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Are Trump’s Polls Understating His Lead?

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Posted By: Garnet, 5/6/2024 9:44:27 AM

During the two months since President Biden delivered his State of the Union address, a wide variety of legacy news outlets have been at pains to portray an infinitesimal improvement in his polling as a shift of momentum in the presidential race. Last week, for example, USA Today breathlessly reported that “Trump and Biden are ‘darn near even’ in the 2024 election.” If this was meant to provide moral sustenance for worried Democrats it was thin gruel indeed. Biden is an incumbent president struggling to keep up with a challenger most of whose time and money has been devoted to fighting off a ruthless lawfare campaign.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Attila DiMedici 5/6/2024 10:29:53 AM (No. 1712894)
The problem with this article is that it compares what the polling says about support for Trump vs the outcome of the election in various states. Since I am convinced that Biden received sufficient fraudulent votes to "win" the race in those states, I want to see how these polls compare to those taken just before the election. IS Trump ahead or behind where he was in those polls?
6 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 5/6/2024 10:51:07 AM (No. 1712916)
# 1 - don't worry about polls. Just count the number of people at Trump rally's vs the number who show up for anything Biden does. There's your accurate poll.
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: rytwng 5/6/2024 11:34:37 AM (No. 1712947)
Why would Democrats vote for the low life Biden don't they pay the same for gas and food?
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Reply 4 - Posted by: rememberwhen 5/6/2024 1:15:57 PM (No. 1713013)
Sadly, it doesn't matter what percentage of legal voters actually cast their votes for Trump. What matters is how many "votes" the Dims can manufacture via fraudulent mail-in ballots, recounting, manipulating voting machines, etc.
6 people like this.

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Biden’s reelection chances may dim as
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Posted by Garnet 5/7/2024 1:18:07 PM Post Reply
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Are Trump’s Polls Understating His Lead? 4 replies
Posted by Garnet 5/6/2024 9:44:27 AM Post Reply
During the two months since President Biden delivered his State of the Union address, a wide variety of legacy news outlets have been at pains to portray an infinitesimal improvement in his polling as a shift of momentum in the presidential race. Last week, for example, USA Today breathlessly reported that “Trump and Biden are ‘darn near even’ in the 2024 election.” If this was meant to provide moral sustenance for worried Democrats it was thin gruel indeed. Biden is an incumbent president struggling to keep up with a challenger most of whose time and money has been devoted to fighting off a ruthless lawfare campaign.
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Posted by Garnet 5/1/2024 1:36:25 PM Post Reply
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Poll: Election-Shifting Percentage Of
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Posted by Garnet 4/30/2024 2:56:53 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 4/29/2024 3:42:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 4/22/2024 1:19:30 AM Post Reply
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11 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/16/2024 12:38:50 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration has granted Iran’s foreign minister a U.S. visa so that he can attend upcoming United Nations proceedings in New York City, generating outrage in the wake of Tehran’s weekend strike on Israel.Lawmakers are already calling on the Biden administration to revoke Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s entry visa into America, which will enable him to attend U.N. meetings later this week, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. While the State Department would not confirm whether it had granted the Iranian diplomat an entry visa, regional outlets are reporting that a U.S. entry visa has already been issued. Sen. James Lankford (R., Okla.), in a letter
Trump Owns the Working Class Vote 9 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/15/2024 12:39:17 AM Post Reply
During the past several election cycles, political pundits have devoted a lot of attention to the “diploma divide.” Much of this commentary has focused on the advantage Democrats enjoy among voters who tell pollsters they possess college degrees. It isn’t difficult to see why this topic has received so much scrutiny. The commentariat is dominated by college graduates who overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party. This also explains why so much of the self-congratulatory writing about the diploma divide tends to overlook its most consequential characteristic — that working class voters without college degrees far outnumber their “highly educated” counterparts.
The Greedflation Canard 4 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/8/2024 12:36:42 AM Post Reply
The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported that the Consumer Price Index rose in February for the second consecutive month, debunking happy talk by the White House and the corporate media to the effect that inflation is under control. The cumulative increase in the overall cost of living since President Biden took office in has now reached 18 percent (snip). This is why the RealClearPolitics average shows that 61.7 percent of voters disapprove of Biden’s performance on this issue. This level of disapprobation is related to his stubborn refusal to take any responsibility for causing inflation in the first place.
The Corporate Media Mocks ‘Double Haters’ 2 replies
Posted by Garnet 4/1/2024 12:26:11 AM Post Reply
During the past several months the corporate media have devoted a lot of coverage to a species of voter they describe as “double haters.” This pejorative label notwithstanding, such voters are neither unique to the current election cycle nor particularly hateful. It’s probably more accurate to call them double dissenters. They disapprove of the presumptive presidential nominees offered by the two major political parties and decline to choose the “lesser of two evils.” Some may sit out 2024 and others may vote for an independent like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. This has earned them the derision of a pundit class.
Indep. Candidate Nathan Hochman Will Run
Against LA County DA George Gascón in November
4 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/30/2024 1:03:54 PM Post Reply
Los Angeles County has a credible and viable district attorney's race going, and it may be their salvation. Incumbent district attorney George Gascón could not even reach 30 percent of the vote on March 5, and the level of disgust with him among Angeleans only continues to rise.Gascón's challenger, former federal prosecutor and assistant U.S. District Attorney Nathan Hochman achieved just shy of 16 percent of the vote, but it is enough to be the top two vote-getter and included on the general election ballot.
Joe Biden, the (still) unpopular president 5 replies
Posted by Garnet 3/28/2024 3:04:26 PM Post Reply
There’s been a lot of wishful reporting about the political fortunes and reelection hopes of President Joe Biden. Look at some of the headlines: “Biden gains on Trump in 6 battleground states.” “Biden-Trump rematch tightens.” “Biden’s polling is improving.” And more. A recent modest uptick in Biden’s polls, which may or may not signal the start of a real change in the presidential race, has excited many commentators. But remember a fundamental problem for Biden. Most voters do not approve of the job he is doing as president, and they have not approved of it for the last three years. If that does not change by Nov. 5,
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/6/2024 10:50:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 5/7/2024 1:10:51 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/7/2024 2:10:43 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 5/7/2024 12:30:42 AM Post Reply
Former Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade said Sunday that his extramarital affair with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was “as American as apple pie.” Wade told ABC News that “workplace romances” like his relationship with Willis “happens to everyone” in his first interview since his resignation from working on the Georgia election interference case against presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in March. “Workplace romances are as American as apple pie,” Wade told ABC News’ Linsey Davis. “It happens to everyone."
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Posted by NorthernDog 5/6/2024 2:03:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/6/2024 10:02:51 AM Post Reply
Crooked far left Judge Juan Merchan threatened President Trump on Monday with contempt of court violations. Merchan also threatened to throw President Trump in prison. Merchan also threatened President Trump’s team with contempt of court for speaking out publicly in his defense. Democrats hate when conservatives and Trump supporters refute their lies and push back against their lawfare attacks.(Photo, X) Crooked Judge Merchan still has not allowed the defense team to know the witnesses that will be called before the court. The far left judge told Trump he has until 2:15 PM today to take down posts on Truth Social.
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Posted by Imright 5/7/2024 10:49:53 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 5/6/2024 9:37:48 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 5/6/2024 7:04:06 AM Post Reply
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Is Marjorie 'Judas' Greene Betraying Donald Trump? 25 replies
Posted by DW626 5/7/2024 7:17:49 AM Post Reply
Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus’s 12 Apostles. In the Garden of Gethsemane the night before Jesus's crucifixion, Judas betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin who eventually arrested Jesus. Jesus predicted this betrayal during the Last Supper. In exchange for his treachery, Judas received thirty pieces of silver. Could he have also been threatened? Who knows? The Bible says nothing about that. Modern day betrayals, particularly of leaders, occur via carrot or stick, reward or kompromat. For Judas, the price was a pocket of silver coins. For members of Congress, the price may be a do-nothing board seat, a cable news gig, or stock options worth millions.
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