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Rishi Sunak Admits to ‘Infected Blood Scandal’

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Posted By: DW626, 5/30/2024 7:31:41 AM

After letters to my senators and an American Thinker article, Why is the FDA Contaminating America’s Blood Supply? it is the United Kingdom that finally comes clean: Britain’s ‘day of shame’ as full scale of infected blood scandal revealed ‘The result of this inquiry should shake our nation to its core. This should have been avoided. It was known these treatments were contaminated; warnings were ignored repeatedly. ‘Time and again people in positions of power and trust had the chance to stop the transmission of those infections. Time and again they failed to do so.’ Patients “died or suffered miserably” as a result of being given contaminated blood products

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Reply 1 - Posted by: czechlist 5/30/2024 8:41:53 AM (No. 1727676)
I did not see Sunak quoted nor even mentioned in the body of this article
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: 3XALADY 5/30/2024 8:44:49 AM (No. 1727678)
IIRC, Bill Clinton was involved in blood donations from prisons and probably other bad places during this time. In January 1989 I had surgery and had to have a transfusion. I had to sign a paper saying I wouldn't hold the hospital or anyone responsible if I got AIDS from the blood. It was almost as if I were watching death drip into my arm. Now 34 years later I had to have a transfusion. I had not had any of the jabs. I was told blood was not separated from the ones who had been vaccinated from the ones who weren't so again, I'm sitting there thinking I was watching death drip into my arm. It is a shame we can't depend on a clean blood supply.
24 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: John Moses Browning 5/30/2024 9:21:05 AM (No. 1727702)
The democrats will make sure that the national blood supply is contaminated if it is not already. These people have to be removed from power. Time is short for our country from thousands of self inflicted wounds.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: aasilver 5/30/2024 10:15:48 AM (No. 1727731)
Two words SOCIALIZED MEDICINE - Coming to California in 2024 and the USA by 2026.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 5/30/2024 12:47:34 PM (No. 1727819)
I believe it is still true that you can donate your own blood before any anticipated surgical procedure! I received 2 units transfusion during first childbirth in 1982 in SF Bay Area at the height of HIV crisis.....just darn lucky I was not infected. Before 2nd childbirth, I was able to donate my own blood to be available just in case. Highly recommend doing this if possible!!
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Reply 6 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 5/30/2024 12:49:46 PM (No. 1727823)
1982 was BEFORE they had even started screening the blood for HIV, which they eventually did for a while.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 5/30/2024 1:29:08 PM (No. 1727837)
Free health care is extremely lives wrecked and lives lost.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: LadyHen 5/30/2024 2:46:03 PM (No. 1727875)
I am guessing if the government gives you infected blood, it's just tough luck. On the pragmatic side while I doubt anyone would serve time, in the litigious US the civil lawsuits would be crippling and the assumption would be that precautions would be taken if for no other reason than staving off financial ruin. But let's face it, from a corporate perspective, I doubt altruism would guide their policy in this anymore than it does in anything else. The almighty dollar rules.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: dragon 6/1/2024 12:46:25 AM (No. 1728803)
The title of the American Thinker article is also the link to Sunak's admission and apology.
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Posted by DW626 6/4/2024 12:23:57 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 6/4/2024 7:21:06 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 6/3/2024 3:11:14 PM Post Reply
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26 replies
Posted by DW626 6/3/2024 2:26:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 6/3/2024 7:39:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 6/8/2024 12:35:12 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/8/2024 11:09:21 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 6/9/2024 7:21:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 6/9/2024 5:53:53 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 6/8/2024 7:19:53 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/8/2024 12:19:36 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 6/8/2024 9:31:31 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2024 11:36:40 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/9/2024 9:15:59 AM Post Reply
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