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Joe Biden Fails to Mention His China-Friendly
Electric Vehicle Mandates in Visit with
Striking Auto Workers

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Posted By: Imright, 9/26/2023 4:29:59 PM

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden visited members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) who are striking against General Motors (GM), Ford, and Stellantis. The president, though, failed to make mention his Electric Vehicle (EV) mandates which are partly responsible for the strike. Tens of thousands of auto workers are striking against the Big Three across the United States, looking to secure a new labor contract that includes wage increases to keep up with Biden’s record inflation and commitments that their jobs will not be eliminated by Biden’s green energy agenda which includes EV mandates. During his 12-minute visit with UAW members in Wayne County, Michigan, Biden spoke for only 87 seconds and

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Reply 1 - Posted by: snakeoil 9/26/2023 4:51:47 PM (No. 1563940)
The solution is to have the UAW move to China.
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bighambone 9/26/2023 5:21:07 PM (No. 1563952)
Did Biden bring along some of the bogus so-called asylum seekers, who are illegal aliens in accordance with the immigration laws, who he just gave permission to work in the USA, for the UAW to sign up and help put to work in the US auto plants? The was a really small and probably “checked out” group of picketers that Biden appeared with for what appeared to be a half hour or so. The UAW can’t be so stupid to not realize that Biden’s future plans for electric vehicles, if it happens, is going to wipe out about forty percent of the UAW member’s jobs with a lot of that future work being done in China.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: smokincol 9/26/2023 6:17:47 PM (No. 1563969)
and when our President meets with the union members on the picket line, the first words out of his mouth should be something to the effect of: JoeBiden is eliminating your jobs and the electric vehicle is the way he'll do it" "but, but, but, but" and I do not have the audacity to tell my President what to say, on anything, so I'll just keep my thoughts to myself because he's already got it figured out what he's going to say, anyway and I'm sure what he'll say will be far more effective than any words I could ever produce for him
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: 2assume 9/26/2023 6:38:16 PM (No. 1563987)
My understanding is that China can sell their electric cars for $20,000 a pop. Who can afford to buy our cars? If the government is successful in outlawing oil, we will no longer have anything that is a byproduct of oil. Computers, phones, electricity, solar panels, wind mills. Even something as simple as aspirin . For Gods sake research it yourself. Not only will the auto industry go bankrupt but his policies affect everyone in a life threatening way.
5 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 9/26/2023 7:38:01 PM (No. 1564031)
Traitor Joe works for the ChiComs, since they pay him far more than taxpayers do.
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: padiva 9/26/2023 8:35:59 PM (No. 1564063)
#5 Very pithy and accurate!
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: MickTurn 9/27/2023 12:17:07 PM (No. 1564473)
I'm really surprised Joey didn't get a Tomato Bath!
1 person likes this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: FJB 9/27/2023 12:42:42 PM (No. 1564482)
Bet you, Donald brings it up with them today.
0 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 9/28/2023 1:13:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/28/2023 12:55:57 AM Post Reply
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against him - and says they all want to
be 'secretary of something'
1 reply
Posted by Imright 9/28/2023 12:30:34 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump mocked his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination on Wednesday, saying none of them were worthy of being his running mate. Trump, who skipped the second GOP presidential primary debate to speak to union workers in Michigan, made a brief reference to the 'job candidates' that are competing with him for the top slot on the Republican ticket. Most of his remarks focused on President Joe Biden but he did refer to the 'the job candidates' who were preparing to take the debate stage halfway across the country in California.
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Posted by Imright 9/28/2023 12:24:29 AM Post Reply
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Smoking Gun: House Republicans Release
Jim Biden’s Text Message to Hunter a
Few Months Before Joe Biden Announces
He Is Running For President
3 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 9:46:29 PM Post Reply
“Plausible deniability.” On Wednesday, the House Ways and Means Committee voted to release new documents from IRS whistleblower testimony confirming that Hunter Biden sold access to his father Joe Biden via the “family brand.” The explosive documents revealed Hunter Biden was selling the ‘Biden family brand’ in 23 countries. “The Biden Family foreign influence peddling operation suggests an effort to sway US policy decisions,” House Ways and Means chairman Jason Smith said.
“The Keys to My Family’s Only Asset”
– House Ways and Means Committee Releases
Explosive Documents Confirming Hunter
Sold Access to Joe Biden in 23 Countries
3 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 9:38:33 PM Post Reply
On Wednesday, the House Ways and Means Committee voted to release new documents from IRS whistleblower testimony confirming that Hunter Biden sold access to his father Joe Biden via the “family brand.” The explosive documents revealed Hunter Biden was selling the ‘Biden family brand’ in 23 countries. “The Biden Family foreign influence peddling operation suggests an effort to sway US policy decisions,” House Ways and Means chairman Jason Smith said. The Committee released a June 6, 2017, WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to a business associate that he was not willing to “sign over my family’s brand,” or give the individual “the keys to my family’s only asset.”
Trump calls Biden a 'wretched old vulture'
and 'rotten politician' who wants to 'rape
and pillage' American jobs: Donald largely
IGNORES the debate in speech attacking
Joe and his electric vehicle push
2 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 9:32:41 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump called Joe Biden a 'wretched old vulture' and a 'rotten politician' trying to 'rape and pillage' American jobs in a speech to auto workers attacking electric vehicles on Wednesday night. The former president and frontrunner in the GOP polls largely ignored the second presidential debate, instead launching an attack on Biden and his green policies he says are destroying U.S. manufacturing. As his GOP rivals prepared to take the stage in California, frontrunner Trump told auto workers he'll protect their jobs, battle environmental 'lunatics' and said Joe Biden was only interested in making his family.
House approves bill striking down Biden's
crackdown on hunting and archery in overwhelmingly
bipartisan vote
7 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 4:53:50 PM Post Reply
The House voted late Tuesday evening in favor of legislation striking down the Biden administration's decision to block federal funding for school shooting sports courses. In a 424-1 vote, the House approved the Protecting Hunting Heritage and Education Act with 216 Republicans and 208 Democrats voting in favor, and just one lawmaker, Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, voting against. Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., introduced the bill on Aug. 1, days after a Fox News Digital report in late July revealed the Department of Education was withholding funds for school hunting and archery courses. "Hunters and fishers are the best conservationists," Green told Fox News Digital after the vote Tuesday.
‘God Will Make A Way’: Christian Homeschool
Family Holds Out Hope After Biden Admin
Moves To Deport It
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 4:47:32 PM Post Reply
A Christian family of nine who fled persecution in Germany and moved to the United States in 2008 was stunned when immigration agents told it to prepare for deportation after 15 years of life in America, but remains hopeful that “God will make a way” for them to remain in the country they have come to love. In a phone interview with The Daily Wire on Wednesday, Uwe Romeike said he and his family, who settled in a small town in Tennessee, were caught off guard when they were told to come in for a meeting with an immigration agent after they just had their annual check-in
Republican presidential hopefuls to duke
it out onstage in Reagan Library debate
10 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 4:44:02 PM Post Reply
The second Republican presidential primary debate is set to begin in just hours in Simi Valley, California, where seven presidential hopefuls will begin battling, hoping to seize momentum in the race for the GOP nomination.The debate, which will take place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, will be televised on the FOX Business Network (FBN) and Univision from 9-11 pm ET. The White House contenders, in alphabetical order, are North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former Vice President Mike Pence, biotech entrepreneur and political commentator Vivek Ramaswamy, and Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina.
Americans Favor GOP To Democrats On Economy
By Widest Margin Ever In Poll
4 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 3:30:40 PM Post Reply
The Republican Party has the largest edge ever over Democrats with voters on the economy, according to a new poll. An NBC News survey released Tuesday shows the GOP with a 21-point lead over the Democratic Party when it comes to who Americans trust more to handle the financial system. The difference is the largest in the poll’s history, which dates back more than three decades to 1991.The poll, which consisted of responses from 1,000 registered voters taken from September 15-19, found that 49% of Americans favor Republican economic policy as opposed to 28% who favor Democrats’.
President Trump to Deliver Remarks TONIGHT
to United Auto Workers in Clinton Township,
MI During Second Republican Primary Debate
4 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 3:27:17 PM Post Reply
President Trump will deliver remarks to United Auto Workers members tonight in Clinton Township, Michigan, during the Republican Presidential Primary debates in California. Trump’s event will likely have more viewers and more impact on the campaign trail than the debate between weak, boring GOP candidates. Thousands of union members are currently on strike, asking for raises from General Motors, Stellantis, and Ford. Many reportedly fear that Joe Biden’s green energy policies will lead to job loss.
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Philadelphia swarmed by alleged juvenile
looters targeting the Apple Store, Lululemon,
Footlocker and others
34 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/27/2023 12:43:02 AM Post Reply
Philadelphia police responded to reports of popular stores like the Apple Store, Lululemon and Footlocker being ravaged by swarms of looters taking over the City of Brotherly Love. Authorities in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania responded to reports of large crowds of juveniles allegedly looting stores in the Center City area on Tuesday night. As of midnight on Wednesday morning, Police have confirmed between 15 and 20 people were arrested during the looting and recovered at least 2 firearms. Videos posted to X, formerly called Twitter, shows retail stores like Lululemon, the Apple Store and Footlocker ravaged by crowds of looters.
Colin Kaepernick writes letter offering
to join Jets after Aaron Rodgers injury
30 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/27/2023 1:58:12 PM Post Reply
Seven years after he last took an NFL snap, Colin Kaepernick believes he can still help a team in need of a quarterback — even if it means playing on the practice squad. The former San Francisco 49ers signal-caller who exited the league in controversial fashion wrote a letter to the New York Jets last week requesting a chance to play quarterback for them, but with a twist. Rather than lobby for the Jets’ starting quarterback job with the team struggling in the wake of the season-ending injury to star Aaron Rodgers, Kaepernick asked for an opportunity to be the team’s practice squad quarterback. Practice squad players are not part of a team’s
A Reality Check for Republican Voters 29 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/27/2023 6:07:07 PM Post Reply
There are three realities that Republican voters can no longer avoid. The first, Joe Biden will not be the Democrat nominee in 2024. Second, the Democrats want to face a damaged Donald Trump in November of 2024. Third, Trump’s age, unforeseen events, and the egregious lawfare he is facing could eventuate in Trump having to drop out of the race. Ron DeSantis is the only viable proven conservative candidate to replace him and yet Trump and many Republican voters are foolishly determined to permanently destroy DeSantis and render him unelectable.
E-Buses Bought From Now-Bankrupt Manufacturer
By Blue Enclave Are Now All Out Of Commission
24 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/27/2023 2:24:01 PM Post Reply
A Democratic enclave in Wyoming purchased electric buses to reduce emissions, but the buses are indefinitely inoperable after their manufacturer went bankrupt earlier this summer, the Cowboy State Daily reported. (snip) Proterra, which itself was at the center of a conflict of interest controversy including Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, went bankrupt in August, and START’s eight e-buses are now out of commission given that the manufacturer can no longer readily supply the parts needed for repairs. (snip) Teton County voted overwhelmingly for President Joe Biden in the 2020 cycle, according to Politico.
Philly cops brawl with masked looters
after they ransacked Footlocker, Apple
and Lululemon before making TWENTY arrests
- as one raider is apprehended after LIVESTREAMING
herself stealing from smashed up stores
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 9:03:36 AM Post Reply
About twenty people have been arrested after widespread looting broke out in Philadelphia last night, with one woman who livestreamed the chaos. Police in the city said that a large group of around 100 juveniles kept moving from store to store and looting them. Videos shared on social media show officers attempting to grab thieves, some of whom are wearing Halloween masks, as they run riot through a Lululemon store. One officer manages to hit one of the looters with a punch after managing to tackle them to the ground, in social media footage. The incident happened on Walnut Street in the heart of the city center
28% Of Americans ‘Not Confident’ That
2024 Vote Will Be Fair And Accurate: I&I/TIPP Poll
22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/27/2023 5:58:49 AM Post Reply
Will the 2024 election be fair, or marred by systematic cheating? Based on how Americans feel about recent elections and the coming presidential contest, most are confident the election will be fair. But there’s a huge political gap on the issue between Democrats on one side, and Republicans and independents on the other, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. First, the good news: 65% of the 1,223 registered voters queried in the national online I&I/TIPP Poll, which was taken from Aug. 30-Sept. 1, called themselves either “very confident” (42%) or “somewhat confident” (23%) that the 2024 election “will be conducted fairly and accurately.”
Has Bill Gates bailed out on the climate crisis? 19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/27/2023 12:08:30 AM Post Reply
At the New York Post this week, the Blogfather, Glenn Reynolds, poses the question, “Has the air gone out of the climate crisis balloon?” He suggests that it’s at least deflating a bit, along with several other panic-inducing liberal themes of the moment. (I would argue that the “gun violence crisis” is still going full steam ahead on the left, but perhaps that’s the exception to the rule.) He points to a few examples where leftists seem to be losing their endless enthusiasm for screaming about climate change and making demands that everyone must sacrifice everything they hold dear to Save The Planet. Greta Thunberg doesn’t seem
Real estate insiders bewildered by judge’s
$18M valuation of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago:
‘Would list at $300M’
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 12:38:35 PM Post Reply
A New York judge’s Tuesday ruling valuing Donald Trump’s sprawling, headline-making Florida estate at $18 million has left industry experts perplexed. In his verdict, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron delivered a bombshell ruling that the former president committed fraud by inflating the value of his wealth, with details including the monetary value associated with Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. This decision, which came down without a jury, has sent shockwaves through political — and real estate — circles, especially that $18 million base value for the property.
Elon Musk says AOC ‘not that smart’
after she compared migrant crisis to Ellis Island
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 12:43:46 PM Post Reply
Elon Musk reignited his long-running feud with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by calling her “not that smart” after the progressive lawmaker claimed New York City’s migrant crisis paled in comparison to the number of people who came to the US through Ellis Island more than a century ago. “The numbers — when it comes to people coming to New York City today — are nothing, I’m telling you, nothing, compared to the daily amounts of people that we saw coming in through Ellis Island in the first half of [last] century,” Ocasio-Cortez said in the video posted to her Instagram account on Friday.
US soldier who crossed into North Korea
2 months ago is in American custody, US
officials say
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/27/2023 9:41:33 AM Post Reply
SEOUL, South Korea — The U.S. soldier who sprinted into North Korea across the heavily fortified border between the Koreas two months ago is in American custody, two U.S. officials said Wednesday. Earlier, North Korea said it would expel Pvt. Travis King — an announcement that surprised some observers who had expected the North to drag out his detention in the hopes of squeezing concessions from Washington at a time of high tensions between the rivals. Though King’s expulsion resolves a still-mysterious episode, it almost certainly does not end his troubles or ensure the sort of celebratory homecoming that has accompanied the releases of other detained Americans. His fate remains
Better Call Volga: 10,000 Ukrainian Soldiers
Surrender Using Special Radio Frequency
to Escape Meat Grinder
14 replies
Posted by DW626 9/27/2023 5:16:51 PM Post Reply
Ukrainian troops are surrendering in droves, Russian TASS news agency claims, to the extent that Moscow has set up a special radio frequency so Ukrainian soldiers wishing to survive the Meat Grinder can do so safely. Approximately 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered to the Russians using the special 149.200 “Volga” radio frequency, which has been operating since mid-summer, TASS reported. “Now more than 10,000 Ukrainian servicemen have already chosen life and used the 149.200 ‘Volga’ frequency to surrender. The captives are being fed; they are being provided with all necessary medical care,” a source told TASS, saying the radio frequency works along the entire front.
‘God Will Make A Way’: Christian Homeschool
Family Holds Out Hope After Biden Admin
Moves To Deport It
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 4:47:32 PM Post Reply
A Christian family of nine who fled persecution in Germany and moved to the United States in 2008 was stunned when immigration agents told it to prepare for deportation after 15 years of life in America, but remains hopeful that “God will make a way” for them to remain in the country they have come to love. In a phone interview with The Daily Wire on Wednesday, Uwe Romeike said he and his family, who settled in a small town in Tennessee, were caught off guard when they were told to come in for a meeting with an immigration agent after they just had their annual check-in
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