Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’
serving as evidence in his trial is pure
poetic justice
New York Post,
Miranda Devine
Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55,
6/5/2024 9:09:37 AM
It’s official.
Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” is government exhibit 16 at the first son’s gun trial in Delaware.
The silver MacBook Pro 13, covered in a clear plastic wrapper, was first publicly sighted Tuesday at 2:10 p.m. when it was carried across the court by prosecutor Derek Hines to his first witness, FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen, who confirmed it was Hunter’s laptop from the serial number on the back. Sitting at the bar table, Hunter was inscrutable behind salmon pink reading glasses as the laptop that threatens to put him in jail and politically scorch his father coasted serenely across the room.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 6/5/2024 9:20:07 AM (No. 1731564)
Hunter's defense team could get the 51 former "intelligence" officials to swear the laptop is Russian misinformation.
30 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
MickTurn 6/5/2024 9:29:16 AM (No. 1731577)
This is a major Dog and Pony show...and the Organ Grinder Hunter and Joey's Thugs in the Dept of JustUs will see to it that the Jury is "Friendly"!
23 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
udanja99 6/5/2024 9:51:53 AM (No. 1731607)
If Hunter walks, it will be one more indication to American citizens that our justice system has been nuked by the left. I think it will boost Trump’s numbers even further. Especially among minorities.
28 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
chagrined 6/5/2024 10:19:13 AM (No. 1731636)
We can only hope a Hunter acquittal will wake millions of Americans out of their stupor to finally see how evil the demonrats are, how they've nearly destroyed the legal system in this country, and how the enemedia are complete liars and need to be run out of the country.
18 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
LeeBertie 6/5/2024 10:49:28 AM (No. 1731653)
No amount of intelligent legal analysis from learned people who have been at the forefront of this case from the start is worth the keystrokes it takes to publish their opinions.
Look at the jury. Learn who and what they are.
What do I see?
15 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 6/5/2024 11:02:22 AM (No. 1731659)
Are the judge and jury dims? That will determine if hunter boy skates.
12 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Noj15 6/5/2024 11:29:30 AM (No. 1731682)
And Captain Pantload lied to the whole world during his failed debate with President Trump when he said "You lie," when questioned about Hunter's laptop. No, YOU lie, Captain Pantload, now shuffle off and have KJP clean your soiled diaper, before your nap.
11 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 6/5/2024 11:38:40 AM (No. 1731691)
Laptop from Heaven is more like it. Its God's attempt to set the record straight.
13 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
dbdiva 6/5/2024 11:55:15 AM (No. 1731696)
This may be poetic justice but I won't be satisfied until everyone (including the media) who participated in calling the laptop "Russian disinformation" faces actual justice. They are all complicit in election interference and MUST PAY.
13 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Muguy 6/5/2024 12:44:10 PM (No. 1731722)
Sooooo possession of the Macbook was simply verified by a SERIAL NUMBER and not by the contents of the hard drive incriminating himself and the "big guy" seeking a tithe of the action of 'pay for play' for his services of jetting favorite son Goofus Hunter around on Air Force 2 ??????
8 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 6/5/2024 1:06:26 PM (No. 1731741)
If he can't keep an incriminating laptop secure how can you trust them with guns?
8 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 6/5/2024 1:24:27 PM (No. 1731752)
While it may seem like the "prosecution" is trying to actually convict Hunter, I don't believe that's what they're doing.
When they brought up the whole idea of Hunter looking for drugs every 15 minutes, they seemed to be indicating he didn't know what he was doing so that he forgot his laptop at a repair shop wasn't out of the norm, or that knew what he was doing most of the time.
Then, you get this serial number being the reference for confirming it was his laptop now provides them with a plausible explanation that materials on it may not have been his content, or cover for the 51 IC persons who wrote that letter implying the contents had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.
They are trying to find ways to excuse and cover for the failed plea deal and allow this jury to excuse everything.
But, it will look far more like white privilege and unfair justice to most in America.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Lazyman 6/5/2024 1:37:53 PM (No. 1731755)
If this jury is smart and as gutless as the majority of Americans they should let him walk. After all when Biden and his lackeys go after them in the event of voting guilty where do they go for help?
2 people like this.
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Take a bow, Miranda Devine. You and your paper showed us what real journalism looks like