met,” he stated. (snip) In 2013, Father Radcliffe argued that gay sex can be “Eucharistic,” expressive of Christ’s self-gift in Holy Communion.
Gov Newsom claims Big Oil is to blame
for high gas prices, but new report blames
climate policies
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/6/2024 11:04:37 AM Post Reply
California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom has continuously denied that the state’s policies have anything to do with sky-high gas prices the state's residents pay, arguing that it’s “Big Oil” driving up gasoline prices. But a new study shows policies have added as much as $1.91 per gallon to what Californians pay at the pump. According to AAA, Americans on Saturday were paying on average $3.177 a gallon for gasoline. Californians were paying $4.676 per gallon on average. The gap can vary. A year ago, the average national price was $3.814 per gallon, while Californians were paying $6.059 per gallon.
Supreme Court Agrees To Consider Woman’s
Claim She Lost Job Because She Is Not Gay
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Posted by Beardo 10/4/2024 9:23:59 PM Post Reply
The Supreme Court agreed Friday to consider a woman’s claim that she was demoted because she is straight. Marlean Ames, who began working for the Ohio Department of Youth Services in 2004, sued the department for sex-based discrimination in 2020, alleging she did not receive a promotion and was later demoted because she is a “heterosexual woman,” according to court records Ames brought her case under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans sex-based workplace discrimination. The justices agreed to weigh in on whether a heightened standard should be required for members of a “majority-group” to bring such claims.
Maryland Police To Fork Over More Than
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Posted by Beardo 10/4/2024 1:02:05 AM Post Reply
The Maryland Department of State Police (MDSP) has committed to shell out more than $2 million in back pay to black and female applicants who could not pass state trooper tests as part of a settlement agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). (snip) MDSP requires that state trooper candidates successfully complete both written and physical tests, which the DOJ alleged “discriminate” against the black and female candidates who could not pass them. MDSP’s Functional Fitness Assessment Test (FFAT) required female applicants to do “push-ups, sit-ups, a seated reach, a trigger pull, and a one-and-a-half mile run,” according to the complaint.
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Posted by Beardo 10/1/2024 9:05:40 AM Post Reply
Jimmy Carter has accomplished something no other former U.S. president has — he notched a 100th birthday. (snip) The proud Democrat, who has grown increasingly weaker in recent months, has told relatives he wants to hang on until Oct. 15, when early voting begins in Georgia, so he can cast his ballot in the 2024 presidential election. “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris,” Carter said, his grandson, Jason Carter, told The Atlanta Constitution.
Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Barring Local
Authorities from Requiring Voter ID
8 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/30/2024 8:55:38 PM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Sunday that will bar local authorities from requiring photo ID to vote, which exceeds the state’s requirements. California is one of 14 Democrat-run states that do not require any ID to vote, despite requiring it for many other purposes. Voters at polling places are checked off against voter rolls without further proof being required; voters who submit mail-in ballots must include their signatures on the envelopes that are checked by a machine against the signatures on file in voter registration records.
Kamala Harris and the Case of the Illegal Lawyer 1 reply
Posted by Beardo 9/26/2024 9:55:47 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris’ plan to visit the border has recalled her support for illegal alien Sergio Garcia to obtain a license to practice law, a move opposed by the Obama DOJ. Garcia is now the poster child for the policies Harris would apply as president. (snip) He passed the bar exam in 2009 but opponents questioned whether he should be admitted to a profession whose members have a duty to support state and federal laws. Attorney General Harris submitted an amicus brief and provided an attorney to argue Garcia’s case before the state’s Supreme Court. By most accounts, it was Harris’ support that tilted the case in Garcia’s favor.
New York City Schools Chancellor David
Banks Announces Retirement After Feds
Raid His Home
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/26/2024 1:00:18 PM Post Reply
New York City Schools Chancellor David Banks announced Wednesday that he will be retiring Dec. 31. Federal agents raided the home of the 62-year-old chancellor, who helms the largest school system in the country, on Sept. 4, CBS News reported. Authorities reportedly seized his phones. Officials claimed that Banks already decided to retire prior to the raid. “I am confirming that I am cooperating with a federal inquiry. At this time, I cannot comment any further on that matter,” Banks said of the federal probe, reported.
Janet Jackson's Response to Fury Over
Her Kamala Harris Comments Likely to Tick
Critics Off Even More
4 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/24/2024 8:21:21 PM Post Reply
Janet Jackson created a firestorm over the weekend when an interview that she did with The Guardian was released. In the interview, the big thing that got people's attention was that she said she heard that Kamala Harris was "not black." "Well, you know what they supposedly said?" Jackson said. "She’s not black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian." She also said she heard Harris' father was "white." (snip) Now, normally what you would have in such a situation, the next step would be the calls for cancellation, followed by the obligatory apology so you don't get canceled. But that isn't quite how it worked out with Ms. Jackson.
Trump-Hating Colorado Secretary Of State
Loses Another Election Integrity Battle
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/23/2024 9:23:00 PM Post Reply
Jena Griswold, Colorado’s rabidly leftist Secretary of State who will forever be known for her anti-democratic drive to knock former President Donald Trump off the ballot, has suffered another election law loss in federal court. The U.S. District Court for the Colorado District last week issued an order demanding the Democrat secretary of state release Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) reports suspected of containing dead registrants on the state’s voter rolls. The reports, according to a settlement, include individuals who may have died within the past three years. It’s another significant election integrity victory for the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF),
JUST IN: Former NYC Mayor De Blasio’s
COVID Czar Caught on Video Talking About
Wild Sex and Drug Parties He and His Wife
Hosted While He Locked Down Businesses
and Shamed The Non-Vaccinated (VIDEO)
12 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/19/2024 1:10:08 PM Post Reply
New York City, with a population of over 8.8 million, had some of the most iron-fisted COVID lockdown policies in America. While the ridiculous, unscientific COVID policies in America’s largest city, which is run almost exclusively by Democrats, were destroying businesses and lives, the person in charge of setting those policies was hosting private sex parties with his wife on Wall Street. In an undercover meeting with a reporter working for Steven Crowder’s popular Mug Club show, Dr. Jay Varma, the former Socialist Mayor Bill De Blasio’s COVID Czar for NYC, was caught revealing stunning details about how he ignored the mandates he pushed on citizens,
Trump After 2nd Assassination Attempt:
‘There’s Something Going on, Perhaps
It’s God’
5 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/18/2024 11:53:04 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump said, “There’s something going on, perhaps it’s God,” one day after surviving a second assassination attempt within the span of two months. “There’s something going on, perhaps it’s God wanting me to be president to save this country,” Trump quipped in a Monday night X Space. “Nobody knows.”
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Pope Francis to Make Gay Rights Advocate
a Cardinal
30 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/7/2024 9:10:50 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis has announced his intention to make 21 new cardinals on December 8, among whom is the pro-LGBT Dominican friar Timothy Radcliffe. In 2023, the pontiff chose the woke friar to open the Vatican Synod on Synodality, who began his words by confessing, “I am old, white, a Westerner, and a man! I don’t know which is worse.” (snip) “I have no doubt that God does call homosexuals to the priesthood, and they are among the most dedicated and impressive priests I have met,” he stated. (snip) In 2013, Father Radcliffe argued that gay sex can be “Eucharistic,” expressive of Christ’s self-gift in Holy Communion.
Exclusive: Fight to save signatures from
extinction as teachers warn millions of
kids can't sign their name anymore
27 replies
Posted by Imright 10/7/2024 8:56:37 AM Post Reply
The art of the traditional signature is becoming a thing of the past thanks to the rise of online contracts, e-signatures and PIN numbers. Surveys show that just a fifth of young adults aged 18 to 24 now have a personal signature, and a similar share of adults use their signature so infrequently, they can't produce the same one consistently. And that matches what teachers are seeing. Dr Lori Koerner, the assistant superintendent for the Riverhead Central School District in New York, told 'I have encountered too many secondary students and employment candidates who cannot sign documents relative to their onboarding process.'
Walz to sit down for solo Fox News interview 23 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/6/2024 6:06:22 AM Post Reply
Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), the Democratic vice presidential nominee, will join Fox News Sunday for his first solo interview on Oct. 6 at 2:00 p.m. according to a Saturday announcement. The outlet said Shannon Bream will ask him about the state of the race, the September vice presidential debate and other news of the day. Walz has come under attention recently from some in the media for not doing more appearances. “I’m bewildered a little bit by the absence of both the presidential candidate and the vice presidential candidate on television since they became the nominees,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said o ahead of the vice presidential debate earlier this week.
Macron Calls for End to Funding for Israeli Arms 21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/6/2024 6:09:07 PM Post Reply
The better Israel does in its ongoing retaliation against Iran and its terrorist proxies, the more it seems as if their supposed allies have lined up to thwart their efforts in every fashion imaginable. The latest to join the parade was French President Emmanuel Macron who is no longer willing to settle for Israel "showing restraint" against Lebanon and other targets. Yesterday, on a French radio program, Macron urged a return to "a political solution" to the ongoing dispute. He clarified what he meant, saying that the West should end arms deliveries to Israel for use in Gaza. The response from Prime Minister Netanyahu was rapid
NBC’s Mitchell: Harris Needs to ‘Double
Down’ on Doing Serious Interviews —
She’s Got ‘Big Problem with Men’
19 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/7/2024 6:41:49 AM Post Reply
NBC News chief Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell said Sunday on “Meet the Press” that Vice President Kamala Harris has to “double down” on doing serious interviews because she is not polling well with male voters. Mitchell said, “They have to double down on doing more interviews and serious interviews because what I’m hearing from Democratic and Republican business people and a lot of men. She has such a big problem with men. I think there’s an undercount of the Trump vote. I think there’s misogyny in all of this, black and white men, big problem.”
Harris Was Put in Charge of the $42.5
Billion 'Internet For All' Plan. Where
is it?
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/6/2024 6:40:04 PM Post Reply
We should be used to the idea by now that the Biden administration does not exist in the same time frame of the universe as the rest of us. You might recall the $7.5 billion set aside in the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to build 500,000 EV charging stations across the country. As of June, exactly eight charging stations had been built. Amazingly, in that same Act, Congress authorized the Commerce Department to create an "Internet For All" scheme, which was supposed to bring broadband internet to everyone in America at an affordable price by 2030.
Tim Walz gets grilled for falsehoods,
doubts ‘people care’ about his misstatements
18 replies
Posted by Imright 10/6/2024 1:10:10 PM Post Reply
Democratic vice presidential hopeful Tim Walz fessed up to making numerous false statements, but implied that voters aren’t too concerned about his “misspeaking.” When confronted about his various fibs ranging from being in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square massacre to his wife’s reproductive assistance and more, Walz argued that sometimes he gets tripped up by his passion. “I think they heard me the other night speaking passionately about gun violence and misspeaking,” Walz told “Fox News Sunday,” alluding to how he flubbed an answer during the VP debate and sputtered out the unfortunate turn-of-phrase, “I’ve become friends with school shooters.”
Arizona Supreme Court Green-Lights Ranked-Choice
Voting Ballot Initiative Riddled With
Duplicate Signatures
17 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/7/2024 9:34:00 AM Post Reply
On Friday, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that votes cast for a pro-ranked-choice voting constitutional amendment in the 2024 election will count — even though nearly 38,000 signatures supporting the amendment proposal were duplicates. In its decision, the Grand Canyon State’s high court rejected a challenge seeking to have votes cast for Proposition 140 voided after a lower court special master disclosed that 37,657 pairs of signatures gathered in support of the measure were duplicates. As previously argued by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club (AZFEC), the finding “place[s] Proposition 140 thousands of signatures under the constitutionally required signature threshold to qualify for the [November] ballot.”
Anti-Israel protester lights himself on
fire outside of White House, video shows
15 replies
Posted by Imright 10/6/2024 2:59:31 AM Post Reply
A protester who works in the media lit himself on fire outside of the White House during an anti-Israel protest on Saturday evening, disturbing video shows. The man, identified as photojournalist Samuel Mena Jr, can be seen screaming in pain after he set his left arm ablaze in the middle of the street as shocked police officers and bystanders rush over to help, according to one clip. Mena holds his left arm — engulfed in flames — high in the air to show others as several people quickly douse him with water and beat out the flames with pieces of clothing.
Resurfaced video shows FEMA exec talking
about prioritizing LGBTQ hurricane victims
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/7/2024 1:44:41 PM Post Reply
A FEMA disaster preparedness meeting about 'focusing efforts on LGBTQIA+' victims has resurfaced following the agency's response to Hurricane Helene. In a virtual meeting from March 2023, FEMA Emergency Management Specialist Tyler Atkins alarmingly said the agency was prioritizing LGBTQ people because they are 'already disadvantaged.' 'They already have their own things to deal with. So you add a disaster on top of that, it’s just compounding on itself,' Atkins, who uses he/they pronouns, told the panel. It comes as FEMA has faced mounting backlash in the weeks since Hurricane Helene tore through the southeast and killed at least 227 people,
Columbia donations drop nearly 29% to
$21.4M in wake of anti-Israel protests
14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 10/6/2024 5:18:40 AM Post Reply
Columbia University saw donations at its annual fundraiser drop nearly 29% after the spate of anti-Israel protests on campus earlier this year. The annual “Giving Day” event brought in $21.4 million in 2024, compared to $30 million in 2022, the last time the event was held, according to campus newspaper Columbia Spectator. Giving Day was postponed in 2023 due to the Oct. 7 Hamas attack and the ensuing protests. The Ivy League university also saw a nearly 28% drop in the number of gifts, falling from 19,229 in 2022 to 13,870, the lowest since 2015, the paper said.
Mexican immigrant families plagued by
grief, questions after plant workers swept
away by Helene
14 replies
Posted by Imright 10/6/2024 2:50:48 AM Post Reply
Erwin, Tenn.—With shaking hands, Daniel Delgado kissed a photo of his wife, Monica Hernandez, before lighting a candle in a supermarket parking lot. Family members hugged pictures printed on poster board, some collapsing into them in tears as search helicopters flew overhead in the direction of the hills. Days after six workers at a plastics factory disappeared under surging floodwaters caused by Hurricane Helene, loved ones and supporters have been gathering for vigils in front of churches, a high school and a grocery store to honor them. Most nights, prayers in Spanish are spoken over rosary beads: “Mary, mother of Jesus, intercede and help us find them.”
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