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Tim Walz Says During Covid He Isolated
and Left His 87-Year-Old Mother, Post-Heart
Surgery, Alone in Her Home to Fend For
Herself (VIDEO)

Original Article

Posted By: Beardo, 8/11/2024 2:30:49 PM

Kamala Harris’s running mate, stolen valor Tim Walz, once bragged about leaving his 87-year-old mother who had just undergone heart surgery alone in her home to fend for herself. The far-left Minnesota governor said during Covid he isolated and left his mother, who just had major surgery, alone in her home to fend for herself. “This is what we do in my family – my 87-year-old mother had heart surgery. We isolated her. Our goal was to bring her up here and live with us for a while. We can’t bring her. So she is alone. We drop groceries at the door. We have to!”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: jasonB 8/11/2024 2:33:43 PM (No. 1776375)
If there was a photo in the dictionary for Coward. Timmy would be that picture.
45 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: FJB 8/11/2024 2:37:10 PM (No. 1776378)
This guy is one sweetheart.
33 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 8/11/2024 2:46:16 PM (No. 1776382)
At least you know he'll abandon you and it's convenient for him.
32 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Rumblehog 8/11/2024 2:57:40 PM (No. 1776384)
Typical Communist. Worships the "Communist State" not a "god" from any religion. He is much more thankful for the State's "Policies" than for his very own mother, who birthed and nursed him, and tried her best to raise him as a God fearing American Christian man. Instead our nation got a Mao Tse-tung worshipping Communist who destroys everything he touches.
30 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: zoidberg 8/11/2024 3:00:33 PM (No. 1776389)
Abandons his unit, abandons his mom. I hope the voters abandon him.
69 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: snakeoil 8/11/2024 3:11:34 PM (No. 1776395)
Not to go off topic. But, it amused me to see people not within 200 feet from others wear their mask. Yes, I wore a mask. Not to protect me but to ease the fears of others. Not even a N95 mask can stop something as small as a virus. It's like putting up a picket fence to stop mosquitoes. I also had 5 COVID jabs. I was a coward and dumb. But, I'm still here.
19 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 8/11/2024 3:19:10 PM (No. 1776399)
Seems he deserts everyone who depends on him
31 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: cor-vet 8/11/2024 3:21:34 PM (No. 1776402)
That's one abortion his mother probably regretted not getting!
14 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Quigley 8/11/2024 3:24:33 PM (No. 1776404)
That’s very “neighborly” Tiny Tim With The Mouth of a Frog. After all, one must obey when the Authoritarians command. Parents must be jettisoned when the State needs a photo opp. Big Bidet’s son was killed in Iraq when Big Bidet needs it so.
15 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: padiva 8/11/2024 3:27:08 PM (No. 1776406)
What he does speaks so loudly, I can't hear what he is saying.
12 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Tusker 8/11/2024 3:43:03 PM (No. 1776412)
This sorry sonofabuck is beyond coward. What a worthless, sorry example of knuckledragging trash. One only hopes he finds himself alone as he sinks into well deserved oblivion. Hideous and hateful. There are not enough negative adjectives to describe this yellow-belly.
32 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: jalo1951 8/11/2024 3:55:37 PM (No. 1776418)
17 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Rivetjoint 8/11/2024 4:08:35 PM (No. 1776424)
This guy reminds me of the woman who married my wife's dad after her mother died. Wife Number Two was always so faithful in following any and all rules that authorities mandated to the point that she obeyed local recycling rules requiring washing of bottles to the extent that she included used drinking water bottles. No attempts to explain that being unnecessary would sway her from being a devoted citizen.
10 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Beardo 8/11/2024 4:19:58 PM (No. 1776429)
This guy actually makes Governor Cuomo look more human for having pulled some strings to get favored care for his mother.
16 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: PostAway 8/11/2024 4:34:21 PM (No. 1776436)
Well, yes, Walz did throw his own mother under a bus but it was for the sake of appearances. Anyway, it is ok with Chuckles as long as it was one of her beloved yellow school buses and the wheels on that bus went “thud….help! help!……please son, have mercy on your poor mother!”
10 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Chiritwo 8/11/2024 4:43:49 PM (No. 1776440)
He's bragging about this? Yet people will still vote for him. A golfing buddy voted a few days ago - guess who she voted for. I told her I wouldn't vote this early because one never knows what will come out. Since the yahoo duo haven't given their stance on anything, she doesn't want to facts interfering with her vote. She would be called the low info voter.
17 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: franq 8/11/2024 5:40:42 PM (No. 1776482)
Despicable man, despicable team.
11 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Faithfully 8/11/2024 6:06:03 PM (No. 1776495)
During the fake Covid scare, we never left our elders or our neighbours to the wind. Evening after evening at 6pm tv broadcasters lied to us, reporting the number of deaths that never happened. These women and men in broadcast news need to be held accountable.
13 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Encore 8/11/2024 6:41:54 PM (No. 1776515)
What a loser! My mother-in-law was sent to a hospice facility just as Covid was cranking up. My wife was told she’d have NO access to her. Really? My wife fought like a crazy woman and finally got authorization to spend night and day with her mother, to the end. Walz is s weak, pathetic little man.
18 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: WWIIDaughter 8/11/2024 10:01:43 PM (No. 1776596)
At kid's (masked) 2020 birthday party in Texas for a family member, a cousin of my cousin told me that her mother in Connecticut was having her 100th birthday the following week, but she wasn't going because no visitors were permitted at the very expensive senior facility where mom was living. Before I could stop myself, I said clearly and distinctly: "They'd have to kill me to stop me from seeing my mother." She seemed stunned as I got more cake and walked away. Disgusting.
8 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: mifla 8/12/2024 4:52:24 AM (No. 1776683)
This guy is the gift that keeps on giving. I am sure mothers throughout the country will vote for him now, What an idiot. This ticket truly is Dumb and Dumber.
4 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Old Army Vet 8/12/2024 10:49:05 AM (No. 1776842)
This clown is a real lying weasel. He can try and turn anything that he does and turn it into a major accomplishment when it is all a lie. I've never met anyone like him and hope that I never do.
0 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: broken01 8/12/2024 10:57:27 AM (No. 1776848)
My great uncle told me a long time ago that a sure-fire way to judge a man's character is how he treats his mother. I loved and respected mine. It looks like Tiny Tim doesn't.
1 person likes this.

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Parents sue over teen’s social gender
transition they say was kept from them
2 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/12/2024 6:29:30 PM Post Reply
A family in Adams County has filed a federal lawsuit against state and local education authorities, claiming their daughter’s high school aided her “social transition” to a male identity without the parent’s knowledge or consent, in violation of their constitutional rights. (snip) The lawsuit claims that a counselor at School District 27J then allowed for A.D. to take online therapy sessions on the counselor's computer so A.D.’s parents would not be aware of the social transition. (snip) The complaint says that A.D. came to realize that she doesn’t have a transgender identity, is “de-transitioning,” and is now “on the path to a happier and healthier life.”
Trump to sue DOJ for $100M over Mar-a-Lago
raid, alleging 'political persecution'
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/12/2024 10:33:38 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is set to sue the Justice Department for $100 million in damages over the government’s unprecedented 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago property in Palm Beach, Florida, with lawyers arguing it was done with "clear intent to engage in political persecution." Fox News has obtained Trump’s memo claiming "tortious conduct by the United States against President Trump." Trump and his legal team intend to sue the Justice Department for its conduct during the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago on Aug. 8, 2022, amid the federal investigation into his alleged improper retention of classified records.
Pope Francis Again Recalls U.S. Bombing
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
50 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/11/2024 5:15:11 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis prayed Sunday for the victims of the 1945 atomic bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a topic he has returned to on numerous occasions. (snip) The pontiff has repeatedly condemned the U.S. bombing of Japan that brought an end to the Second World War. Prior to his 2019 trip to Japan, Francis denounced the “evil” bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, calling the attacks a “tragic episode in human history.” “I will soon visit Nagasaki and Hiroshima, where I will offer prayers for the victims of the catastrophic bombing of these two cities, and echo your own prophetic calls for nuclear disarmament,” the pope told Japanese bishops.
Buttigieg: GOP Statements About Walz’s
Record That Campaign Admits Are True Shows
GOP’s ‘Desperate’
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/11/2024 4:46:06 PM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg — who was appearing in his personal capacity — argued that statements from Republicans that 2024 Democratic vice presidential candidate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) overstated his title and falsely claimed to have carried weapons in war — which the Harris-Walz campaign conceded the validity of by updating his bio on their campaign website and saying that Walz misspoke about carrying weapons in war — show “how desperate Republicans are not to talk about the issues.”
Tim Walz Says During Covid He Isolated
and Left His 87-Year-Old Mother, Post-Heart
Surgery, Alone in Her Home to Fend For
Herself (VIDEO)
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/11/2024 2:30:49 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris’s running mate, stolen valor Tim Walz, once bragged about leaving his 87-year-old mother who had just undergone heart surgery alone in her home to fend for herself. The far-left Minnesota governor said during Covid he isolated and left his mother, who just had major surgery, alone in her home to fend for herself. “This is what we do in my family – my 87-year-old mother had heart surgery. We isolated her. Our goal was to bring her up here and live with us for a while. We can’t bring her. So she is alone. We drop groceries at the door. We have to!”
Pence says he’s ‘staying out of the
presidential campaign
31 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/11/2024 2:23:06 PM Post Reply
Former Vice President Mike Pence said Friday he does not intend to endorse or wade into the presidential race this November, expressing concerns about the direction of the Republican Party while criticizing the Democratic agenda. “For my part, I’m staying out of the presidential campaign,” Pence said at “The Gathering,” an event organized by conservative radio host Erick Erickson. “For the reason that I cannot endorse this growing abandonment of our allies on the world stage that’s taken hold in parts of our party,” he said. “I cannot endorse ignoring our national debt that reached $35 trillion just in the last week."
Chaplain of Tim Walz’s National Guard
battalion calls VP pick ‘cowardly’
for abandoning unit
12 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/10/2024 11:04:15 PM Post Reply
The chaplain of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s field artillery regiment said there is no excuse for the Democratic VP pick to have abandoned his National Guard unit before a critical deployment — not even running for Congress. “In our world, to drop out after a WARNORD [warning order] is issued is cowardly, especially for a senior enlisted guy,” retired Capt. Corey Bjertness, now a pastor in Horace, North Dakota, told The Post. (snip) “Running for Congress is not an excuse,” Bjertness said of Walz’s decision to quit. “I stopped everything and went to war. I left my wife with three teenagers and a 6-year-old and I was gone for 19 months.”
Veterans Are Posting Pictures Of Themselves
On Combat Duty “Not Being Tim Walz”
12 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/10/2024 10:48:10 AM Post Reply
U.S. military veterans have taken to social media to post images of themselves on combat duty in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other theatres of war, captioning the pictures “Me not being Tim Walz.” (snip) Kurt Schlichter @KurtSchlichter: "Vets, post your photo of you not being Tim Walz!" (snip) The trend has emerged in the wake of videos showing Walz repeatedly making misleading comments and claims about his military service, and skipping out of deployment to Iraq. Dave McCormick @DaveMcCormickPA: "Here’s a photo of me not being Tim Walz."
FBI let suspect in plot to kill Trump
into U.S. on parole despite terror ties,
Iran trip, memos show
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/9/2024 12:00:10 PM Post Reply
The FBI allowed Asif Raza Merchant, the Pakistani man charged with plotting with Tehran to assassinate Donald Trump and others, to enter the U.S. in April with special permission known as “significant public benefit parole” even though he was flagged on a terrorism watchlist and recently traveled to Iran, according to government documents reviewed by Just the News. The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force interviewed Merchant, fingerprinted him and inspected the contents of his electronic devices when he arrived at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, in Houston, but then let him leave with the special parole that expired on May 11, the memos state.
Jumbled polls show Trump up, surge in
millennials and Generation X
5 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/9/2024 2:36:15 AM Post Reply
National political polls are struggling to grapple with the revived Democratic presidential ticket, but two that have been updating regularly show an advantage for former President Donald Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris. (snip) CNBC said Trump leads by 2 points, 48%-46%, within the margin of error. (snip) In the Rasmussen Reports poll, Trump has maintained his lead, 49%-44%, in a head-to-head contest. (snip) Now, Kennedy is at 3%, and Trump leads Harris in that multi-candidate lineup 49%-44%.
Tim Walz’s Church Doesn’t Like To
Call God ‘Him,’ Supports Reparations
And Pride Parades
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/8/2024 10:21:03 AM Post Reply
Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz attends a church that preaches beliefs related to gender, race and sexuality that many Christian denominations strongly oppose. (snip) Materials published by Pilgrim Lutheran Church instruct parishioners not to refer to God using male pronouns, push congregants to support reparation funds, encourage them to celebrate Ramadan and include a modified gender-neutral version of the Lord’s Prayer, among other liberal practices. Pilgrim Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a mainline protestant denomination that has been criticized by some conservative Christians for ordaining transgender and lesbian bishops as well as for its embrace of LGBT ideology.
Neuroscientists blame racism for black
women aging faster
24 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/7/2024 2:01:04 PM Post Reply
Stress on the body caused by racism may cut African American women’s lives short, according to a recent study by neuroscientists at Harvard and Emory universities. Their research, published in the journal JAMA Network Open in June, found a connection between “higher self-reported racial discrimination” and “DNA methylation age acceleration” among black women. “Racism steals time from people’s lives – possibly because of the space it occupies in the mind,” lead researchers Negar Fani and Nathaniel Harnett wrote in an article this week at The Conversation. Fani is a professor at Emory and Harnett at Harvard, both in the areas of psychiatry and neuroscience.
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New: In 2021 9/11 Speech, Tim Walz References
'Being on the Tarmac at Bagram' During
a Ramp Ceremony
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2024 12:50:36 AM Post Reply
Speaking to a crowd of veterans on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz talked about his time in the National Guard and missing a year of his daughter's life, then immediately followed that reference with a story about standing on the tarmac at Bagram Air Base and watching a ramp ceremony, and the emotional effect that had on him. If listeners knew nothing else about Walz, they'd believe that he missed a year of his daughter's life because he deployed for combat and saw some hard things. But, as we all know now, that's not the case. He deployed to Italy
Joe Biden Threatens President Trump AGAIN
– Calls Him Danger to Society – Puts
Target on His Back for ANOTHER Assassination Attempt
19 replies
Posted by Imright 8/12/2024 8:18:17 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden held his first interview today since being pushed out of the 2024 presidential race. Biden spoke to CBS’ Robert Costa in an interview taped for Sunday morning and stated that he left the race despite claiming he was in a dead heat with Trump in the polls (he wasn’t). But Democrats were concerned that his struggles would hurt them in down-ballot races. He also seemingly confirmed one critical part of the coup: Nancy Pelosi pressured him to drop out behind the scenes due to her concerns over him losing and dragging Congress down with him.
Pentagon chief orders submarine to the
Middle East, tells aircraft carrier to
hasten its transit
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2024 12:36:46 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered a guided missile submarine to the Middle East and is telling the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group to sail more quickly to the area, the Defense Department said Sunday. The moves come as the U.S. and other allies push for Israel and Hamas to achieve a cease-fire agreement that could help calm soaring tensions in the region following the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and a senior Hezbollah commander in Beirut. Officials have been on the lookout for retaliatory strikes by both Iran and Hezbollah for the killings, and the U.S. has been beefing up
UK Police Threaten to Extradite, Jail
Americans Who Criticize Them
18 replies
Posted by mc squared 8/12/2024 12:44:15 PM Post Reply
This was clearly an unforeseen development coming out of the United Kingdom. As we recently discussed, unrest has been growing among the Brits over the massive migration of illegal aliens to their shores, similar to what's been seen in the United States over the past couple of years.[snip] Not only don't they want people protesting in the streets, but they are looking to silence any complaints being made online. And he's not limiting the threat to only UK citizens. He's threatening to extradite and imprison Americans who sympathize with the cause of the protesters. This is a position that he needs to rethink very quickly.
European Tech Regulator Threatens to Punish
Elon Musk, X for Airing Trump Interview
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2024 4:15:33 PM Post Reply
The European Commission is threatening X owner Elon Musk with possible legal consequences for his plans to air an uncensored interview with former president Donald Trump, and calling for Musk to balance the importance of free expression with the need to suppress “harmful” content. European Commissioner for the internal market Thierry Breton, one of the world’s most aggressive tech regulators, warned Musk that his planned Monday night interview with Trump could violate the Digital Services Act, or DSA, if X does not limit the spread of certain forms of online speech connected to the interview.
Tim Walz Mocked National Guard Troops
As '19-Year-Old Cooks' When Refusing to
Deploy Them in Minneapolis
15 replies
Posted by mc squared 8/12/2024 12:22:59 PM Post Reply
As Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and his police chief were frantically calling Governor Tim Walz in the summer of 2020 to save a besieged police precinct, Governor Tim Walz refused to send National Guard soldiers to help the beleaguered police officers. Later, in rationalizing and justifying his conscious decision to let riots metastasize, Walz said the Guard wasn't up to the task. [tweet] He went on to say, "Putting a young troop with limited experience in the military with a loaded automatic weapon in the middle of a system with no one giving him direction That was on Wednesday, by the time Walz finally authorized the deployment of "19-year-old" cooks,
Sen. JD Vance Fact Checks CNN’s Dana
Bash: Tim Walz ‘Knew He Was Going to Iraq’
15 replies
Posted by Imright 8/12/2024 2:21:57 AM Post Reply
Republican vice presidential candidate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), fact-checked CNN’s Dana Bash, telling her that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) “knew he was going to Iraq.” During an interview with Bash on Sunday, Vance clarified that Walz “lied” when he had said he did not know his unit would be deployed to Iraq at the time he had “decided to retire.” “On the question of when he left the National Guard, he filed his election paperwork, February 10th, 2005,” Bash told him. “That was a month before the National Guard even announced that it was possible that they would deploy to Iraq and it ended up being two months —
A 'Conservative' Columnist Endorses Harris 14 replies
Posted by DW626 8/12/2024 2:43:34 PM Post Reply
I finished Megan Basham's "Shepherds for Sale" over the weekend. Paula is working on getting her for an interview for the podcast, and if that happens, it should be an eye-opening discussion. Basham's book outlines how progressive forces have infiltrated the Evangelical churches of America to undermine the conservative presence in those churches and flip them blue. Basham asserts that this effort is well-funded and occurs across multiple fronts, often aided and abetted by Christian and conservative thought leaders. One of those leaders, according to Basham, is David French. French was once a columnist for National Review before jumping ship for the Left.
Beto O’Rourke: ‘Texas Could Possibly
Be in Play’ for Kamala Harris
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2024 11:10:45 PM Post Reply
Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) said Monday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that Vice President Kamala Harris could possibly win the state of Texas in November. Host Jen Psaki said, “I want to ask you, you’ve seen a lot of presidential candidates run. Vice President Harris and Tim Walz are clearly creating a lot of excitement out there. Do you think this is enough? Is Texas a pipe dream or should people hold their hope out for Texas in 2024 or is it going to take a little longer?” O’Rourke said, “The thing is you now see Democrats smiling. There is joy in our party. There’s electricity moving through the system. Yes
Washington Post Reporter Wants Joe Biden
to Intervene to Stop President Trump’s
Live Interview on X with Elon Musk (Video)
13 replies
Posted by Imright 8/12/2024 7:08:07 PM Post Reply
A Washington Post ‘reporter’ on Monday asked Karine Jean-Pierre what Biden is going to do to stop Trump’s live X interview with Elon Musk on Monday night. President Trump is back on X after taking some time away from the social media platform. Trump tweeted a campaign ad ahead of his highly anticipated live interview with Elon Musk on Monday evening at 8 pm ET. Washington Post reporter Cleve Wootson wants the government to intervene to shut Trump down with just a few months to go until Election Day.
Can Harris Beat Trump With Such Weak Voter
Support For Her Signature Policies? I&I/TIPP Poll
13 replies
Posted by Moritz55 8/12/2024 1:18:17 PM Post Reply
While presidential candidate Kamala Harris avoids media questions about her proposed policies, both she and her progressive allies in the Democratic Party are already on record as favoring a number of highly controversial proposals, ranging from defunding the police to free college education. But do average Americans agree? The latest I&I/TIPP Poll provides answers. The national online poll of 1,488 adults, taken from July 31-August 2, shows it’s a mixed bag. The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.7 percentage points. It starts with a neutral question: “To what extent do you support or oppose the following actions?” That’s followed by 11 policy actions
Trump to sue DOJ for $100M over Mar-a-Lago
raid, alleging 'political persecution'
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/12/2024 10:33:38 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is set to sue the Justice Department for $100 million in damages over the government’s unprecedented 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago property in Palm Beach, Florida, with lawyers arguing it was done with "clear intent to engage in political persecution." Fox News has obtained Trump’s memo claiming "tortious conduct by the United States against President Trump." Trump and his legal team intend to sue the Justice Department for its conduct during the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago on Aug. 8, 2022, amid the federal investigation into his alleged improper retention of classified records.
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