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FNC’s Hume: Tonight Was One of the Best,
if Not the Best, Speeches of Biden’s Presidency

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Posted By: Imright, 10/20/2023 4:22:35 PM

Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume said Thursday that President Joe Biden’s address to the nation was “one of the best, if not the best, speeches of his presidency.” Hume said, “I think it may be remembered as one of the best, if not the best, speeches of his presidency. He was firm, he was unequivocal, he was strong, as he has been particularly in recent days before he went to Israel and while he was over there.”He continued, “I was struck by the fact that he spent as much time as he did on Ukraine and I think it was a good thing that he did because

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Reply 1 - Posted by: mizzmac 10/20/2023 4:26:08 PM (No. 1582161)
Gag me.
84 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Felixed 10/20/2023 4:26:37 PM (No. 1582162)
And to think, once upon a time... I actually respected Brit. Thought he was on the level. What mistaken notions have been stripped from you, lately?
88 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Cynical Backstory 10/20/2023 4:26:57 PM (No. 1582163)
Hume is on drugs!
56 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: SkyKing1222 10/20/2023 4:34:21 PM (No. 1582167)
Back in the day Britt was always seemed a beacon of sanity, wonder what happens to these people. Probably, they just lose the energy of hiding who they really are.
61 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: jalo1951 10/20/2023 4:36:08 PM (No. 1582168)
Obviously Mr. Hume and I are not watching the same man give the speech. So he can still read from a teleprompter once in a while and last night was it. That does not make this a good speech. I still watch FOX but when certain people open their mouth to speak I mute the television. Looks like Bret is now on that list. Yes, he is entitled to believe and say what he wants. And that's fine. And I am entitled to turn you off. Too bad, as I to thought a lot of his opinions. FJB brain is a vast waste land, he is reading someone else's words, and if we are not careful we are headed toward WW3.
54 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: earlybird 10/20/2023 4:36:22 PM (No. 1582169)
Snoopy said it best: "Bleah..." Hume is a presstitute.
45 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Rathaven 10/20/2023 4:39:52 PM (No. 1582172)
Brit is Right. And how sad is that? This rambling, bumbling unfocused, diatribe without substance, would be the best he has.
19 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: samoasam 10/20/2023 4:40:11 PM (No. 1582173)
Hume is what he always was, a member in good standing of the elite in the media. Another words, he’s not a conservative. If he were a politician, he’d be a RINO. Lying around in the Florida sun hasn’t helped.
32 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: philsner 10/20/2023 4:41:09 PM (No. 1582175)
Seriously? To quote an overused cliche: What is he smoking?
25 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: judy 10/20/2023 4:42:37 PM (No. 1582178)
Brit has lost his mind....Brot go to CNN
20 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Rinktum 10/20/2023 4:43:44 PM (No. 1582180)
Battle lines being drawn, nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong… What is happening here because it makes no earthy sense. I cannot believe the absolute crapola that comes out of the mouths of the media. Has Ukraine captured the hearts of every single “journalist”? What is up with that? They will put that corrupt nation above that of this country and the atrocities experienced by our closest ally in the Middle East? It is so baffling to me. Shall we forever keep sending billions of tax payer dollars over there with zero oversight? What are these fools thinking?
38 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: AmericaYes 10/20/2023 4:55:06 PM (No. 1582186)
Brit Hume is a fine man who has stood against the expansion of government and the corruption it has bought. He has also been a member of the faction that believes the USA military, after WWII, had the role of the world's policeman. That included countering any activity by Russia and its surrogates/ allies to prevent the spread of communism. But it also included removing any bad actors in countries the USA thought might be detrimental to our interests. He never could understand Trump's use of economic power to reward allies (Mexico, Canada, UK) and limit enemies (Iran, Russia, China). He didn't like the concept of alliances with nations that didn't adopt American values and methods as Trump did (NK, Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations). He never bought into the idea peace could be achieved by having a military so strong you never had to use it. And he is most uncomfortable with Trump's erratic persona that kept enemies fearful; that just wasn't the proper way of white shoe diplomacy. Consequently, Hume is comfortable with the USA involvement with forever wars. That Biden promoted two at one time was music to Hume's ears.
23 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Califedup 10/20/2023 5:16:26 PM (No. 1582196)
This is what happens to your brain when you sneak into supermarkets and surreptitiously "huff" the nitrous oxide out of the whip cream cans. Your brain turns to candy. Brett, stay out of the dairy aisles of your local supermarket and you may recover a whiff of integrity and sanity.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Quigley 10/20/2023 5:18:26 PM (No. 1582201)
Big bidet’s best speech is still sound and fury signifying nothing.
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: smokincol 10/20/2023 5:20:06 PM (No. 1582204)
Brit Hume has gone the way of the horse and buggy and I'm bewildered as to why Fox still keeps him around and, most likely, still on the payroll
15 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 10/20/2023 5:21:07 PM (No. 1582205)
Sorry, Brit - - there ain't gonna be another Bush presidency. Your dreams just won't come true.
25 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 10/20/2023 5:35:13 PM (No. 1582218)
Like saying, "This latest pile of **** is one of the least smelly, if not the least, that this dog has produced."
13 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 10/20/2023 5:35:31 PM (No. 1582219)
Biden and Blinken are both working against Israel while pretending to be supportive.
12 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: velirotta 10/20/2023 5:46:48 PM (No. 1582232)
When your expectations are rock bottom to start with, any mumbling he does in front of a mike seems to be miraculous to liberal ears.
11 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 10/20/2023 5:50:16 PM (No. 1582238)
Has Hume lost his mind???
11 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: john56 10/20/2023 5:54:17 PM (No. 1582245)
Yeah. But it's a real low bar to climb.
5 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: 0658 10/20/2023 5:55:13 PM (No. 1582248)
Everyone has said what needs to be said. But, I feel compelled to say his assessment is total BS.
14 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: bighambone 10/20/2023 5:57:15 PM (No. 1582250)
He did not loose his mind, what Hume really did was show that he always has been, and continues to be anti Trump!
15 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 10/20/2023 5:58:01 PM (No. 1582251)
Found dead at his desk of an apparent heart attack.
0 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Reaganorama 10/20/2023 6:06:08 PM (No. 1582258)
Everyone else on the panel disagreed.
7 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: mariboo72 10/20/2023 7:24:28 PM (No. 1582321)
I wonder how many and what drugs they pumped into Biden to enable him to stay up past his bedtime and for fifteen minutes read what his team wrote on the teleprompter.
8 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 10/20/2023 7:52:02 PM (No. 1582344)
Brit has new masters and has to toe the line.
7 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Hardright 10/20/2023 8:10:18 PM (No. 1582353)
#11, For what it's worth.
2 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Lawsy0 10/20/2023 8:35:54 PM (No. 1582372)
That is because it wasn't t he real Biden, it was his doppleganger. Isn't AI wonderful?
3 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: anniebc 10/20/2023 10:33:45 PM (No. 1582443)
Brit's a sellout. It seems like he lost his way when he lost his son to suicide (the internet says self deletion).
3 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: mifla 10/21/2023 5:50:54 AM (No. 1582547)
If I take three tests and score two Fs and a D, the D is the best test result of my academic career.
4 people like this.

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Secretary of State Antony Blinken: Americans
Must Accept Migrants
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Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 8:01:47 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s foreign policy chief, Antony Blinken, says Americans must give foreigners the opportunity to migrate into their U.S. homeland. “You have to give them an opportunity to do that,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at an event at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy in Texas. Blinken did not urge his government peers to enforce the immigration laws that protect Americans from employers who hire illegal immigrants that undercut Americans’ bargaining power in the labor market. He also did not mention the many polls showing the growing public opposition to Biden’s mass illegal migration.
Report: White House Holds Wellness Meetings
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Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 7:59:23 PM Post Reply
The White House senior staff reportedly held wellness meetings for aides who may be struggling with Israel’s defensive measures taken against the Hamas terror group. The meetings, termed “listening sessions,” featured serious “discussions” about the war and its impact on White House aides, eight officials told Politico.National security adviser Jake Sullivan conducted one virtual wellness check staff meeting on October 13. About 100 staffers attended, which Politico described as a review of the Biden administration’s position on the war while emphasizing that “not everyone agrees with it and has their own strong, personal feelings about the fighting.” One official told Politico the wellness meetings focused on a pervasive “culture of fear”
Exclusive: Dramatic audio reveals Secret
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fell off paddle board and drowned on Martha's Vineyard
4 replies
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 7:55:39 PM Post Reply
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Over 545,000 New Yorkers left the state
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9 replies
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 7:42:23 PM Post Reply
It’s an Empire State of decline. Beset by high taxes and quality of life woes, 545,498 New Yorkers left for other states in 2022, according to US Census data. Top destinations included Florida — the most popular choice — followed by New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania as well as more distant states like Texas and California. The exodus was partly offset by more people moving to the Empire State in 2022 than any year over the last decade, with 301,000 new residents making the transition. Despite that uptick, New York still suffered a net population loss of 244,000.
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Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 7:28:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 7:12:12 PM Post Reply
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Study: ABC, CBS, and NBC Are Shielding
Pro-Hamas Democrats from the Public
3 replies
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 6:55:51 PM Post Reply
Since the October 7 Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians, House Democratic members of the “Squad” have drawn harsh criticism from even members of their own party for their rabidly anti-Israel posturing. But rather than shining a spotlight on the controversy, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) instead dutifully sheltered them from public scrutiny; in fact, since the attack, they have not received even a second of airtime on the evening newscasts. MRC analysts combed through all of ABC, CBS, and NBC’s evening newscasts from October 7 through October 22 for any mention of the House Democrats colloquially known as “the Squad.”
Trump mocks Biden for using the 'children's'
stairs to board Air Force One and tears
into him for 'sleeping on the beach all
day' while 'World War III is going on'
- as Jill launches passionate defense
at fundraiser at Anna Wintour's $12M townhouse
3 replies
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 6:49:43 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump has mocked President Joe Biden for using the 'children's stairs' to board Air Force One - while prodding the president over photos that showed him napping on the beach while at a Monday rally in New Hampshire. The visit to the Granite State saw Trump, 77, finally make his candidacy official - after which he spoke to supporters for some 100 minutes in Derry and gleefully slapped around his embattled successor. Specifically, the GOP frontrunner honed in on the 80-year-old commander-in-chief's series of stumbling incidents, and the fact that he has been using a shorter staircase than usual to board and deplane
James Comer Blows Holes into James Biden’s
Explanation for Giving Joe Biden $200K
1 reply
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 6:46:18 PM Post Reply
House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) on Monday blew holes into James Biden’s reason for allegedly cutting President Joe Biden a $200,000 check in 2018, claiming it is a story contrived “out of their rear end.” James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, denied the $200,000 check he gave Joe Biden was due to a pre-existing business relationship. He insisted the money was a return payment for money Joe Biden lent him. Comer believes the $200,000 payment is suspicious because the money flowed through a distressed entity, Americore, which loaned James Biden a total of $600,000. On March 1, 2018, Americore wired James Biden $200,000. That same day,
Donald Trump: Voting for ‘Globalist
RINO’ Tom Emmer for Speaker Would Be
‘Tragic Mistake’
10 replies
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 3:32:38 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump said on Tuesday it would be a “tragic mistake” to vote for a “Globalist RINO” like House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) for Speaker of the House. Trump wrote: I have many wonderful friends wanting to be Speaker of the House, and some are truly great Warriors. RINO Tom Emmer, who I do not know well, is not one of them. He never respected the Power of a Trump Endorsement, or the breadth and scope of MAGA—MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! He fought me all the way, and actually spent more time defending Ilhan Omar, than he did me—He is totally out-of-touch with Republican Voters.
House Republicans: Joe Biden Has No Authority
to Import Palestinians to U.S. Through
Parole Loophole
11 replies
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 11:54:25 AM Post Reply
A group of House Republicans is reminding President Joe Biden he does not have any authority under existing federal immigration law to bring Palestinians from Gaza to the United States via a parole pipeline. Reps. Josh Brecheen (R-OK), Andy Ogles (R-TN), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), and Clay Higgins (R-LA) have sent a letter to Biden asking him to oppose resettling Palestinians across American communities — an issue the White House has been silent on even as Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) have voiced their support for such a plan.
Israeli woman, 85, whose gesture of peace
towards Hamas captors was seen around
the world explains why she did it despite
'going through hell'
10 replies
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 9:12:39 AM Post Reply
An elderly woman held hostage for 16 days by Hamas terrorists today explained why she wished them peace despite going 'through hell.' Footage on Monday evening showed Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, saying 'shalom', which means peace in Hebrew, to a Hamas gunman, and shaking his hand, before leaving with a Red Cross worker after spending more than two weeks as a hostage. Yocheved, wheelchair-bound and dressed head-to-toe in black, spoke to reporters from Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv with her daughter, British citizen Sharone Lifshitz, 52, on Tuesday.
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Blue state suspends basic skills graduation
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of color
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Posted by Moritz55 10/23/2023 10:12:07 PM Post Reply
High schoolers in Oregon won't need to demonstrate basic competency in reading, writing or math in order to graduate for at least five more years because, according to education officials, such requirements are unnecessary and disproportionately harm students of color. "At some point … our diploma is going to end up looking a lot more like a participation prize than an actual certificate that shows that someone actually is prepared to go pursue their best future," former Oregon gubernatorial candidate Christine Drazan told Fox News.
Mitt Romney confesses he didn’t know
anything about Burisma when he voted to
impeach President Trump
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Posted by DW626 10/24/2023 6:09:15 AM Post Reply
Mitt Romney voted to impeach President Trump for a phone call in which the president encouraged Ukraine to investigate allegations of serious corruption—coincidentally involving the Biden crime family—but according to a new book, the failed politician admits he had no idea what Burisma was when he voted to impeach a duly-elected president for calling on foreign governments to investigate alleged criminality. That is extreme ignorance (not to mention dangerous) when a senator is willing to impeach a president just because he doesn’t like him, all without knowing the facts.
Democrat Rep Jackson Lee say 'regretful'
about tirade at staffer, 'political opponent'
leaked tape
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Posted by Dreadnought 10/24/2023 9:57:43 AM Post Reply
Texas Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has apologized for a profanity-laced rant against a staffer that was made public this past weekend, but says the leaked audio was the work of a political opponent. "To anyone who has listened to this recording with concern, I am regretful and hope you will judge me not by something trotted out by a political opponent," Jackson Lee, who is running for Houston mayor, said late Monday, according to The Houston Chronicle. "I know that I am not perfect," she also said. "I recognize that in my zeal to do everything possible to deliver for my constituents I have in the past fallen short
Jill Biden says there's 'nobody I'd rather
have in the Situation Room' than Joe during
these perilous times as she woos fashion's
A-list at fundraiser at Anna Wintour's
$12M townhouse
31 replies
Posted by Imright 10/23/2023 9:44:13 PM Post Reply
Jill Biden said on Monday there was no one she'd rather have in the White House Situation Room than her husband Joe Biden as she wooed fashion's A-list at an intimate fundraiser at Anna Wintour's home. In her remarks to a small audience - that included Dreamworks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg and designers Michael Kors and Tory Burch - the first lady touched on the violence in Israel and said she was 'grateful' that Joe Biden was in charge. 'I wouldn't wish the tragic events of the last two weeks on any American president. But I'm so grateful that Joe is our president during these unpredictable times,'
Sen. Peter Welch says Israel ground invasion
would 'exacerbate' conditions in Gaza:
'Grave concerns'
29 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/24/2023 6:52:14 AM Post Reply
Sen. Peter Welch, D-Vt., said Monday he has "grave concerns" about Israel's potential ground invasion into Gaza amid an ongoing war prompted by Hamas' terror attack on the Jewish State. In a statement released Monday, Welch said he has "grave concerns about the wisdom and military efficacy" of an Israeli ground invasion in Gaza and that there is "no doubt" an imminent ground invasion would be "catastrophic for innocent Palestinians in Gaza and jeopardize urgent efforts to save hostages." "Israel has the absolute right to attack Hamas for the brutal, heinous slaughter of more than 1,400 Israelis and the taking of more than 200 hostages,"
Secretary of State Antony Blinken: Americans
Must Accept Migrants
28 replies
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 8:01:47 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s foreign policy chief, Antony Blinken, says Americans must give foreigners the opportunity to migrate into their U.S. homeland. “You have to give them an opportunity to do that,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at an event at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy in Texas. Blinken did not urge his government peers to enforce the immigration laws that protect Americans from employers who hire illegal immigrants that undercut Americans’ bargaining power in the labor market. He also did not mention the many polls showing the growing public opposition to Biden’s mass illegal migration.
Republicans pick Tom Emmer as their nominee
for House speaker as they try for a third time
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/24/2023 12:39:55 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Republicans on Tuesday picked Rep. Tom Emmer as their nominee for House speaker. The nominee now goes to the full House for a vote. It’s three weeks since Republicans ousted Kevin McCarthy. The House speaker will need to accomplish the seemingly impossible job of uniting the GOP majority. Emmer of Minnesota jumped ahead as the top vote-getter on early round ballots and was battling Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana on a fifth ballot. Others are dropping out including Florida newcomer Byron Donalds, who’s aligned with Donald Trump, and Kevin Hern of Oklahoma. The nominee will also need to win a majority in a House floor vote.
Here Are Obama's 'Thoughts on Israel and
Hamas.' Just Wait Until You Get to the End.
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/23/2023 7:39:54 PM Post Reply
You can decide and debate this in the comments section below. Former President Barack Obama has another lengthy post about his “thoughts” on the Israel-Hamas war. It’s a tortured thought exercise that will inevitably leave all parties dissatisfied. Obama voices his support for Israel, the safety of its people, and its right to exist, which is anathema to the legions of far-left, pro-Hamas supporters we’ve seen come out of the bushes in the past two weeks. These folks weren’t clamoring for a two-state solution; they wanted Israel destroyed, along with its people.
Comer: I’m ‘Ashamed’ of House Republicans
— ‘We’ve Wasted Three Weeks’
24 replies
Posted by Imright 10/24/2023 5:41:08 AM Post Reply
Representative James Comer (R-KY) said Monday on Fox Business Channel’s “Kudlow” that he was “ashamed” that House Republicans have not elected a speaker after Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was removed from the position three weeks ago. Anchor Larry Kudlow said, “I need a Republican speaker of the House, Mr. Chairman so you can go back to work and everyone else can go back to work. What’s happening?” Comer said, “We’ve wasted three weeks. And, you know, this was a dumb move by those eight members of Congress. Many of them are on my committee. I like, you know, at least six of the eight.
Blinken, Austin: We're Ready for War In
the Middle East
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/23/2023 12:40:36 PM Post Reply
Shortly after the terror attacks of October 7, the United States’ position initially appeared to be very clear. This was Israel’s war to fight and we would provide material and vocal support, but allow them to handle it as they saw fit. That lasted for about two weeks. By this past weekend, the situation had shifted noticeably, with threats of escalation showing up to the north of Israel from Hezbollah and rocket attacks on American posts in various places, including Iraq. And now both the Secretary of State and the Defense Secretary are clearly preparing the country for the possibility that the entire situation may blow
America's pharmacy deserts: Rite Aid,
CVS and Walgreens will shut more than
1,500 stores due to crime and competition
- leaving MILLIONS without access to healthcare
23 replies
Posted by Imright 10/23/2023 3:32:02 PM Post Reply
The nation's largest drugstore chains, Rite Aid, CVS and Walgreens, will shutter more than 1,500 stores, leaving millions of Americans without access to healthcare in 'pharmacy deserts.' Rite Aid said it will close 150 of its 2,100 US locations after they filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy earlier this month. The pharmacy chain has been unable to settle hundreds of lawsuits that accused them of overprescribing opioids and has struggled to keep up with competitors.A slew of drugstore chains slashing their locations has left millions of people living in areas where it's difficult to obtain medication, areas known as 'pharmacy deserts,'
Mitch McConnell, 81, insists he has 'completely
recovered' after freezing twice in public
but refuses to answer when asked if he
is fit to continue serving in Congress
22 replies
Posted by Imright 10/23/2023 3:21:16 AM Post Reply
Mitch McConnell has shut down a new inquiry into his health after being asked about two recent instances where he appeared to freeze in public. When asked about the instances an interview with CBS News, the 81-year-old Kentucky rep insisted he is 'completely recovered'. 'Face the Nation' moderator Margaret Brennan quizzed the politician on whether there is anything the public should know about his health - spurring a response from McConnell where he demanded they change the subject.
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