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Warming Alarmists Again Give Away Their
Real Objective

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 9/13/2024 9:46:47 AM

What do the climate activists really want? Do they have nothing more in mind than a noble crusade to prevent the burning sky from falling on us? Or is the global warming scare just another piece of the revolution? It’s of course the latter. We know this because they’re constantly telling us it is. The most recent admission comes from Los Angeles Times environmental reporter Rosanna Xia, whose exhausting essay under the headline “To fix climate anxiety (and also climate change), we first have to fix individualism” was posted on Wednesday – yes, Sept. 11.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: franq 9/13/2024 11:50:42 AM (No. 1795068)
The ultimate goal of all leftist organizations. Personal enrichment, through mass control and subjugation. It has been ever thus.
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: stablemoney 9/13/2024 11:56:10 AM (No. 1795075)
The losers voting for all this change are going to be surprised that none of the change they are voting for includes them advancing above losers. I guess that is part of being a loser.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: kono 9/13/2024 12:07:57 PM (No. 1795085)
Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. God, family, country. Self-control, and other-assist. Stick yer vulgar communism where the sun don't shine...
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Manxsom Foe 9/13/2024 1:59:26 PM (No. 1795130)
The opposite of equity is justice.
0 people like this.

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Warming Alarmists Again Give Away Their
Real Objective
4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/13/2024 9:46:47 AM Post Reply
What do the climate activists really want? Do they have nothing more in mind than a noble crusade to prevent the burning sky from falling on us? Or is the global warming scare just another piece of the revolution? It’s of course the latter. We know this because they’re constantly telling us it is. The most recent admission comes from Los Angeles Times environmental reporter Rosanna Xia, whose exhausting essay under the headline “To fix climate anxiety (and also climate change), we first have to fix individualism” was posted on Wednesday – yes, Sept. 11.
Before Debate, Trump Holds Edge Over Harris
On 8 Of 10 Key Campaign Issues: I&I/TIPP Poll
3 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/11/2024 8:45:16 AM Post Reply
Americans of all political stripes seem to agree the country faces a lot of challenges. But whom do voters trust more to deal with these issues? Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, or Republican candidate Donald Trump? The voters spoke, and Trump wins, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Specifically, in the September I&I/TIPP Poll, 1,386 registered voters were asked this question: “Regardless of whom you support, whom do you trust more on the following issues?” Voters were given 10 issues of national importance, including “Securing the border,” “Lowering the national debt,” “Improving national security,” “Reducing crime,”
There’s Nothing New About Kamala’s
‘New Way Forward’ — Except Stuff
She Stole From Trump
5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/10/2024 12:30:54 AM Post Reply
Fifty days after Joe Biden quit his re-election campaign – and one day before she debates Donald Trump — Kamala Harris finally posted an “Issues” page on her website, detailing her plans if she wins the election in November. Now we know why she waited so long. She calls this “A New Way Forward.” But it’s actually just the Biden plan with a few added wrinkles — which either have been widely panned or were stolen from Donald Trump. The day after Biden made his announcement, Harris had her own campaign website set up. And it included an “Issues” page, which was a
The Biden-Harris Jobs Con Continues 5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/8/2024 10:39:11 AM Post Reply
As it has done every month this year, the Biden administration continues to gaslight the public about job growth. Each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports headline-grabbing job-creation numbers, then quietly cuts that number in subsequent months – often by huge amounts. The latest report is no exception. The headline Friday is that the economy created 142,000 jobs in August – a figure that is close to economists’ expectations and that prompted CNN to cheer “The sky is not falling.” But buried in the report is the fact that the BLS sharply cut the number of jobs created in both June and July.
Climate Indoctrination Accelerates As
The Narrative Breaks Down
8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/6/2024 8:50:20 AM Post Reply
The global warming alarmist cabal continues to spin its many yarns and press forward with its propaganda program. Maybe the zealots are becoming desperate because they see the facts aren’t lining up with their hyperbole. Following the get-’em-while-they’re-young school of thought, the climate agitators are targeting kindergarteners. NASA’s Climate Kids webpage, for instance, says “global warming will affect everyone on Earth.” While admitting that “fossil fuels have changed the course of human history,” NASA also says “these good things come at a cost. The cost is pollution, the destruction of landscapes and natural habitats, oil spills in the ocean, and nasty fracking chemicals in the ground.
Biden Confesses To A Big Lie, And Nobody
Notices … Not Even Joe
6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/5/2024 8:29:12 AM Post Reply
In a 19-word post on X this past Sunday, President Joe Biden admitted that he has been lying to the public for years. It didn’t make news, partly because Biden is now irrelevant. But it should. Because Kamala Harris is now repeating the lie. “Since I took office,” Biden posted, “we’ve recovered all the jobs lost during the pandemic. And added over 6 million more.” Why Biden, or whoever on his staff was running his X feed, decided to post this on a Sunday is anyone’s guess. Whatever the reason, it went almost entirely overlooked. We came across it courtesy
Was Ist Verboten 9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/27/2024 8:48:47 AM Post Reply
We’ve noticed over the last couple of decades a repeating cycle in which finger-wagging scolds tell us that we need to drop some of the conveniences of modernity as sacrifices to Gaia, our Mother Earth. Two examples that have come around more frequently than Halley’s Comet have been the loony broadsides launched against air conditioning and showers. Now add to that a campaign aimed at refrigeration, because it causes “wide-ranging climate implications.” Nicola Twilley, author of “Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves,” seems to be on a crusade to reverse the benefits of refrigeration.
Can Biden’s Supreme Court Reforms Survive
Without Majority Support? I&I/TIPP Poll
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/26/2024 9:19:55 AM Post Reply
President and former Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden made clear his disdain for the current U.S. Supreme Court by proposing that justices have term limits and by imposing a “code of ethics” on its members. A plurality of Americans agree, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows, but the poll reveals a sharp political schism emerging over the issue. Depending on which party wins, the next Congress will decide whether the limits on the justices will go into effect or whether the plan gets deep-sixed. For the Supreme Court, the stakes will be high. In the national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,488 adults taken
Can Biden’s Supreme Court Reforms Survive
Without Majority Support? I&I/TIPP Poll
2 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/26/2024 9:12:36 AM Post Reply
President and former Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden made clear his disdain for the current U.S. Supreme Court by proposing that justices have term limits and by imposing a “code of ethics” on its members. A plurality of Americans agree, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows, but the poll reveals a sharp political schism emerging over the issue. Depending on which party wins, the next Congress will decide whether the limits on the justices will go into effect or whether the plan gets deep-sixed. For the Supreme Court, the stakes will be high. In the national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,488 adults taken
The Media Marketed Candidates 5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/23/2024 11:14:27 AM Post Reply
Until Thursday night, we did not know that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are truly supreme beings. They are the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful humans we’ve ever known. We realize this now because he media told us so. And the American media would never try to manipulate the voters, would it? It just tells the story straight. For instance:
Kamala’s Bait-And-Switch: Progressivism
For Socialism
3 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/23/2024 8:04:53 AM Post Reply
If you’re one of the shrunken number of people who have bothered to watch the Democratic National Convention, you will by now certainly know it’s been long on rhetoric, and incredibly short on policy specifics. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature. On Thursday night’s final evening of the Democratic National Convention, the party’s candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t release a party platform. So “our democracy,” as the Dems like to call it, apparently doesn’t come equipped with any policy promises. Just a candidate, who received zero votes in any primary. The truth is, the increasingly far-left Democratic Party doesn’t want anyone
Don’t Forget What Harris And Biden Have
Done To The Country
2 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/22/2024 8:11:25 AM Post Reply
When Americans listen to Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech tonight, they need to tune out the thrill-up-the-leg praise from the media and the audience’s stream of verbal bouquets and ask themselves one question: Are they better off today than they were four years ago. For all but a few, the answer would be resounding “no.” In the only debate between President Jimmy Carter and challenger Ronald Reagan in the 1980 campaign, just days before the election, Reagan asked what the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government called “one of the most important campaign questions of all time: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Pope Francis slams both Trump and Harris
but tells Americans to vote for 'lesser
of two evils'
35 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/13/2024 4:38:30 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis on Friday slammed both major U.S. presidential candidates as "against life," because of Vice President Kamala Harris's stance on abortion, and former President Donald Trump's stance on immigration, but told Americans to choose the "lesser of two evils." The pope, who has weighed in on politics as the head of the Catholic Church more than his recent predecessors, did not indicate which candidate was considered the "lesser of two evils." (snip) The pope previously blasted Trump for his immigration policies in the 2016 presidential election, because of his desire to build a border wall. Francis claimed that anyone who did so was "not a Christian."
Chris Wallace: As 'Famous Gangster Actor,'
Robert De Niro Has Street Cred to Call
Trump a 'Gangster'
34 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/14/2024 8:26:21 AM Post Reply
Along with Hollywood "Meathead" Rob Reiner, La La Land's Robert De Niro is undoubtedly one of the most Trump-loathing people on the planet. The venom spewed by these two leftists against the former president is so toxic that the unintended humor is off the charts. Toss Chris Wallace, former host of "Fox News Sunday," now a CNN simp, into the mix, and it doesn't get any better. Such was the case on Friday when Wallace trotted onto the set of "CNN News Central" to pimp his latest episode of HBO Max's "Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?" with De Niro. In both shows, Wallace fawned over TDS-riddled De Niro
Democratic congressman claims Electoral
College 'can get you killed,' blames
for Jan. 6 Capitol riot
25 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/14/2024 12:05:07 AM Post Reply
Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., slammed the Electoral College as an "obsolete" system from the 18th century that is deadly for Americans.Raskin spoke with The Free Speech project at the Riggs Library in Washington D.C. on Friday. The congressman expounded on a variety of topics, particularly his efforts to discredit and ultimately circumvent the Electoral College in the name of protecting American democracy. "We passed the nation’s first National Popular Vote Interstate Compact," he said, touting his work. "We initiated that, we’re now more than two thirds of the way there, because it’s 2024.
Exclusive: 'Cat-eating' claims fuel anti-Haitian
immigrant hate as Trump stokes tensions
in quiet Ohio town
25 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2024 8:16:06 PM Post Reply
For more than two centuries, it’s a town that has stayed out of the spotlight as its largely law-abiding folk quietly carried on with their lives. It's so unassuming, even its name was taken from another city. But now Springfield, Ohio, has suddenly found itself under worldwide scrutiny over its burgeoning Haitian population – and you can taste the tension on the streets.The latest inflammatory and unproven accusations that some new immigrants are eating household pets have only served to increase the rancor of many locals who cannot accept the new arrivals. Meanwhile, some of the 15,000 or so Haitians who have made the city their home
Linsey Davis Reveals How She, David Muir
and ABC News Schemed to Protect Kamala
Harris by Ambushing President Trump With
‘Fact Checks’ After He Crushed Biden
in Debate
24 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2024 9:50:01 AM Post Reply
ABC News anchor Linsey Davis revealed in a post-debate Los Angeles Times puff-piece profile how she, ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir and ABC producers schemed to ambush President Trump with ‘fact checks’ at Tuesday night’s presidential debate in Philadelphia with Kamala Harris after watching Trump crush and knock Joe Biden out of the race in their June debate. (Photos) The fact checking at the debate was one-sided, with Trump being interrupted by Muir and Davis several times with ‘fact checks’ while Harris was not ‘fact checked’ once.
ABC denies extraordinary allegation about
collusion between Kamala Harris and debate
moderators after fury from MAGA
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2024 2:11:55 PM Post Reply
ABC News is denying the extraordinary allegations there was collusion between the presidential debate moderators and Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign. 'Absolutely not,' an ABC News spokesperson told the Daily Beast. 'Harris was not given any questions before the debate.' Former President Donald Trump and his MAGA allies have stoked conspiracy theories that Harris had a leg up in the debate. Most polling showed that Americans believed Harris had the more commanding performance onstage Tuesday night in Philadelphia.
Springfield residents turn on John Legend
after Ohio town's most famous son urges
them to embrace 15,000 Haitian migrants
… from comfort of his Beverly Hills mansion
22 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2024 8:50:00 AM Post Reply
Singer John Legend waded into the boiling migrant crisis unfolding in his hometown of Springfield, Ohio, by telling the town's residents to 'embrace' the 20,000 Haitian migrants whose arrival has sparked a political firestorm. In a recorded Instagram video from his Beverly Hills mansion, Legend - a staunch Democrat - said: 'So you might imagine there are some challenges with, you know, integrating a new population. 'New language, new culture, new dietary preferences. All kinds of reasons why they might be growing pains'.
Full list of 292 stores being
closed by Lowe's rival as they hold huge
stock clearances
21 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2024 4:31:11 PM Post Reply
Details have emerged of the first batch of stores that Big Lots is closing for good. The 292 locations, dotted all over the country, are offering as much as 50 percent off bargains - prompting a rush of shoppers looking for deals. The Columbus, Ohio-based chain on Monday filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after years of making big losses. In total, it plans to close a third of its 1,392 locations to cuts costs as it woos a new owner. Retail experts say Big Lots main problem is that it markets itself as a place for bargains, but it is often more expensive than the likes of Walmart and Target.
Yikes: What Was That Tim Walz Just Called
Kamala Harris at MI Event?
21 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/13/2024 8:31:34 AM Post Reply
If you judge Kamala Harris by the one big decision she made so far in her campaign — picking Tim Walz as a running mate — she doesn't fare very well. Walz has largely been a mess, bringing with him a stolen valor scandal and all sorts of prevarications about his life.[Snip] But he put his foot in it big time when he started to tell a story that he said he loved about Kamala Harris.(Video) "As a young prostituter, Kamala Harris talked about going into that courtroom for the first time,"[Snip]… he seemed to swallow hard after that and try to move on, but there was no taking it back.
Harris Campaign Aide Hesitant to Have
Children Due to Climate Change
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/14/2024 10:21:24 AM Post Reply
A Harris campaign aide who focuses on climate change once promoted the anti-natalist view that the potential for widespread environmental destruction is a reason not to have children. Camila Thorndike, the climate engagement director for Vice President Kamala Harris’s 2024 presidential campaign, told the Washington Post in 2022 that fears of climate change have factored into her hesitation to have children. “It’s coming partly from a place of love for my hypothetical child,” she said.
If True, the ABC News Presidential Debate
Could Be Rocked by Explosive Scandal
18 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/13/2024 4:44:25 AM Post Reply
Anyone who watched the presidential debate hosted by ABC News on Tuesday knows that the moderators were biased and repeatedly fact-checked Trump while letting Kamala Harris's lies go unchallenged. We kind of expected that to happen, as the bias and conflicts of interests of the moderators and the network as a whole were well established. However, there are reports now that an ABC News whistleblower is about to come forward with evidence that Kamala was given sample questions before the debate. 
Stormy Daniels Fears Trump Will Try Her
for Treason if He Wins Election
17 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/14/2024 6:51:20 PM Post Reply
Left-wing porn star Stormy Daniels says she’s afraid that former President Donald Trump will have her tried for treason if he wins the 2024 election.[Snip] Daniels, who told Rolling Stone she’s currently “living in an RV,” still has to pay Trump’s legal fees related to a separate defamation case. In the meantime, she has been on tour doing a stand-up comedy routine and lambasting the former president. She noted to the magazine that she feels she has lost more than she has gained.
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