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White House Asks Congress for $106 Billion
– $61 Billion for Ukraine, $14 Billion
for Israel, $9 Billion for Gaza and Humanitarian Relief

Original Article

Posted By: earlybird, 10/20/2023 7:39:28 PM

The people behind Joe Biden have put together a single $106 billion request of financial support intended to force Congress to fund the priorities of the Obama/Biden U.S. foreign policy. The supplemental appropriations request [SEE HERE] also includes funds to support the continued flow of illegal aliens at the southern border. WASHINGTON – […] All told, the request includes $61.4 billion for Ukraine, including $44.4 billion to provide Department of Defense equipment for the country,



Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Bur Oak 10/20/2023 7:43:54 PM (No. 1582333)
69 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: formerNYer 10/20/2023 7:49:49 PM (No. 1582342)
Seperate each vote for each country: Isreal: Yea Ukraine: Nay Gaza: Nay None of this all in one crap.
83 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Mcscow sailor 10/20/2023 7:54:10 PM (No. 1582345)
Supplemental? BS. There is no budget…there cannot be a supplement. Build it into the basic budget, figure out how to pay for it.
46 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Safari Man 10/20/2023 8:00:49 PM (No. 1582349)
Here's something for them to consider: NO!
65 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: wilarrbie 10/20/2023 8:02:25 PM (No. 1582351)
Willing to kill off other budget items to pay for it? No? Then why should I give up more of my ability to simply scrape by on my after-tax crumbs?
43 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: bogeegolf 10/20/2023 8:15:52 PM (No. 1582358)
Yes extremely nauseating OP. Get this illegal administration out of the White House and put them in prison with the uniparty.
47 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Lawsy0 10/20/2023 8:18:09 PM (No. 1582360)
Sounds like one of Biden's pre-dementia deals with the Ukraine devil. Ask Hunter, if you can find him sober.
31 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: mizzmac 10/20/2023 8:47:24 PM (No. 1582375)
Apalling. NO.
35 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 10/20/2023 8:49:11 PM (No. 1582376)
$9 billion for Gaza. NO! Not even 9 camel-dung chips for Gaza.
48 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Kate318 10/20/2023 8:51:12 PM (No. 1582379)
31 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Miss T 10/20/2023 8:52:12 PM (No. 1582383)
Why is our country so often working against itself? Funding for Gaza harms Israel, and vice versa. We have absolutely no reason to fund Ukraine. Every dollar that goes out in federal assistance was once earned by an American. Where is the money to enforce our immigration laws? "Charity" from involuntary taxes has none of the spiritual benefits of true charity, neither for the giver nor for the receiver.
23 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: downnout 10/20/2023 8:56:38 PM (No. 1582385)
When the Ukraine/Russia war started I was curious about all the high-ranking politicians who flew in to promise massive aid to Zelensky. No doubt they were explaining the intricacies of 100 billion to Ukraine and the expected kickbacks to them. They all make me sick.
28 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: SALady 10/20/2023 9:01:48 PM (No. 1582392)
Not a penny for Ukraine or Gaza!!! And only money for Israel if they vow to exterminate every member of Hamas -- no exceptions!!!! Hamas is lower than vermin, and you exterminate vermin when they invade your home.
31 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: weirdone 10/20/2023 9:04:41 PM (No. 1582393)
Billions for defense, not one red cent for appeasement!
21 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Msquared112 10/20/2023 9:06:25 PM (No. 1582396)
20 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Califedup 10/20/2023 9:13:07 PM (No. 1582403)
Our brave and loyal, battle tested republicans will shriek, stamp their feet in righteous indignation, posture, bluster before all the propaganda media, and then will meekly surrender. Bet on it.
26 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Lonestar Jack 10/20/2023 10:09:41 PM (No. 1582425)
How much winds up in the Biden family mob pockets? The going rate is 10%,
16 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: nerdowell 10/20/2023 10:13:04 PM (No. 1582428)
For the sake of consistency they should add an additional $43 billion for the Russians.
15 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Birddog 10/20/2023 10:18:04 PM (No. 1582432)
Official Exchange rate GDP of gaza is $2,938 Billion' Biden is proposing to hand them three full years worth of their prior national earnings, all at once, tripling their net worth. I might suggest that IF someone was to actually DO something like that, the proper method would be to fly it over in C17's and simply throw it out in $20 bills, the ensuing firefights, freeforalls, and subsequent violent thievery would reduce the population down to an easily maintainable level as they slaughtered each other for every bill.
8 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: mc squared 10/20/2023 10:27:06 PM (No. 1582436)
One more endless war and we have a tri-fecta. I'd only support this if we had an exit strategy.
8 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: rytwng 10/20/2023 10:32:19 PM (No. 1582441)
And one billion for Biden.
7 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Trigger2 10/21/2023 2:19:24 AM (No. 1582519)
$9B for Gaza and humitarian aid? What's that all about. $8.5B for Gaza to buy more weapons and .5B for humanitarian aid?
5 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: mifla 10/21/2023 5:11:48 AM (No. 1582536)
Given the amount of weapons Hamas will buy with the $9B, Joe may want to kick up the $14B to Israel. They are going to need it.
6 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: BirdsNest 10/21/2023 6:19:58 AM (No. 1582558)
Charity begins at home. Distribute some of those billions to actual citizens of the US.
12 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 10/21/2023 7:09:41 AM (No. 1582570)
Why is this country working against itself? Well, it is the “fundamental change” that you have heard Barry Sotero talk about soooo much.
8 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Daria 10/21/2023 7:11:51 AM (No. 1582572)
A billion here, a billion there and pretty soon AMERICANS are paying 30% more for groceries. Oh, wait... We. Don't. Have.The. Money.
9 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 10/21/2023 7:13:36 AM (No. 1582573)
Each one should be voted down separately!!!!!!! All Israel wants if for the US to sell them the weapons they need, and to stop hindering them from protecting their country.
8 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: marbles 10/21/2023 7:20:25 AM (No. 1582581)
# 11 Those in power ( names you know and names you don't ) have no interest in the well being of America. Their only interest is in the accumulation of personal wealth and power. Equating Israel with Ukraine is reprehensible.They depend on low to no info people to accept such garbage.
13 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 10/21/2023 7:41:12 AM (No. 1582593)
So, 9 billion for tribute?
5 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Red Jeep 10/21/2023 8:49:05 AM (No. 1582638)
When the Ukranian military receives aid, do they pile all the weapons in a field and blow them up and then ask for more aid?
5 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: red1066 10/21/2023 9:00:17 AM (No. 1582645)
Typical government accounting. They're asking for 106 billion, but the totals don't add up to that amount. There seems to be 20 billion that isn't being used for the stated purpose of relief which is more than the amount that goes to Israel. Is the big guy getting a taste? Maybe that money is going into the demoslut campaign coffers.
6 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: Safari Man 10/21/2023 9:13:56 AM (No. 1582650)
I say $1 billion for SafariMan
3 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: franq 10/21/2023 9:15:24 AM (No. 1582653)
Why so lopsided? My guess is the Ukraine "aid" gets funneled back somehow...
8 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: paral04 10/21/2023 9:20:42 AM (No. 1582657)
No, It's time the UN stood up to the plate. What are we paying them for?
6 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Yuban 10/21/2023 9:29:59 AM (No. 1582663)
It is so easy spending other peoples money.
7 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: cny 10/21/2023 10:00:26 AM (No. 1582707)
We should all stop working. Then where would the money come from?
3 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/21/2023 10:13:45 AM (No. 1582721)
That translates to $10.6 BILLION for the "Big Guy" that can't find his brain.
3 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: danu 10/21/2023 10:36:32 AM (No. 1582756)
more billions, and a fond farewell to taiwan... yeaaaah, NO.
6 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: doctorfixit 10/21/2023 10:37:13 AM (No. 1582758)
Shut off the money.
6 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/21/2023 11:13:27 AM (No. 1582782)
And now WE know just why Iran sent Hamas and Hezbollah into Israel....they know President Trump is a winner in 2024 and they are trying to accomplish as much as they can while obama is still in the White House.....let's not forget all those beheaded babies and captured children as hostages....keep focused on the job at hand...getting rid of Hamas.....go get em Israel.......
3 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: rememberwhen 10/21/2023 12:45:14 PM (No. 1582838)
Israel Si. Gaza a resounding No
3 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: smokincol 10/21/2023 1:25:44 PM (No. 1582868)
Give 'em NOTHING!!!, the bidenista snakes who would see the United States of America become North Korea???!!!! - not a damn cent!!!
3 people like this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: Old Army Vet 10/21/2023 1:49:49 PM (No. 1582880)
I have a better idea, 75 billion for Israel and nothing for anyone else. There, solved it for you Brandon, you moron.
3 people like this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: globalwarmer 10/21/2023 3:56:34 PM (No. 1582954)
How about NO!
2 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: NotaBene 10/21/2023 4:44:29 PM (No. 1582985)
This ridiculous giveaway will go to Ukraine after their war is lost. They bled themselves white in the Spring, Summer, and Fall counteroffensives. 200 billion down the drain already and now 60 more to pay for Ukrainian pensions, salaries and free healthcare. Not to mention 10% for the Biden Crime Family. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by earlybird 10/21/2023 8:45:25 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 10/21/2023 4:21:14 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 10/21/2023 3:56:20 PM Post Reply
In the New York case against President Trump’s business operations, far left Judge Arthur Engoron previously issued a gag order forbidding President Trump from criticism of any court employee. Today, Judge Engoron levied a $5,000 fine against President Trump because a Truth Social media post made prior to the order was visible on the Trump campaign website. This judge is nuts. Literally, nuts. (snip) Engoron said in the order that a social media post by Trump attacking the judge’s clerk – which was deleted from the former president’s Truth Social platform – had remained visible on his campaign website two weeks after he had ordered it taken down.
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Posted by earlybird 10/21/2023 3:28:28 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 10/20/2023 8:50:40 PM Post Reply
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White House Asks Congress for $106 Billion
– $61 Billion for Ukraine, $14 Billion
for Israel, $9 Billion for Gaza and Humanitarian Relief
45 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/20/2023 7:39:28 PM Post Reply
The people behind Joe Biden have put together a single $106 billion request of financial support intended to force Congress to fund the priorities of the Obama/Biden U.S. foreign policy. The supplemental appropriations request [SEE HERE] also includes funds to support the continued flow of illegal aliens at the southern border. WASHINGTON – […] All told, the request includes $61.4 billion for Ukraine, including $44.4 billion to provide Department of Defense equipment for the country,
WATCH: Livid House Republican Goes Ballistic
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15 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/20/2023 7:29:59 PM Post Reply
Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-SD) is not usually described as a “firebrand” among his fellow members of Congress, but he was full of spit and vinegar when he spoke to CNN’s Manu Raju in the immediate aftermath of the collapse of Rep. Jim Jordan’s attempt to run for Speaker of the House, calling out his GOP colleagues who instigated this mess.The slim majority Republicans have in the House has led to an ongoing struggle for power, as hardliners like Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) demanded concessions from Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) before they finally let him claim the gavel on the fifteenth round of voting —
Idaho Republican Rep Mike Simpson Views
Constituent Contacts as “Intimidation
and Threatening”
13 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/19/2023 1:07:01 PM Post Reply
It is a good thing to see the masks dropping amid the professionally republican class who view themselves as something more than representatives of their constituents. In public response to the requests of the voters, Idaho’s Second Congressional District Representative Mike Simpson reminds voters that their opinion means nothing. (image)FYI, Steve Scalise is voting for Jim Jordan. Who is paying for Mike Simpson? Because apparently, he doesn’t think the voters matter much.
Intending to Fracture Growing Black Support
for Trump – Robert Kennedy Jr. Announces
Support for Reparations
24 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/18/2023 9:02:47 PM Post Reply
The intent of the RFK Jr. independent campaign, as an operation to support Biden and hurt Donald Trump, becomes even more obvious when you look at the recent Marist Polling [SEE HERE]. In a three-way contest with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running as an independent, Biden opens up a 7-point lead over Trump. 44% of registered voters support Biden. 37% back Trump, and 16% are for Kennedy. With Kennedy in the race, Biden’s support dips 5 percentage points among Democrats while Trump loses 10 points among Republicans.
“Barry’s Fingerprints Are All Over This”… 24 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/18/2023 6:04:25 PM Post Reply
In discussion of the Middle East, the current dynamic of Hamas attacking Israel, and the necessary, albeit perhaps painful response that will now be delivered by Israel, some have noted Obama’s fingerprints are all over this. It’s true, and it is worth remembering the history of this as it pertains to the U.S. triggering the Arab Spring as the first deployment of Obama’s foreign policy.(snip) The layers and layers of ideologues he and Hillary embedded in the institutions of the State Dept are as deep as the layers of ideologues Obama embedded in Main Justice and the intelligence community.
22 House Republicans Decline to Vote for
Jim Jordan for Speaker
27 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/18/2023 3:32:23 PM Post Reply
Twenty-two House Republicans on Wednesday declined to vote to make Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) the next Speaker of the House. The House held another vote on if House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), the Republican nominee for Speaker, should become the leader of the House. Not enough Republicans voted to make him Speaker after 15 days without a Republican leader of the House. Jordan received 199 votes, House Democrat Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) received 212 votes, and 22 lawmakers voted for someone other than Jordan and Jeffries. The 22 Republicans who declined to vote for Jordan include:
Obtuse, Thy Name is Chutkan 8 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/18/2023 3:10:12 PM Post Reply
In one of the most disingenuously undefined judicial rulings in recent memory, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan says President Trump may not “target” a member of the court or prosecution in his rebuke of their official offices against him. [3-page pdf HERE] (image) (snip)Obviously, Judge Chutkan intends to give herself the most latitude possible when defining what terms of speech may end up being considered “targeting.” However, criticism is not a possible definition in ordinary parlance. So, we’ll see. Additionally, Chutkan did not outline what -if any- punishment would be levied in the event she considers any statement to be considered “targeting.” The lawfare games continue…
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White House Asks Congress for $106 Billion
– $61 Billion for Ukraine, $14 Billion
for Israel, $9 Billion for Gaza and Humanitarian Relief
45 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/20/2023 7:39:28 PM Post Reply
The people behind Joe Biden have put together a single $106 billion request of financial support intended to force Congress to fund the priorities of the Obama/Biden U.S. foreign policy. The supplemental appropriations request [SEE HERE] also includes funds to support the continued flow of illegal aliens at the southern border. WASHINGTON – […] All told, the request includes $61.4 billion for Ukraine, including $44.4 billion to provide Department of Defense equipment for the country,
Dems Praise Biden’s ‘Cognizant’
Israel Response: ‘This Is A Man That
Does Not Seem Demented’
41 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 9:51:03 AM Post Reply
From a sit-down TV interview, to an Oval Office address and even a trip to a war-torn country, Democratic strategists are praising President Joe Biden’s response to the Israel-Hamas war as “cognizant” and “strong.” Biden’s initial response to the terrorist organization Hamas’ attack on Israel came under scrutiny from prominent conservative media figures who criticized the president for failing to make frequent public statements while the war raged in the Middle East. But Democratic strategists told the Daily Caller the president has handled the Israel-Hamas war well, giving numerous public appearances and even presenting himself as a strong commander-in-chief.
CVS pulls popular over-the-counter cold
medicines from store shelves TODAY after
FDA said they didn't work
40 replies
Posted by mc squared 10/20/2023 12:36:14 PM Post Reply
CVS began pulling popular over the counter cough and cold products from its shelves today because they don't work. The pharmacy chain is removing oral meds that contain phenylephrine as their only active ingredient, which was shown to be no better than placebo at treating a stuffy nose. The drugs are taken by millions of Americans and include brands like Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion, Sudafed PE, and Tylenol Cold and Flu and Severe Day & Night. It comes weeks after a panel of advisers to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled phenylephrine 'is not effective' at standard or even high doses when taken in pill or liquid form.
Greta Thunberg Calls for Israel-Hamas
Ceasefire, Begins Strike ‘in Solidarity
with Palestine and Gaza’
36 replies
Posted by mc squared 10/20/2023 1:15:33 PM Post Reply
Veteran climate worrier Greta Thunberg announced Friday she has shifted her attention away from the world’s weather to focus on Israel’s fate as it fights Hamas and its associated terrorist organizations. Thunberg took to social media and posted on X – formerly known as Twitter – to call a strike “in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.” She also wants an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Thunberg’s call for peace and harmony in the Middle East comes three days after she was arrested in London during a protest against fossil fuels.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Americans
Must Be Ready to Import Palestinians
34 replies
Posted by Imright 10/21/2023 9:45:49 AM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a leading voice of the Democrat Party’s far-left wing, is suggesting Americans must be ready to bring Palestinians to their communities. During an interview on CNN, Ocasio-Cortez was asked whether Arab countries in the Middle East ought to open their borders to Palestinians rather than the United States.In response, Ocasio-Cortez suggested she would support such Arab countries taking in Palestinians, but Americans would also need to be open to refugee resettlement. The exchange went as follows:
Rep. Ken Buck Gets Eviction Notice from
Landlord After Casting Vote Against Jordan
for Speaker
31 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/20/2023 9:38:03 PM Post Reply
GOP Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado said he has received a notice of eviction because he refused to support Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan’s bid to become speaker of the House. Buck appeared on NBC News’ “Meet the Press Now” on Thursday to talk about the response to his stance. “So far I’ve had four death threats,” he said. “I’ve been evicted from my office in Colorado — I have a notice of eviction because the landlord is mad with my voting record on the speaker issue.” Buck added that “everybody in the conference is getting this.”
FNC’s Hume: Tonight Was One of the Best,
if Not the Best, Speeches of Biden’s Presidency
31 replies
Posted by Imright 10/20/2023 4:22:35 PM Post Reply
Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume said Thursday that President Joe Biden’s address to the nation was “one of the best, if not the best, speeches of his presidency.” Hume said, “I think it may be remembered as one of the best, if not the best, speeches of his presidency. He was firm, he was unequivocal, he was strong, as he has been particularly in recent days before he went to Israel and while he was over there.”He continued, “I was struck by the fact that he spent as much time as he did on Ukraine and I think it was a good thing that he did because
RNC makes insane choice to host next presidential
primary debate
31 replies
Posted by FlyRight 10/20/2023 10:19:53 AM Post Reply
The ever feckless Republican National Committee (RNC) recently announced that it is going to have NBC News host its next presidential primary debate. This seems an odd choice, if only because NBC News hates Republicans. The news organization detests President Trump, Trump voters, patriotic Americans, capitalism, traditional values, borders, the Constitution of the United States of America, straight white males,Christianity, Israel, pro-lifers, Fox News, the Second Amendment, Mike Lindell, Lee Greenwood, “anti-vaxxers,” Joe Rogan, Aaron Rodgers, fossil fuels...and those of us who reside in Middle America in general.
GOP Votes to Drop Jordan as Speaker Nominee
in Secret-Ballot Vote
30 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/20/2023 2:33:36 PM Post Reply
House Republicans voted to drop Jim Jordan as their speaker nominee in a secret-ballot vote on Friday afternoon, shortly after the House Judiciary chairman failed to secure the gavel in a floor vote for the third time this week. Twenty-five House Republicans joined a united Democratic caucus in opposing Jordan’s third speaker bid on Friday, setting up the secret-ballot vote to strip him of the nomination. The GOP opposition to Jordan’s bid had steadily grown with each successive ballot: 2o members of the caucus voted against him on the first ballot and 22 voted against him the second time around.
Stanford scientist, after decades of study,
concludes: We don’t have free will
25 replies
Posted by Pinkpanther 10/21/2023 12:32:41 PM Post Reply
Before epilepsy was understood to be a neurological condition, people believed it was caused by the moon, or by phlegm in the brain. They condemned seizures as evidence of witchcraft or demonic possession, and killed or castrated sufferers to prevent them from passing tainted blood to a new generation. Today we know epilepsy is a disease. By and large, it’s accepted that a person who causes a fatal traffic accident while in the grip of a seizure should not be charged with murder. That’s good, says Stanford University neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky. That’s progress. But there’s still a long way to go.
Mike Pence faces a cash shortage and questions
about how much longer his 2024 campaign
can survive
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/20/2023 10:53:22 PM Post Reply
New York—With three months to go before the Iowa caucuses that he has staked his campaign on, former Vice President Mike Pence faces mounting debt and lagging poll numbers that are forcing questions about not only whether he will qualify for the next debate, but whether it makes sense for him to remain in the race until then. Pence ended September with just $1.18 million left in his campaign account, a strikingly low number for a presidential contest and far less than his rivals, new filings show. His campaign also has $621,000 in debt — more than half the cash he had remaining — and is scrambling to meet donor thresholds
Jim Jordan loses third speaker vote with
no end in sight for House leadership crisis
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/20/2023 12:37:02 PM Post Reply
Rep. Jim Jordan's bid to become speaker failed for a third time on Friday, with no end in sight to the House leadership vacuum as Congress faces a deadline to avoid a government shutdown and the White House calls for urgent security assistance for Israel. Jordan has insisted on remaining in the race despite failing repeatedly to secure the gavel as support for his bid erodes further with each consecutive vote. This time, 25 Republicans voted against Jordan, who boasts the support of former President Donald Trump. Twenty-two voted against him in the previous vote.
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