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Never Underestimate Joe’s Ability To
Foul Things Up

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 7/26/2024 8:45:22 AM

Not long after the global temperature, which doesn’t actually exist in any statistically meaningful way, blew through the mark at which we are supposed to start burning, and days after a new paper showed that the global warming narrative is exactly backward, the Biden administration awarded $4.3 billion in climate grants. It’s the work of an incompetent. As well as that of an ideologue, which is equally as dangerous, since ideologues tend to refuse to listen to reason. In 2020, when Joe Biden was running for office, he was thoroughly sullied when Barack Obama,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: franq 7/26/2024 8:50:44 AM (No. 1766511)
Politics has been filthy for millennia. The Lord tried to warn Israel against a king, but they refused to listen.
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: 3XALADY 7/26/2024 8:51:58 AM (No. 1766512)
He/they will spend us into oblivion in the next few months.
6 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DebraAnn 7/26/2024 9:14:36 AM (No. 1766536)
Re: #2 - He will not only spend us there, but Braindead will star WWIII and send us there. I have posted before that this time from now until 1/20/25 will be the most dangerous in our history. Dear Lord please bless and watch over us all, especially Real President Trump.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 7/26/2024 9:41:53 AM (No. 1766560)
Its corruption, not incompetence.
3 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Birddog 7/26/2024 10:33:53 AM (No. 1766598)
RE: Global temperature. Earlier this week it was announced we had(yet again) marked the hottest global day in EVER! Caused by the oceans getting hotter, Global Ocean temps had reached an ALL TIME HIGH!!!! of 62.8 degrees... Hypothermia at 63 sets in within 20 minutes, loss of sensation and control of extremities, death follows within 2 hrs. Humans will literally FREEZE TO DEATH in just two hours exposure to the ocean waters they are claiming have become disastrously Hot. ZERO economist think that dumping 2 Trillion into an already inflation ravaged economy will Reduce Inflation,the title to that Bill was simply changed from "Green Nude Eel", dumping the enviro wish lists of Bernie and the Socialist Green Squad unto the backs of America using yet another false panic inducing "Crises" designation.
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Old Army Vet 7/26/2024 10:43:59 AM (No. 1766603)
Brandon is a brain dead moron. All of this climate garbage is nothing but ignorance to facts.
3 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: MickTurn 7/26/2024 11:17:47 AM (No. 1766629)
Foul is misspelled.
3 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: mifla 7/27/2024 6:11:36 AM (No. 1767061)
Joe is now on a six month long paid vacation. The government could rent out the Oval Office as available office space in DC for a few extra bucks.
0 people like this.

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Never Underestimate Joe’s Ability To
Foul Things Up
8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/26/2024 8:45:22 AM Post Reply
Not long after the global temperature, which doesn’t actually exist in any statistically meaningful way, blew through the mark at which we are supposed to start burning, and days after a new paper showed that the global warming narrative is exactly backward, the Biden administration awarded $4.3 billion in climate grants. It’s the work of an incompetent. As well as that of an ideologue, which is equally as dangerous, since ideologues tend to refuse to listen to reason. In 2020, when Joe Biden was running for office, he was thoroughly sullied when Barack Obama,
Beware: Kamala Harris Would Be Most Far-Left
President In History
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/25/2024 9:44:03 AM Post Reply
That didn’t take long, did it? Already our friends in the mainstream media and the Democratic Party’s ever-ready spin-doctors are telling American voters that presumed presidential candidate Kamala Harris is not the extremist she’s portrayed to be by the wicked right-wingers. And they’re right. She’s worse. There’s nary a policy area that Harris has come into contact with, either while in the White House, as a member of the Senate, or in California state government in which she hasn’t taken a position on the far-extreme of the spectrum — whether it’s immigration, medical care and insurance, foreign policy, abortion, whatever.
As Biden Drops His Campaign, Half Of Voters
Say He Should Be Removed From Office:
10 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/24/2024 9:44:04 AM Post Reply
In the wake of President Joe Biden’s not-so-surprising decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, two big questions still loom: Did the big media intentionally underplay his growing mental and physical issues? And should Biden be allowed to finish out his term? A majority of voters answer with a resounding “yes” to the first, and half say “yes” to the second, according to July’s I&I/TIPP Poll. The national online I&I/TIPP Poll queried 1,389 registered voters from June 26-28, a period that included Biden’s disastrous debate performance, but just before a chorus of both the media and establishment Democrats began to call for him to resign.
Kamala Harris Will Be Burdened By What
Has Been
17 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/22/2024 8:31:57 AM Post Reply
On YouTube, there is a four-minute video that is nothing but Vice President Kamala Harris repeating this empty phrase: “What can be, unburdened by what has been.” But no matter how many times she utters this idiotic mantra, Harris will, in fact, be heavily burdened by the disaster that has been the Biden administration. Burdened by her own dismal record as vice president. And burdened by the fact that she is so uniquely unqualified to be leader of the free world. To say Harris is an empty pantsuit is an insult to empty pantsuits. As we put it in an editorial a year ago:
Kamala Harris: She’ll Cackle While America Burns 5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/21/2024 11:12:30 PM Post Reply
As expected, Joe Biden has dropped his reelection campaign. In doing so, he endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris, as his replacement as the Democratic Party’s nominee. It might seem impossible, but she would be an even worse president than he was. Start with the fact that Harris is an unserious person and a classic midwit, defined by the Urban Dictionary as: ​​Someone who is around average intelligence but is so opinionated and full of themselves that they think they’re some kind of genius. Midwits have a shallow understanding
Is This The End Of The Road For The Democratic Party? 17 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/19/2024 1:10:10 AM Post Reply
Now that the Republicans have wrapped up their hugely successful convention and as calls for President Joe Biden to step down are accelerating, the question that must be asked is: Can the Democratic Party survive? Donald Trump made one key decision this week that could seal the party’s fate. First, some history. When Ronald Reagan won the Republican Party’s nomination in 1980, Democrats were in a similar bind as they are today. The party was in disarray, the nation fed up with clueless leaders, and voters were ready for the bold conservative leadership Reagan promised. But Reagan made one fatal mistake.
Cackling While America Burns 7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/18/2024 9:43:40 AM Post Reply
The campaign by Democrats to force President Joe Biden to drop out waned a bit after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. But it quickly resumed as Biden stumbled and bumbled through the week. Just yesterday, news broke that Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer urged Biden to step aside, as did Calif. Rep. Adam Schiff. While there’s not a single person on any list of possible replacements who wouldn’t continue the decline of the U.S. under Biden, one stands out as more frightening than the rest: Kamala Harris. There’s an easy explanation why Harris is one of the most unpopular vice presidents.
Will Illegal Immigrants Decide The 2024
Presidential Election? I&I/TIPP Poll
4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/17/2024 9:48:00 AM Post Reply
While many disagree, a majority of Americans believe that illegal immigrant voting will be “common” around the nation in the 2024 presidential election and will likely affect the vote’s outcome, according to the most recent I&I/TIPP Poll. The 1,244 Americans polled for the national online I&I/TIPP survey of voter opinion were asked: “How common do you think illegal immigrant voting will be in the November presidential elections?” Of those responding, 52% said that they believed voting by those who immigrated to the U.S. illegally would be “common,” while just 38% thought such voting would either be “rare” (23%) or “none at all” (15%). Of the remaining, 11% said they “not sure.”t
Is Trump’s Pick Of J.D. Vance A Political
Masterstroke? The Answer Is Yes
10 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/16/2024 8:39:37 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump’s selection of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance might surprise you, but it shouldn’t. The 39-year-old first-term senator is a solid, smart pick who will not only bring youth, energy and vigor to the ticket, but also a wealth of hard life experience, highly unusual for someone so young. Trump’s announcement gave the bare bones of why he selected Vance over the many others who vied to be his running mate: After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice
Another Biden ‘Achievement’: Interest
Payments Now Second Largest Federal Spending Category
4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/15/2024 9:07:37 AM Post Reply
If you want to know just how dire the federal government’s fiscal situation is, consider the fact that interest on the national debt for the first time now tops every other spending category but one, according to the latest monthly report from the Treasury. This “achievement” has been brought to you by President Joe Biden. According to the report, the federal government spent $682 billion in “net interest” payments so far this fiscal year (which ends Sept. 30). That’s more than all the money spent on “health” ($670 billion), national defense ($644 billion), and income security — which includes payments to the poor ($508 billion).
David Frum Is Scum 17 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/15/2024 8:50:18 AM Post Reply
There’s little we can add to make the case that David Frum — the left’s favorite “Republican” — is a detestable human being that he doesn’t provide himself in his 1,500-word screed written in the immediate wake of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. In it, he blames Trump for the bullet that came within millimeters of killing him and the others that killed and injured attendees at Saturday’s rally, while completely and totally ignoring the viciousness and violence perpetrated by the left — not just against Trump, but against all Republicans, including the guy he used to work for, George W. Bush.
Will Biden Accept Blame For The Assassination
Attempt Against Trump?
25 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/13/2024 10:04:16 PM Post Reply
On July 8, CNN reported that while defending his campaign in a video call with top donors, President Joe Biden said: “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye. We can’t go another day, another day, without explaining what he’s doing, and we have to go after him.” Five days later, someone apparently took Biden up on his word and tried to assassinate Donald Trump at a campaign rally north of Pittsburgh.
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US Government Agrees to Pay Peter Strzok
$1.2 Million in Lawsuit Settlement Over
Release of Anti-Trump Text Messages
35 replies
Posted by DW626 7/26/2024 9:22:05 PM Post Reply
The Justice Department agreed to pay former FBI special agent Peter Strzok a $1.2 settlement over the release of his anti-Trump text messages. Peter Strzok sued the DOJ for ‘unlawfully disclosing’ his text messages to his paramour Lisa Page. Strzok and Lisa Page discussed an “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of office. “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office…that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected…but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok text messaged to Page in an Aug. 15, 2016 exchange, referring to Andrew McCabe.
Biden set to unveil major Supreme Court
reform plans next week
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/27/2024 1:40:42 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is reportedly planning to unveil a dramatic Supreme Court reform next week in an attempt to overhaul the high court. Two people familiar with the matter told Politico that the president is likely to endorse establishing term limits for justices, and bring in a code of ethics. The 81-year-old is expected to push for an amendment that would limit immunity for presidents and other officeholders. His amendment would come directly after the court ruled that presidents are shielded from prosecution for officials acts, in a case brought by Donald Trump. According to the outlet, the specifics remain unclear and could still change sources said.
Mitt Romney Praises Olympics Opening Ceremony:
‘Imaginative, Inventive’
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/27/2024 4:09:16 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) praised the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris, France, as being “imaginative, inventive and memorable.” The opening ceremony featured an opening dance number that showed women being “flung around on poles,” while another dance number showed three dancers, two men and a woman, who had been dancing through the streets, going up the stairs of a building as they began kissing. The dancers then went into a room and began to kiss some more. Lady Gaga also sang French songs in a prerecorded opening, while Celine Dion sang from the Eiffel Tower.
Donald Trump set to be questioned by the
FBI after assassination attempt... after
director said there were 'questions' over
if he was really shot
29 replies
Posted by Imright 7/26/2024 12:18:27 PM Post Reply
The FBI wants to question Donald Trump about his near-death experience when he survived an assassination attempt earlier this month. It has yet to receive a victim statement from the former president as it collects evidence to investigate the horrifying event, one official said. The bureau's director Christopher Wray sparked a firestorm on Wednesday when he testified to lawmakers on Capitol Hill that there are still 'some question' about whether the former president was struck with a bullet or shrapnel. In a subsequent statement he sought to clarify that remark. Trump was quick to refute any suggestion that he was hit by shrapnel, saying
Apparent drag ‘parody of Last Supper’
at Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony
sparks controversy
27 replies
Posted by Imright 7/27/2024 2:56:03 AM Post Reply
A crew of drag queens and dancers performed an apparent “parody of the Last Supper” at the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony Friday, drawing intense criticism across social media. “This is crazy. Opening your event by replacing Jesus and the disciples at the Last Supper with men in drag,” Clint Russel, the host of the Liberty Lockdown podcast, fumed on X. “There are 2.4 billion Christians on earth and apparently the Olympics wanted to declare loudly to all of them, right out of the gate NOT WELCOME,” said Russel.
Is There Room in the Church for Polyamorous Priests? 25 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/27/2024 5:50:58 AM Post Reply
Some Episcopal priests with nontraditional views on sexuality and human relationships are beginning to assert what they see as their right to put those views into practice. (snip) This is not a previous era’s war over homosexuality, but rather a present-day struggle over polyamory — “many loves.” A broader term is “consensual nonmonogamy” — relationships where everyone involved knows about and consents to a lack of exclusivity in sexual or romantic expression.
Barack and Michelle Obama ENDORSE Kamala
Harris: Former president and first lady
phone vice president and offer their full support
24 replies
Posted by Imright 7/26/2024 9:01:38 AM Post Reply
Both former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama have officially endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president. The Harris campaign released a video early Friday morning showing the likely Democratic presidential nominee taking a call from the political power couple where they reveal they're endorsing her. The video was filmed Wednesday in Indianapolis, where Harris traveled to address the Zeta Phi Beta sorority. The couple's decision to stay silent for days on Harris's candidacy had fueled speculation they weren't supportive of her bid.
Kamala the Language Cop: Harris Urges
End to Terms 'Radical Islamic Terrorism,'
'Illegal Alien'
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/26/2024 5:04:25 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris said the public should no longer use the terms "radical Islamic terrorism" and "illegal alien" during a speech she gave at a Los Angeles mosque in July 2016. "We must have the courage to object when they use that term, ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ which ignores how Muslims have overwhelmingly been the greatest victims of terror," she told the crowd at the Islamic Center of Southern California. "We must also have the courage to reject the term ‘illegal alien.’" Harris’s remarks, which are available on her Facebook page, are yet another example of her history
Awkward Video of Jill Biden in Paris Raises
Questions of Why She's Even There
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/27/2024 1:00:12 PM Post Reply
It's been a week since Joe Biden left the presidential race, and he's barely been seen in public. After a fumbling Oval Office address on Thursday in which he failed to offer any explanation for his sudden departure, the president headed off to Camp David. That would be the same Camp David he hid out at before the debate performance that exposed his worsening mental and physical condition. In other words, his heading back to hunker down there is a pretty big sign of how bad off he is. Biden just suffered the most embarrassing moment of his career, clearly due to worsening health.
This Is Why Kamala Is Horrible 20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/26/2024 5:35:56 PM Post Reply
Like it or not, I believe Kamala will be the 47th president of the United States. No, I don't think the Mad Cackler can beat Trump, but I do believe President Shartshispants is going to resign before Inauguration Day, making Harris the 47th president and checking a ton of boxes for those who pray to the false god of DEI. FACT-O-RAMA! The Democrats would likely install Harris as #47 just to p**s off those of us with Trump 45-47 swag. Needless to say, I'm odds and ends when it comes to attacking Kamala Harridan. I've got a junk drawer full of reasons she's a troglodyte. Kamala has a garbage, commie-rific platform
Narrative Killer: NY Times Reports Show
Kamala Harris Had Bigger Role Than 'Border Czar'
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/26/2024 12:22:06 AM Post Reply
This is the summer of media discontent. Ever since the debate debacle, which exposed Joe Biden as the shell of a man the press had been shielding from public exposure, journalists have been struggling. Beyond failed attempts to extricate themselves from that culpability quagmire, there was the way they covered the Trump assassination attempt, dealing with the GOP convention, Biden’s COVID disappearance, the turmoil in the Democratic Party, and then the ultimate departure of President Silveralert from the ticket. This week, as they were eager to elevate Kamala Harris into the political stratosphere, we saw yet another attempt by the news outlets to set
Kamala Harris' top VP pick is dragged
into shocking sexual harassment cover
up fight - as rival makes haunting prediction
15 replies
Posted by Imright 7/27/2024 2:44:24 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris' top vice president pick has been dragged into a shocking sexual harassment scandal. Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, 51, is in the running to take Harris' job as vice president should she beat Donald Trump in November. Harris has so far requested materials from Shapiro as part of a vetting process that includes several governors of swing states that could be an asset to her efforts.But a Pennsylvania Democrat who will be on the ticket this November is accusing Shapiro of being involved in a cover-up and even made a shocking prediction regarding how he might wreck Harris' campaign.
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