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The big money bankrolling the Left’s lawfare

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Posted By: Moritz55, 4/21/2024 1:11:50 PM

As Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s transparently political prosecution of former President Donald Trump began last week, it is important to remember that the former president is not the only target of the Democratic Party‘s campaign to use government power to silence political dissent. The Left’s efforts to intimidate conservative activists this month included Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) delivering a congressional subpoena to Federalist Society Co-Chairman Leonard Leo. It was voted on by the Senate Judiciary Committee last November without securing a single Republican vote. Durbin has not explained why the subpoena was not delivered for five months.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bpl40 4/21/2024 1:22:18 PM (No. 1703530)
We have lost our country. We will not get it back unless we have the courage to go toe to toe against their intimidation and violence! Ballot box or courtroom is not going to help us.
6 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Venturer 4/21/2024 2:25:02 PM (No. 1703546)
Well certainly our Republican Senators and Congress critters are not going to get it back for us. There aren't more than 20 or so of them I would trust to walk my dog. Right now our best bet is to elect Donald Trump. We have to stop the Democrats cheating. If we can't we will have to think of something else or just join the enslaved.
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Gagging Trump: Why is he barred from discussing
Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels?
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Posted by Moritz55 4/22/2024 8:30:41 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump starts his trial on Monday forbidden to speak publicly about the witnesses against him in a case some experts have called weak and politically motivated. But the witnesses are not forbidden from speaking about Trump. Indeed, one of the witnesses in the case, former Trump fixer Michael Cohen, is today in the full-time Trump-bashing business and talks about Trump all the time. Cohen does his talking on MSNBC and other media outlets, as well as his own podcast. Cohen’s motive in speaking about Trump is no secret. He titled his book about Trump Revenge, which, no matter what Cohen might say, clearly referred to Cohen’s
Contempt For Ordinary Voters Undermines
Opposition To Trump
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Posted by Moritz55 4/22/2024 6:55:03 PM Post Reply
A complaint I hear increasingly leveled at contemporary American politicians is that they are out of touch with voters, if not downright contemptuous of them. On a number of core issues, politicians seem less concerned with pursuing policies that are deeply unpopular with ordinary Americans than with upholding the ideologies and self-interests of the ruling elite. Two dramatic examples of this political disconnect with average citizens are the refusal of urban governments to prosecute violent criminals, which has caused a surge in crime, and the White House’s tolerance of mass immigration, which threatens jobs, security, and the rule of law.
‘This Is Embarrassing’: Turley Says
He Is In ‘Utter Disbelief’ Over Bragg
Trial Opening Statements
9 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/22/2024 6:06:03 PM Post Reply
George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said he is in “utter disbelief” over the opening statements of the trial brought forth by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Former President Donald Trump arrived at the courthouse Monday to hear opening statements from the prosecution and defense teams over the 34-count indictment accusing him of falsifying business records to cover up an alleged hush money payment to former porn actress Stormy Daniels. It is alleged that Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to Daniels to keep an alleged extramarital affair between her and Trump undisclosed ahead of the 2016 presidential election.
Why SCOTUS Will Toss 350 J6 Convictions 4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/22/2024 2:21:03 PM Post Reply
It’s unlikely that many Americans sat down with a second cup of coffee and listened to last Tuesday’s oral arguments before the Supreme Court in Fischer v. United States. Nonetheless, it was an edifying tutorial on how the Department of Justice abused a federal law in order to charge J6 rioters with a serious felony. The statute is part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, passed in 2002 to prevent corporations from tampering with evidence to obstruct congressional inquiries or other official proceedings. For 19 years, the law was used only for that purpose. Then, in 2021, the DOJ redefined “official proceedings” to mean anything the government does, including
Why 2024 is a lose-lose election 12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/22/2024 10:31:07 AM Post Reply
Presidential elections can be put into three categories: stay the course, turn the page and transformation. In 2004, President George W. Bush was prosecuting the War on Terror and Americans choose to stay the course. In 2008, voters wanted a change in course and enough voters saw then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) as transformational to elect him. In 2012, President Obama simply ran a better campaign than Mitt Romney and voters decided to stay the course. In 2016, Donald Trump became the voice of middle-class angst and won a surprising victory that transformed the Republican Party. In 2020, voters wanted to lower the volume
The big money bankrolling the Left’s lawfare 2 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/21/2024 1:11:50 PM Post Reply
As Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s transparently political prosecution of former President Donald Trump began last week, it is important to remember that the former president is not the only target of the Democratic Party‘s campaign to use government power to silence political dissent. The Left’s efforts to intimidate conservative activists this month included Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) delivering a congressional subpoena to Federalist Society Co-Chairman Leonard Leo. It was voted on by the Senate Judiciary Committee last November without securing a single Republican vote. Durbin has not explained why the subpoena was not delivered for five months.
Even with trial burden, Trump outcampaigns Biden 9 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/20/2024 9:52:55 PM Post Reply
Many Democrats see the trial of former President Donald Trump, prosecuted by the elected Democratic district attorney of Manhattan, as a valuable political tool. While Trump is tied down in a courtroom, required to be in court every day trial is in session, President Joe Biden can be out on the campaign trail, meeting voters. What a contrast, Democrats say (while at the same time denying that District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump is politically motivated). Maybe the tie-Trump-down strategy will work. It’s only been happening for a week, and with that and other trials, Democrats hope to immobilize Trump for most, if not all, of the presidential campaign. But
Bill Maher says the silent part out loud:
Abortion is murder
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/20/2024 12:38:29 PM Post Reply
Sometimes you hear something so shocking that it stops you in your tracks. Without a doubt, that was me this week. I just so happened to click on a video clip of comedian and TV personality Bill Maher’s HBO talk show. On the latest episode, he discussed abortion in America, alongside his celebrity panel. Mr. Maher started fair by sharing that he always admonishes his pro-abortion friends from calling pro-lifers “women-haters” because — in his words — it’s simply not true. He states that pro-lifers don’t hate women, so much as they believe abortion to be murder. I was surprised to hear that astute comment from him.
Squatter charged after allegedly taking
over $1M property, getting homeowner arrested
for changing locks
9 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/19/2024 2:51:58 PM Post Reply
A squatter who commandeered and rented out rooms in a woman's $1 million house in Queens, New York pleaded not guilty to a slew of charges Thursday about a month after the homeowner was arrested for trying to change the locks to oust the intruders. On Feb. 29, Brian Rodriguez forced his way back into Adele Andaloro's home after she had changed the locks, pushing his way into the house as she tried to hold the door closed, according to the Queens District Attorney. When he claimed that he was a legal tenant and Andaloro was trying to legally evict him, police had no choice but to remove Andaloro
Hold Obama-Biden Foreign Policy Responsible
for Iran's Unprecedented Attack on Israel
1 reply
Posted by Moritz55 4/19/2024 2:41:48 PM Post Reply
The terrorist Iranian regime's unprecedented recent attack on Israel, which included 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles, is an unambiguous casus belli -- an act of war -- under international law. Of course, Iranian proxies spread across the Middle East, such as Lebanon-based Hezbollah, Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Yemen-based Houthis, have committed countless previous acts of war against Israel. But last weekend was something different entirely: For the very first time since fanatical Islamists overthrew Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and took power in 1979, Iran launched such attacks directly from its own soil.
The Shameful Mayorkas Vote 11 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/19/2024 9:41:11 AM Post Reply
Senate Democrats this week faced a test of whether they take the laws they pass seriously. Like their counterparts in the House, they failed. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was only the second cabinet secretary ever to be impeached, the first being in 1876. House Republicans passed the bill of impeachment on a purely party-line vote. They were right to do so, even though they understood from the outset that the Democratic majority in the Senate precluded a conviction. The impeachment was legally proper because Mayorkas committed high crimes and misdemeanors. It was politically prudent because it gave Republicans a chance to lay out their case
Deranged ‘Get Trump’ Democrats only
boost ex-president with their constant
attacks, insults
12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/18/2024 9:35:32 AM Post Reply
The “Get Trump” Democrats are beside themselves with glee about the former president being stuck in a Manhattan courtroom for the Stormy Daniels hush-money trial while the current president hits the campaign trail. They have taken to calling Don­ald Trump “Hitler Pig” in emails and text messages among White House staff, campaign aides and other Democrats close to the administration, reported Politico Wednesday. So much for Joe Biden bringing civility back to politics. That’s as believable as his other tall tales, that he stopped inflation and never spoke to his son about overseas business dealings.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
UCLA study: Gay couples at greater risk
from climate change
27 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/21/2024 11:28:51 PM Post Reply
A new study out of UCLA says same-sex couples are at greater “risk of exposure to the adverse effects of climate change” than straight couples. These effects include “wildfires, floods, smoke-filled skies, and drought,” according to a report from KQED. Same-sex couples disproportionately live in coastal regions and cities, which are more vulnerable to such disasters. They’re also more likely “to live in areas with poor infrastructure, worse-built environments.” Washington DC, which rates high for “climate risks” such as heat waves, floods, and “dangerously strong winds,” has the greatest proportion of gay couples in the U.S. San Francisco ranks second, and also faces a high climate change risk.
New anti-Israel tent city takes over Columbia
University lawn days after NYPD raid as
activists vow to stay ‘forever’
27 replies
Posted by FlyRight 4/21/2024 10:00:16 PM Post Reply
A massive new anti-Israel tent city took over Columbia University on Sunday, just days after an NYPD raid cleared another intrusive encampment there and cuffed more than 100 protesters. At least 30 tents were sprawled across the Manhattan Ivy League school’s West Lawn along with piles of food and supplies as embattled university officials struggled to contain the growing crisis. The upheaval and threats to Jewish students have become so intolerable that a prominent rabbi at the prestigious school urged them Sunday to stay home — and university officials told them they could take classes online. “We are looking for our demands, and we are going to continue that,”
NYC high school soccer game canceled after
group of about 30 migrants refuse to leave
the field — even after cops showed up
27 replies
Posted by mc squared 4/21/2024 12:34:36 PM Post Reply
A high school soccer game at a public field in East Harlem was canceled after a group of migrants refused to leave the pitch so the kids could play. “I directly asked them to leave and some of them kind of took it into consideration, but then four or five of them said, ‘You know what, f–k it, we don’t have to leave, we can do whatever we want,'” said Erik Johansson, the coach of the Manhattan Kickers 17-year-old boys travel team. About 40 boys from both teams showed up on Sunday, April 14 at Thomas Jefferson Park for the 5 p.m. match.
Ukraine’s Zelensky ‘Personally’
Thanks Mike Johnson for $61 Billion Gift
from U.S. Taxpayers
26 replies
Posted by Imright 4/21/2024 2:30:33 AM Post Reply
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was “personally” grateful to “Speaker Mike Johnson for the decision that keeps history on the right track” after Johnson shepherded a $61 billion Ukraine aid package through the House Saturday. The image of scores of Democrats waving Ukraine flags and cheering on the House floor as the bill passed will forever sting the conservatives from whose ranks Johnson rose, only to serve “I am grateful to the United States House of Representatives, both parties, and personally Speaker Mike Johnson for the decision that keeps history on the right track,” a gleeful Zelensky posted on X after the vote.them with the ultimate betrayal. (X)
Exclusive: 700 Chinese Migrants Apprehended
at California Border in One Week
24 replies
Posted by Imright 4/21/2024 11:31:06 AM Post Reply
An unofficial report from U.S. Customs and Border Protection reviewed by Breitbart Texas revealed that nearly 700 migrants from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) were apprehended entering the San Diego region in the third week of April. Since the fiscal year began in October, more than 26,000 migrants from the PRC have been apprehended. A CBP source, not authorized to speak to the media, told Breitbart Texas the number of Chinese migrants apprehended represents a more than threefold increase from the same time last year. The source told Breitbart that China is now within the top ten nationalities encountered by the Border Patrol along the southern border.
Wild scenes from spring break gathering
along Savannah beach show topless fighting
and mounds of trash being washed into
the ocean
21 replies
Posted by Imright 4/22/2024 12:06:56 AM Post Reply
Spring break celebrations devolved into chaos at the annual Orange Crush gathering in Savannah as shocking videos show topless brawls and mounds of garbage washing into the ocean. The Orange Crush is a college spring break party on Tybee Island in the popular Georgia resort town. One video showed piles of trash along the coastline being swept into the ocean. Another video captured the shocking moment when a fight erupts on the beach's boardwalk as several women violently punch and scratch each other - and several have their tops fly off.
Biden 'doesn't understand the Catholic
faith,' bishop says: 'I'm not angry at
him, he's just stupid'
21 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/21/2024 3:47:44 AM Post Reply
A Catholic bishop in Michigan weighed in on the discrepancy between President Biden's policies and his professed Catholic faith earlier this month, suggesting "forgiveness" for the president's "stupidity." Bishop Robert Gruss of the Diocese of Saginaw mentioned Biden during "Forgiveness as the Heart of Christianity," a lecture given on Apr. 5 at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption.
‘Moscow Marjorie’ Taylor Greene, GOP
rebels defeated as House passes $61B in
Ukraine aid package
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/21/2024 1:18:39 AM Post Reply
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Saturday crushed a putsch by far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Republican rebels — pushing through a $95.3 billion aid package that funds the fight against Russia, the defense of Israel and resistance against China. Lawmakers in a rare bipartisan effort overwhelmingly approved the four-bill package, including one measure providing $60.8 billion for Ukraine. About 80% of that money will go toward replenishing supplies of US-made weapons and ammunition and other direct military assistance. Another $9.5 billion is in the form of a forgivable loan. The bill passed 311-112 with all “nay” votes coming from Republicans, including Greene who was hailed as “Moscow Marjorie” by
Russian-Backed Military Junta Agrees to
Release 1,000 US Soldiers After Biden
Promises to Abandon the $100 Million US
Airbase in the Country
20 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/21/2024 3:05:54 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden already turned over the Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan to Taliban terrorists in September 2021. Biden abandoned Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years in July by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ secret departure more than two hours after they left. The Taliban quickly took control of Bagram Air Base, which is only 30 miles north of Kabul, on August 15th and released thousands of terrorists held at its prison. The Americans and Afghans left the Taliban military equipment, uniforms, rations and even sports drinks.
OMG: James O’Keefe to Drop Bombshell
Undercover Video Exposing Intel Officials
20 replies
Posted by Imright 4/21/2024 2:48:03 AM Post Reply
James O’Keefe on Saturday said O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) will be publishing undercover video of intel officials. “If I publish the video @OKeefeMedia has of these intel guys, you all better have my back,” James O’Keefe said on X. Earlier Saturday James O’Keefe said elected officials are “afraid” of the intel community because they can use personal stuff as blackmail. “It’s time to expose the intel community on video,” O’Keefe said. “Elected officials are afraid of them because they could use personal stuff as blackmail.”
Chicago is the DNC’s Kind of Town? 19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/21/2024 5:42:44 AM Post Reply
I’m old enough to remember the 1968 DNC convention in Chicago, and smart enough to see that Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is no Richard J. Daley. So, as food prices rise with no end in sight, I advise you to stock up on popcorn before the August 19 convention in Chicago this year. As for the Democrats, I cannot imagine a scenario where there is anything but downsides for picking this site, this year. In case you forgot, the 1968 convention began with ominous foreboding. True, the mayor had done everything he could to prettify the city, including screening the stockyards with redwood fences,
Columbia Moves to Remote Classes amid
Anti-Israel Campus Chaos
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/22/2024 11:34:59 AM Post Reply
Columbia University president Minouche Shafik condemned the “intimidating and harassing behavior” that has occurred on the New York City campus over the past several days and announced that classes would be held remotely on Monday. “Antisemitic language, like any other language that is used to hurt and frighten people, is unacceptable and appropriate action will be taken,” Shafik said in a statement. She further suggested that “tensions have been exploited and amplified by individuals who are not affiliated with Columbia who have come to campus to pursue their own agendas.” Shafik added that, over the coming days, deans and administrators will convene to resolve the “crisis” on campus
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