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Ted Cruz Says Dems Will ‘Parachute’
In Michelle Obama, ‘Jettison’ Joe Biden

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Posted By: Garnet, 9/19/2023 12:20:04 PM

Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz predicted Monday that the Democratic Party will replace President Joe Biden with former First Lady Michelle Obama in the 2024 presidential election. “Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps the most likely and most dangerous,” Cruz said on his “Verdict with Ted Cruz” podcast. “In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Miss Ann Thrope 9/19/2023 12:30:48 PM (No. 1559263)
So, Barak Obama gets his fourth term as President, just like FDR.
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mc squared 9/19/2023 12:31:21 PM (No. 1559264)
Makes no difference who the Dems select, the winning mechanisms are already in place having been Beta tested in the last elections. The Pubbies will groan and continue to collect their checks.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Proud Texan 9/19/2023 12:48:08 PM (No. 1559276)
How nice! Four terms for Barry Sotero. the first gay president.
15 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Skinnydip 9/19/2023 12:51:03 PM (No. 1559279)
Can't wait to see her in a debate with Trump.
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Lala 9/19/2023 1:09:43 PM (No. 1559294)
If this is true, say goodbye to the last shreds of America. I agree that whoever the Dems name, the machine is in place to win. And if it’s indeed Mike, she will never debate anyone.
20 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 9/19/2023 1:20:49 PM (No. 1559302)
I agree, there won’t be any debates. Who ever the dems nominate is going to use the Katie Hobbs excuse —- I refuse to debate because my opponent would turn the event into a circus.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 9/19/2023 1:32:18 PM (No. 1559314)
It's just one person's opinion but you can be certain that whoever the democrats choose to carry on their reign of evil and detruction, that person will be slimy, obnoxious, beholding to Barack and be of questionable sexual orientation.
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 9/19/2023 1:40:48 PM (No. 1559327)
Someone once said here, that she is too lazy, and I Iend to agree with that. I think she is too damn lazy to even give the appearance of actually working, much less actually do something other than complain and put our country down. If she does run and actually gets in people have hardly seen a divided nation as that will bring, it will be the last straw for our country I'm afraid.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 9/19/2023 2:03:17 PM (No. 1559348)
Mooch is too lazy and stupid to even be a serious candidate.
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: TXknitter 9/19/2023 2:17:03 PM (No. 1559363)
This is breaking news? This rumor, idea has been out there for a year. Until I see evidence that MO is dieting, I will pop-poo the rumor. MO does not like to work.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 9/19/2023 2:54:13 PM (No. 1559396)
I hope the people with more pigmentation in their skin, but the same blood as all of God’s human creatures, will remember that President Trump did far more for them than was done by the first US President of color, Barack Obama. Obama couldn’t have reached that position without voters of all shades of skin color. Obama was/is a divider who stirred envy, resentment and hatred among our people. Michelle did her part. She even said she only became proud of America for the first time after Barack’s election to the presidency. For the first time! Imagine all of the love, pride, & relationships shown by all races of Americans in the sacrifices to Make America Great through the years, that had to be discounted in the heart and mind of someone making such a statement! Isn’t it interesting that just when we began gaining a greater degree of unity, & some with the hope of gaining even more by electing “a black man”, that so many focused on skin color and ignored the importance of the beliefs of his heart? If ever we had proof of how little skin color matters in comparison to the contents of the heart, it is certainly manifested in the likeminded presidencies of Obama & Biden! The American flag that had flown over the same color of blood sacrifices by all races of her people to keep America free was maligned and defiled on the national & world stage. Sports celebrities took a knee against it. Obama disrespected it by - among many other things - apologizing and bowing deeply before America’s enemies on a well publicized world tour. Trump was/is a uniter. He showed that we can become better and stronger as individual Americans when we stand for America becoming stronger as a nation. Her people can become more united in equal opportunities and gain harmony with respect for one another, & our nation by honoring our Founding Documents which are based on godly principles. We can become better examples & helpers for the peoples of the world. That is why it is imperative that we recognize and defeat the political agendas that will destroy us all, no matter the outward appearances & deceptive manipulations of those who would be Rulers over us & not government leaders Of, By and For us. May we truly become one nation under God. P.S. - Just a thought about Michelle not liking to work. She won’t have to work. She just has to be a figurehead. Well, unless you consider publicity shoots, reading from a teleprompter, and hobnobbing with likeminded “world leaders” to be work. She was pretty successful at vacationing during Barack’s eight years. Biden has certainly set a precedent for limiting time on duty, so I would expect to see a lot of delegations of agenda responsibilities to more capable and dedicated staff under a Michelle Obama reign.
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Rinktum 9/19/2023 3:36:26 PM (No. 1559437)
#9, You just described the perfect democrat candidate! If she does run, the media will proclaim her a Goddess and demand we worship at her size 13 feet!
2 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Venturer 9/19/2023 5:32:41 PM (No. 1559511)
Bubba Clinton could not get Hillary elected, can Hussein Obama get the Mooch elected?
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Reply 14 - Posted by: udanja99 9/19/2023 6:52:15 PM (No. 1559541)
If you had more money than you could ever spend, four mansions, a jet-setting lifestyle and no responsibilities at all, would you give all of that up for a job where you actually have to show up every day, even if others are doing all of the work? Not to mention being under the international microscope in every minute of your life?
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Reply 15 - Posted by: Highlander 9/19/2023 10:36:24 PM (No. 1559633)
She won’t debate Trump. Not in the cards.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: broken01 9/25/2023 1:18:19 PM (No. 1563179)
Yes, the Mooche will parachute in with the grace of a Looney Tunes Wil E Coyote Acme anvil. For the looks of things for that to happen our "esteemed" former FLOTUS would have to get into parachute weight. From recent pictures the Mooche is looking a little wider than usual.
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Hannity will host "red state vs. blue
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Posted by Garnet 9/25/2023 5:12:09 PM Post Reply
Fox News Channel announced Monday that Sean Hannity will moderate a “red state vs. blue state” debate between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newsom. Hannity asked the two governors about debating each other and both agreed earlier this year. The debate will take place on November 30 in Georgia, with the venue to be announced. It will air in Hannity’s time slot that night. The debate will be 90 minutes. The two governors have a contentious relationship, to understate the relationship. Newsom began attacking DeSantis even before DeSantis entered the Republican presidential primary. So, Hannity challenged the two to a debate.
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Posted by Garnet 9/25/2023 5:01:22 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 9/25/2023 1:02:42 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 9/21/2023 2:20:46 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has drawn yet another long-shot challenger for 2024, this time a progressive anti-abortion activist who claims the Catholic president no longer stands for the "dignity of unborn children." Activist Terrisa Bukovinac's entrance is the latest challenge to the president's reelection bid, as concerns about Biden's age mount.Many critics of the president believe Biden is too old to run again, and some have criticized his handling of the crisis on the United States's southern border and the economy. But Bukovinac is challenging him on a different matter altogether — the issue of abortion.
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Posted by Garnet 9/21/2023 12:50:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 9/20/2023 2:35:14 PM Post Reply
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Ted Cruz Says Dems Will ‘Parachute’
In Michelle Obama, ‘Jettison’ Joe Biden
16 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/19/2023 12:20:04 PM Post Reply
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz predicted Monday that the Democratic Party will replace President Joe Biden with former First Lady Michelle Obama in the 2024 presidential election. “Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps the most likely and most dangerous,” Cruz said on his “Verdict with Ted Cruz” podcast. “In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”
What We Must Believe To Believe Biden
Is Innocent
6 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/18/2023 2:19:25 AM Post Reply
It’s hardly a surprise that the corporate media have rushed to the defense of President Biden pursuant to the impeachment inquiry announced last week by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. More surprising is the absurdity of the arguments they offer on his behalf. For years, his denials notwithstanding, Biden knew his son ran an international enterprise whose only real service was selling access to the Vice President of the United States to foreign entities who hoped to procure favorable policy decisions from the Obama administration. (Snip) Yet we are asked to believe that the “Big Guy” didn’t get a cut.
House GOP probing then-VP Biden’s dodgy
breakfast meeting with Kazakh bank official
at official residence
2 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/14/2023 2:30:00 PM Post Reply
As House Republicans move to impeach Joe Biden, congressional investigators are zeroing in on a breakfast the then-vice president hosted in the summer of 2015 at his official residence in Washington, DC, for his son Hunter Biden and two business partners. Hunter’s former best friend in business, Devon Archer, mentioned the meeting in passing during his recent closed door testimony to the House Oversight Committee. Archer attended the July 7, 2015, meeting at 8:30am, along with Marc Holtzman, chairman of Kazakhstan’s largest bank, Kazkommertsbank.
What, Exactly, Was Governor Lujan Grisham’s Plan? 10 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/13/2023 4:21:47 PM Post Reply
Caroline notes that: New Mexico’s Democratic attorney general notified the governor, a fellow Democrat, on Tuesday that he will not defend her in litigation challenging her public health order temporarily banning firearms in certain counties and imposing other gun restrictions. (Snip)What, I must ask, was the plan here? Was there one? Since Lujan Grisham made her statement, she’s been denounced by the sheriff of the county to which it was supposed to apply, by her own attorney general, and by figures such as David Hogg and Ted Lieu, who, in normal circumstances, serve as strenuous advocates of stricter gun-control. Could it really be that the governor just .
Sen. Josh Hawley Proposes 18% Credit Card
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26 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/12/2023 5:30:24 PM Post Reply
On the question of credit, the senior Republican senator from Missouri finds himself well to the left of the White House, only slightly less progressive than democratic socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and very much out of step with the business-friendly old guard of his party. Sen. Josh Hawley will introduce legislation to cap the annual percentage rate of credit cards at 18%, RealClearPolitics is first to report. The average APR, by most estimates, now hovers near the 24% mark. “Americans are being crushed under the weight of record credit card debt,” Hawley
CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury
findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower
13 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/12/2023 12:49:54 PM Post Reply
The Central Intelligence Agency offered to pay off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, new whistleblower testimony to Congress alleges. A senior-level CIA officer told House committee leaders that his agency tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans, according to a letter sent Tuesday to CIA Director William Burns. Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) requested all documents, communications
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Michelle Obama to Rake in More Than $700,000
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Posted by Imright 9/25/2023 3:57:49 PM Post Reply
Former First Lady Michelle Obama will be paid more than $700,000 for a one-hour lecture on “diversity and inclusion” in Munich. Nothing to see here. Move along. According to reports, Michelle Obama traveled from Mallorca to Munich to deliver a one-hour speech on “diversity and inclusion” at the “Britz & Pretzels” conference. Michelle Obama will be paid 700,000 euros for her appearance. Sounds legit. (X) Excerpt from German newspaper Bild: Now she’s swapping paella for pretzels! After arriving in a private jet, Michelle checked into a luxury hotel in Munich.
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2023 12:42:41 PM Post Reply
Senator Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) maintained his innocence during a Monday morning press conference, insisting that the extensive corruption allegations laid out in a federal indictment unsealed Friday are false. Federal investigators found nearly half-a-million dollars in cash and roughly $100,000 in gold bars when they searched his New Jersey home in June of last year. The New Jersey lawmaker insisted during the press conference that the cash was withdrawn from his personal savings account in case of emergencies. “For 30 years I have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings account which I have kept for emergencies, and because of the history
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 1:18:34 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2023 12:49:37 AM Post Reply
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David McCallum, 'NCIS' Star, Dead at 90 19 replies
Posted by FL_Absentee_Voter 9/25/2023 7:22:21 PM Post Reply
David McCallum has died. The actor, best known for his role as Ducky on NCIS, died on Monday of natural causes while surrounded by family at New York Presbyterian Hospital. [snip] "After returning from the hospital to their apartment, I asked my mother if she was OK before she went to sleep. Her answer was simply, 'Yes. But I do wish we had had a chance to grow old together.' She is 79, and dad just turned 90."
Biden Admin to Deport Christian Homeschool Family 19 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/25/2023 3:18:59 PM Post Reply
The Biden Administration has ordered a German homeschool family, who came to America legally, to leave the country. The move comes as the White House has turned a blind eye to millions of illegals invading the southern border. The Romeike family was forced to flee Germany in 2008 after they were persecuted by the government for homeschooling their children. The Germans levied fines against the family and threatened to take away their children. I documented the plight of the family for years when I was working at Fox News. Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their five children eventually settled in eastern Tennessee and were granted indefinite deferred action status.
Fetterman’s Slovenliness Represents
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18 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/25/2023 12:59:12 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Senate, once known as the “world’s greatest deliberative body,” will now permit its members to grace its chamber floor wearing whatever clothes—no matter how casual or unprofessional—they happen to fancy on any given day. Following Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s, D-N.Y., decision earlier this week to have the sergeant-at-arms cease enforcing the Senate’s long-standing dress code, senators might be forgiven for trading in their traditional Brooks Brothers wares for that most chic of modern haberdashers: the local homeless shelter. There is one reason and one reason only for Schumer’s distasteful change in policy: The brain-damaged and cartoon-villain-resembling junior Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman,
Hannity will host "red state vs. blue
state" debate on Fox News Channel
17 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/25/2023 5:12:09 PM Post Reply
Fox News Channel announced Monday that Sean Hannity will moderate a “red state vs. blue state” debate between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newsom. Hannity asked the two governors about debating each other and both agreed earlier this year. The debate will take place on November 30 in Georgia, with the venue to be announced. It will air in Hannity’s time slot that night. The debate will be 90 minutes. The two governors have a contentious relationship, to understate the relationship. Newsom began attacking DeSantis even before DeSantis entered the Republican presidential primary. So, Hannity challenged the two to a debate.
Trump goes GUN shopping with Marjorie
Taylor Greene: Former president poses
with a $829.99 9MM GLOCK with his face
on the grip in armory tour
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2023 3:51:51 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump considered buying a glock with his face on the grip during a visit to South Carolina on Monday, stopping at the Palmetto State Armory with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to examine the weapons available for purchase. The former president also posed with a special 'Trump edition' gun that features the Trump's photo on the handle and the words 'Trump 45' on the chamber. 'I'm going to buy one. I want to buy one,' Trump said after examining the weapon. 'Isn't glock a great gun?'One of the salespeople told the former president that Trump glock was a top seller.
Indicted Senator Bob Menendez to Announce
Reelection Bid Monday
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 7:19:07 AM Post Reply
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who was indicted days ago on federal bribery charges, is expected to announce on Monday that he intends to seek reelection, according to a report from the New Jersey Globe. Menendez has been defiant in the wake of the indictment, claiming that he’s being targeted for being Latino. “It is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a Latino and push him out of his seat,” he said in a statement. “I am not going anywhere.” The embattled senator’s forthcoming announcement comes as several high-profile Democrats have called on him to resign from the U.S. Senate.
More schools are adopting 4-day weeks.
For parents, the challenge is day 5
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2023 4:59:09 AM Post Reply
Independence, Mo.—It’s a Monday in September, but with schools closed, the three children in the Pruente household have nowhere to be. Callahan, 13, contorts herself into a backbend as 7-year-old Hudson fiddles with a balloon and 10-year-old Keegan plays the piano. Like a growing number of students around the U.S, the Pruente children are on a four-day school schedule, a change instituted this fall by their district in Independence, Missouri. To the kids, it’s terrific. “I have a three-day break of school!” exclaimed Hudson. But their mom, Brandi Pruente, who teaches French in a neighboring district in suburban Kansas City, is frustrated to find herself hunting for
Deal! WGA, AMPTP Reach Historic Contract
Agreement to End 146-Day Writers Strike:
‘This Deal Is Exceptional’
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2023 12:38:34 AM Post Reply
Hollywood heaves a sigh of relief. The WGA and major studios and streamers have reached a tentative agreement on a new three-year contract that promises to end the 146-day strike that has taken a heavy toll across the content industry. Negotiators for the Writers Guild of America and Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers reached the finish line Sunday after five consecutive days of negotiations. Day 4 on Saturday mostly involved lawyers for the guild and AMPTP hashing out the fine print of language around complicated and groundbreaking additions to the WGA’s Minimum Basic Agreement. The nitty-gritty details of language around the use of generative AI in content production
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