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‘A dying empire led by bad people’:
Poll finds young voters despairing over
US politics

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Posted By: Garnet, 5/29/2024 4:24:14 PM

Young voters overwhelmingly believe that almost all politicians are corrupt and that the country will end up worse off than when they were born, according to new polling from Democratic firm Blueprint obtained exclusively by Semafor. The sour mood points to potential trouble for Joe Biden, who is struggling with Gen Z and younger Millennials in polls compared with 2020, and needs to convince them he can be relied on to improve their lives. As part of the online poll of 943 18-30-year-old registered voters, Blueprint asked participants to respond to a series of questions about the American political system: 49% agreed to some extent that elections

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Reply 1 - Posted by: BarryNo 5/29/2024 4:47:08 PM (No. 1727326)
That's because almost all politicians are corrupt and those that aren't are marginalized, threatened, framed, smeared, then blackmailed by those that are. We'll eventually have to give them a dirt nap, and a lot of good people will suffer as we eliminate the bad. I think its inevitable that we'll at least try to get rid of them. Trump is part of that effort. Its why they are afraid of him. He could start the ball rolling.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: kono 5/29/2024 5:10:24 PM (No. 1727342)
"As part of the online poll of 943 18-30-year-old registered voters" Unreliable polls making dubious generalizations from puny sample sets and reported in an obscure place. Anything credible about this? Polls, schmolls.
3 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 5/29/2024 5:29:42 PM (No. 1727352)
Regardless of party, most people have an impression the country is on the wrong track. The thing is people gives dozens of different reasons why the country is on the wrong track. A liberal will give you a different answer than a conservative. Along comes Obama promising hope and change and people eat it up. Problem is Obama was nothing but a hardcore leftist that is allied with the globalists. Nothing got better. After Obama comes Trump, and he delivers. The response from the leftist and globalists was basically to go to war with Trump and then they forced him out. They installed Port Biden. Have always thought the outcome of fixing the country would lead to one of two results. The country would be fixed, or we would descend into a dictatorship. Care to guess which is happening? Btw, more people think the country is on the wrong track now more than ever.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 5/29/2024 6:16:23 PM (No. 1727377)
Maybe we should try to Make America Great Again!
5 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: red1066 5/29/2024 6:45:52 PM (No. 1727397)
They haven't been around long enough to learn elections have consequences, but they're learning.
5 people like this.

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‘A dying empire led by bad people’:
Poll finds young voters despairing over
US politics
5 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/29/2024 4:24:14 PM Post Reply
Young voters overwhelmingly believe that almost all politicians are corrupt and that the country will end up worse off than when they were born, according to new polling from Democratic firm Blueprint obtained exclusively by Semafor. The sour mood points to potential trouble for Joe Biden, who is struggling with Gen Z and younger Millennials in polls compared with 2020, and needs to convince them he can be relied on to improve their lives. As part of the online poll of 943 18-30-year-old registered voters, Blueprint asked participants to respond to a series of questions about the American political system: 49% agreed to some extent that elections
It’s the Cost of Living, Stupid! 8 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/27/2024 1:28:38 AM Post Reply
President Biden and the corporate media are growing increasingly frustrated by the failure of Americans to accept their assurances that the economy is in good shape. They insist that there is an inexplicable disconnect between the public’s gloomy perception of the economy and the sunny state of affairs described by official government statistics. A vocal proponent of this view is New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. As recently as Friday, he declared himself unable to understand pervasive pessimism about the economy and dismissed the phenomenon as a “vibecession.” Sorry, no sale.
Why Trump Eagerly Accepted Unfair Debate Rules 13 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/20/2024 12:52:40 AM Post Reply
Any experienced negotiator knows that, if his opening offer is immediately accepted, he has given away too much. Consequently, it must have rattled President Biden’s handlers when former President Trump instantly agreed to their debate proposal, despite its extravagant demands concerning format and rules. The Biden team very likely expected Trump to balk at some of those preconditions, which would have enabled them to portray his frequently repeated offer to debate “anytime, anywhere” as an empty bluff. Instead, he gleefully exclaimed, “Let’s get ready to rumble.” Moreover, he proposed additional encounters beyond those offered by the Biden campaign.
Take a crime prevention class or go to
jail: Westchester DA’s scathing rebuke
of anti-Israel college protesters
10 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/16/2024 2:30:00 PM Post Reply
Westchester County prosecutors are giving anti-Israel protesters who were busted during a campus demonstration at SUNY Purchase a choice: Enroll in a crime prevention course or face jail time. Westchester District Attorney Mimi Rocah said nearly all of the 68 protesters arrested at the state university on May 2 will have the option to take a three-hour “Fresh Start” course to avoid prosecution and potentially keep them out of the county lockup, the office said Wednesday. “After evaluating the facts and circumstances, the WCDAO is offering our pre-arraignment diversionary program to eligible individuals, as we routinely do when first-time defendants face trespass violations,” a spokesperson for Rocah said in a statement.
It's Not that Pro-Hamas Supporters Walked
Out on Seinfeld, His Speech Was the Story
4 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/13/2024 3:58:45 PM Post Reply
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld delivered the commencement address at Duke University on Sunday. The media made a big deal out of the fact that a few students got up and walked out when Seinfeld came to the podium. Seinfeld received an honorary degree. It was maybe 25-30 students who left, from what I can tell. There was a little of the "Free Palestine" propaganda slogan shouted. While the media was running with that part of Seinfeld's role in the graduation ceremony, the real story was Seinfeld's speech. The sight of the students walking out on a Jewish speaker was antisemitism on display. What did they hope to accomplish?
NY Judge May Get Trump Elected 6 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/13/2024 12:37:42 AM Post Reply
Recently, when former President Trump openly accused the New York judge presiding over his “hush money” trial of plotting to put him in jail and declared himself willing to emulate Nelson Mandela, it had the desired effect on the commentariat and the savants of social media. They provided Trump with plenty of earned coverage and precious little substance concerning how the voters will react if he is jailed for committing a misdemeanor. It’s obvious that the Biden reelection campaign is relying on lawfare to drive down Trump’s support.
Biden’s reelection chances may dim as
core group of supporters have lost their
excitement about voting for him
19 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/7/2024 1:18:07 PM Post Reply
According to a Washington Post-Ipsos poll, black voters’ desire to vote in the 2024 general election has fallen off since 2020, which could be worrisome for President Joe Biden. The poll found that 62% of black voters said they were “absolutely certain to vote,” which is down from 74% who said they were certain to vote in June 2020. The Biden campaign recently announced it would spend $25 million trying to reach key demographics of voters in battleground states in what some have called “the largest and earliest investment in Black media for a reelection campaign in history.”
Are Trump’s Polls Understating His Lead? 4 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/6/2024 9:44:27 AM Post Reply
During the two months since President Biden delivered his State of the Union address, a wide variety of legacy news outlets have been at pains to portray an infinitesimal improvement in his polling as a shift of momentum in the presidential race. Last week, for example, USA Today breathlessly reported that “Trump and Biden are ‘darn near even’ in the 2024 election.” If this was meant to provide moral sustenance for worried Democrats it was thin gruel indeed. Biden is an incumbent president struggling to keep up with a challenger most of whose time and money has been devoted to fighting off a ruthless lawfare campaign.
Career Diplomat Resigns Post Over Biden's
Support of Israel
27 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/1/2024 1:36:25 PM Post Reply
Hala Rharrit, a career diplomat, handed in her resignation over the Biden administration's policy in the Israel-Hamas war. Rharrit has an 18-year career as a U.S. diplomat. She is an Arabic language spokesperson described as one of the most recognized faces of American diplomacy for Arab media. She is opposed to what she called Biden's unwavering support for Israel. She said others in the State Department are afraid to speak out with their views publicly.
Poll: Election-Shifting Percentage Of
Voters Admit To Illegal Voting In 2020
10 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/30/2024 2:56:53 PM Post Reply
For the past three years, the corporate press and numerous officials in the Biden White House have asserted there is no evidence widespread voter fraud occurred during the 2020 presidential election. Some have even gone so far as to call it the “most secure” election in U.S. history. However, a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports — a survey I wrote with a team of experts at the Heartland Institute and discussed last week on Tucker Carlson’s show — not only calls into question that often-repeated claim, it shows the opposite could have been true. According to its findings, voter fraud, especially fraud related to mail-in ballots,
Bragg’s Trump Trial Refutes Case Against Immunity 1 reply
Posted by Garnet 4/29/2024 3:42:43 PM Post Reply
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg wasn’t formally involved in last Thursday’s Supreme Court hearing in Trump v. United States, yet his transparently politicized prosecution of the former president provided a poignant subtext for the oral arguments. The hearing concerned Special Counsel Jack Smith’s claim that ex-presidents enjoy no immunity from prosecution for crimes allegedly committed while in office. It could hardly have been lost on the justices that, as oral arguments proceeded, Trump was cooped up in a New York courtroom while Bragg’s prosecutors accused him of offenses that legal experts of all political stripes have pronounced legally unintelligible
Why SCOTUS Will Toss 350 J6 Convictions 12 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/22/2024 1:19:30 AM Post Reply
It’s unlikely that many Americans sat down with a second cup of coffee and listened to last Tuesday’s oral arguments before the Supreme Court in Fischer v. United States. Nonetheless, it was an edifying tutorial on how the Department of Justice abused a federal law in order to charge J6 rioters with a serious felony. The statute is part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, passed in 2022 to prevent corporations from tampering with evidence to obstruct congressional inquiries or other official proceedings. For 19 years, the law was used only for that purpose. Then, in 2021, the DOJ redefined “official proceedings.”
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Jury Finds Trump Guilty on All 34 Felony
Charges in New York Trial
42 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/30/2024 5:34:00 PM Post Reply
NEW YORK—Former President Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, as a jury of 12 unanimously returned their verdict on May 30 after less than two days of deliberation. With this result, President Trump becomes the first ever American president to be convicted of a crime. As the verdicts were read, President Trump sat still, appearing stoic, and looked straight ahead. President Trump’s attorney has previously vowed to appeal a conviction expeditiously.
Jill Biden: ‘We Will Lose All of Our
Rights’ if Another Republican Gets on
Supreme Court
37 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/30/2024 10:40:43 AM Post Reply
First Lady Jill Biden said Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that we will “lose all of our rights” if another Republican is confirmed to the Supreme Court. Sara Haines said, “Women are likely to play a crucial role in November and we’ve heard bragging about stripping women’s reproductive rights, 14 states have a total ban on abortion, and now IVF is under attack. How dangerous a time is this for women, and how much worse could it get in a second or third as you mentioned Trump presidency?” Biden said, “It could get a lot worse under a Trump presidency. I mean,
Trump Found Guilty on All Counts in Hush-Money Trial 28 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/30/2024 5:17:42 PM Post Reply
Former president Donald Trump was convicted on Thursday by a New York jury on 34 felony charges for falsifying business records, making him the first president in U.S. history to become a convicted felon. Over the past six weeks at the state courthouse in lower Manhattan, the prosecution sought to demonstrate that Trump, his former fixer and attorney Michael Cohen, and National Enquirer publisher David P* participated in a conspiracy to defraud voters ahead of the 2016 presidential election by paying off women to conceal embarrassing stories about the then-presidential candidate’s sexual history without properly recording those payments as campaign-finance expenses.
Robert De Niro doesn’t suffer from ‘Trump
Derangement Syndrome’, he’s just a
vile individual
22 replies
Posted by DW626 5/30/2024 7:12:10 AM Post Reply
Most thought that Robert De Niro’s “performance” in the title role as Dirty Grandpa, where he played a lecherous, unhygienic, and maniacal grandfather, was his worst. But De Niro managed the seemingly impossible by stooping deeper into the bowels of self-humiliation that made Dirty Grandpa seem like Citizen Kane. This is when he had myriad unhinged foulmouthed public outbursts and made violent threats at various events. His target was democratically-elected President Donald Trump. De Niro’s utterances once again proved that profanity is the last resort of the vacuous. As expected, the madness was cheered in the liberal echo chambers of Hollywood and D.C. One of Joe Biden’s handlers was obviously
Biden gives Ukraine permission to carry
out limited strikes within Russia using
US weapons
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/30/2024 5:05:54 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has given permission to Ukraine to strike inside Russian territory with American munitions, though he has restricted their use so Kyiv can only hit targets over the border close to Kharkiv after Russia made significant advances around the city in the northeastern part of the country close to the Russian border, two US officials told CNN. “The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use US supplied-weapons for counterfire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them,” one of the officials said.
Hollywood Celebrities Rejoice over Trump
Verdict: ‘Tears of Joy,’ ‘F*** Trump
and F*** Those Who Support Him’
16 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 9:08:31 PM Post Reply
It was Christmas in May for Hollywood celebrities after a jury in deep blue New York City voted to convict former President Donald Trump on all 34 counts in his business records case. While an appeal is a certainty — “This is far from over,” Trump said following the verdict — the stars nevertheless rushed to celebrate the case, which was brought by Soros-funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (D), who was present in the courtroom on Thursday.“Tears of joy,” an emotional Kathy Griffin wrote. “God Bless New York City!!!” an ecstatic Ellen Barkin tweeted.
1 injured in reported machete attack at
Times Square McDonald’s
16 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 2:16:41 PM Post Reply
A man was stabbed in both legs by three men believed to be wielding a machete outside of the Times Square McDonald’s on Thursday afternoon, law enforcement sources said. The man, who was not identified, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital after the 1 p.m. attack, police said. He’s listed in stable condition. Cops are still searching for the three suspects, all men, who allegedly carried out the attack. (Photo) One of the suspects was wearing blue jeans, a black shirt and carrying a backpack.
US economic growth last quarter is revised
down from 1.6% rate to 1.3%, but consumers
kept spending
16 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 5/30/2024 9:44:26 AM Post Reply
Washington — The U.S. economy grew at a sluggish 1.3% annual pace from January through March, the weakest quarterly rate since the spring of 2022, the government said Thursday in a downgrade from its previous estimate. Consumer spending rose but at a slower pace than previously thought. The Commerce Department had previously estimated that the nation’s gross domestic product — the total output of goods and services — expanded at a 1.6% rate last quarter. The first quarter’s GDP growth marked a sharp slowdown from the vigorous 3.4% rate in the final three months of 2023.
Trump Trial Judge Could be Disbarred for
his Actions. Here is the Case Against
Him… (Video)
14 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 2:59:39 PM Post Reply
The Judge overseeing President Trump’s New York trial has broken numerous judicial standards that his behavior should lead to his disbarment. Judge Juan Merchan’s bias against President Trump is indisputable. Any “reasonable” person can spot it. We go through each of his missteps, mistakes, and deceitful decisions aimed at swaying the jury to convict. (Video) His behavior is so outside the bounds of standard judicial conduct that he is guilty of not just ethical violations, but he clearly has violated Donald Trump’s constitutional right to due process.
The US-built pier in Gaza broke apart.
Here’s how we got here and what might
be next
13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/30/2024 6:46:50 AM Post Reply
A string of security, logistical and weather problems has battered the plan to deliver desperately needed humanitarian aid to Gaza through a U.S. military-built pier. Broken apart by strong winds and heavy seas just over a week after it became operational, the project faces criticism that it hasn’t lived up to its initial billing or its $320 million price tag. U.S. officials say, however, that the steel causeway connected to the beach in Gaza and the floating pier are being repaired and reassembled at a port in southern Israel, then will be reinstalled and working again next week.
Biden Campaign Celebrates Trump’s Guilty Verdict 12 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 7:34:41 PM Post Reply
The Biden-Harris campaign released a statement on Thursday celebrating the Manhattan jury’s guilty verdict in former President Donald Trump’s hush-money trial. The jury, which began deliberations on Wednesday after closing arguments, convicted Trump on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to hush-money payments received by porn actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election. The charges were brought by Manhattan Democratic District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and the trial was overseen by Judge Juan Merchan, who donated to President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign.
Joe Biden Refuses to Say Whether He’ll
Serve a Full 4-Year Term if Reelected
12 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 1:06:18 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden refused to answer when asked in Pennsylvania on Wednesday if he will serve a full four-year term if reelected in November. Only 38 percent of Americans approve of Vice President Kamala Harris, FiveThirtyEight polling shows.After arriving for his seventh visit in 2024 to the Keystone State, Biden stood on the tarmac with supporters for what appeared to be a photo.A reporter asked him, “President Biden, will you be serving your full four-year term or handing over power to Vice President Harris?”
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