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Illinois citizens group files formal complaint
with state Board of Elections

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Posted By: DVC, 1/20/2024 11:36:51 AM

A couple from Illinois, Jodie and Ken Zitko, have formed a group of concerned citizens who have been analyzing the Illinois state voter database. They have found serious irregularities, detailed in a formal complaint filed with Bernadette Matthews, director of the Illinois State Board of Elections on December 21. Here are some of their findings after almost 2,000 hours of analysis. There were over 300,000 votes from the 2020 election missing or deleted from the Illinois voter data prior to the conclusion of the federal retention period of 22 months.


Experts in database inquiries do hard work to look into the Illinois voter database.....and find MASSIVE fraud, including the fact that 11% of voters had votes recorded in their name in elections when they did NOT actually vote.
So, 1 voter in 9 was used to fraudulently vote by "the system".

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Midnight Rambler 1/20/2024 11:54:54 AM (No. 1640633)
And in a related story 2 weeks from now Jodie and Ken Zitko will meet with unexpected accidents.
6 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: billa57 1/20/2024 12:02:43 PM (No. 1640640)
So are the people of Illinois happy with their state dictatorship?
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: formerNYer 1/20/2024 12:23:39 PM (No. 1640654)
chicago has always been "Fraud Central" for voter fraud. In 1960 Daly stole the elction for Kennedy over Nixon. I wonder why if the CIA was only going to kill him?
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 1/20/2024 12:29:41 PM (No. 1640657)
Illinois keeps electing Turban Durbin. It doesn't say much for the state.
8 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: JimBob 1/20/2024 2:47:50 PM (No. 1640732)
Yep. The Democ'RATS have been caught -again- following Joseph Stalin's example: "Those who VOTE are NOTHING. Those who COUNT the Votes are EVERYTHING." Gee, I wonder if we'll see anything on this on the Lamestreams? -and the Crickets say "chirp...........chirp.........chirp".
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: BarryNo 1/20/2024 6:01:31 PM (No. 1640820)
Dems cheat by choice. Their 'supporters' tend to have the attention span of a 2 year old, and can't be trusted to wait in line to vote. It also let's them pad their numbers if it looks like they'll lose, otherwise. Chicago has been doing it for over 100 years.
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Illinois citizens group files formal complaint
with state Board of Elections
6 replies
Posted by DVC 1/20/2024 11:36:51 AM Post Reply
A couple from Illinois, Jodie and Ken Zitko, have formed a group of concerned citizens who have been analyzing the Illinois state voter database. They have found serious irregularities, detailed in a formal complaint filed with Bernadette Matthews, director of the Illinois State Board of Elections on December 21. Here are some of their findings after almost 2,000 hours of analysis. There were over 300,000 votes from the 2020 election missing or deleted from the Illinois voter data prior to the conclusion of the federal retention period of 22 months.
With a growing demographic collapse, the
biggest threat to China is…China
11 replies
Posted by DVC 1/17/2024 5:43:41 PM Post Reply
China is a serious threat to America’s dominance in the world, and when America’s dominance collapses, so does America’s lovely standard of living. Nothing happening within the U.S., especially on Biden’s watch, will change that. However, China is at very profound risk from its internal problems. The latest one to catch the headlines is China’s continuing and, indeed, accelerating demographic collapse. China famously instituted its one-child policy in 1979 when it was afraid that its population growth was out of control. Not only did the policy have the effect of lowering the birth rate, but it also decimated the number of female babies being born.
Ram Channels Cher — But Not for Long 9 replies
Posted by DVC 1/16/2024 3:55:17 PM Post Reply
What if you could turn back time — to 2008 — and buy a brand-new half-ton truck like they used to make them? One without the “assistance” and other “technologies” that come standard with the new ones, like it or not — but with a standard 8-foot bed that’s increasingly hard to get … and for thousands less than what they’re selling the new double-and-crew cab short-bed trucks for today? [snip] Better to get out your checkbook — because for a time, you can buy a brand-new 2008 Ram 1500 Classic with a regular cab with an 8-foot bed and a standard 3.6-liter V6 without “eTorque technology” for $32,345.
Obama Destroyed Martin Luther King’s Dream 10 replies
Posted by DVC 1/16/2024 3:43:14 PM Post Reply
Monday was a holiday dedicated to the memory of the greatest American civil rights leader of the 20th century: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. But while the airwaves were covered with shallow tributes to the man, in 2024 it’s clear this country doesn’t honor his legacy. Not anymore. Not for some time now. This is likely to be something of an explosive column, and it will draw comments from all over the spectrum, so perhaps it’s most useful to begin by defining exactly what King’s legacy is. And while the man was complex and his message multifaceted, the moment that made him great was a speech given at the National Mall in Washington
Trump's blowout win in Iowa sure does
send a message about those politicized prosecutions
10 replies
Posted by DVC 1/16/2024 12:36:12 PM Post Reply
One wonders what it's like to be Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Leticia James, or Fani Willis waking up to watch CNN this morning. Here's CNN: Former President Donald Trump’s huge win in the Iowa caucuses on Monday enshrines one of the most astonishing comebacks in American political history. Losing one-term presidents almost never mount subsequent successful primary campaigns, much less pull off landslides that demonstrate utter dominance of their party. Trump transformed the GOP in his populist, nationalist, nihilistic image in 2016. By claiming 50% of the vote in the biggest win in caucus history
Iowa entrance poll: Most GOP caucusgoers
don’t accept Biden’s 2020 win, say
a conviction wouldn’t make Trump unfit
for office
11 replies
Posted by DVC 1/16/2024 12:46:30 AM Post Reply
Most Iowa GOP caucusgoers refuse to accept President Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory and say they would view former President Donald Trump, whom CNN projected will win the caucuses Monday night, as fit for office even if convicted of a crime, according to CNN’s entrance poll for the Iowa Republican presidential caucuses. Trump’s victory highlights his strength among key groups that form the bulk of the GOP electorate, according to the entrance poll. Roughly half of Iowa caucusgoers described themselves as “very conservative,” and nearly half identified as part of the MAGA movement, referring to the “Make America Great Again” slogan popularized by Trump in 2016.
A cold El Nino winter reveals yet another
problem with electric vehicles
16 replies
Posted by DVC 1/14/2024 1:25:28 PM Post Reply
Have you ever driven a Tesla? I have. It’s a lovely car to drive because it accelerates quickly, handles well, and is stocked to the brim with cool gadgets. In a sane world, rich people would buy it and other electric vehicles (EVs) for fun and, as competition drove the price down, ordinary people would think about them, too. But we don’t live in a sane world. We live in an insane world in which our governments are forcing us to buy EVs to “save the climate.” That’s why it’s important to focus on just how awful EVs are
China Complains that the U.S. has ‘Weaponized’
Chip Export Controls
5 replies
Posted by DVC 1/13/2024 5:47:42 PM Post Reply
Last summer, my Legal Insurrection colleague Vijeta Uniyal reported that despite U.S. sanctions, China was building up its chipmaking capabilities at breakneck speed by importing manufacturing equipment at a record pace. However, later in the year, the U.S. indicated it was planning to update new chip restrictions on exports to China related to the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. This came as China implemented its own restrictions on minerals needed to produce semiconductors and other advanced technology. Now comes news that the Netherlands has blocked the export of equipment to China, which it needs as part of its chipmaking process.
Claudine Gay debacle is the end result
of a 1968 Xerox memo
13 replies
Posted by DVC 1/13/2024 10:37:48 AM Post Reply
“Affirmative Action lowers the standards wherever it touches.” -Martin L Gross The above observation by the late sociologist Martin Gross is especially relevant today after the president of one of the most esteemed universities in the world resigned in disgrace after her serial plagiarism was exposed. The genesis of the policy that led to her hiring can be found in a 1968 memo that then-Xerox CEO Joseph C. Wilson wrote in which he directed his hiring managers to hire underqualified and outright unqualified minorities in the name of “diversity.” Using Claudine Gay’s example as a case study, we can now clearly see the dismal fruit of this well-intentioned but sadly naive policy.
Osage Nation Prevails in Court Battle
Against European Green Energy Barons
7 replies
Posted by DVC 1/12/2024 11:08:34 AM Post Reply
[snip] Now comes more good news for those who are concerned about inefficient and costly wind farm projects being thrust on Americans by green energy barons. The Osage Nation took a European wind farm company to court and prevailed…and now the operating windmills have got to be dismantled and removed per court order. A federal judge has ordered Enell Energy to remove an 84-turbine wind farm in Osage County, with a final ruling that ends more than a decade of litigation over illegal mining on the Osage Reservation. Court documents estimate the cost of removing the turbines at $300 million.
The Electric Car Con Explained 13 replies
Posted by DVC 1/11/2024 11:10:04 AM Post Reply
Is electricity a source of energy? Most people will answer yes, which is incorrect. Electricity carries energy but it is not itself a source of energy, which in the U.S. is supplied 60% by natural gas and coal, 18% nuclear and 22% renewables (hydro, solar and wind). The related question is whether cars are a major consumer of energy and hence a significant contributor of Co2 emissions? Again, most people believe both statements are self-evidently true, hence the importance of moving to electric cars. In fact, cars (light-duty transportation) account for less than 5% of global energy demand, with U.S. cars accounting for 19% of the global car fleet,
Useless Degrees, An Analysis 8 replies
Posted by DVC 1/9/2024 12:56:55 PM Post Reply
For a long time now, the debate has raged as to whether it’s worth going to college anymore. The libertarian view on this question has typically been along the lines of… if people are foolish enough to waste money on worthless degrees, the world will soon enough teach them another lesson. While valid, that view ran aground on the Democrat vote-buying scheme to insulate those with useless degrees from the consequences of their poor choices and indebtedness, with our tax money. The cynical motives behind this ploy aside, I very much doubt many students enroll in college with the intention of eventually being bailed out by their fellow citizens.
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Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 4:02:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 1:09:29 AM Post Reply
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Alex Soros Tweets Out Bullet Hole and
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31 replies
Posted by Imright 1/22/2024 3:41:33 AM Post Reply
They want him gone – no matter the cost. President Trump is up in the polls, and the Republican base is coalescing around him. DeSantis, his most formidable primary challenger, dropped from the race and endorsed President Trump on Sunday. The globalist elites are in a panic. Trump is the greatest threat to their power over humanity in the civilized world. Something must be done. Alex Soros tweeted out an obvious threat against President Trump on Sunday evening.Alex Soros is currently facing scrutiny due to his recent tweet sharing a post from the far-left The Atlantic that features a bullet hole and a sum of $47.
New ‘transgender’ Virginia Democrat
senator picks Metallica album over Bible
for swearing-in ceremony
28 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/22/2024 9:22:37 AM Post Reply
Daniel “Danica” Roem, the first “transgender” state representative in U.S. history, won election to a new office last November and shared in a recent interview his intention to be sworn into the Virginia Senate with his hand on a heavy metal album rather than the Bible, as is tradition. Roem, a male Democrat who identifies as a woman, defeated incumbent Republican Bob Marshall for his seat in the Virginia House of Delegates in 2017, an upset celebrated by LGBT activists. Last fall, Roem won his race to move on to the state Senate. (snip) “I will be getting sworn in on a 1988 vinyl copy” of his favorite Metallica album,
Kerry calls for greenie restrictions on
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27 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/21/2024 11:28:00 AM Post Reply
Does Joe Biden's climate czar, John Kerry, ever listen to himself? He made this dunderheaded speech at the World Economic Forum, unwittingly contradicting himself as he sought applause from the elites. (X) So "farms" need to be restricted according to the green agenda, which as any Dutch farmer can tell you, means shut down -- or else people will die, presumably of starvation since he said "people will go hungry." Fewer farms, all to prevent people from going hungry. Does this clown know where food comes from? Does he understand that more production of food means more emissions of oxygen and less production of food means fewer emissions?
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Sununu claims and says Trump 'lost his
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26 replies
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 4:00:16 PM Post Reply
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu insists his preferred candidate Nikki Haley doesn't have to win his state to become the Republican presidential nominee. Sununu told NBC's Meet the Press that New Hampshire's Tuesday primary is not 'make or break' for Haley after a poll released on Sunday shows her trailing former President Donald Trump by 19 percentage points. The Granite State governor and top campaign surrogate also questioned whether Trump is mentally fit to serve another White House term after he appeared to confuse Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Fani Willis Handed Lucrative Contracts
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23 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/21/2024 12:12:18 AM Post Reply
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Nikki Haley on DeSantis Dropping Out:
‘May the Best Woman Win’
22 replies
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 6:27:31 PM Post Reply
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) had a cheeky reaction to the news of her challenger, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), suspending his presidential campaign, telling a cluster of supporters, “May the best woman win.” “We just heard the Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the race,” Haley said while addressing supporters, who clapped and cheered.“He ran a great race. He’s been a good governor, and we wish him well,” Haley continued, emphasizing that the race is “now one fella and one lady,” emphasizing that all the other men in the race have dropped out.
Fmr MSNBC Host Blames ‘White Conservatives’
on Her Firing
22 replies
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 6:02:11 PM Post Reply
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how come tens of millions of perfectly
reasonable Americans want him back in
the Whitehouse
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Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 5:21:22 PM Post Reply
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Our Weird Passivity Toward Iran’s Aggression 22 replies
Posted by FlyRight 1/21/2024 6:18:52 AM Post Reply
Watching our response to Iranian aggression against us and our allies, I’m reminded of Sherlock Holmes mystery, “The Curious Case of the Dog That Didn’t Bark.” Turns out the watchdog didn’t bark because it knew the thief, and my supposition is that there is a good reason why we have behaved as if Iran and its proxies merit no more meaningful response: This Administration -- as did Obama’s -- has been thoroughly compromised respecting the ayatollahs. Hussain-Abdul-Hussain, who analyzes such things for the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, summarized the recent provocations of Iran. This week, Iran attacked without provocation Pakistan,
Rep. Jamaal Bowman Proposes $14 Trillion
Reparations Plan
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Posted by Beardo 1/22/2024 1:33:58 PM Post Reply
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) proposed a $14 trillion reparations plan Tuesday “for the enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on the lives of millions of Black people in the United States.” The progressive congressman called on the federal government to foot the bill, arguing that there’s a way to pay for it “without raising taxes on anyone." (snip) “When COVID was destroying us, we invested in the American people in a way that kept the economy afloat,” (snip) “Where did the money come from?” he continued. “We spent it into existence.”
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