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Corrupt Media Worse Than Crooked Senators

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Posted By: Garnet, 9/25/2023 1:02:42 AM

Most voters take for granted that a certain percentage of our elected officials are susceptible to corruption. This is a view we have in common with the Framers of the Constitution, who well understood the temptation political power holds for avaricious politicians. Consequently, most of them would have found the bribery indictment of a New Jersey senator unsurprising and only mildly interesting. They would, however, have been alarmed by the obvious attempt by the corporate media to use the Menendez story to distract public attention from a far more dangerous influence peddling scandal involving the President of the United States.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Lawsy0 9/25/2023 4:10:03 AM (No. 1562873)
Impossible! Nothing is worse than crooked senators. In the first place I'd have to give a rabid rat's rear about the media. To become a senator, one would ask for my support or that of another citizen, which could be given or withheld at will. IMO, all media is Yellow Journalism to begin with. That we get ANY useful news that way is a slip-up on their part. There has been no real unfettered journalism of worth since the death of the last Town Crier. Three-inch headlines doesn't mean it is journalism. Something got under Catron's skin. He'll get back at his job sooner rather than later.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 9/25/2023 5:57:31 AM (No. 1562917)
I wouldn't say worse, but a very very close second.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 9/25/2023 8:49:49 AM (No. 1562986)
Corrupt Media and a co-opted Judiciary are the twin wheels on which this wagon of inequity and injustice is rolling.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: homefry 9/26/2023 8:13:54 AM (No. 1563608)
If not for corrupt media, crooked senators could not get away with it.
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Corrupt Media Worse Than Crooked Senators 4 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/25/2023 1:02:42 AM Post Reply
Most voters take for granted that a certain percentage of our elected officials are susceptible to corruption. This is a view we have in common with the Framers of the Constitution, who well understood the temptation political power holds for avaricious politicians. Consequently, most of them would have found the bribery indictment of a New Jersey senator unsurprising and only mildly interesting. They would, however, have been alarmed by the obvious attempt by the corporate media to use the Menendez story to distract public attention from a far more dangerous influence peddling scandal involving the President of the United States.
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Posted by Garnet 9/21/2023 12:50:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 9/19/2023 12:20:04 PM Post Reply
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What We Must Believe To Believe Biden
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6 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/18/2023 2:19:25 AM Post Reply
It’s hardly a surprise that the corporate media have rushed to the defense of President Biden pursuant to the impeachment inquiry announced last week by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. More surprising is the absurdity of the arguments they offer on his behalf. For years, his denials notwithstanding, Biden knew his son ran an international enterprise whose only real service was selling access to the Vice President of the United States to foreign entities who hoped to procure favorable policy decisions from the Obama administration. (Snip) Yet we are asked to believe that the “Big Guy” didn’t get a cut.
House GOP probing then-VP Biden’s dodgy
breakfast meeting with Kazakh bank official
at official residence
2 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/14/2023 2:30:00 PM Post Reply
As House Republicans move to impeach Joe Biden, congressional investigators are zeroing in on a breakfast the then-vice president hosted in the summer of 2015 at his official residence in Washington, DC, for his son Hunter Biden and two business partners. Hunter’s former best friend in business, Devon Archer, mentioned the meeting in passing during his recent closed door testimony to the House Oversight Committee. Archer attended the July 7, 2015, meeting at 8:30am, along with Marc Holtzman, chairman of Kazakhstan’s largest bank, Kazkommertsbank.
What, Exactly, Was Governor Lujan Grisham’s Plan? 10 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/13/2023 4:21:47 PM Post Reply
Caroline notes that: New Mexico’s Democratic attorney general notified the governor, a fellow Democrat, on Tuesday that he will not defend her in litigation challenging her public health order temporarily banning firearms in certain counties and imposing other gun restrictions. (Snip)What, I must ask, was the plan here? Was there one? Since Lujan Grisham made her statement, she’s been denounced by the sheriff of the county to which it was supposed to apply, by her own attorney general, and by figures such as David Hogg and Ted Lieu, who, in normal circumstances, serve as strenuous advocates of stricter gun-control. Could it really be that the governor just .
Sen. Josh Hawley Proposes 18% Credit Card
Interest Rate Cap
26 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/12/2023 5:30:24 PM Post Reply
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CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury
findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower
13 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/12/2023 12:49:54 PM Post Reply
The Central Intelligence Agency offered to pay off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, new whistleblower testimony to Congress alleges. A senior-level CIA officer told House committee leaders that his agency tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans, according to a letter sent Tuesday to CIA Director William Burns. Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) requested all documents, communications
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Posted by Judy W. 9/26/2023 8:01:14 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 9/26/2023 6:16:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 11:20:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 7:51:43 AM Post Reply
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Brothers who beat Ethan Liming to death
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Posted by Beardo 9/26/2023 5:20:47 AM Post Reply
On Friday, the jury delivered its verdict for the suspects involved in a June 2022 fight at LeBron James' Promise School in Akron, Ohio that resulted in the death of 17-year-old Ethan Liming. Deshawn Stafford, 20, was found guilty of felony aggravated assault, and misdemeanor assault, while his 19-year-old brother Tyler was only hit with misdemeanor assault. Both were acquitted on charges of involuntary manslaughter, which had already been downgraded from murder. (snip) Following the verdict, the Liming family's attorney Mr. Guttierez said his clients were "devastated," and "feel their son was murdered yet again."
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Posted by Beardo 9/26/2023 6:43:32 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/26/2023 4:47:51 PM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 9/26/2023 10:24:37 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/26/2023 7:58:15 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 9/26/2023 2:25:14 PM Post Reply
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Letitia James' $250million lawsuit
12 replies
Posted by Imright 9/26/2023 6:00:02 PM Post Reply
A New York judge ruled former President Donald Trump and his companies engaged in fraud, in yet another legal setback for the former president as AG Letitia James' $250 million civil lawsuit advances. Judge Arthur Engoron ruled that Trump committed fraud for years while building the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame and the White House, after prosecutors charged he inflated property valuations with lenders and diminished them with tax authorities. The civil trial begins October and could run through the end of the year, as Trump continues to lead the GOP field for the Republican presidential nomination.
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Posted by Imright 9/26/2023 11:39:37 AM Post Reply
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