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Read the Full Transcript of President
Joe Biden’s Interview With TIME

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Posted By: Moritz55, 6/4/2024 12:35:56 PM

President Joe Biden sat down for an interview with TIME at the White House on May 28. Over the course of the interview, Biden spoke at length about his foreign policy agenda, including his views on China, Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel, as well as concerns about his age as he runs for re-election. Below is a lightly edited transcript of the interview conducted by TIME Washington Bureau Chief Massimo Calabresi and Editor-in-Chief Sam Jacobs. Click here to read our fact check.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Northcross 6/4/2024 12:41:50 PM (No. 1731037)
If Time is publishing this, they are part of a grand plan to knock Biden off the ticket and replace him with Michelle Obama.
9 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 6/4/2024 1:01:12 PM (No. 1731046)
As usual, Biden spent most of the interview complaining about the "messes" he inherited, including Afghanistan, and how he's had to fix everything. He's such a pathetic, lying weasel. And while I appreciated the fact checks, the article had to talk about his broad experience and how he's a man who had lived history, blah, blah, blah. Also, I don't think the left, or the person who interviewed him, will take that last line as him trying to "start a fight with the reporter", but as him showing just how "strong" and "bold" he is.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: daisey 6/4/2024 1:14:45 PM (No. 1731057)
A petty little person who is a bully. He’s always challenging someone’s strength or intelligence. He truly believes he’s the smartest dude in any room. He’s delusional. He’s a liar. And he has no idea what he’s talking about. Facts mean nothing to him.
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: rytwng 6/4/2024 1:40:14 PM (No. 1731071)
If only he would take dirt nap.
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 6/4/2024 2:30:23 PM (No. 1731107)
I started to read it but it's an endless "Trump did this, and Trump said that, and Trump wants this...." bunch of LIES. I stopped after a while, just no point. A total load of manure.
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: downnout 6/4/2024 2:32:31 PM (No. 1731109)
A person who spends so much time talking about himself is very insecure.
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DanvilleBill 6/4/2024 3:50:18 PM (No. 1731186)
Nothing here changes the fact that this senile old fool is positively the worst President in the entire history of the United States.
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 6/4/2024 4:52:16 PM (No. 1731219)
Who reads Time magazine? Seriously, it is not a major publication anymore.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Moritz55 6/5/2024 3:49:05 PM Post Reply
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Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’
serving as evidence in his trial is pure
poetic justice
13 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/5/2024 9:09:37 AM Post Reply
It’s official. Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” is government exhibit 16 at the first son’s gun trial in Delaware. The silver MacBook Pro 13, covered in a clear plastic wrapper, was first publicly sighted Tuesday at 2:10 p.m. when it was carried across the court by prosecutor Derek Hines to his first witness, FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen, who confirmed it was Hunter’s laptop from the serial number on the back. Sitting at the bar table, Hunter was inscrutable behind salmon pink reading glasses as the laptop that threatens to put him in jail and politically scorch his ­father coasted serenely across the room.
This was a machine-gun mob-style hit job
on Trump. It was nakedly political - and
will make his victory more likely, not less
12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/5/2024 9:01:37 AM Post Reply
Whaaat??? How can anyone survive that? By all the laws of politics the Trump campaign should today be a smoking ruin. He's a felon. He's a criminal – and he is the first president in US history to be convicted of such ostensibly serious offences. Every time that jury foreman pronounced the word 'Guilty' in the Manhattan court on Thursday, he should by all normal logic have been dealing a death-blow to Donald Trump's hopes of regaining the White House. He said it not just once but 34 times. This was no ordinary political assassination. This was a machine-gun mob-style hit-job on Trump.
Reform California chairman slams proposal
mandating illegal immigrants be hired
for taxpayer-funded state jobs
15 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/4/2024 8:58:09 PM Post Reply
Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio is blasting an assembly bill that Democrats in the California State Legislature are proposing that will direct the University of California system to begin hiring illegal immigrants for taxpayer-funded state jobs."I have seen a lot of outrageous proposals from California Democrat politicians, bending over backwards to make it easier for illegal immigrants to get in and to get taxpayer benefits. But this one absolutely tops the list of insane ideas," DeMaio told Fox News Digital. If passed, Assembly Bill 2586 would provide state government jobs at taxpayers’ expense for illegal immigrants.
Restoring Confidence in DOJ Requires Accountability,
New Leadership
17 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/4/2024 5:49:01 PM Post Reply
Everyone who has to go to court wants a sympathetic judge. But when a party goes “judge shopping,” it undermines people’s faith in the ability to get a fair hearing. It is bad enough when lawyers try to game the system in civil litigation. It is outrageous when the government does it to get home field advantage in criminal prosecutions, where the goal is to deny someone his/her freedom. Yet, that is exactly what the Department of Justice did recently, and was rightly called out for it. Isabella DeLuca was indicted in a case involving the Jan. 6 riot. Although a Washington, D.C, resident, she was arrested in California in
Trump flips his 2020 stance, launches
absentee ballot and early voting push
8 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/4/2024 4:32:42 PM Post Reply
Former President Trump is urging Republicans to use "every appropriate tool to beat the Democrats," which the presumptive GOP nominee says includes early voting and absentee balloting. The former president's 2024 campaign and the Republican National Committee on Tuesday announced the launch of what they call their "Swamp The Vote USA" effort. It's a major reversal from Trump's stance four years ago, when he repeatedly condemned early-in-person voting and mail-in balloting and said they were to blame for what he argued was massive election fraud that led to his defeat at the hands of President Biden.
Regardless of the Trump verdict, Biden’s
in trouble
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/4/2024 4:28:02 PM Post Reply
It will be a few weeks before the fallout of the Trump guilty verdict can be properly assessed. But what won’t change are the fundamental problems facing President Biden’s re-election campaign. Of course, Team Biden remains in the denial stage about “misinformed” voters, unfair media and the whole typical menu of excuses and self-pity. Biden’s polling problems have been evident for months. The incumbent president fell behind Donald Trump in several key swing states over the course of 2023, and he has remained down since then. The key Great Lakes states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are perhaps coin flips, with Trump generally holding a very thin lead.
Read the Full Transcript of President
Joe Biden’s Interview With TIME
8 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/4/2024 12:35:56 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden sat down for an interview with TIME at the White House on May 28. Over the course of the interview, Biden spoke at length about his foreign policy agenda, including his views on China, Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel, as well as concerns about his age as he runs for re-election. Below is a lightly edited transcript of the interview conducted by TIME Washington Bureau Chief Massimo Calabresi and Editor-in-Chief Sam Jacobs. Click here to read our fact check.
Some former 'Never Trump' voters now say
they're backing GOP nominee after his conviction
3 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/3/2024 9:39:02 PM Post Reply
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in the 2024 race
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Posted by Moritz55 6/3/2024 9:34:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/5/2024 10:30:20 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/5/2024 3:57:19 AM Post Reply
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Breaking: Arizona GOP Files BOMBSHELL
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After Discovering from 500,000 to 1.3
Million ILLEGAL Voters on State’s Voter Rolls
25 replies
Posted by Imright 6/5/2024 3:54:12 AM Post Reply
This is how Democrats win. This is how Democrats cheat. This is what must be addressed by Republican groups across the country! Thank you Arizona Republican Party for showing the rest of America what must be done to bring back election integrity in America today. The Arizona Republican Party filed a lawsuit against the corrupt Secretary of State Adrian Fontes after discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 million ILLEGAL VOTERS on the state’s voter rolls.
Biden's cognitive decline: Washington
DC insiders reveal worrying new details
with 81-year-old president now often incomprehensible
and regularly freezing in meetings - 'he's
not the same person'
24 replies
Posted by Imright 6/5/2024 7:51:48 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden's cognitive decline has become readily apparent to dozens of high-ranking officials in recent months, a bombshell new report claims. More than 45 Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers offered insight on the subject, citing recent mistakes by the commander-in-chief they found concerning. Aired in the midst of an election year, the report paints a picture of a president considerably slower than days' past, while the White House maintains the 81-year-old is still a top leader.
Biden Lands in France Ahead of D-Day Commemoration,
Immediately Needs a Nap
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/5/2024 9:14:28 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden landed in Paris, France on Wednesday ahead of Thursday's ceremonies to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day and immediately did what we all, unfortunately, expect him to do these days: He called a lid. It's a long flight, for sure, but unlike the rest of us Biden doesn't have to deal with flight delays, getting through the TSA line, or being stuck in the middle seat between a hypochondriac wearing an N95 mask and a person of unidentifiable gender who really should have purchased two seats. He also has sleeping quarters
New Mexico hospital refuses to treat CANCER
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Posted by OhioNick 6/5/2024 3:49:47 PM Post Reply
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Feds Charge 47 Somali Immigrants with
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17 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/5/2024 3:39:28 PM Post Reply
Federal prosecutors have charged 47 Somali Muslim immigrants in Minnesota for skimming $250 million from a coronavirus relief program meant to help feed needy children. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s office is calling the case the “largest pandemic relief fraud scheme charged to date.” “Today’s indictments describe an egregious plot to steal public funds meant to care for children in need in what amounts to the largest pandemic relief fraud scheme yet,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray in a Department of Justice (DOJ) press release:
NASA discovers that 80% of ‘global warming’
in last ten years was actually caused
by ‘net zero’ policies
15 replies
Posted by DVC 6/5/2024 11:39:11 AM Post Reply
A team of “high-powered NASA scientists” has just stumbled upon a very inconvenient truth, and no, I don’t mean that they’ve found new evidence to support the Al Gore fear porn flick, but instead, they’ve discovered that 80% of “global warming” in the last ten years has not been caused by man’s use of natural renewable resources like gas and oil, but “draconian fuel shipping regulations” ostensibly “designed to help prevent global warming.” [snip] NASA scientists that suggest most of the recent global temperature increases are due to the introduction of draconian fuel shipping regulations designed to help prevent global warming.
Biden’s Desperate Attempt to Paint Trump
As a Racist
14 replies
Posted by Imright 6/5/2024 2:24:19 PM Post Reply
A new Biden ad quotes Trump saying, “Of course, I hate these people.” The ad explains, “Donald Trump disrespecting black folk is nothing new.” The ad claims that Trump “called for the execution of 5 innocent black and brown teenagers,” “stood with violent white supremacists,” “warned of a ‘bloodbath’ if he loses the next election,” “was sued for refusing to rent his apartments to black families,” and “vowed to be a ‘dictator’ who wants revenge on his enemies.” The ad ends again with Trump saying, “Of course I hate these people.”
Spanish Father Punches Left-Wing Comic
Who Made Sexual Comments About His 3-Month-Old Son
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/5/2024 8:20:09 AM Post Reply
A Spanish father strode on stage and punched a leftist comedian who had made “sexualizing” comments about the father’s three-month-old son on social media. Comedian Jaime Caravaca had responded to a photo Alberto Pugilato had posted of himself and his three-month-son on Twitter captioned “Pride and joy” by writing, “Nothing and no one can prevent the possibility that he is gay, and when he grows up he gets tired of sucking black ****.” Pugilato fired back on Twitter, “I assure you that you are going to apologize for what you said about my 3-month-old son and you will discover that real life is not Twitter.” (X) In Madrid on Monday,
Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’
serving as evidence in his trial is pure
poetic justice
13 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/5/2024 9:09:37 AM Post Reply
It’s official. Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” is government exhibit 16 at the first son’s gun trial in Delaware. The silver MacBook Pro 13, covered in a clear plastic wrapper, was first publicly sighted Tuesday at 2:10 p.m. when it was carried across the court by prosecutor Derek Hines to his first witness, FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen, who confirmed it was Hunter’s laptop from the serial number on the back. Sitting at the bar table, Hunter was inscrutable behind salmon pink reading glasses as the laptop that threatens to put him in jail and politically scorch his ­father coasted serenely across the room.
Yikes! Joe Biden Makes a Beeline for the
Kids at the White House Congressional
Picnic (Video)
13 replies
Posted by Imright 6/5/2024 7:55:33 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Tuesday evening delivered opening remarks at the White House Congressional Picnic before departing for Paris, France. Dr. Jill, clad in a sofa print dress, welcomed everyone to the picnic. “It’s so wonderful to see so many friends here. My heart is filled with gratitude as I look out at this crowd,” Dr. Jill said. “Over these past three and a half years, so many of you have welcomed me to your districts and your states, as we’ve worked together on issues that bring us all together: Lifting up educators, highlighting the great work of your local community colleges, fighting to end cancer
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