Signature Bank boss hosted a company seminar
on gender-neutral pronouns 'ze' and 'hir'
five months before becoming the third
largest bank failure in US history
Daily Mail (UK),
Aneeta Bhole
Original Article
Posted By: voxpopuli,
3/15/2023 10:14:32 AM
A seminar on gender-neutral pronouns hosted by Signature Bank just months before its collapse now has critics accusing the company of not having its priorities in order. (snip) Video of the seminar, which goes for more than an hour, shows Brigham and Shay delivering a lecture about 'pronouns' with the ultra-woke company seizing the opportunity to laud their title as the 'first bank in the United States to have an openly gay man on the board.'
Reply 1 - Posted by:
formerNYer 3/15/2023 10:30:21 AM (No. 1425727)
If it didn't hurt the American economy so badly, I would be glad ze morons went out of business.
Maybe they can all go to jail for malfeasance and they can practice their gender-neutral pronouns as they are being gang raped in the shower.
15 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Snow Possum 3/15/2023 10:32:05 AM (No. 1425730)
This means nothing.
Look, I am as against the whole gender-weird movement as one could get. But a seminar on pronouns is not synonymous with poor banking practices. Get to the decisions that actually brought the bank down and skip all the things that are not even tangential to the equation.
Other wise we really learn nothing.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Vaquero45 3/15/2023 10:55:21 AM (No. 1425741)
#2, if the bank would host a “woke” seminar, then it’s an indication that their priorities are skewed. Maybe they placed “woke nonsense above sound business practices. Their heads were in the wrong place.
Get woke, go broke.
35 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
3XALADY 3/15/2023 11:17:06 AM (No. 1425754)
I saw a video last night on Newsmax of them perhaps at their seminar singing songs and I saw the pronouns on the chalk board. This reminds me of the nurses singing and dancing in the hospital hallways during covid. I cry for my country.
18 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 3/15/2023 11:40:47 AM (No. 1425778)
Super woke folk are actually God-haters. Refusing to believe all proof of only two sexes and just one race (the human race). So as the song says, ''I'm gonna stand on the corner and grin when they drag your body in, I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you.''
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
robertthomason 3/15/2023 11:47:24 AM (No. 1425785)
I guess having people who know how to manage a bank wasn't important.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
jalo1951 3/15/2023 11:49:00 AM (No. 1425787)
He, she, it. Those are the pronouns that have worked for thousands of years. Still good, still work. Those are my choice. You can call yourself a chipmunk or an otter for all I care but that does not mean I will go along for the ride. I am not going to use some nonsense made up word to reinforce your mental illness.
13 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
DVC 3/15/2023 11:55:58 AM (No. 1425798)
Dooing all this stupid and counterproductive money wasting foolishness is proof that these "leaders" have no idea what is important in running a business.
Leftist fools crash everything that they wind up controlling.
8 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
stablemoney 3/15/2023 12:02:03 PM (No. 1425806)
I totally reject the left's unilateral efforts to rewrite the language, history, and law. As for Signature Bank, any moron stupid enough to buy 2-3% 30 year mortgages, or Treasury Bonds, should not be employed at any bank.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
marbles 3/15/2023 12:17:42 PM (No. 1425821)
The thing with pronouns..............the left is never satisfied. they will move on to something else to force upon people. As for me, I took 10th grade biology and I speak English. I know a he from a she.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
smokincol 3/15/2023 1:05:52 PM (No. 1425864)
and comrade, butt boy, barney frank was very proud of this event, I'm sure
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Stencil 3/15/2023 2:40:11 PM (No. 1425932)
Are there not serious questions of Signature's involvement in 'suspicous' transactions involving known international criminals?
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 3/15/2023 2:57:01 PM (No. 1425948)
That worked out swell, didn't it? If investors were asleep at the switch and weren't paying attention to crap like this, then they have it coming.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 3/15/2023 3:09:51 PM (No. 1425960)
I saw this nonsense on TV last night. I keep shaking my head and wondering where these fools come from. Another planet, or are they just stupid?
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/15/2023 7:15:15 PM (No. 1426116)
We all know that woke eventually means broke but does it make a person stupid as well? That seems to be a common end result.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
DVC 3/15/2023 8:50:09 PM (No. 1426192)
I hope that this can be found to be criminal negligence or something like that, or just plain old garden variety financial fraud - people should go to prison.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Old Army Vet 3/16/2023 10:18:06 AM (No. 1426505)
Your primary responsibility is to the stockholders, not some bunch of clowns that can't make up their minds as to their status as a human being. Get your priorities right and things like this will not happen.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Talk2 3/16/2023 11:25:48 AM (No. 1426578)
I noted with some interest that their spokesperson (I hesitate to use man in this case) had all the indicators of mental illness because only that can explain that charade.
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great.. keep em coming.. go woke go SUPER broke..