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Useless Degrees, An Analysis

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Posted By: DVC, 1/9/2024 12:56:55 PM

For a long time now, the debate has raged as to whether it’s worth going to college anymore. The libertarian view on this question has typically been along the lines of… if people are foolish enough to waste money on worthless degrees, the world will soon enough teach them another lesson. While valid, that view ran aground on the Democrat vote-buying scheme to insulate those with useless degrees from the consequences of their poor choices and indebtedness, with our tax money. The cynical motives behind this ploy aside, I very much doubt many students enroll in college with the intention of eventually being bailed out by their fellow citizens.


Many degrees have, for many decades, had no actual market value. Even in the 1970s, it was obvious that much of an "education degree", especially "Elementary Ed" for younger children was a joke. I remember hearing from one student that he had a friend in Elementary Ed, which had a course which studied as literature the "Tuffy the Tugboat" book, one of those 1/4" thick (with heavy cardboard covers) 15 page cartoon books for 5 year olds which has one or two sentences per heavily illustrated page, One or two books covered in a quarter of "college study". We laughed out loud at that, but it was true.
If you don't believe me ask "Dr." Jill.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 1/9/2024 1:02:55 PM (No. 1632746)
Degrees these days are nothing more than attendance certificates. Graduates are credentialed but typically as ignorant as the day they sat in freshman orientation. Exhibit A for this is that Cortez twit who holds a degree from Boston University in economics. Then there's the example of Princeton grad M. 0bama..... oh wow, Princeton! There are many examples.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: IowaDad 1/9/2024 1:10:12 PM (No. 1632756)
Yes, but if teenagers don’t go to college, how are these poor things going to learn that they are very oppressed, especially if they are black or brown, female or wanting to be some sort of female (or male), or are mildly confused about procreative sex or any avenue leading to a successful life?
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Reply 3 - Posted by: bighambone 1/9/2024 1:24:04 PM (No. 1632761)
Three years in the combat infantry should be equated to a bachelors degree in worldly affairs.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: snakeoil 1/9/2024 1:29:10 PM (No. 1632769)
Not all degrees are useless. When I go to a medical doctor I expect to see diplomas on the walls stating that he or she graduated from a college or university that has a medical school. Would you want to be operated on by someone whose training consists of watching videos? Science, math, and engineering degrees are useful but in rare cases not absolutely necessary. The person who invented the microwave oven was an electrical engineer who didn't go to college. The biggest problem in higher education is not useless majors. It's useless administrators. And they have way too much money which they spend poorly.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: msjena 1/9/2024 1:37:04 PM (No. 1632774)
I was an English major. It was not a useless degree, though it did necessitate a post-graduate degree to get a job. But I am a better educated, and smarter, person for having read the classics of English literature. I definitely became a better writer. It is sad that English departments have become woke and that the major is denigrated as useless.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Ronaldus Magnus 1/9/2024 2:53:40 PM (No. 1632821)
I will never forget reading through a list of possible majors at a university. I found 'Leisure Studies" as a possible avenue of study. Eventually I researched further and realized they chose a ridiculous title for what was the travel industry back then. When I first read the words Leisure Studies, I imagined a lab class with hammocks and drinks with umbrellas.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Hazymac 1/9/2024 3:00:53 PM (No. 1632829)
Bravo, #5! I'm an English major, too. It was the proper choice for me because I love the language, employed properly. Effective communication is as important to me as a pure golf shot. (I'm a pro!) Worthless degrees? How about anything with "... Studies" in its title?
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Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 1/9/2024 3:08:02 PM (No. 1632833)
Re #5 & 7, the article specifically lists 'useless majors' and one is "_______ Studies". And I would bet a lot that an English degree take 50 years ago has almost nothing at all in common with an English degree taken in the last decade or so. My bachelor's and master's degrees in engineering were strictly job training, but so many not only don't teach a job skill, like medical doctor, nurse, accountant or engineer......they teach basically hate and anti-American propaganda. Those are worse than the just useless ones. These "degrees" are actively harmful to the person and society.
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Claudine Gay debacle is the end result
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Posted by DVC 1/13/2024 10:37:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 1/12/2024 11:08:34 AM Post Reply
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The Electric Car Con Explained 13 replies
Posted by DVC 1/11/2024 11:10:04 AM Post Reply
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Useless Degrees, An Analysis 8 replies
Posted by DVC 1/9/2024 12:56:55 PM Post Reply
For a long time now, the debate has raged as to whether it’s worth going to college anymore. The libertarian view on this question has typically been along the lines of… if people are foolish enough to waste money on worthless degrees, the world will soon enough teach them another lesson. While valid, that view ran aground on the Democrat vote-buying scheme to insulate those with useless degrees from the consequences of their poor choices and indebtedness, with our tax money. The cynical motives behind this ploy aside, I very much doubt many students enroll in college with the intention of eventually being bailed out by their fellow citizens.
Separating fact from fiction on ‘climate change’ 10 replies
Posted by DVC 1/3/2024 1:41:59 PM Post Reply
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Scientists Shocked to Discover That Male
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11 replies
Posted by DVC 1/3/2024 12:56:57 PM Post Reply
It was once a commonsense belief and universal truth that men and women, boys and girls, are different, especially in the realm of athletics. With rare exceptions, men and women compete in their own categories, from high school level through college to the Olympic games and professional sports. Mixed competitions place women and men on the same team, such as mixed doubles in tennis, or dancing, either in the ballroom, or on ice. Equestrian sports are an exception, but the fact that a horse is a major part of the sport reduces the sex difference between competitors.
If it all goes wrong, with whom will the
police side?
24 replies
Posted by DVC 1/3/2024 12:44:12 PM Post Reply
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We Want Disruption, Not Chaos 6 replies
Posted by DVC 1/3/2024 12:33:31 PM Post Reply
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Claudine Gay, thief 7 replies
Posted by DVC 1/3/2024 12:05:49 PM Post Reply
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n Pete Buttigieg's reality, EVs dominate 14 replies
Posted by DVC 12/30/2023 12:36:01 PM Post Reply
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In these chaotic times, a brief AR-15 primer 4 replies
Posted by DVC 12/29/2023 7:16:29 PM Post Reply
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Why there is no 'Israeli-Palestinian conflict'
-- and what is it, actually?
1 reply
Posted by DVC 12/28/2023 11:27:44 AM Post Reply
We often hear the phrase, 'Israeli-Palestinian conflict' everywhere - in the media, from Israeli officials, written in articles, repeated by foreign policy think tanks, and U.S. politicians. It is ubiquitous. They are all incorrect. A 'conflict' indicates two equal sides laying credible claim over a disputed issue. Thus, the false phrase equates Jews with terrorists and terrorist supporters. And, the incorrect saying plays into revisionist history in an antisemitic fashion. Terrorists and their supporters claim that Israel 'stole' 'Palestine.' But 'Palestine' was nothing more than a colonizer's term for Judea from 136 A.D. - to when Jews liberated Israel in 1948 from British occupiers.
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Posted by Skinnydip 1/12/2024 9:24:06 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 7:44:38 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NHChemist 1/12/2024 10:04:08 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 6:52:28 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 1/12/2024 9:46:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:43:40 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 7:47:08 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:21:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:47:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 1/12/2024 11:56:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 1/12/2024 6:22:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 1/12/2024 12:59:29 PM Post Reply
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