Jerry Nadler Sure Seems Carefree About
World War III Starting
Daily Wire,
Tim Meads
Original Article
Posted By: ladydawgfan,
5/26/2023 12:41:48 PM
Representative Jerry Nadler (D-NY) sure seems carefree about World War III potentially starting over Ukraine.
On Thursday, a reporter caught up with the septuagenarian, who promptly spilled the beans that he would not care whatsoever if Ukraine invaded Russia, let alone if they did so with U.S.-supplied weapons.
“Are you concerned that they will enter into Russian territory?” The Epoch Times’ Liam Cosgrove said of Ukraine.
“I’m not concerned. I wouldn’t care if they did,” Nadler said.
After the reporter explained that Russia could view this as a U.S.-backed invasion of Russia, the congressman was dismissive and even smirked about the intensification of the war.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Luandir 5/26/2023 1:00:51 PM (No. 1478065)
As long as his KFC supply isn't interrupted, who cares?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Quigley 5/26/2023 1:04:55 PM (No. 1478069)
He’s got a new satellite phone and instructions as to the pickup point to get to the bunker.
That’s when the haves and the have nots really become apparent: those who have the military at their disposal and those who do not.
Jerky thinks he’s a “have” and that he’ll really be in the Inner Circle when the havoc starts.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 5/26/2023 1:23:20 PM (No. 1478078)
At his age, weight, and b.a.c. he really hasn’t much too loose.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 5/26/2023 1:23:53 PM (No. 1478080)
Loose, not loose. My error
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Mcscow sailor 5/26/2023 1:24:09 PM (No. 1478081)
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Bogasso 5/26/2023 1:34:47 PM (No. 1478085)
Well, his belt certainly isn’t “too loose”, lol!
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 5/26/2023 1:37:23 PM (No. 1478087)
World War III? How ......loony. There is NOT going to be a WW3. This whole idea is just unhinged from reality.
One country is fighting one other country. One country has a number of suppliers of equipment and funding to support it, the other one has a somewhat more limited number of suppliers of second rate drones, and such.
Putin's blowing and stomping notwithstanding, they aren't going to use any nukes. Putin has already made a huge mess of this and it seems that at this point he is mostly trying to figure out how to get out of this disaster with his power reasonably intact.
Frankly, I don't see how Putin is going to politically survive this. The most recent 'Russian separatists invading Russia' events (not reported in most leftstream media) have cleverly mirrored what Putin did with the Donbass, where he provided arms to dissatisfied Ukrainians to attack within Ukraine. Hmmm. Not so much fun when it happens back at you, is it?
With Russian billionaire oligarchs forming over 40 Private Military Companies recently, one wonders what the rich Russians, in a position to hear "all the best rumors and inside stories", are hearing that makes them think "Gee, spending a few hundred million on a private army seems like a great investment right now."
I can't tell where this is going, or what the oligarchs are thinking, but it sure seems like the oligarchs are pretty worried about internal stability inside Russia. Makes me think of the first time I was told of The Ancient Chinese Curse, at age 16 by an older friend.
May you live in interesting times.
I don't think we are headed towards WW3, but things seem to be getting pretty damned interesting inside Russia. I am glad I no longer travel there.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
harleynyc 5/26/2023 2:22:10 PM (No. 1478101)
The party in power are the war profiteers. It is estimated that LBJ's take in kickbacks and bribes from Vietnam War were around $ 100,000.000.00 in today's money. It's just one way the democrat slimeballs steal our money.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 5/26/2023 2:29:24 PM (No. 1478106)
Poster #8, I think there are plenty of 'slimeball's' in both parties making money from this war.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
ms1234 5/26/2023 2:33:09 PM (No. 1478110)
Ukraine is nothing more than another Vietnam. A convenient war used to test new military hardware and tactics. Using a nuke would only stop the testing and the military war machines sales campaign. So no nukes is good for business. Nadler knows nukes won't be used. If they ever are, it'll be NATO that strikes first.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
BarryNo 5/26/2023 3:27:23 PM (No. 1478131)
This dimwit thinks he's going to get advance warning and an escorts out when everything goes to hell.
He doesn't realize he's an expendable patsy.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
formerNYer 5/26/2023 5:40:16 PM (No. 1478191)
What is worse Jerry Nadler or the idiots that vote for this nasty, fooish, American-hating creep?
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
MissMann 5/26/2023 7:25:03 PM (No. 1478239)
He gets the kick-backs and doesn't have any kids facing death. What's not to be happy about?
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
dbdiva 5/26/2023 7:36:57 PM (No. 1478245)
Hopefully when Nadler's satellite phone rings to give him directions to the bunker, he doesn't soil himself. That slow side step he's perfected on those occasions may not allow him to get to the bunker in time before WW3 begins. What a horror if the bunker is locked up tight before Nadler is able to sidle up to the door! He'd be out in the cold with all the people his party despises. Good luck, Nadler! Anyway, at some point, the dems won't think twice if they have to throw him to the wolves to save themselves. They're not exactly a loyal bunch.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Foghorn 5/26/2023 7:40:51 PM (No. 1478247)
Nadler, like Biden, has never got international policy correct, ever. Nadler doesn't understand what would happen if Ukraine did invade Russia with USA materials, the terrorist activities in America would be unbearable. Hostage taking in embassies around the world would also be an act of Russia in retaliation. That is not to mention the prospect that Russia could use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.
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Jerry Nadler is a slimy toad of a barely human being.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
JimBob 5/26/2023 8:54:30 PM (No. 1478289)
I'm with #16.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
24tea@Mag 5/26/2023 9:43:09 PM (No. 1478329)
Jerry may have lost weigh. In the process he lost brain cells and belongs to the growing number of aging Dims.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Faithfully 5/27/2023 11:28:54 PM (No. 1479087)
Errm, World War III has already started.
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Disgusting jerk!!