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Exclusive: Jill Biden's grudge against
Kamala Harris REVEALED: Power-hungry first
lady's grudge is so deep that the only
thing worse than Joe stepping down is
the VP replacing him

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 7/12/2024 12:29:16 PM

When Kamala Harris took to the stage during a Democratic primary debate before the 2020 election and implied that Joe Biden was racist, his wife, Jill's, response was crystal clear. 'Go f*** yourself,' the then-future first lady vented, as she allegedly admitted during a conference call with supporters. And the relationship between the two women – that began badly enough during that contentious battle for the presidential nomination – has only gone downhill from there.Now, political insiders have told that Democratic advisors are struggling to push past the powerful role that Jill Biden's loathing of Harris, 59, is playing in Joe's resistance


* Josh Boswell & Ken Silverstein

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Reply 1 - Posted by: marbles 7/12/2024 12:39:41 PM (No. 1754965)
Cat fight !
41 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Strike3 7/12/2024 12:39:43 PM (No. 1754966)
The situation in Washington gets hilariouser and hilariouser. Who could have guessed that these two lovely women would not like each other?
57 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: MissNan 7/12/2024 12:40:10 PM (No. 1754967)
Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
48 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Phantomll 7/12/2024 12:44:49 PM (No. 1754974)
Pass the popcorn!
40 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: jalo1951 7/12/2024 12:49:49 PM (No. 1754976)
Jill is going nowhere without a very large $ check from the DNC or whomever would handle the pay out to make them disappear. I am convinced if FJB dies in office she will prop him up, stick her arms up his nether region and animate him at the podium. No one would be able to tell the difference btween his live performances and his dead ones. Not only is FJB not finished in his job of ruining America and screwing Americans Mrs. FJB is not done milking it for all it's worth. She has got the princess syndrome really bad.
64 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: nwcudagal 7/12/2024 12:52:42 PM (No. 1754980)
She needs a black hood and cape. Maleficent comes to mind.
28 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: mseegal 7/12/2024 12:54:52 PM (No. 1754982)
If the Bidens detest Kamala so much, who chose her for Veep? Obama's fingerprints?
67 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 7/12/2024 1:07:06 PM (No. 1754986)
The day Joey quits the race or is defeated, "Dr." Jill becomes a nobody. She knows it, and that's why she'll leave the WH kicking and screaming all the way.
63 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 7/12/2024 1:19:55 PM (No. 1754996)
Ain't it just grand when the Dems start furiously stabbing each other in the back and wallet? Let's just stand back, get another cool drink and some snacks and let them have at it. This is the best political fun we've had in years.
55 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 7/12/2024 1:25:56 PM (No. 1755001)
Gee - - whose side should we be on? The power-crazed, trashy harridan - - or Willie Brown's cackling former side piece? What to do - - what to do?
53 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Bogasso 7/12/2024 1:35:30 PM (No. 1755009)
“ When Kamala Harris took to the stage during a Democratic primary debate before the 2020 election and implied that Joe Biden was racist…” What do you know, Kamala was correct about something once!
47 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: bpl40 7/12/2024 1:46:55 PM (No. 1755014)
“Go f*** yourself “? I don’t think Horizontal Harris needs any help in that department!
32 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Italiano 7/12/2024 1:52:48 PM (No. 1755017)
It would be more of a challenge to find someone with an above-room temperature IQ who doesn’t loathe Kamala Harris. But sorry, Jill. Joe is the most vile, provable and obvious racist since LBJ.
43 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Maggie2u 7/12/2024 3:09:31 PM (No. 1755052)
19 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: DiegoDude 7/12/2024 4:03:55 PM (No. 1755065)
This is starting to look like The Jerry Springer Show, or better yet, get Jill & Kamalaladingdong on Dr. Phil.
30 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Omen55 7/12/2024 5:21:39 PM (No. 1755110)
Remember Jill hate makes you strong hate makes you powerful!
13 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 7/12/2024 5:53:43 PM (No. 1755120)
Dr. Edith will no go silently into the night. She will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming off the political stage. She, like her coke-head son, is addicted, addicted to power, and the pomp and circumstance that goes with it. Unfortunately she's not politically smart enough to get away with staying in the race. She will abandon Dementia Joe at the very last minute, as the SS Biden goes down just like the Titanic.
16 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Halfvast Conspirator 7/12/2024 5:54:46 PM (No. 1755121)
19 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Lawsy0 7/13/2024 1:05:45 AM (No. 1755236)
Cat fight? Or just a girl-dog fight.
8 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: mifla 7/13/2024 4:13:39 AM (No. 1755256)
The Biden Crime Family knows that if Joe doesn't beat Trump, there will be a new AG in town next year. They also know that Comer and Jordan are sitting on a pile of banking transactions that the Bidens don't want to explain. Joe may have immunity, but Jill, Hunter, Frank, and James don't and she knows it.
25 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/13/2024 6:52:44 AM (No. 1755291)
Attention K-Mart shoppers, "Blue Light specials," can be found next to the loud "hissing" on aisle six!
8 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Italiano 7/13/2024 7:05:35 AM (No. 1755296)
Kind of like the Iran/Iraq war during the 80's. You want both sides to lose.
24 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Strike3 7/13/2024 8:39:14 AM (No. 1755359)
You mean to tell me that despite her cute, flowery dresses, big smile and friendly wave to the crowds that Doctor Jill is just as mean, nasty and classless as husband Joe? Color me shocked.
24 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Heidicat 7/13/2024 9:32:53 AM (No. 1755395)
Cherchez La Femme
6 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 7/13/2024 10:06:04 AM (No. 1755410)
Huh. Does this mean that Jillie and Moochie are joined-at-the-hip buddies now?
4 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: chagrined 7/13/2024 10:11:15 AM (No. 1755414)
I wish they would both go away, and soon, never to be heard from again.
8 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Kafka2 7/13/2024 10:11:56 AM (No. 1755415)
It is looking like the only way Jill will be able to stay in the White House past inauguration day is to divorce Joe and marry Kamala. Think this is improbable. At the same time the Democrats are accusing Trump of wanting to destroy democracy, the are proposing to ignore all those democraticly cast ballots for Biden in the primaries and replace Biden with whomever Democrat party and rich elites choose instead. If this isn’t destroying democracy then I don’t know what is. To the victors go the spoils. And the victors are not the voters.
8 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: MickTurn 7/13/2024 12:13:45 PM (No. 1755499)
Time for a prime time pay for view a Jilly Bean/Camel Cackle Mud Wrestling Match. Toss in Hillary and AOC and we have a sure money maker! Then as it starts slowing drop in Maxine Waters and a BWitch Democrat to be named later!
3 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Hazymac 7/13/2024 12:44:01 PM (No. 1755517)
During the debate before Kamala Sutra dropped out of the presidential sweepstakes with less than 2% support, she did accuse Joe of being a racist (which he is, indisputably). That accurate accusation did earn Kamala a place in Jill's Little Black Book. H.L. Mencken wrote that a misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women hate each other. Do a search on Mencken on women's hatred for women, and this pops up: "(Mencken) notes that due to women’s latent antipathy for one another, trivial events can give rise to fierce hatreds, and due to women’s irascibility, these occasions can lead quickly to insolence and assaults." The moment Kamala takes over, for whatever reason, Jill knows that the FJB show is over. No more government transportation. No more pardon power. Jail for the authentically guilty.
2 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 7/13/2024 12:47:21 PM (No. 1755518)
Our Amish friends say that "a sweet spirit can make the plainest face beautiful." Neither Jill or Kamala have that. Hope #2 was being sarcastic about them being lovely. Lovely is as lovely does.
3 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: TurtleDove 7/13/2024 6:15:35 PM (No. 1755676)
Apparently, blondie can't handle the truth. The F word seems to be big in the bidet household....shows what low class people they truly are.
0 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: coldoc 7/13/2024 7:12:54 PM (No. 1755725)
Throw both of them in an octogon. Great pay for view.
0 people like this.

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Trump Under Fire Shows Us What Leadership
Looks Like
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Posted by Imright 7/14/2024 8:08:10 PM Post Reply
In my colleague Nick Arama's terrific piece, What Is the Measure of a Man? she wrote: How do you take the measure of a man? There was a lot of bravery shown in those moments. The Secret Service agents who ran to cover Trump (as opposed to the people who failed to secure the roof), even the photographers rushing to Trump's side to do their job to let us know what was going on, at great risk to themselves, the people who went to the aid of the injured in the midst of the chaos.
Trump Defiant, Leaving for Republican
National Convention: Cannot Allow ‘Potential
Assassin’ to Force Change
0 replies
Posted by Imright 7/14/2024 7:33:16 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump said on Sunday that he will travel to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for the Republican National Convention, believing that he cannot allow a “potential assassin” to change his plans. “Based on yesterday’s terrible events, I was going to delay my trip to Wisconsin, and The Republican National Convention, by two days, but have just decided that I cannot allow a ‘shooter,’ or potential assassin, to force change to scheduling, or anything else. Therefore, I will be leaving for Milwaukee, as scheduled, at 3:30 P.M. TODAY. Thank you! DJT,” the former president wrote.
WATCH: Biden Issued Veiled Threat One
Week Before Trump Assassination Attempt
in Stephanopoulos Interview, Implied Something
Ominous Was About to Befall Trump
5 replies
Posted by Imright 7/14/2024 7:02:51 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden issued a veiled threat just one week before a gunman attempted to assassinate President Trump. Recall that Joe Biden sat down with Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos for an interview on ABC News a week ago. (Snip) “Wouldn’t a clear-eyed political calculus tell you it’s going to be much tougher to win in 2024?” Stephanopoulos asked Biden referring to the abysmal polls.Biden issued a veiled threat. “Not when you’re running against a pathological liar. Not when he hadn’t been challenged in a way that he’s about to be challenged,” Biden said with a sinister look on his face. WATCH:
How Would You Rate Bill Maher’s Response
to Trump's Assassination Attempt?
5 replies
Posted by Imright 7/14/2024 3:48:17 PM Post Reply
You’d expect comedian Bill Maher to throw in some jokes about Donald Trump’s assassination attempt at a comedy show. He called Sarah Palin a “c**t” in 2011 during a set, but political violence is a different story. Maher may hate Trump and think Republicans are terrible, even skirting this now-dangerous line about how the GOP is a danger to democracy that undoubtedly fueled yesterday’s mayhem. Maher refused to make any jokes about this terrible event, admitting that some of his colleagues will. But he didn’t; it’s not funny.
Christian Prophesied in Precise Detail
3 MONTHS AGO Trump Would Get Shot in Ear (Video)
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/14/2024 3:44:40 PM Post Reply
A new video going viral on X shows a Christian prophet precisely describing the assassination attempt against Trump. The video that surfaced on X was originally uploaded on YouTube three months ago and was titled “3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES.” In the video, a Christian prophet named Brandon Biggs described a vision he was given by God that there would be an assassination attempt on Trump’s life. Biggs, at the 11-minute mark of the video, shared, ” I saw Trump rising up, and then I saw an attempt on his life. This bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head it busted his eardrum.”
Biden ups Trump’s Secret Service protection
after assassination attempt, orders investigation
18 replies
Posted by Imright 7/14/2024 3:25:13 PM Post Reply
President Biden said Sunday he is “grateful” Donald Trump is doing “well” after surviving an assassination attempt Saturday night, speaking about the need for “unity” during this time. The president said he spoke with the Secret Service and directed them to provide Trump with every “resource” of protection given the shooting, and to monitor security at the Republican National Convention. “I’ve directed an independent review of national security at yesterday’s rally to assess exactly what happened and we’ll share the results of that independent review with the American people as well,” Biden said, speaking at the White House.
Exclusive: Jill Biden's grudge against
Kamala Harris REVEALED: Power-hungry first
lady's grudge is so deep that the only
thing worse than Joe stepping down is
the VP replacing him
32 replies
Posted by Imright 7/12/2024 12:29:16 PM Post Reply
When Kamala Harris took to the stage during a Democratic primary debate before the 2020 election and implied that Joe Biden was racist, his wife, Jill's, response was crystal clear. 'Go f*** yourself,' the then-future first lady vented, as she allegedly admitted during a conference call with supporters. And the relationship between the two women – that began badly enough during that contentious battle for the presidential nomination – has only gone downhill from there.Now, political insiders have told that Democratic advisors are struggling to push past the powerful role that Jill Biden's loathing of Harris, 59, is playing in Joe's resistance
Delta hit with backlash over tweet about
flight attendants wearing Palestinian
flag pins, issues groveling apology
11 replies
Posted by Imright 7/12/2024 12:23:45 PM Post Reply
Delta Airlines faced intense backlash after the company’s social media account said it would be “terrified” if flight attendants wore a Palestinian flag pin, forcing it to issue a groveling apology. On Wednesday, an X user posted two photos of Delta flight attendants wearing Palestinian flag pins, which were incorrectly described as “Hamas badges,” during the flights — prompting a response from the airline. “I hear you as I’d be terrified as well, personally,” the airline wrote in a post. “Our employees reflect our culture and we do not take it lightly when our policy is not being followed.”
Hot Takes: Funny Moments/Reactions to
Biden's Wild NATO Presser
1 reply
Posted by Imright 7/12/2024 12:17:44 PM Post Reply
Sometimes Joe Biden is such a mess, you just have to laugh, because otherwise you might cry that our nation is in the hands of this guy, his addled brain, and his clueless team. Biden certainly provided those moments at his NATO press conference on Thursday night. It was bad, but while it caused some more Democrats to move away from Biden, some now seemed to be trying to spin it and resign themselves to Biden. Which, from a political position, is probably good for the Trump team, since they think Biden is very beatable now. Biden started off with the gaffes even before the presser started,
Court Just Nailed Hillary for FEC Violation
45x Bigger Than Trump’s $130k So-Called Violation
13 replies
Posted by Imright 7/12/2024 12:12:35 PM Post Reply
The Washington D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign and an affiliated super PAC violated federal election law in spending that totaled close to $6 million. The amount in question is more than 45 times the $130,000 a Manhattan court convicted former President Donald Trump of misreporting in business records during the same 2016 campaign. It should be noted that the Federal Election Commission and the Justice Department looked at the payments Trump made through his personal attorney at the time, Michael Cohen, to adult film star Stormy Daniels as part of a nondisclosure agreement and declined to prosecute him.
Pelosi and Obama Are Colluding to Get
Biden to Exit the Race, But There's One Problem
12 replies
Posted by Imright 7/12/2024 9:15:32 AM Post Reply
It shouldn’t shock anyone that top Democrats are concerned about Joe Biden. The June 27 debate obliterated the party’s hopes for a successful election season. The top of the ticket got exposed, with questions about Biden’s fitness for office permeating the national discussion. Even with an ABC News interview and Biden’s NATO presser tonight, it hasn’t wiped away most of the questions about the president's health—he referred to Donald Trump as the vice president. Joe Biden never had the chops to be president. Obama knew it, so he quickly backed Hillary to succeed him, a move that the Delaware liberal has resented immensely. I
They Know It’s Over: Watch Blinken,
Lloyd Austin and Jake Sullivan React as
Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris “Vice
President Trump” (Video)
12 replies
Posted by Imright 7/12/2024 9:12:08 AM Post Reply
They know it’s over. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan winced as Joe Biden called Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump” during Thursday night’s “Big Boy” press conference. Joe Biden Thursday evening was nearly one hour late to his “Big Boy” press conference and it was a total dumpster fire. Old Joe botched the first question when he called Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump.” This was literally right after Joe Biden called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, “President Putin.”
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Trump rushed offstage after gunshots ring
out at Pa. rally
59 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 6:30:55 PM Post Reply
Gunfire appeared to erupt at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania while he was speaking on stage. People in the crowd could be heard screaming as Secret Service Agents crowded Trump and rushed him off the stage. Trump appeared to grab his ear in the moments before he was taken to the floor by the Secret Service. He was heard asking for his shoes as the guards rushed him away. Trump was seen pumping his fist as he was rushed to a car by Secret Service. Soldiers in military gear were seen rushing into the rally.
TRUMP SHOOTER DOWN!!– Was Outside the
Venue on Trump’s Right Side Likely Well
Over 200 Yards Away – Sounded Like a
22 Long Rifle
55 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 7/13/2024 7:45:47 PM Post Reply
President Trump was shot on Saturday at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Firearms expert Larry Johnson confirmed to The Gateway Pundit: ** The shooter was likely outside the venue, ** The shooter was on the right side of Trump, ** This was not a pistol used by the shooter, ** Likely a 22 Long Rifle – likely semiautomatic, ** The 22 Long Rifle is effective up to 200 yards, ** It appears no one else was shot on the stage, ** The audience was looking to their right after the shots were fired. ** Bullet was in a deceleration range
FBI surprised how Trump’s would-be assassin
Thomas Matthew Crooks fired off many shots
before Secret Service killed him at rally
43 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/14/2024 5:58:35 AM Post Reply
Law enforcement officials admitted it was “surprising” how the gunman was able to get so many shots off in the attempted assassination on former President Donald Trump before he was taken out by Secret Service snipers. During a press conference early Sunday, officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Pennsylvania State Police deferred several questions about security to the Secret Service — who were notably absent. When asked if he was surprised at the number of shots the gunman was able to take at a former president, Kevin Rojek, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh field office, said:
Thomas Matthew Crooks ID’d as gunman
who shot Trump during Pa. rally
42 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/14/2024 12:28:14 AM Post Reply
The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post. Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh. Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds. He was killed by Secret Service snipers. An AR-style rifle was later recovered. Bethel Park is a village 40 miles south of where the Butler rally was held. Why Crooks fired on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is unclear.
Biden calls Trump's assassination attempt
'sick' kind of violence: President thanks
Secret Service and has tried to speak
to Republican in hospital
39 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 8:42:38 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Saturday evening said there was no place for 'sick' political violence in America and said he was grateful that former President Donald Trump was safe. He addressed the media about two hours after shots were fired at Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. There's no place in America this kind of violence, it's sick. It's sick,' he said. 'It's one of the reasons we have to unite this country. The president said he was trying to reach Trump, who is believed to be in a hospital near the rally site. He said the investigation was ongoing and he steered clear of giving a definitive assessment
There’s only one right response to the
Trump shooting
33 replies
Posted by Calvinesq 7/14/2024 7:53:17 AM Post Reply
I was boarding a plane from Los Angeles back home to Philadelphia when the news hit that former President Donald Trump had been injured during a rally in Butler, Pa. The details were sketchy, but the responses online and on the plane were already wild — and entirely predictable. [SNIP] But the only response here isn’t to make Trump a god or a goat: It is to declare, once and for all, that we will finally stop pledging our allegiance to guns more than to one another.
Analysis: Election Remains Close, But
Biden Still Favored Despite Debate Abomination
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 1:33:06 AM Post Reply
An analysis of the 2024 presidential election by FiveThirtyEight found that while the election was close, President Joe Biden was still favored to win, despite his poor debate performance. FiveThirtyEight found that Biden was favored to win the November presidential election “50 times out of 100,” whereas former President Donald Trump was favored to win the presidential election “49 times out of 100.” The predicted outcomes were a result of FiveThirtyEight’s “simulations of the 2024 presidential election.” Out of 1,000 simulations, FiveThirtyEight found that Biden won 505 times, while Trump won 491 times.
Flashback: J6 Chairman Bennie Thomspon
Proposed Revoking Donald Trump's Secret
Service Protection
28 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/13/2024 11:40:22 PM Post Reply
Former and potentially future President Donald Trump was shot at his rally in Butler County in Pennsylvania on Saturday night, an incident that could have been much worse had Trump turned his head a different way. Secret Service agents quickly sprang into action to escort him off of the stage and to safety. In light of such serious news, it's worth reminding that Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), who was chairman of the January 6 Select Committee, just months ago introduced legislation to deny presidents who were convicted of felonies. Trump was ultimately convicted of 34 charges in New York City on May 30.
Report: Secret Service Reportedly Ignored
Warning About Man With Rifle on Roof
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 10:40:41 PM Post Reply
An eyewitness at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania claims he saw a man with a rifle on a rooftop. He said he warned authorities but was ignored. "We couldn't see [Trump], but we could hear him. So we walked up probably five to seven minutes from Trump speaking—I'm estimating here, I've no idea. But we noticed the guy crawling, bear-crawling up the roof of the building beside us, fifty feet away from us. So we're standing there, you know, we're pointing, we're pointing at that guy crawling up the roof." "He had a gun, right?"
Will Biden Accept Blame For The Assassination
Attempt Against Trump?
25 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/13/2024 10:04:16 PM Post Reply
On July 8, CNN reported that while defending his campaign in a video call with top donors, President Joe Biden said: “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye. We can’t go another day, another day, without explaining what he’s doing, and we have to go after him.” Five days later, someone apparently took Biden up on his word and tried to assassinate Donald Trump at a campaign rally north of Pittsburgh.
Flashback: Biden Said Days Ago, ‘It’s
Time to Put Trump in the Bullseye'
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/13/2024 9:59:50 PM Post Reply
On Monday, during an appearance on “Morning Joe,” President Biden used violent rhetoric about Donald Trump. “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” Biden said. Earlier this evening, Trump was shot at during a rally in Pennsylvania. As my colleague, Rick Moran, wrote earlier today: For years, Republicans have been told their rhetoric leads to violence. Sarah Palin put a bullseye on the congressional district of Rep. Gabby Giffords. The "crosshairs" were not placed on Giffords. They were placed on her district on a map. After Giffords was shot by a mentally unstable person, Democrats blamed Palin for the attack. School shootings, mass casualty events, and almost any act of violence
Susan Collins Reveals Who She Will Be
Voting for in November. It's Not Trump.
24 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/13/2024 1:24:04 PM Post Reply
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) said Friday she will not be casting her ballot for former President Donald Trump in November. Instead, the Republican senator told reporters she plans to write in former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. “I publicly endorsed Nikki Haley, and I wanted her to win. She’s still my favorite candidate, and I think she could do a great job. She’s my choice, and that’s how I’m going to express it,” Collins told WMTW-TV. [Tweet, video] Collins made the remarks about the election at an event in Limerick, about 34 miles west of Portland,
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