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Biden Keeps Shutting Down Lithium Mining
Making Us Dependent on China

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Posted By: Hazymac, 7/23/2023 10:30:10 AM

The Biden administration is trying to ban real cars in favor of electric cars. It’s pushing unreliable wind and solar over reliable gas, oil and coal energy sources. All of that requires lots of lithium for energy storage and that makes us dependent on China. Meanwhile, the Biden administration also keeps shutting down efforts to mine lithium in America. (Snip) “In error”. It probably doesn’t help that there’s an eco-terrorist in charge of BLM now. (That’s Bureau of Land Management, which is in charge of a whopping amount of government land and has the ability to shut down ranching and mining in much of the west.) The Center for Biological Diversity,

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: itsonlyme 7/23/2023 10:57:12 AM (No. 1518606)
Your solar powered 4-slice toaster appears to be OK. The potentially upcoming solar powered TV comes with a hefty price. Government payment plans could be available if you "qualify".
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: NorthernDog 7/23/2023 11:03:14 AM (No. 1518614)
It's the fantasyland mentality that Leftists have. They want our own backyard fenced off and preserved like a museum. But could not care less about obtaining the resources we need from totalitarian governments who destroy the environment.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: red1066 7/23/2023 11:14:38 AM (No. 1518624)
If this is a real problem, then don't buy electric cars.
7 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: reefdiver 7/23/2023 11:37:34 AM (No. 1518652)
That 10% adds up.
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 7/23/2023 11:53:01 AM (No. 1518666)
Joey Baby is Xi's puppet. He is bought and paid for by Xi's Yuan. Xi pulls a string, JB reacts. No Joke.
9 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Maggie2u 7/23/2023 11:58:59 AM (No. 1518673)
Be sure to click and read about the eco-terrorist head of the BLM.
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: smokincol 7/23/2023 12:16:42 PM (No. 1518680)
time and time again, example after example, diapers has proven he is anti-American or, rather, those around him are anti-American, he's only the cardboard cut-out masquerading as the guy in the Oval Office but - what does it take for those people who actually cast a ballot for him in 2020, to see that he is unfit to hold the office and should be removed, by vote or by impeachment, he deserves not one bit of consideration for what he's done for the past 2+ years, he is, to use a demeaning descriptive: vile.
3 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: jalo1951 7/23/2023 12:17:33 PM (No. 1518683)
Thanks, Big Guy. The check is in the mail. Love, Xi
1 person likes this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 7/23/2023 3:31:48 PM (No. 1518769)
#5 - That's why we pulled out of Afghanistan the way we did. China was already setting up mining operations around the country and our military presence there was complicating things. One phone call from Beijing to the White House was all it took. I guess this one was another call - "Stop mining your own lithium and buy all of it from us."
3 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Venturer 7/23/2023 4:16:52 PM (No. 1518796)
Perhaps if the Lithium miners in the US outbid the Chinese and wrote Biden a bigger check they might get somewhere.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 7/23/2023 6:00:45 PM (No. 1518849)
Re the headline.....that is what the ChiComs PAID Traitor Joe to do, so he does it. Screw the American people...he's paid more by the ChiComs so he does THEIR bidding.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: Strike3 7/23/2023 8:09:52 PM (No. 1518922)
Joe is only doing the job that he's being paid to do. Problem is, it's Xi who's paying him.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: mifla 7/24/2023 5:46:12 AM (No. 1519101)
China is at war with the United States and Biden is their chief ally. This man is truly possessed. He sold his soul for the presidency, not realizing that he would be the means by which his country would be destroyed. He will have eternity to think about it.
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Posted by Hazymac 7/23/2023 8:09:11 PM Post Reply
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Biden Keeps Shutting Down Lithium Mining
Making Us Dependent on China
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/23/2023 10:30:10 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration is trying to ban real cars in favor of electric cars. It’s pushing unreliable wind and solar over reliable gas, oil and coal energy sources. All of that requires lots of lithium for energy storage and that makes us dependent on China. Meanwhile, the Biden administration also keeps shutting down efforts to mine lithium in America. (Snip) “In error”. It probably doesn’t help that there’s an eco-terrorist in charge of BLM now. (That’s Bureau of Land Management, which is in charge of a whopping amount of government land and has the ability to shut down ranching and mining in much of the west.) The Center for Biological Diversity,
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Posted by Hazymac 7/23/2023 8:49:41 AM Post Reply
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21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/22/2023 3:24:44 PM Post Reply
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Wrap Tinfoil Around Your Doorknob to Keep
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18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/22/2023 11:22:43 AM Post Reply
Let’s see how many old-timey words for “nonsense” I can squeeze into one article about 56 years of climate change balderdash. Soap-dodging prairie fairies have been ringing the Chicken Little climate klaxon for at least five decades. That means we are celebrating more than 50 years of “the sky is falling” horsefeathers. Every climate gloomster has one thing in common: when it comes to their grim predictions for the planet, they’re all batting zero. A lot of them also seem to ignore actual climate-related emergencies, like the ongoing train derailment trauma in East Palestine, Ohio, where residents suffered vomiting, rashes, nose-bleeds, and bronchitis as they watched their pets and livestock die.
Get Used to Living With ‘Blackouts’
to Save the Planet
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 3:20:14 PM Post Reply
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Left Now Pushing Biden to Ignore Supreme
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20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 3:17:07 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 3:15:25 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 7:34:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/24/2023 6:01:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Grateful 7/24/2023 8:53:32 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/24/2023 2:41:28 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 7/24/2023 9:30:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/24/2023 5:40:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/24/2023 4:13:59 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/24/2023 9:09:06 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/24/2023 8:24:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 7/24/2023 6:15:05 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/24/2023 12:09:07 AM Post Reply
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A Leading Climate Scientist Expresses
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Posted by DVC 7/24/2023 3:54:34 PM Post Reply
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