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Canadians Revolt Against Trudeau’s Mass
Migration Economy

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Posted By: FlyRight, 8/9/2023 11:27:41 PM

Polls show that Canadians have sharply reversed their pro-migration views as their housing costs are deliberately spiked by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s elite-backed policy of maximizing immigration. “About 2 in 3 Canadians believe an increase in the annual target of [legal] immigrants as permanent residents will have a negative or somewhat negative impact on the cost of housing, while one in five believe it will have a positive or somewhat impact,” said an August poll of 1,081 Canadians by Nanos Research Group for an August 8 article by Bloomberg News.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: wilarrbie 8/10/2023 12:54:11 AM (No. 1531461)
Near the end of this article, it spells out our Biden immigration/economic policies quite clearly. It is in full swing. The intentional demise of the American middle class is in motion. The Left can't quite get it done by themselves though. It has required the assistance of certain willing Republicans to pull it off. Mitch. et al.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: MrDeplorable 8/10/2023 1:21:25 AM (No. 1531464)
Canadians revolting? Oh, don’t make me laugh! In all of their ten provinces there’s not a tablespoonful of TESTOSTERONE. An entire national of BETA MALES.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/10/2023 8:13:30 AM (No. 1531592)
This is the same Canada that happily supported Justin's daddy, Pierre Trudeau, who became PM in the 1980s. The same Trudeau who took great pleasure in giving the one-finger salute to anyone who disagreed with him on anything.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 8/10/2023 10:21:27 AM (No. 1531692)
Since illegal immigration affects ALL citizens of a given country, shouldn't importation of thousands of parasites be approved by ALL citizens instead of being an arbitrary decision by a dictatorial government and the elitists who buy aforementioned government?
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Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 8/10/2023 12:58:29 PM (No. 1531849)
Yep. The native Canadians are getting sick of all the foreigners bidding up everything physical, while driving down wages. More expensive homes, lower paycheck.....what's the problem?
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Canadians Revolt Against Trudeau’s Mass
Migration Economy
5 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/9/2023 11:27:41 PM Post Reply
Polls show that Canadians have sharply reversed their pro-migration views as their housing costs are deliberately spiked by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s elite-backed policy of maximizing immigration. “About 2 in 3 Canadians believe an increase in the annual target of [legal] immigrants as permanent residents will have a negative or somewhat negative impact on the cost of housing, while one in five believe it will have a positive or somewhat impact,” said an August poll of 1,081 Canadians by Nanos Research Group for an August 8 article by Bloomberg News.
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Posted by FlyRight 8/7/2023 2:58:43 PM Post Reply
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What the Law Requires
15 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/7/2023 9:11:28 AM Post Reply
What should happen... when it is virtually impossible for the defendant to get an impartial jury in that state or district? The prosecution of Donald Trump for the events around January 6, 2021 would seem to call for a change of venue. The District of Columbia is the most extreme Democratic district in the country. Approximately 95% of the potential jurors register and vote Democrat. Whereas approximately 5% voted for Trump. Furthermore, the anger against Trump is understandable in light of the fact that the events of January 6th directly involved many citizens of the district.
Pals say Melania Trump is Donald’s ‘secret
weapon’ amid ‘hellish’ time
6 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/7/2023 6:39:42 AM Post Reply
As embattled former President Trump faces his latest legal challenge, his wife, Melania Trump, has emerged as his anchor and “secret weapon,” his inner circle is saying. A Trump insider told us of the 2024 candidate, “Melania is being credited by his friends with keeping President Trump ‘calm and focused’ amid the hellish week of his being indicted for the third time.”The source added: “Friends whisper these last few weeks have been hard on Trump, and although he always presents a tough front, these constant legal assaults are affecting his day-to-day life.”
NYC immigrants ticked off about migrants
crammed into neighborhood rec center:
‘What the hell!’
11 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/7/2023 6:34:47 AM Post Reply
The thousands of migrants recently flooding into the Big Apple are facing a new round of pushback — from New York City immigrants. First-generation Brooklyn immigrants were up in arms Sunday over City Hall jamming dozens of newly arrived male asylum-seekers into the Sunset Park Recreation Center, saying the facility has long been a beloved community staple — until now.“People are really upset from the community,” said a first-generation Chinese immigrant who only gave her name as Chen. “All the people use this facility from this community. “So right now you take away all the benefit to us and give it to them? What the hell!”
The Three Politically Motivated Phony
Indictments of Trump so Far
2 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/7/2023 6:31:06 AM Post Reply
There are three pending criminal cases against Donald Trump so far, with another one likely to arise in Georgia. Biden-appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith is prosecuting Trump in Florida over allegedly taking classified documents from the White House to Mar-a-Lago. He’s charging him over J6 in D.C., and Georgia prosecutors may follow with a similar suit. State prosecutors in New York have charged Trump with fraud over an alleged payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.
Getting Conservative History Straight 8 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/6/2023 11:06:06 PM Post Reply
Washington Post reached for superlatives last year in describing Matthew Continetti’s The Right. This voice of the establishment Left explained that Continetti, besides being an AEI senior fellow and a onetime distinguished editor of the Washington Free Beacon, may be the premier intellectual historian of the American Right. Continetti’s admirers found something exceptional in his analytic examination of his controversial subject. He spared no effort telling us a harsh truth: American conservatism is beset by right-wing extremists, like the hoi polloi who just “can’t be weaned away” from Donald Trump”
Pence, Trump attorney clash over what
Trump told his VP ahead of Jan. 6, 2021
11 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/6/2023 11:01:59 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump’s defense attorney says the former president never asked Mike Pence to overturn the will of the voters in the 2020 election, but only wanted the former vice president to “pause” the certification of votes to allow states to investigate his claims of election fraud. Those baseless claims had already been rejected by numerous courts.Speaking on several Sunday morning news shows, Trump attorney John Lauro said Trump was within his First Amendment rights when he petitioned Pence to delay the certification on Jan. 6, 2021.
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into a Terrorist ‘Religious Cult’
Called ‘MAGA’
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Posted by Imright 8/9/2023 4:26:17 AM Post Reply
MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson said Tuesday on “Deadline” that the Republican Party was now a terrorist religious cult called “MAGA.” Johnson said, “Whenever you have a state that’s like eking towards blueness or purple, you see a gerrymandered Republican legislature try to block people’s access to vote, change what the voting rules are, change the voting times. Sometimes it works, but occasionally if you get a universal issue like abortion, people get angry and then they’re going to turn out the vote. Republicans show again because they’re not a party, they are a dime store front for a terrorist organization at this point called MAGA, you basically see that the Republicans
Breaking: 75-Year-Old Utah Man Who Posted
Biden Threats Killed During FBI Raid
28 replies
Posted by DW626 8/9/2023 4:11:58 PM Post Reply
A Utah man who posted threats to Joe Biden was shot and killed during an FBI raid Wednesday morning. Craig Robertson, 75, was shot and killed early Wednesday morning, according to the FBI in Salt Lake City. According to reports, Robertson was facing 3 counts after posting threats to Joe Biden: Interstate threats, threats against the president, and influencing, impeding and retaliating against federal law enforcement officers by threat. Robertson allegedly threatened to kill Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and officials prosecuting Trump in a series of social media posts.
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Posted by Imright 8/9/2023 9:14:13 AM Post Reply
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Dianne Feinstein Hospitalized after Fall
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/9/2023 11:24:13 AM Post Reply
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) was briefly hospitalized on Tuesday afternoon after a minor fall, her office confirmed in a statement to National Review. “Senator Feinstein briefly went to the hospital yesterday afternoon as a precaution after a minor fall in her home,” a spokesperson said. “All of her scans were clear and she returned home.” The fall comes after months of health struggles for the 90-year-old senator. Feinstein was absent from the Senate for months this spring as she suffered from shingles, Ramsay Hunt syndrome and encephalitis.
New Details Emerge About 75-Year-Old Utah
Man Gunned Down by FBI Agents – Neighbor
Captures Footage Showing the Moments Before
He Was Killed (Video)
25 replies
Posted by DW626 8/10/2023 2:58:24 PM Post Reply
Cristina Laila reported Wednesday that 75-year-old Utah man and Trump supporter Craig Robertson was shot and killed early Wednesday morning during an FBI raid. According to reports, Robertson was facing three counts after posting threats to Joe Biden: Interstate threats, threats against the president, and influencing, impeding and retaliating against federal law enforcement officers by threat. Robertson allegedly threatened to kill Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and officials prosecuting Trump in a series of social media posts. Now new details including video from the incident have emerged which cast doubt on how much of a threat he actually posed. A vigilant neighbor shot this 23-second clip in the moments leading up to Robertson’s death.
FBI Kills ‘MAGA Trumper’ Linked to
Biden Death Threats in Raid on Utah Home
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/9/2023 6:00:25 PM Post Reply
A Donald Trump supporter, linked to death threats directed toward U.S. president Joe Biden, vice president Kamala Harris, and Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, was killed during an FBI raid on his home in Provo, Utah. Craig Robertson, 75, was first identified as the suspect by the New York Post. Robertson described himself as a “MAGA TRUMPER” in social-media posts. According to two unnamed sources, Robertson was armed during the lethal exchange, the Associated Press reports. “The FBI takes all shooting incidents involving our agents or task force members seriously,” The FBI said in a statement. “In accordance with FBI policy, the shooting incident is under review by the FBI’s Inspection Division.”
Adams warns Biden’s inaction on migrant
crisis will ‘decimate’ NYC
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/10/2023 10:09:21 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams issued a dire warning to President Biden, cautioning that the lack of federal funding to help the migrant crisis will eventually “decimate” the Big Apple — which serves as the “economic engine” of the country. Adams slammed border states for creating a “funnel” to New York on “CBS Mornings” Thursday, saying, “New York City is the economic engine of this entire state and country. If you decimate this city, you’re going to decimate the foundation of what’s happening.” That foundation finally began to crumble earlier this month as dozens of migrants were left sleeping on the streets of Midtown outside the intake center at the Roosevelt Hotel
Breaking: President Trump Reveals the
Dirty Jan. 6 Committee Illegally Destroyed
their Records and Documents Now that He
Has Full Subpoena Power
21 replies
Posted by Imright 8/9/2023 3:21:30 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump dropped a bombshell report on his Truth Social platform that the sham committee overseeing the investigation of the January 6th Capitol riot has destroyed their documents and records illegally. On Tuesday, Trump wrote: President Trump: So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of the Freedom of Speech Sham Indictment by Crooked Joe Biden, Deranged Jack Smith, and the DOJ, it has just been reported that the Unselect January 6th Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs has illegally destroyed their Records and Documents. This is unthinkable, and the Fake Political Indictment against me must be immediately withdrawn. The system is Rigged & Corrupt,
Megan Rapinoe and Necessary Schadenfreude 20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/10/2023 7:55:09 AM Post Reply
The United States Women’s National Soccer Team is out of the Women’s World Cup. You couldn’t have missed the story, the media was more invested in the team than some team members appeared to be – hyping their every move. But the dream is over, they lost to Sweden on penalty kicks. While the press laments their defeat, a lot of normal people, myself included, are either engaging in schadenfreude over the loss or desperately fighting the urge to. If you fall into the latter category, let it go. Sometimes schadenfreude is warranted and useful to prevent the need for much more of it in the future. Megan Rapinoe is
Treason: House Oversight Committee Releases
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from Russia and Kazakh Officials – $20
Million In Payments
20 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2023 2:41:03 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday the House Oversight Committee released bank records on Hunter Biden’s payments from Russia and Kazakhstan officials. The report mentions payments from Burisma Holdings, Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina, and Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev. The payments totaled $20 million to the Biden Crime Family. Look for President Trump to be indicted tomorrow. (X Tweets) FOX News reported: Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., released a third memo Wednesday about the Biden family’s foreign business dealings, producing bank records purporting to show that Hunter Biden and his business associates received millions in payments
Mike Pence, 'Constitutional Hero'? 20 replies
Posted by Imright 8/9/2023 3:06:39 PM Post Reply
If you once served as Vice President of the United States, polling below 5% in your own party's presidential primary can trigger a stream of unbridled bitterness. Case in point: Mike Pence, who, in a Real Clear Politics poll published through August 2, 2023, polled at 4.8 percent among Republican voters, trailing the previously-unknown Vivek Ramaswamy, who had 5.2 percent. Like a freezing cold bucket of reality splashed onto Pence’s face, losing to a 37-year-old entrepreneur who, six months ago, nobody ever heard of, has apparently unleashed the floodgates of animosity harbored deep within. Embittered by his demise, Pence now fumes against President Trump,
REPORT: January 6 Committee Destroyed
Evidence and Did Not Investigate Capitol
Hill Security Failures
20 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/9/2023 11:59:38 AM Post Reply
Most close watchers already knew the motive and intention of the J6 committee was to build narratives useful against their political opposition and the 2022 midterm election cycle. Factually, the makeup of the J6 committee was specifically structured for this intention. That said, this remarkable statement by former J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson is essentially admitting the committee destroyed evidence that undermined their preconceived notions. (snip) …”Consistent with guidance from the Office of the Clerk and other authorities, the Select Committee did not archive temporary committee records that were not elevated by the Committee’s actions, such as use in hearings or official publications, or those that did not
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