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Mexico elects Claudia Sheinbaum as its
first woman president

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 6/3/2024 6:42:00 AM

Mexico’s projected presidential winner Claudia Sheinbaum will become the first woman president in the country’s 200-year history. “I will become the first woman president of Mexico,” Sheinbaum said with a smile, speaking at a downtown hotel shortly after electoral authorities announced a statistical sample showed she held an irreversible lead. “I don’t make it alone. We’ve all made it, with our heroines who gave us our homeland, with our mothers, our daughters and our granddaughters.” “We have demonstrated that Mexico is a democratic country with peaceful elections,” she said.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 6/3/2024 7:29:16 AM (No. 1730117)
Key facts: 1. Far left Moreno party. 2. Environmental waxko thet cloaks her wackiness as pseudo scientific nonsense 3. Apostate Jewish family that rejects Judaism
33 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: downnout 6/3/2024 7:40:47 AM (No. 1730127)
Thanks #1. You saved me some time.
27 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 6/3/2024 7:58:49 AM (No. 1730140)
#2. Sorry, left off: 4. Berkeley educated and former professor
20 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Skinnydip 6/3/2024 8:04:08 AM (No. 1730149)
Can we give California to Mexico now?
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: nwcudagal 6/3/2024 8:06:41 AM (No. 1730152)
Wow, everyone knows that Mexico has some serious issues, but it's straight into the crapper now.
15 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 6/3/2024 8:17:40 AM (No. 1730163)
Claudia, looks like the cartels are safe and sound then?
19 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 6/3/2024 8:55:10 AM (No. 1730192)
Mexico's first female President versus Cartel monsters. Sorry, I don't like her chances. If she is lucky, they will let her live. One look at the reality that is Mexico with all its crime, and then look at her. It''s not going to work.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Safari Man 6/3/2024 8:56:09 AM (No. 1730193)
Seems Mexicans just keep making horrible choices.
13 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: paral04 6/3/2024 9:11:33 AM (No. 1730202)
Do you notice that they had the election on a Sunday? They do that in Puerto Rico, or did that when I lived there years ago. In PR,, they used the schools as polling places and everybody had to be there at a certain hour and then the doors were locked. A person voted, yes once, and they were let out. If you were late too bad, you couldn't get in. That took care of a lot of the corruption as of course you needed a valid ID. We need to do that here.
21 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: bighambone 6/3/2024 10:38:01 AM (No. 1730286)
Look at Biden’s background against Scheinbaum’s background and you will see that only one of them is intent on making their country great, and that in a one to one confrontation Biden who does not know which way is up without his trusty teleprompter, especially when money is involved, will never come out on top, and that his Vice-President Harris would be fatally bruised in any such confrontation. All that is evidenced by the fact that Biden has been “unable” to get the Mexicans to stop unlimited numbers of non-Mexican Third World origin illegal aliens from entering and traveling across Mexico to gain unlawful entry to the USA. Chances are, if the true story was known, that instead Biden and his leftist and progressive Democrat crew have entered into some sort of “under the covers” deal with the Mexicans to keep their hands off that unlimited flood of prospective Third World illegal aliens who Biden has encouraged and invited to gain unlawful entry to the USA via Biden’s “open borders” scheme, and that in return Biden will not allow ICE to deport any Mexican illegal aliens found in the USA back to Mexico. There is only reason that the 101% politically partisan Biden and his Obama origin leftist and progressive Democrat crew would allow unlimited numbers of Third World origin illegal aliens to flood into the USA, as they have been doing, and then legalize them thru a series of Democrat designed future “path to citizenship” amnesties to permanently change the population demographics of the USA to effectively increase minority population groups of both domestic and foreign origin into a future majority leftist and progressive Democrat political coalition past the point that Biden and the leftist and progressive Democrats believe will overwhelm Republican supporters and voters, and keep the leftist and progressive Democrats in permanent political power indefinitely on into the future controlling both the Congress and the White House. Why else would the 101% politically partisan Biden and the leftist and progressive Democrats be doing all that?
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Luandir 6/3/2024 1:24:58 PM (No. 1730423)
Lamps being thrown in Chautauqua tonight.
1 person likes this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 6/3/2024 3:30:57 PM (No. 1730507)
AP left out Jew, another First!
1 person likes this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Lucky5 6/3/2024 3:44:12 PM (No. 1730522)
I hope they do not murder her. What a place.
1 person likes this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mifla 6/4/2024 7:48:31 AM (No. 1730857)
The cartels are running Mexico. She is in bed with them, else she would never have been elected.
0 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Italiano 6/4/2024 8:13:39 AM (No. 1730868)
Q: What could go wrong? A: Watch.
0 people like this.

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Posted by 4250Luis 6/4/2024 5:13:57 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 6/3/2024 6:43:59 AM Post Reply
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Mexico elects Claudia Sheinbaum as its
first woman president
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Posted by 4250Luis 6/3/2024 6:42:00 AM Post Reply
Mexico’s projected presidential winner Claudia Sheinbaum will become the first woman president in the country’s 200-year history. “I will become the first woman president of Mexico,” Sheinbaum said with a smile, speaking at a downtown hotel shortly after electoral authorities announced a statistical sample showed she held an irreversible lead. “I don’t make it alone. We’ve all made it, with our heroines who gave us our homeland, with our mothers, our daughters and our granddaughters.” “We have demonstrated that Mexico is a democratic country with peaceful elections,” she said.
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Posted by 4250Luis 6/2/2024 6:19:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 6/2/2024 6:17:22 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 6/2/2024 6:14:30 AM Post Reply
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6 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/1/2024 8:04:26 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 6/1/2024 7:59:47 AM Post Reply
In the annals of American history, moments of undeniable momentum and change are marked by a singular certainty: Nothing can stop what is coming. Such is the case as we stand on the precipice of a transformative period in our nation’s journey. The echoes of past struggles and triumphs resonate through the corridors of power, yet the future beckons with a promise of renewal and rebirth. Let us venture bravely into the heart of the storm, wading into the forces that are shaping our destiny, and a big salute to the indomitable spirit that fuels the march towards a brighter tomorrow.
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2 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/1/2024 7:53:47 AM Post Reply
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8 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/1/2024 7:51:08 AM Post Reply
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The US-built pier in Gaza broke apart.
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13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/30/2024 6:46:50 AM Post Reply
A string of security, logistical and weather problems has battered the plan to deliver desperately needed humanitarian aid to Gaza through a U.S. military-built pier. Broken apart by strong winds and heavy seas just over a week after it became operational, the project faces criticism that it hasn’t lived up to its initial billing or its $320 million price tag. U.S. officials say, however, that the steel causeway connected to the beach in Gaza and the floating pier are being repaired and reassembled at a port in southern Israel, then will be reinstalled and working again next week.
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Posted by Beardo 6/4/2024 9:23:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/4/2024 1:35:27 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/4/2024 8:50:20 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/4/2024 8:15:45 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/4/2024 10:19:31 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/4/2024 8:43:27 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/4/2024 1:01:57 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sunset 6/4/2024 10:29:42 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/4/2024 4:03:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/4/2024 3:51:26 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 6/4/2024 5:49:01 PM Post Reply
Everyone who has to go to court wants a sympathetic judge. But when a party goes “judge shopping,” it undermines people’s faith in the ability to get a fair hearing. It is bad enough when lawyers try to game the system in civil litigation. It is outrageous when the government does it to get home field advantage in criminal prosecutions, where the goal is to deny someone his/her freedom. Yet, that is exactly what the Department of Justice did recently, and was rightly called out for it. Isabella DeLuca was indicted in a case involving the Jan. 6 riot. Although a Washington, D.C, resident, she was arrested in California in
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Posted by Syrupmakers 6/4/2024 5:34:33 PM Post Reply
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