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Biden courts Haley supporters after her
exit: 'We need everyone on board'

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 3/6/2024 9:33:17 PM

President Joe Biden on Wednesday quickly maneuvered to court Nikki Haley's supporters moments after she ended her presidential campaign against Donald Trump, with his team projecting confidence they will be able to sway some of the former governor's supporters as the race pivots toward the general election. "Donald Trump made it clear he doesn't want Nikki Haley's supporters," Biden said in a statement Wednesday. "I want to be clear: There is a place for them in my campaign." "I know there is a lot we won't agree on," the president continued, adding, "I hope and believe we can find common ground" on the "fundamental issues" of preserving democracy and NATO, standing


W/Libby Cathey and Gabriella Abdul-Hakim.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: itsonlyme 3/6/2024 9:39:19 PM (No. 1672172)
The mating "dance" has begun.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 3/6/2024 9:46:39 PM (No. 1672174)
It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Haley wound up supported Biden.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Surroundedbyblue 3/6/2024 10:26:10 PM (No. 1672185)
Most of the people who voted for Haley were Dems.. the only question is whether they will show up in november
14 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: daisey 3/6/2024 10:35:47 PM (No. 1672189)
I think most of her votes came from democrats anyway. Don’t like the woman.
9 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: bighambone 3/6/2024 10:44:37 PM (No. 1672195)
There is no doubt that Haley has transformed herself politically into a RINO. So for sure the so-called Haley supporters are either liberal Republicans or are Democrats trying to sabotage Trump’s chances. During the run up to the Republican National Convention and the General Election, the loser Haley will probably finally endorse Trump in an effort to try to save her future political career in the good graces of the wimpy Republicans.
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: smokincol 3/6/2024 10:57:25 PM (No. 1672196)
most of her support came from demcommies so what the Hell is bozo biden, the walking cadaver, doing making appeals to a known quantity it's kinda like "preaching to the choir" as a friend of mine used to say
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: danu 3/7/2024 1:12:56 AM (No. 1672226)
hope big fanny and her week-kneed courtroom bunch show theyve been treasoncrats, from the off.
1 person likes this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: JimBob 3/7/2024 1:46:02 AM (No. 1672235)
Agree with the earlier posters. Nimarata's voters were almost -or ALL- Democ'RATS who crossed over to vote for her in the Republican primaries, just to make trouble for Trump. They were always going to vote for The HairSniffer in the general election, even if Nimarata was the Republican candidate. A clue as to why I believe this..... in the (Nevada?) primary a couple of weeks ago, where Nimarata (but not Trump) was in the no-delegates-awarded 'beauty contest' primary, Nimarata lost 2-to-1 to "None of the Above Candidates". At the Caucus which was held at the same time, Trump scooped up ALL the delegates. Nimarata losing -bigly- to 'None of the Above' tells me that she has NO support among Republicans, and her votes were ALL from D'RATS 'crossing over' to make trouble. Nimmi, it's time to fold the tent, go home, and take your seat on Raytheon's (or whoever's) Board of Directors. It's less embarrassing and the pay is much better.
4 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Miceal 3/7/2024 2:39:43 AM (No. 1672250)
Well they were mostly
0 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Trigger2 3/7/2024 3:08:02 AM (No. 1672254)
Haley should tell Joey to kiss her arse.
0 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 3/7/2024 5:26:24 AM (No. 1672294)
Exactly as planned. It's what they paid her for.
0 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: anniebc 3/7/2024 6:17:19 AM (No. 1672321)
It's funny that biden is courting already democrats to support him, a democrat squatter.
0 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: homefry 3/7/2024 7:46:33 AM (No. 1672384)
He is right again. EVERY Republican needs to get onboard the Trump train. I've said for decades, vote for your fave on primary election day but ALWAYS vote for any Republican against any dim-0. Even romney. Even mccain and even JEB!
2 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Strike3 3/7/2024 8:13:46 AM (No. 1672411)
No surprise there. At this point you are either solidly in Trump's camp or you are just another democrat vote, no matter who occupies the ticket.
1 person likes this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: MickTurn 3/7/2024 1:21:58 PM (No. 1672637)
Joey, you're wasting your time, they are ALREADY ALL Democrats!
0 people like this.

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10 states file legal challenge to SEC
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Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 3:38:47 PM Post Reply
West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey announced a coalition of 10 states will file a legal challenge to new regulations requiring public companies to disclose their climate-related risks and direct greenhouse gas emissions. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted 3-2 Wednesday to approve the climate disclosure rule, which will go into effect in 2026. Intense blowback from the business community delayed the passage of the final rule as the agency combed through thousands of comment letters following the initial proposal in 2022.
Minority business agency must serve all
races, a federal judge rules
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Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 3:07:01 PM Post Reply
A federal judge in Texas has ordered a U.S. agency that serves minority-owned businesses to serve regardless of race. The ruling sided with white business owners who claimed the program discriminated against them. Judge Mark T. Pittman of the Northern District of Texas, who was appointed by former President Trump, argued that the Minority Business Development Agency’s (MBDA) eligibility parameters go against the equal protection guarantees in the Fifth Amendment. The ruling was a significant victory for conservative activists looking to tackle race-conscious programs in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2022 ruling disassembling colleges’ affirmative action programs,
‘Clearly Overlooked This’: Probe Finds
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Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 3:00:45 PM Post Reply
A congressional investigation has discovered strange communication equipment on Chinese-built cargo cranes at U.S seaports, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. Rather than building them domestically at potentially higher costs, the U.S. relies heavily on Chinese-built cargo cranes that are relatively cheap to produce and equip at seaports across the country. The congressional probe discovered that several of these cranes, built by Chinese mega-manufacturer ZMPC, contain communications devices that were not requested or don’t appear to support standard operations, heightening existing espionage concerns, according to the WSJ.
Sweden Officially Joins NATO Two Years
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Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 1:53:24 PM Post Reply
Sweden officially became part of the NATO alliance Thursday, two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine caused the nation to overhaul its non-alignment policy. Swedish prime minister Ulf Kristersson is in Washington, D.C., to formally join NATO and he is expected to attend President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address Thursday evening. “t’s official – #Sweden is now the 32nd member of #NATO, taking its rightful place at our table. Sweden’s accession makes NATO stronger, Sweden safer, and the whole Alliance more secure. I look forward to raising their flag at NATO HQ on Monday,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on X Thursday. Hungary ratified Sweden’s ascension
Sinema exit could put Senate filibuster
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Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 11:50:43 AM Post Reply
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s (I-Ariz.) decision not to seek reelection dealt a major blow to proponents of the filibuster and increases the chances of Senate Democrats taking a second crack at doing away with it if they keep the chamber in November. Sinema, along with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), had drawn the ire of progressives by refusing to weaken the 60-vote threshold in order to codify abortion or voting rights legislation — and both are retiring at the end of the year. Underscoring that dynamic, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a statement Wednesday that lauded Sinema for backing the filibuster.
Elon Musk Says He Is Not Donating ‘To
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After Meeting With Trump
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Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 11:36:03 AM Post Reply
Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, one of the wealthiest men in the world, said on Wednesday that he would not donate to either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump after meeting with Trump earlier this week. Musk, who owns Tesla, SpaceX, and social media platform X, has harshly criticized the Biden administration in recent months, especially over the president’s handling of the illegal immigration crisis affecting cities across the nation. According to The New York Times, which cited three sources familiar with the matter, Trump met with Musk on Sunday in Palm Beach, Florida, as the former president’s campaign seeks to shore up support and financing
Texas district attorney reveals voting
mix-up let partner cast vote in her name
in Super Tuesday loss
11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 11:27:06 AM Post Reply
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has raised alarms about voting procedures in Texas after she was turned away from the polls on Super Tuesday because her ballot had already been cast. In a statement posted on X, Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth said Ms Ogg was unable to vote after her partner – with whom she shares an address – inadvertently cast a ballot in her name during early voting last week. “Last Friday, DA Ogg’s partner, who is registered to vote at the same address as DA Ogg, voted in the primary under DA Ogg’s name,” the statement read. “In the process of qualifying a voter, each voter
Egypt: Hamas Isn't Going to Agree to a Ceasefire 9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 10:37:27 AM Post Reply
This is a potentially important update for all of the people who are out there screaming in the streets and demanding a "ceasefire now!" According to Egypt, which has been involved in the ongoing negotiations, Hamas has already been offered a ceasefire. Several of them, actually. They have consistently turned them down and will do so again this week. Most recently, Hamas was offered a six-week ceasefire that would take them fully through the holy month of Ramadan, along with a very generous ratio in a prisoner-for-hostages exchange and large increases in aid deliveries during the pause in the fighting. Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan has already released
Democratic Panic: A Trump Conviction is
the Only Way Biden Can Win
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 12:09:41 AM Post Reply
It's not like this was a secret or something you couldn't have figured out for yourself, still it's sort of revealing when Democrats say the quiet part out loud. I'm talking specifically about a new Thomas Edsall column in the NY Times titled "'This Could Well Be Game Over.'" The game in this case is the 2024 election and the over refers to Joe Biden's chances of winning it if Donald Trump isn't convicted of a serious crime prior to November. “Early on, I called the federal election subversion case potentially the most important case in this nation’s history,” Richard L. Hasen, a law professor at U.C.L.A.,
Haley says fractured GOP primary proves
Trump will lose to Biden. History suggests otherwise
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 12:05:36 AM Post Reply
Any voter who listened to a stump speech from former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley during her primary campaign against Donald Trump -- which she just ended -- was likely to hear a variation of one message: The former president can't win in November because he's been losing a notable minority of Republican voters. "He lost 40% of the primary vote in all of the early states," she said last week at a campaign rally in Minnesota. "You can't win the general election if you can't win that 40% [back]." Haley was exaggerating. For example, in the 15 GOP states that voted on Super Tuesday, she has gotten less than 20%
Biden courts Haley supporters after her
exit: 'We need everyone on board'
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 9:33:17 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Wednesday quickly maneuvered to court Nikki Haley's supporters moments after she ended her presidential campaign against Donald Trump, with his team projecting confidence they will be able to sway some of the former governor's supporters as the race pivots toward the general election. "Donald Trump made it clear he doesn't want Nikki Haley's supporters," Biden said in a statement Wednesday. "I want to be clear: There is a place for them in my campaign." "I know there is a lot we won't agree on," the president continued, adding, "I hope and believe we can find common ground" on the "fundamental issues" of preserving democracy and NATO, standing
Nikki Haley to Trump: You're Going to
Have to Earn my Vote
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 5:58:38 PM Post Reply
Haley voters are up for grabs. Who wants them more - Donald Trump or Joe Biden? That's the question today. Nikki Haley suspended her campaign today. "I have no regrets," she said as she delivered a short speech to supporters. She did not endorse Donald Trump. I didn't anticipate that she would do that today. That may change down the road, we'll have to wait and see. She did offer her congratulations to Trump and wished him well. Haley liked to say that her campaign was not all about her, that it was not personal. She said she was running for the sake of America.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000
migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce
the number of crossings at the border
has national security 'vulnerabilities'
38 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 3:37:02 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden's administration has admitted transporting migrants on secret flights into the U.S. and lawyers for its immigration agencies claim revealing the locations could create national security 'vulnerabilities'. Customs and Border Protection has refused to disclose information about a program last year secretly arranging flights for thousands of undocumented immigrants from foreign airports directly to U.S. cities. It means that while record numbers of migrants were flowing over the southern border last year, the Biden White House was also directly transporting them into the country. Use of a cell phone app has allowed for the near undetected arrival by air of 320,000 aliens with no legal rights
Kathy Hochul deploys National Guard to
conduct bag checks in NYC subway
34 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 1:11:51 PM Post Reply
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) and Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) are fighting back against crime in the New York City subway system by reinstating bag checks. Hochul announced Wednesday she is deploying 1,000 additional law enforcement officers to the subway, including 750 New York National Guard members and 250 members of law enforcement. Adams ordered an additional 1,000 law enforcement officials to patrol the subway in February after the city saw a 45% increase in crime in January compared to January of last year. “We know people feel unsafe,” Adams said. “We are reinstituting bag checks. There are several things we are reinstituting in the system.”
John Kerry: People would ‘Feel Better’
about Russia’s War in Ukraine if Russia
would ‘Make a Greater Effort to Reduce Emissions’
31 replies
Posted by hershey 3/7/2024 1:51:31 PM Post Reply
80-year-old John Kerry announced recently he was stepping down as US Special Envoy on Climate for the Biden regime after years of hard work battling global warming and destroying the economy and US middle class. Kerry led the effort to unleash hundreds of billions in subsidies that aim to green the economy. It’s a lucrative business if you can call the shots or live in China where the windmills are made – using fossil fuels.
MSNBC’s Wallace: If Trump Is Elected,
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Posted by ladydawgfan 3/7/2024 1:43:03 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace said Wednesday on “Deadline” that if former President Donald Trump is elected president again, the United States would become a threat to the world order. Wallace said, “One of my favorite conversations you had last night we were talking about sort of the things that were still in the DNA of the two parties, that the Republicans fall in line and the Democrats sort of wait to fall I think they largely love Joe Biden and what he’s done, but they want to be more madly in love with someone or something. It was on display last night. Donald Trump has all this resistance
Mark Cuban vows to back Joe Biden over
Donald Trump, even if Biden 'was being
given last rites'
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 1:19:21 PM Post Reply
Mark Cuban, the minority stake owner of the Dallas Mavericks, reaffirmed his political support for President Joe Biden and vocal opposition to former President Donald Trump. In an interview with Bloomberg News that published Monday, Cuban went as far as saying that he would vote for Biden even if Biden was on his death bed. “If they were having his last wake, and it was him versus Trump, and he was being given last rites, I would still vote for Joe Biden,” Cuban told Bloomberg. The ages of Biden and Trump, the presumptive nominee for the Republican party, has become a topic of intense debate as the U.S. gears up
Joe Biden will target super rich and corporate
America in tonight's State of the Union
address with sweeping tax rises to include
hiking minimum corporate tax from 21%
to 25% and a minimum 25% tax for billionaires
30 replies
Posted by Imright 3/7/2024 8:46:24 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is going after those who he feels aren't paying their fair share such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos as his office plans to raise taxes for corporations and billionaires. The aging Democrat, 81, will make the announcement during the annual State of the Union address Thursday night. Corporate tax will rise from 21 percent to 25 percent and a 25 percent tax for those with wealth of over $100 million. White House officials said Biden would preview the steps that will be part of a proposed fiscal 2025 budget released next week that aims to cut the federal deficit by $3 trillion
Nikki Haley to Trump: You're Going to
Have to Earn my Vote
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 5:58:38 PM Post Reply
Haley voters are up for grabs. Who wants them more - Donald Trump or Joe Biden? That's the question today. Nikki Haley suspended her campaign today. "I have no regrets," she said as she delivered a short speech to supporters. She did not endorse Donald Trump. I didn't anticipate that she would do that today. That may change down the road, we'll have to wait and see. She did offer her congratulations to Trump and wished him well. Haley liked to say that her campaign was not all about her, that it was not personal. She said she was running for the sake of America.
Jonathan Turley 'astonished' Fani Willis,
Nathan Wade have not stepped aside as
case gets 'worse by the day'
27 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/6/2024 9:43:49 AM Post Reply
There is a new twist in the Fani Willis-Nathan Wade legal saga after a co-chief deputy district attorney for Cobb County claimed key witness Terrence Bradley lied about his knowledge of Willis and Wade's relationship. While there has been no ruling on Willis' disqualification, legal scholar Jonathan Turley questioned on "America's Newsroom" Tuesday why the pair has not "stepped aside" as their legal quagmire worsens "by the day." JONATHAN TURLEY: It was painful to watch. It had that look of a hostage tape, where he was just saying, 'I know nothing, I heard nothing. If I said anything, I didn't mean it.'
Haley says fractured GOP primary proves
Trump will lose to Biden. History suggests otherwise
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/7/2024 12:05:36 AM Post Reply
Any voter who listened to a stump speech from former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley during her primary campaign against Donald Trump -- which she just ended -- was likely to hear a variation of one message: The former president can't win in November because he's been losing a notable minority of Republican voters. "He lost 40% of the primary vote in all of the early states," she said last week at a campaign rally in Minnesota. "You can't win the general election if you can't win that 40% [back]." Haley was exaggerating. For example, in the 15 GOP states that voted on Super Tuesday, she has gotten less than 20%
House passes $460BILLION package to fund
six government agencies just three days
before another shutdown: Democrats help
Republicans advance six bills in the face
of conservative uprising
25 replies
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 6:53:03 PM Post Reply
The House on Wednesday passed a $460 billion spending package that will fund six agencies of government, relying Democratic support to make up for the majority of Republicans who opposed it. The bill passed 339-85, with 132 Republicans voting yes, 83 voting no, and all but two Democrats voting for it. The package brought together funding for Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Energy-Water, Interior-Environment, Military Construction-VA and Transportation and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under one vote.
Biden, Trump Are Neck-And-Neck, But Is
Winning 2024 Popular Vote Enough? I&I/TIPP Poll
25 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/6/2024 6:01:48 AM Post Reply
Each side in today’s often-angry political debate over the upcoming presidential election seems convinced that its candidate has a clear advantage. But, as of now, neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump has an obvious edge in the popular vote as we enter the final eight months of the 2024 election season, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Despite being widely criticized for his lackluster campaign and showing continuing signs of age-related mental impairment, Biden holds a slender 43% to 42% lead over Trump. The online national poll of 1,246 registered voters was taken
Poll: Majority Say They Will Not Watch
Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address
24 replies
Posted by Imright 3/7/2024 3:25:47 PM Post Reply
A majority of adult American citizens will not watch Joe Biden’s State of the Union (SOTU) address, the latest survey from the Economist/YouGov found. The survey asked respondents, “Will you watch this year’s State of the Union address on Thursday, March 7th?” Overall, a majority, 63 percent said they will not watch Biden’s address. Of those, 47 percent said they will not watch it and that they do not want to. The remaining 16 percent said they would like to watch it but they will likely not be able to. Just 37 percent, overall, said yes, they plan to watch it.
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