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It's Not that Pro-Hamas Supporters Walked
Out on Seinfeld, His Speech Was the Story

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Posted By: Garnet, 5/13/2024 3:58:45 PM

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld delivered the commencement address at Duke University on Sunday. The media made a big deal out of the fact that a few students got up and walked out when Seinfeld came to the podium. Seinfeld received an honorary degree. It was maybe 25-30 students who left, from what I can tell. There was a little of the "Free Palestine" propaganda slogan shouted. While the media was running with that part of Seinfeld's role in the graduation ceremony, the real story was Seinfeld's speech. The sight of the students walking out on a Jewish speaker was antisemitism on display. What did they hope to accomplish?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: kono 5/13/2024 5:46:02 PM (No. 1717312)
In all candor, I was never a huge fan of Seinfeld's standup act, nor of his namesake TV series. But he deserves major props for the points he made in Duke's commencement address. Bravo to Duke for not enabling the pro-Hamas "protests", and bravo to Jerry for his classy, fatherly, apolitical speech.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: skacmar 5/13/2024 7:27:41 PM (No. 1717352)
Jerry Seinfeld had a perfect response to the Palestine / Hamas protestors who walked out on him: He ignored them and just moved on like they weren't even there. Sometimes the best response is no response. Seinfelds non-response and continuation with his speech did not disrupt anything except the protestors planned disruption of the graduation ceremony. They failed at that and Seinfeld succeeded in giving the graduated a memorable commencement speech.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: mifla 5/14/2024 6:39:15 AM (No. 1717518)
ID the students that walked out and burn their diplomas. Let them worry about proving their education level to future employers.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: SkyKing1222 5/14/2024 1:23:02 PM (No. 1717782)
FTA - "I totally admire the ambitions of your generation to create a more just and inclusive society. “ A couple of things wrong with Jerry’s statement. First- This generation, as with all generations who have just gotten out of school, have accomplished nothing and experienced less. Secondly- What is a “more just and inclusive society, than our previous one? Itwas based on “Individual Freedom’s and Self Government.”
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It's Not that Pro-Hamas Supporters Walked
Out on Seinfeld, His Speech Was the Story
4 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/13/2024 3:58:45 PM Post Reply
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld delivered the commencement address at Duke University on Sunday. The media made a big deal out of the fact that a few students got up and walked out when Seinfeld came to the podium. Seinfeld received an honorary degree. It was maybe 25-30 students who left, from what I can tell. There was a little of the "Free Palestine" propaganda slogan shouted. While the media was running with that part of Seinfeld's role in the graduation ceremony, the real story was Seinfeld's speech. The sight of the students walking out on a Jewish speaker was antisemitism on display. What did they hope to accomplish?
NY Judge May Get Trump Elected 6 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/13/2024 12:37:42 AM Post Reply
Recently, when former President Trump openly accused the New York judge presiding over his “hush money” trial of plotting to put him in jail and declared himself willing to emulate Nelson Mandela, it had the desired effect on the commentariat and the savants of social media. They provided Trump with plenty of earned coverage and precious little substance concerning how the voters will react if he is jailed for committing a misdemeanor. It’s obvious that the Biden reelection campaign is relying on lawfare to drive down Trump’s support.
Biden’s reelection chances may dim as
core group of supporters have lost their
excitement about voting for him
19 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/7/2024 1:18:07 PM Post Reply
According to a Washington Post-Ipsos poll, black voters’ desire to vote in the 2024 general election has fallen off since 2020, which could be worrisome for President Joe Biden. The poll found that 62% of black voters said they were “absolutely certain to vote,” which is down from 74% who said they were certain to vote in June 2020. The Biden campaign recently announced it would spend $25 million trying to reach key demographics of voters in battleground states in what some have called “the largest and earliest investment in Black media for a reelection campaign in history.”
Are Trump’s Polls Understating His Lead? 4 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/6/2024 9:44:27 AM Post Reply
During the two months since President Biden delivered his State of the Union address, a wide variety of legacy news outlets have been at pains to portray an infinitesimal improvement in his polling as a shift of momentum in the presidential race. Last week, for example, USA Today breathlessly reported that “Trump and Biden are ‘darn near even’ in the 2024 election.” If this was meant to provide moral sustenance for worried Democrats it was thin gruel indeed. Biden is an incumbent president struggling to keep up with a challenger most of whose time and money has been devoted to fighting off a ruthless lawfare campaign.
Career Diplomat Resigns Post Over Biden's
Support of Israel
27 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/1/2024 1:36:25 PM Post Reply
Hala Rharrit, a career diplomat, handed in her resignation over the Biden administration's policy in the Israel-Hamas war. Rharrit has an 18-year career as a U.S. diplomat. She is an Arabic language spokesperson described as one of the most recognized faces of American diplomacy for Arab media. She is opposed to what she called Biden's unwavering support for Israel. She said others in the State Department are afraid to speak out with their views publicly.
Poll: Election-Shifting Percentage Of
Voters Admit To Illegal Voting In 2020
10 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/30/2024 2:56:53 PM Post Reply
For the past three years, the corporate press and numerous officials in the Biden White House have asserted there is no evidence widespread voter fraud occurred during the 2020 presidential election. Some have even gone so far as to call it the “most secure” election in U.S. history. However, a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports — a survey I wrote with a team of experts at the Heartland Institute and discussed last week on Tucker Carlson’s show — not only calls into question that often-repeated claim, it shows the opposite could have been true. According to its findings, voter fraud, especially fraud related to mail-in ballots,
Bragg’s Trump Trial Refutes Case Against Immunity 1 reply
Posted by Garnet 4/29/2024 3:42:43 PM Post Reply
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg wasn’t formally involved in last Thursday’s Supreme Court hearing in Trump v. United States, yet his transparently politicized prosecution of the former president provided a poignant subtext for the oral arguments. The hearing concerned Special Counsel Jack Smith’s claim that ex-presidents enjoy no immunity from prosecution for crimes allegedly committed while in office. It could hardly have been lost on the justices that, as oral arguments proceeded, Trump was cooped up in a New York courtroom while Bragg’s prosecutors accused him of offenses that legal experts of all political stripes have pronounced legally unintelligible
Why SCOTUS Will Toss 350 J6 Convictions 12 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/22/2024 1:19:30 AM Post Reply
It’s unlikely that many Americans sat down with a second cup of coffee and listened to last Tuesday’s oral arguments before the Supreme Court in Fischer v. United States. Nonetheless, it was an edifying tutorial on how the Department of Justice abused a federal law in order to charge J6 rioters with a serious felony. The statute is part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, passed in 2022 to prevent corporations from tampering with evidence to obstruct congressional inquiries or other official proceedings. For 19 years, the law was used only for that purpose. Then, in 2021, the DOJ redefined “official proceedings.”
Biden Admin Grants Iranian Foreign Minister
Visa To Enter US Days After Israel Strike
11 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/16/2024 12:38:50 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration has granted Iran’s foreign minister a U.S. visa so that he can attend upcoming United Nations proceedings in New York City, generating outrage in the wake of Tehran’s weekend strike on Israel.Lawmakers are already calling on the Biden administration to revoke Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s entry visa into America, which will enable him to attend U.N. meetings later this week, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. While the State Department would not confirm whether it had granted the Iranian diplomat an entry visa, regional outlets are reporting that a U.S. entry visa has already been issued. Sen. James Lankford (R., Okla.), in a letter
Trump Owns the Working Class Vote 9 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/15/2024 12:39:17 AM Post Reply
During the past several election cycles, political pundits have devoted a lot of attention to the “diploma divide.” Much of this commentary has focused on the advantage Democrats enjoy among voters who tell pollsters they possess college degrees. It isn’t difficult to see why this topic has received so much scrutiny. The commentariat is dominated by college graduates who overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party. This also explains why so much of the self-congratulatory writing about the diploma divide tends to overlook its most consequential characteristic — that working class voters without college degrees far outnumber their “highly educated” counterparts.
The Greedflation Canard 4 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/8/2024 12:36:42 AM Post Reply
The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported that the Consumer Price Index rose in February for the second consecutive month, debunking happy talk by the White House and the corporate media to the effect that inflation is under control. The cumulative increase in the overall cost of living since President Biden took office in has now reached 18 percent (snip). This is why the RealClearPolitics average shows that 61.7 percent of voters disapprove of Biden’s performance on this issue. This level of disapprobation is related to his stubborn refusal to take any responsibility for causing inflation in the first place.
The Corporate Media Mocks ‘Double Haters’ 2 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/1/2024 12:26:11 AM Post Reply
During the past several months the corporate media have devoted a lot of coverage to a species of voter they describe as “double haters.” This pejorative label notwithstanding, such voters are neither unique to the current election cycle nor particularly hateful. It’s probably more accurate to call them double dissenters. They disapprove of the presumptive presidential nominees offered by the two major political parties and decline to choose the “lesser of two evils.” Some may sit out 2024 and others may vote for an independent like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. This has earned them the derision of a pundit class.
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Trump undermines himself with crude language 61 replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/14/2024 12:29:04 AM Post Reply
If you are the parent of young children, are you OK with your kids hearing former President Donald Trump’s language and putdowns, like the ones at his rally last Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey? One can hear a kid justifying his or her own swearing: “If Trump can talk like that, why can’t I?” Is this the way we want our children to be raised? They will learn swear words soon enough (and hopefully control their use of them or eschew them altogether).
Jews are figuring out that Biden and the
Democrats are not their friends
31 replies
Posted by DVC 5/13/2024 5:54:15 PM Post Reply
The Bible calls the Jews “a stiff-necked” people. (“The Lord also said to me, ‘I have seen this people, and they are indeed a stiff-necked people.’” Deuteronomy 9:13.) In other words, they’re stubborn, and nothing has been more stubborn than American Jews’ long-standing refusal to acknowledge the rising antisemitism in the heart of the Democrat party. Donald Trump’s pro-Israel record barely swayed them. However, Biden’s blatant anti-Israel policies, combined with the violent antisemitism in academia, may finally be doing the trick. Traditionally, Jews have been second only to blacks in their fealty to the Democrat party. Many of them came from Tsarist Russia, which was fiercely antisemitic.
EXCLUSIVE: Mother says daughter was attacked
at school because ‘she wasn’t Muslim’
31 replies
Posted by voxpopuli 5/13/2024 12:31:54 PM Post Reply
A Minnesota mom is demanding answers after she says her nine-year-old daughter was jumped on the school playground by a group of girls who she was told targeted her daughter because “she wasn’t Muslim.” Shawna Larson told Liz Collin Reports about the disturbing details of the attack that she says took place on Monday, April 29 at Hidden Valley Elementary in Savage. (snip) “I ended up learning … this was due to her race and her religion because she wasn’t Muslim. So that was pretty jarring to hear,” she added.
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Advice: ‘Kick That F**king Door Down’
29 replies
Posted by Imright 5/14/2024 7:53:53 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris dropped an f-bomb while dishing out advice during the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Legislative Leadership Summit in Washington, DC, on Monday. Harris spoke to the crowd about breaking down barriers and handling opportunities and instances in which an individual is the “only one that looks” like themself. Harris added that, in certain instances, they would “need to kick that f**king door down.”
Report: More Than Half of Immigrants in
U.S. Are Unemployed
24 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/14/2024 1:49:36 AM Post Reply
More than half of the foreign-born immigrant population in the United States under President Joe Biden’s administration is unemployed, according to a recent report. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released a report on Monday that showed that just 46 percent of migrants who had arrived in the U.S. “in 2022 or later” were employed as of the beginning of 2024. “Immigration clearly adds workers to the country, but it just as clearly adds non-workers who need to be supported by the labor of others,” Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, researchers with the CIS, wrote.
Report: Gen Z Struggling with Low Income,
Higher Debt-to-Income Ratio Compared to Millennials
24 replies
Posted by Imright 5/13/2024 6:44:03 AM Post Reply
Gen Z is struggling financially with low income and higher debt-to-income ratios than Millennials did when they were their age, according to a recent study. A study from TransUnion, a consumer credit reporting agency, which surveyed 614 Gen Z adults currently between the ages of 22-24, and 623 Millennials who had been between the ages of 22-24 ten years ago, found that Gen Z adults were facing a tougher situation financially that Millennials did years ago.The study found that Millennials during the last half of 2013, or Quarter 4 (Q4) were making an income of around $39,394, adjusted for inflation. When adjusted for inflation,
Leftist Washington Post Demands We Take
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22 replies
Posted by Imright 5/13/2024 10:53:38 PM Post Reply
The hypocritical lunatics at the far-left Washington Post are demanding we do something they never would — take cold showers to save Mother Earth. When I first saw the headline for this anti-science piece of nonsense—“Why you should embrace using cold water, almost all the time” — I assumed the Post would stick to things like dishwashers and washing machines. No way would they demand we take cold showers, I foolishly assumed. That would be a ridiculous request, a bridge too far, a way to get laughed off the planet. Brother, was I wrong. But I should’ve known better. After all, one of the left’s tactics
Famed Journalist Says Press ‘Shouldn’t
Be Neutral’ On Trump, Warns Of ‘Assassinations’
During 2nd Term
21 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/14/2024 5:14:19 PM Post Reply
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nicholas Kristof wrote in his new book that the American press should not remain “neutral” when it comes to covering former President Donald Trump because of the alleged threat he poses to democracy. (snip) In his book, he warns about Trump and his allies’ alleged attempts to “undermine democracy” and establish “populist authoritarianism,” according to CNN. Kristof also argues that, in a second term, Trump could weaponize the federal government “to punish or intimidate news organizations” and even carry out “assassinations.”
Ex-Marine threatened to kill white people
in mass shooting, feds say
21 replies
Posted by Scottyboy 5/14/2024 8:54:17 AM Post Reply
A Mercer County man who was in the U.S. Marine Corps until last week has been charged with making threatening statements about killing white people in a shooting rampage, federal authorities announced Monday. Joshua Cobb, 23, of Hamilton, mentioned two possible attack locations, a Jersey Strong gym and an Aldi grocery store in Robbinsville, and said he had access to guns and the will to kill a lot of people, authorities allege. Cobb also fantasized about the adrenaline rush and high he’d feel during such a shooting. “I’d probably OD on my own adrenaline after the 10th body goes down,” he allegedly wrote on social media in March of last year.
Princeton University students end anti-Israel
hunger strike 'due to health concerns'
20 replies
Posted by AltaD 5/13/2024 12:02:20 PM Post Reply
Students at Princeton University protesting Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza have called an end to their hunger strike after just 10 days. Princeton Divest Now, the student protest group that is calling for the New Jersey Ivy League university to divest from America’s Middle Eastern ally due to the high civilian death toll in the Gaza Strip, said additional strikers would be continuing their efforts. (Snip) It added: "In the tradition of rotary strikes, seven new strikers are indefinitely fasting for a free Palestine."
Mayor Eric Adams Proposes Hiring Illegal
Immigrants as Lifeguards to Address NYC
Shortage, Because ‘They’re Excellent
Swimmers’ (VIDEO)
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/14/2024 7:12:39 PM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams has once again ignited controversy with his latest comments on the city’s lifeguard shortage. The mayor has suggested that illegal immigrants could be the solution to New York City’s staffing woes, specifically because “they’re excellent swimmers.” This eyebrow-raising connection was made by Mayor Adams during a City Hall briefing when pressed about the challenges facing the city’s beaches and pools. With Memorial Day approaching and no clear resolution in sight, Adams proposed expediting migrant work visas for these critical roles. “How do we have a large body of people that are in our city, our country, that are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards —
Illegal migrants are being 'encouraged'
to vote, top Republican warns after shocking
documents reveals 'training' for noncitizens
to cast ballots in Washington D.C.
17 replies
Posted by Imright 5/13/2024 7:43:08 PM Post Reply
Newly released documents about a Washington, D.C. training program for illegal immigrants to vote in local elections prove the need for the SAVE act, according to Rep. Chip Roy. 'The radical progressive Democrats in the DC city government couldn't be prouder of the fact that they're going to have illegal aliens voting in their elections; yet, they want us to believe that it's going to stop there, and that none of them are going to try — or be encouraged — to illegally vote in federal elections? Give me a break,' Roy, R-Texas, told 'Without the verification measures in the SAVE Act, we're basically asking people who are already
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