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Pray for President Trump

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Posted By: earlybird, 5/31/2024 10:53:59 AM

There was a time when mules were of great value in the creation of what sustains all human community life. Mules that pulled ploughshares were evaluated with a level of discernment that would rival modern NFL drafts. (snip)Is this the trait the quiet men were looking for? Is determination the invisible language within that interview, an auction now long in the past? I think it was. The events of the past several weeks have shown us there are harsh landscapes ahead. We are traveling to places that have never been contemplated.


This is a different kind of message from SD. His aalogy of the mules is an interesting one.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 5/31/2024 11:16:42 AM (No. 1728437)
FTA - "The events of the past several weeks have shown us there are harsh landscapes ahead. We are traveling to places that have never been contemplated. We are witnessing things accepted that were always out of bounds. There are no boundaries in this new place. This land is hard, and it will take quiet men with callouses to guide us through it." Starting with President Trump, who else might this passage refer to? You and me.
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Krause 5/31/2024 11:26:52 AM (No. 1728447)
The democrats, all of them, are dragging us down as a country… the delight of our enemies.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: snapper451 5/31/2024 11:27:23 AM (No. 1728448)
Amen. I saw that May 30 was the anniversary of when Joan of Arc was killed. We not only have to pray for President Trump in the legal process, but also for his physical safety. I am not a conspiracy theorist but since they authorized “lethal force” for the Mar a Lago raid, we must be concerned that the FBI/CIA could be plotting an assassination if Trump’s poll numbers continue to rise.
30 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: smokincol 5/31/2024 11:33:37 AM (No. 1728451)
if the demcommies have proven one thing since the rise of comrade obama : that incivility and treachery are the norms for this society and will only be featured against their enemies or those who don't think the way they do - this country reached its acme at some point in the not too distant past but with the rise of the communists and the communist way of "governing" the accelerated pace in which the nosedive took place has come and will be here for as long as the weak willed r/Republicans allow it to
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 5/31/2024 11:58:50 AM (No. 1728462)
There will never be another Donald John Trump. Greatest President in my lifetime.
21 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: kono 5/31/2024 12:01:05 PM (No. 1728463)
The Sham-ocrats have subjected PDJT to 8 straight years of witch hunt. Those who don't already believe he's Hitlah have been trying to condition him to become that, perhaps to prove to everybody else they were right. My prayer is that this experience will have conditioned him to realize this is about more than politics. And a political revenge program is not going to fix it. He was above average as President. He has an opening to become a great man of history. Famous, not notorious.
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Venturer 5/31/2024 12:04:28 PM (No. 1728467)
Seeing how this lawfare works, AND IF we had a decent Republican party Joebama and Garland and Mayorkas should be frightened to death to be out of office. The trials would be fearsome. But we don't have a decent Republican party. Just a pack perk happy people enjoying sucking on that Government teat.
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Bur Oak 5/31/2024 12:08:58 PM (No. 1728472)
A while back I was told a story about a mule. A farmer came in from the field looking downcast. He told his wife that the mule had died. They were both devastated as they had only one mule. The mule was the engine that was most responsible for creating the food and money that they depended upon. To lose the mule meant the eventual loss of all they had.
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: MissMann 5/31/2024 12:22:11 PM (No. 1728480)
Every single day I pray for my beloved country and all those dedicated to liberty, including Trump.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: Timber Queen 5/31/2024 1:56:33 PM (No. 1728543)
#3 - St. Joan of Arc is my Baptismal Saint. Joan is my middle name. She is the Patron Saint of France, obviously. May 30th is her Feast Day, although she didn't make the Liturgical Calendar...too many saints for all to have their own day. It hasn't escaped me that we live in similar times as she. Our country is led by a buffoon being manipulated by traitors dedicated to an ideology antithetical to it's Constitutional founding. I'm re-reading Mark Twain's remarkable biography of Joan. I'm at her trial, but had to set it aside. I so enjoyed her childhood, her time at court and victories in the field. I have to prepare myself emotionally for her trial and execution. As noted above, St. Joan didn't make the Liturgical Calendar. I've always felt a bit sad about it. This year I arranged with my parish priest to have yesterday's Mass said in her honor. I called a few of my closest friends from the Ladies Guild to join me. Father gave a lovely introduction of St. Joan at the beginning of Mass. My intention to her was to protect President Trump, to help guide him and my country through our perilous time. For my recent birthday my sister sent me a medal of St. Joan. On the back is an inscription of a quote from her. "A strong person isn't the one who doesn't cry. A strong person is the one who sheds tears for moment, picks up her sword and fights again."
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Reply 11 - Posted by: Yo Yo 5/31/2024 2:09:06 PM (No. 1728546)
Outstanding post. There's some very troublesome landscape ahead. I am praying for President Trump, and I'm praying for my country.
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: mifla 6/1/2024 4:35:11 AM (No. 1728874)
Yep. Been doing so for a while. Will continue. Have to remind myself that prayer is better than payback. Vengance is mine says the Lord.
2 people like this.

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Posted by earlybird 6/2/2024 11:14:54 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 6/2/2024 10:33:57 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 5/31/2024 12:01:38 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 5/31/2024 11:52:13 AM Post Reply
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Pray for President Trump 12 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/31/2024 10:53:59 AM Post Reply
There was a time when mules were of great value in the creation of what sustains all human community life. Mules that pulled ploughshares were evaluated with a level of discernment that would rival modern NFL drafts. (snip)Is this the trait the quiet men were looking for? Is determination the invisible language within that interview, an auction now long in the past? I think it was. The events of the past several weeks have shown us there are harsh landscapes ahead. We are traveling to places that have never been contemplated.
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Soviet Show Trial Conviction
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/30/2024 9:56:59 PM Post Reply
One of the many factors tainting a New York jury’s conviction of former President Donald Trump is the fact that the judge who oversaw the Soviet-style show trial previously donated to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. The judge’s daughter also represents Democrat clients who raised millions off the trial. In an unsurprising move, the jury in deep-blue Manhattan found Trump guilty Thursday on all counts related to a payment his then-lawyer made to a pornographer as part of a nondisclosure agreement. The saga marks the first time in U.S. history a major party has weaponized the justice system to convict its chief political opponent ahead of a contested election.
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42 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/30/2024 5:34:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 5/29/2024 6:48:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 5/28/2024 4:24:36 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Harlowe 6/1/2024 3:45:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/1/2024 10:32:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/2/2024 12:48:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/1/2024 3:25:51 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump’s campaign announced on Friday that it had raised nearly $53 million in the 24 hours after Trump’s conviction by a New York jury. Jurors in Trump’s business records trial found the former president guilty on all 34 counts related to payments made to adult entertainment star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election. “In the 24 hours since Crooked Joe Biden and his New York henchmen got their sham trial verdict, the Trump Campaign has raised $52.8 million through the online digital fundraising platform,” the Trump campaign wrote. “THAT’S MORE THAN $2 MILLION PER HOUR!”
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Posted by Harlowe 6/1/2024 9:54:16 PM Post Reply
The horrific assault on our Republic that resulted in 34 (!!) felony convictions of former president Donald Trump has reverberated across the nation. The blight on our nation caused by every Democrat who has had a hand in the banana republic disgrace of an American president being paraded around in a clown court, a Soviet-style show trial, makes a mockery of the very foundations of this (once?) great country. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is spear-heading a campaign among U.S. senators to stop cooperating with the corrupt Biden administration on legislative matters that do not directly affect the American people.
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Posted by FlyRight 6/1/2024 7:56:03 AM Post Reply
We now know that the three extant JFK autopsy skull X-rays in the National Archives collection are forgeries, altered to mask evidence of two frontal headshots. The evidence for this proposition is thoroughly presented in a new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis, which I have recently published with Dr. David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. Armed with a Ph.D. in physics and a medical practice extending over five decades as a radiation oncologist, Dr. Mantik has seen the JFK autopsy skull X-rays more than anyone else. Using a densitometer, he measured the light coming through the X-rays millimeter-by-millimeter (with some measurements at a tenth-of-a-millimeter calibration).
The current trend of deeply annoying movie music 20 replies
Posted by Msquared112 6/2/2024 6:10:12 AM Post Reply
If you do any amount of movie or TV series streaming via Netflix, Prime or other channels, you may have noticed a truly annoying trend of loud, inappropriate songs in the background of what you’re watching. The singers are almost always bad and the lyrics almost always totally wrong for the content of the movie or series you're watching. I was watching a murder-mystery thriller movie on Prime and suddenly a soundtracker bursts into loud, raucous songs about something utterly unrelated to the plot. I have noticed this trend mostly in the last five years but lately, it has been enough to make me hit the mute button.
Tim Pool Abruptly Ends Live Stream as
Lara Loomer Calls for Treason Charges
and Death Penalty for Democrats Accused
of Coup Against Donald Trump
19 replies
Posted by Imright 6/1/2024 4:57:30 PM Post Reply
Tim Pool, host of the YouTube show Timcast IRL, abruptly ended his livestream on Friday, according to the website Anarchist Federation. This unexpected termination occurred as Laura Loomer advocated for the execution of Democrats whom she accuses of orchestrating a coup against Trump following his conviction in a recent bogus hush money trial. During the show, Loomer passionately voiced her frustrations with the political forces aligned against Trump, calling for stark actions against these “traitors.” “Wake up. Stop being nice to these people,” Loomer said.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may well mop up
the mess on the floors in November
16 replies
Posted by ToryWhite 6/2/2024 6:31:19 AM Post Reply
I voted for Trump against the Hill-da-beast. I hope he wins again—if he is still willing and able after they get done with him. However, from the moment RFK Jr. announced his run for the presidency, I had an old D.C. political observer’s hunch: Bobbie Jr. may win.
“I Didn’t Do Anything Wrong!” –
Peter Doocy Ambushes Biden, Asks if He’s
Afraid of Being Charged After He Leaves
White House (Video)
16 replies
Posted by Imright 6/1/2024 7:36:52 AM Post Reply
Reporters ambushed Joe Biden at the White House during a celebration for Super Bowl winners the Kansas City Chiefs. Reporters peppered Joe Biden with questions about his lawfare trial against President Trump after a Manhattan jury returned a guilty verdict. Biden sent his top DOJ official, Matthew Colangelo, to New York to take down his main political rival, Donald Trump. Soros DA Alvin Bragg and his top prosecutor Matthew Colangelo, with the help of crooked judge Merchan, went after Trump for non-crimes related to ‘hush payments’ to porn star Stormy Daniels.
Lloyd Austin Isn't Worried About War With China 14 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/1/2024 1:27:44 PM Post Reply
It's no secret that tensions have been running high between China and the West, including with the United States. The situation around Taiwan is an ongoing sore point, as well as China's aggressive expansion into the South China Sea. This week, military leaders from around the world met at the Shangri-La Defense Forum, held in Singapore, and American Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met for an hour with his Chinese counterpart, Dong Jun. Austin came away from the meeting with a surprisingly confident tone, claiming that war with China is "neither imminent nor unavoidable." Dong Jun had less to say, and other nations didn't seem to be nearly as optimistic,
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