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Israel’s Elites Revolt Against Democracy

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Posted By: Christopher L, 8/18/2023 10:24:43 AM

In his New York Times opinion piece titled “The U.S. Reassessment of Netanyahu’s Government Has Begun,” Thomas Friedman wrote that he likes to say of his job that he is “a translator from English to English”: He takes complex things and renders them understandable. … As Friedman explains it, the judicial reform proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition poses a grave threat to democracy... If you read Hebrew, you can hear some protesters and their backers in the country’s establishments announcing their intentions more or less explicitly: Democracy is the very thing they are out to prevent.


Long article which explains the political fight in Israel today. I don't think most Americans know what is happening there. There are many parallels to what the left in Israel is trying to accomplish what the left in America is trying to do here.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: PlayItAgain 8/18/2023 10:38:33 AM (No. 1537052)
Recall that Ehud Barack was a frequent guest at Jeffrey Epstein’s island getaway.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: tisHimself 8/18/2023 10:42:11 AM (No. 1537055)
This global movement of class elitist power and control, completely denying the human dignity of each and every human being created by God cannot be described in anything but Satanicly inspired. This is no longer my recognition of God denies your ability to worship, this is WE ARE GOD and you serve us. Satanic.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Alecto2 8/18/2023 10:46:35 AM (No. 1537058)
I'd be more interested if Friedman could translate FJB/KJP (or anyone in the Administration) "Gibberish to English".
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Reply 4 - Posted by: marbles 8/18/2023 11:10:51 AM (No. 1537071)
We all know by now that whatever the left is for bad for freedom.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 8/18/2023 12:20:04 PM (No. 1537131)
Yep, this 'freedom' stuff is REALLY inconvenient for the Ruling Classes. They are against it.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Subsuburban 8/18/2023 6:41:31 PM (No. 1537369)
After reading this article, I begin to understand the motivation behind the anti-Semitic feelings here in America. It is not so much a racial/ethnic thing, but a revulsion for and resistance against the type of self-righteous gasbaggery spouted by the anti-democracy Jews who want to overthrow their democratically elected, representative government and install "the best" people instead. Which is to say, of course, they wish to install themselves in power in perpetuity. For an example of our own variety of these creatures, see Exhibit A, Thomas Friedman.
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Israel’s Elites Revolt Against Democracy 6 replies
Posted by Christopher L 8/18/2023 10:24:43 AM Post Reply
In his New York Times opinion piece titled “The U.S. Reassessment of Netanyahu’s Government Has Begun,” Thomas Friedman wrote that he likes to say of his job that he is “a translator from English to English”: He takes complex things and renders them understandable. … As Friedman explains it, the judicial reform proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition poses a grave threat to democracy... If you read Hebrew, you can hear some protesters and their backers in the country’s establishments announcing their intentions more or less explicitly: Democracy is the very thing they are out to prevent.
Retractions of peer-reviewed scientific
papers has risen 13,750% in this century
8 replies
Posted by Christopher L 8/11/2023 11:12:05 AM Post Reply
The present and growing dark age: According to the watchdogs who run the website Retraction Watch, the number of peer-reviewed scientific papers that have been retracted each year has risen from 40 in 2000 to 5,500 in 2022, an astonishing increase of 13,750%. I think the watchdogs are missing the major and much more basic source for this problem. Since the 1990s the academic community has largely abandoned — even condemned — the fundamental concepts of the Enlightenment, which established the scientific method with its unwavering dedication to finding the truth, no matter where it led.
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Posted by Christopher L 7/25/2023 12:17:56 AM Post Reply
The Alliance Defending Freedom has asked the Colorado Supreme Court to find in favor of a Christian baker who refused to make “a custom-designed cake, pink on the inside and blue on the outside, to reflect and celebrate a gender transition.” ... In a supplemental filing, the ADF cited its recent victory in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, where the U.S. Supreme Court held Colorado could not force a Christian web designer “to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees.”
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Posted by Christopher L 4/2/2023 7:25:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Christopher L 4/11/2022 9:29:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Christopher L 8/10/2021 1:45:09 PM Post Reply
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protester who blocked I-25,
citing free speech
27 replies
Posted by Christopher L 5/18/2021 2:28:57 PM Post Reply
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - A judge has tossed the case against one of 18 people cited in Colorado Springs after a Black Lives Matter protest on Interstate 25, calling it a violation of her free-speech rights. El Paso County Court Senior Judge Stephen Sletta on Wednesday dismissed the lone misdemeanor filed against 21-year-old Molly Avion. In a two-page ruling, he found that the state statute used against her — which makes it illegal to obstruct highways — was overly broad in a way that could chill the exercise of the First Amendment and invite “arbitrary” enforcement.CORRECTIONS*
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50 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2023 2:45:01 AM Post Reply
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Pop astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson
thinks it’s 'weird' to separate male
and female athletes
43 replies
Posted by DW626 8/18/2023 7:23:50 AM Post Reply
So, after all of recorded history, it has come to this: an (alleged) astrophysicist claims it is odd that we separate male and female athletes. In a recent (2022) discussion with science writer and podcaster Michael Shermer, Neil deGrasse Tyson said: “It is a little weird that we split people by male and female in this way. I’m imagining a hundred years from now looking back and saying, ‘Do you know back 100 years ago they split boys and girls and they couldn’t compete?’ And … that’d just be kind of a little weird.” Really? At the rate we’re going, in 30 years people may not be able
These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’
Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles
By 2030
38 replies
Posted by AltaD 8/19/2023 10:58:06 AM Post Reply
Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.” (Snip) Right now, hedge funds and private billionaires are buying up residential homes and farmland all over the world. At the same time, unrealistic zero-emissions policies are impoverishing Westerners and annihilating the middle class, which is fueling reliance on centralized government.
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35 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/18/2023 9:40:07 PM Post Reply
An IRS special agent was shot and killed during a training exercise on a Phoenix gun range by another agent Thursday, sparking an investigation by the FBI. ABC 15 News broke the story that the shooting and death had occurred outside of Anthem on a range used by multiple law enforcement agencies. FBI officials released a statement on Thursday evening confirming the death of the agent but did not share further details about what exactly happened on the range. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) also issued a statement that it was investigating a “shooting incident” at the Federal Correctional Institutional (FCI) Phoenix firing range Thursday afternoon
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31 replies
Posted by Imright 8/19/2023 5:13:29 AM Post Reply
A Chicago politician and a community group desperate to slow the city's spiraling crime problem is begging for 12 hours a day where people don't shoot their guns. Alder Maria Hadden, a Democrat, boosted a proposal by the group Native Sons calling for 'The People's Ordinance' - a ceasefire between 9am and 9pm. 'PROTECT THE YOUTH NO SLIDING WILE THE SUN IS OUT' reads the all-caps promo, titled United For A Safe Summer.They're asking for the refrain from gunshots to reduce risk to Chicagoans who are 'not involved in high risk activities.' 'We have to start somewhere,' Tatiana Atkins, co-founder of Native Sons, told CWB Chicago.
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30 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2023 8:55:47 PM Post Reply
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30 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 8/18/2023 1:54:59 PM Post Reply
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Voter photo ID requirement proves to be
a problem
23 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/18/2023 6:31:18 PM Post Reply
A requirement that voters present a valid photo ID when they show up at the polls is unfortunately working exactly as the Republicans who passed it last year intended. The Lorain County Board of Elections on Wednesday discarded the provisional ballots of 160 voters because 39 didn’t have a photo ID and 121 had expired IDs when they showed up to vote in the special election Aug. 8. “That makes me very uncomfortable,” Democratic board member Anthony Giardini said. “These people weren’t cheating.” (Snip) The board’s other Democratic member, Inez James, called it “voter suppression.”
Rove on Trump Debate Participation: ‘I’d
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2023 6:28:14 PM Post Reply
Thursday, during an appearance on FNC’s “America’s Newsroom,” network contributor Karl Rove urged former President Donald Trump to participate in the upcoming first presidential primary debate. Rove argued Trump’s participation would demonstrate he was a “leader” of the GOP primary field. “I would, even though there’s, you know, look, there are dangers,” he said. “I mean, he will be, you know, he if he shows up, he will be attacked by everybody in one way, shape or form.
Al Sharpton Accuses Trump of Wanting to
Use This Racial Slur in Georgia Indictment
23 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/18/2023 3:21:23 PM Post Reply
Al Sharpton, who has a history of stoking racial tensions, accused former President Donald Trump of wanting to use the N-word in a social media post about election rigging in Georgia during the 2020 election. In a post on Truth Social, Trump said he would hold a press conference laying out evidence of voter fraud in Georgia and how he has been targeted for fighting against the election "RIGGERS!" Trump has since announced his legal team has advised to put what was going to be said in the press conference into legal court documents and the presser will no longer take place.
Hundreds Of New Yorkers Protest ‘Tent
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Opening Near Elementary School
23 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2023 1:32:52 PM Post Reply
Hundreds of New York City residents gathered in Queens on Wednesday to protest the opening of a shelter that is expected to house around 1,000 illegal immigrant men near an elementary school and senior center. The protesters held up signs and chanted “no tent city,” opposing the move by state officials to house illegal immigrants in the new shelter as hotels and homeless shelters in the Big Apple are overrun with thousands of people who illegally entered the country and were bused to New York. The tent city, approved by state leaders, opened Tuesday after being set up in 10 days in the parking lot of a psychiatric facility
17 People Died on One Military Base Just
This Year, but the Air Force Won't Say Why
23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/18/2023 8:55:08 AM Post Reply
A new report from has revealed that Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma is refusing to reveal the cause of death for 17 base personnel who have passed away this year. How does one base have a death toll of 17 in the span of eight months? Why would the base not want to share information concerning what happened to these individuals and why so many people at one military installation have died? Since the base is funded with American tax dollars and the people dying are public servants, I think the general public has a right to know what is going on at Tinker Air Force Base, don’t you?
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