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Paris Hilton heads to DC to testify before
House about abuses in foster care system

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Posted By: mc squared, 6/26/2024 11:55:39 AM

Many states are failing to track how frequently children in foster care facilities are abused, sexually assaulted or improperly restrained, leaving them vulnerable to mistreatment, the U.S. Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General said in a report Wednesday. The findings come as hotel heiress Paris Hilton heads to Congress to lobby in person on the problem. The report follows a Senate committee investigation that revealed children are subjected to abuse in foster care facilities around the country that are operated by a handful of large, for-profit companies and financed by taxpayers.


Talk about the blind leading the blind. Attention starved celebrity addressing Congress.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 6/26/2024 11:59:57 AM (No. 1743898)
The last I heard, her appearance fee is somewhere north of $100K. Who's footing the bill?
4 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Nimby 6/26/2024 12:08:58 PM (No. 1743900)
What the heck does she know about foster care?
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: chumley 6/26/2024 12:15:21 PM (No. 1743906)
Shes very pretty and has the hair, fashion and makeup thing whipped. She's also a complete airhead. If she were advocating for my cause, I'd give it up.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Sanddollar 6/26/2024 12:15:46 PM (No. 1743907)
FTA:"In recent years, those facilities have come under scrutiny. Hilton planned to address the House Ways and Means Committee about the abuse she endured at one of those facilities as a child, during a hearing that will look at strengthening oversight of the facilities.
2 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 6/26/2024 12:16:00 PM (No. 1743909)
Paris Hilton? No, no and no. Famous for being famous is not a qualification for testifying before the House. Is it any wonder that the House is held in such low esteem?
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Birddog 6/26/2024 12:26:33 PM (No. 1743915)
Most people do not know, or do not remember that it was Paris Hilton that inflicted the world with the Kardashians...KK was just Hilton's fulltime/traveling hair and makeup gyrrrl...until a pro BBall player she hooked up with posted a sex tape with her online. Between them they sort of created the whole, "Famous for being Famous" road to $millions, a road that seems to be a Gridlocked traffic jam today.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Cindiana 6/26/2024 12:37:01 PM (No. 1743924)
Will Meghan Markle also be appearing to share her thoughts?
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DWIM 6/26/2024 1:33:06 PM (No. 1743958)
Yes, I've read the comments. No, I am not posting in kind. Referring to the "...operated by a handful of large, for-profit companies and financed by taxpayers..." portion, this strikes me as ripe for "follow the money". Perhaps like other 'Department of ' that seem to be so thoroughly in operation these days? Back to who's gaining (aka, (un?)elected officials) from such a relationship. Sadly, these days, I wouldn't be surprised if there's much more of something going on behind the scenes. Pay to play anyone? At any rate, how about real sunlight for exposure, identifying those responsible and prosecute? Those elected in receipt of $$? Aren't we-all really getting sooo tired of such games going on behinds the scenes. Of course iff such is the case. {iff -> if and only if}
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Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 6/26/2024 1:37:05 PM (No. 1743961)
Giving children to perverts, lunatics and other abnormals is a serious problem.
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: paral04 6/26/2024 2:01:30 PM (No. 1743969)
What does she know about being knocked around in the foster care system? She feeling bad she hasn't gotten any press lately and needs to find a "cause"?
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Catherine 6/26/2024 6:06:05 PM (No. 1744048)
# 6 - Kim Kardashian's mother was responsible for that sex tape. She directed it and released it. She's the one selling those girls for her 10%. They know no better now and Kim herself has trotted out her 11 year old daughter to perform.
2 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: mifla 6/27/2024 5:34:17 AM (No. 1744247)
The self proclaimed "member of the lucky sperm club" is likely bored and this is a nice diversion for some good PR.
0 people like this.

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Paris Hilton heads to DC to testify before
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Posted by mc squared 6/26/2024 11:55:39 AM Post Reply
Many states are failing to track how frequently children in foster care facilities are abused, sexually assaulted or improperly restrained, leaving them vulnerable to mistreatment, the U.S. Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General said in a report Wednesday. The findings come as hotel heiress Paris Hilton heads to Congress to lobby in person on the problem. The report follows a Senate committee investigation that revealed children are subjected to abuse in foster care facilities around the country that are operated by a handful of large, for-profit companies and financed by taxpayers.
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Posted by mc squared 6/18/2024 11:41:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 6/27/2024 10:35:34 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 12:48:44 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/27/2024 5:16:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/27/2024 12:01:30 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 5:24:40 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/27/2024 8:43:22 AM Post Reply
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EXPOSED: CNN’s Debate Moderators Were
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Posted by Harlowe 6/27/2024 11:11:38 AM Post Reply
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Ditch Biden. That Debate Performance Was
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14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/27/2024 11:22:40 PM Post Reply
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Trump Needs to Hammer This During the Debate 14 replies
Posted by Imright 6/27/2024 1:00:10 AM Post Reply
The first and perhaps only presidential debate between presumed nominees Donald Trump and Joe Biden takes place on June 27 in CNN’s Atlanta headquarters. Home court advantage goes to President Biden. Is there anyone at CNN, aside from the janitors and cleaning crew, that support Trump? Doubtful. The debate will be moderated by the Trump hating undynamic duo of Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. CNN will mute the microphones, to keep Trump from objecting to Biden’s fabrications, and likely to silence Biden’s gibberish, something occurring with increasing frequency.
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