Democrat Civil War Escalates As Party
Turns on Pelosi
PJ Media,
Matt Margolis
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
11/16/2024 2:43:20 PM
I said before that an intraparty civil war may be brewing in the Democratic Party in the wake of the Republican Party’s tremendous victory in the 2024 elections. And evidence continues to build.
Everyone is looking to blame someone for the loss. Fingers have been pointed at Joe Biden for not dropping out earlier, Kamala Harris for running a terrible campaign, and Tim Walz for being Tim Walz. The party’s problems appear to be getting worse, as Pelosi is now being told to “take a seat” and get out of the way.
Among other issues, Pelosi faces mounting criticism from her Democrat colleagues for publicly undermining
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 11/16/2024 2:54:05 PM (No. 1836376)
Nancy "PutridPuke" Pelosi representing San Fran Sicko.
August 4, 2024
"Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) argued in a new interview that President Joe Biden is a “Mount Rushmore kind of president” and indicated his face should be included as part of the iconic monument."
March 26, 1940 (age 84)
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 11/16/2024 3:09:11 PM (No. 1836385)
A couple of comments.
1) her untoward comments. Is she stupid or getting senile? (The answer MAY BE “Yes.”)
2) the communists gave her all of her power the last few years and never considered the end-game. This is on them.
3) enjoy the chaos.
57 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
jalo1951 11/16/2024 3:17:57 PM (No. 1836389)
Term limits, term limits, term limits.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
stablemoney 11/16/2024 3:31:11 PM (No. 1836399)
I have left the indecisiveness on term limits for government employees of all kinds, congress, judges, bureaucracy. The country needs term limits to bring fresh vision and vigor, after terms expire. We are witnessing how refreshing it is for Trump to be putting new people in charge in DC.
45 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
seamusm 11/16/2024 4:16:46 PM (No. 1836419)
Yea, maybe, but we are going to have Pelosi around for another term in the House. Two more years of that self-serving garbage. Thanks a lot, San Fran. I won't weep if the the Next Big One happens while you are home eating that expensive ice cream you are so fond of.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 11/16/2024 4:55:37 PM (No. 1836432)
As well they should, but, they better include the Kenyan.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 11/16/2024 5:09:03 PM (No. 1836442)
Any and all bad things happening to Nutty, Nasty Nancy are LONG overdue and richly deserved.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Ketchuplover 11/16/2024 5:17:50 PM (No. 1836448)
I for one, enjoy seeing Nancy being torn to shreds like a State of the Union speech. Besides, we all know that her "strong Catholic faith" will see her through.
36 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
franco 11/16/2024 5:40:05 PM (No. 1836458)
Interesting bit of castle intrigue on the left... of the sort that *might* cause leader Jeffries to assist the Gaetz-led DOJ in collecting possible evidence of criminal wrong-doing on the part of San Fran Nan. Would be a real shame to see her charged with securities fraud, for example, wouldn't it?
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
earlybird 11/16/2024 5:43:45 PM (No. 1836460)
Ha! Karma...
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 11/16/2024 5:58:24 PM (No. 1836463)
Nasty Pelousy has no future, partly because the party she has led has no future. The dems/Left held control through an interlocking trifecta of power that 2 parts of which have collapsed and the final component is about to be demolished starting in January and there is nothing she or any other dem can do about it. And Nasty lead
them to this disaster.
First, the political Frankenstein's Monster that is the dem party only continued to exist by melding several components that are the antithesis of each other. You cannot be both hot and cold. The party has been drifting and then lurching Left. Yet, significant parts of the party are NOT Leftists. Biden's presidency completely surrendered to the Left. Trump destroyed them by creating a path to sanity for dems who no longer fit in the Leftist dem party.
Second, in a desperate effort to drag dems across the finish line, the propaganda media, already weakened by their support of BO and their fabrications about Trump, tried to pretend that Biden wasn't senile and that Kamala had a brain. They also insisted that, not only Trump but the people that support him, are fascists. In doing this, they finished destroying their own credibility. Now many of them await being fired, greatly lowered wages, or elimination of the organization they belong to as it financially crumbles. As evidenced by the election results, they have completely lost the power to persuade and thus have little remaining value to the Left and none to Conservatives, that can never trust them.
Remaining for the moment is the Deep State. But their expiration date was set on election day. Trump KNOWS them now. Trump created a Constitutional SCOTUS that has already ruled in favor of the Chief Executive's power over the Executive branch and the lack of power that the bureaucratic components have in the face of Presidential intent and in their incapacity to take actions outside of what has been specifically stated in law. Trump intends to gut them and put them back into a Constitutional "box" that is under Presidential control.
So what does Nasty have left? Nothing. What do the dems have left? Very little. The game board has been switched and the dems don't know how to play or understand the rules. Unless Republicans are abysmally stupid, Trump can reorder 100 years of government veering off the path that was created in 1776 and 1787.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 11/16/2024 6:11:49 PM (No. 1836471)
It must explain why Obie blew dodge and headed down to Kenya to see if that hut is ready yet.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
mifla 11/17/2024 5:16:20 AM (No. 1836688)
It is blame game time.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 11/17/2024 6:45:22 AM (No. 1836721)
Best way to win a sporting competition is to get your opponent angry as hell at you... they can't think straight when they're mad, as they were with Donald J. Trump. They thought ANY candidate they dreamt up would soundly beat DJT... but they were demonstrably very wrong.
Good-bye list
MSNBC (entire staff)
22 people like this.
I don't mind Pelosi getting the boot, but it should be for the stunt she pulled on January 6.
The blame for the loss lies with the radical dems who pushed: boys in girls sports, paying for surgeries for illegals, teachers ushering kids into transition, open borders that allowed trafficking of all sorts....
They pushed way beyond where their voters were!
23 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
LLAMA 11/17/2024 7:42:57 AM (No. 1836751)
There should be a new "January 6" committee established to investigate the events leading up to and including the breach of the Capitol, and the aftermath, with emphasis on the role played by the then Speaker Pelosi. Did she deliberately leave the building unprotected by refusing to accept President Trump's offer of NG troops for that purpose? Did she play a role in planting federal agents in the crowd for the purpose of escalating violence? Did she inhibit the investigation of the one shooting incident by the Capitol police which resulted in the death of an unarmed female protestor? Did she deliberately structure the composition of the Congressional investigation committee with the intent to arrive at predetermined conclusions? Did she hide or destroy video evidence of the Capitol events that could be exculpatory? Certainly these and many other such questions should be answered by a truly non-partisan group of Congressmen.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Kafka2 11/17/2024 8:29:53 AM (No. 1836783)
Pelosi’s claim that Biden waited too long to withdraw from the race is outrageous. The reason he didn’t withdraw sooner was because the Democrats were covering up his mental problems. Up to a minute before the debate with Trump she maintained Biden was sharp mentally. The debate proved dramatically that was a lie.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Trapper 11/17/2024 8:48:09 AM (No. 1836794)
I read an article somewhere that the democrats' splintered the population into interest groups, pitted them against each other, and then built coalitions of them by demonizing groups they left out (white, male, Christian, straight). We knew that. But the piece went on to point out that the coalition of the aggrieved was held together ONLY by the personality of Barack Obama, and once that personality was no longer visible the coalition could not hold and in 2024 it all fell apart. So - by working behind the scenes instead of out in the open, Obama is responsible for the downfall of the democrat party.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Zigrid 11/17/2024 9:10:37 AM (No. 1836816)
Nervous Nancy pelousy still has to answer for jan6...she refused national guard troops when President Trump asked for them several days before the demonstration....and what involvement did the FBI and Capito police play in the whole nightmare that arrested and sent to jail Americans who only went to Washington DC and never even entered the building...and why did the Capitol police encourage the demonstrators to enter by opening the doors....and I want justice for our fallen hero...Ashley Babbit.....
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Analyn 11/17/2024 10:13:30 AM (No. 1836868)
Surprise! Nasty Pelosi continues to be Nasty Pelosi.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Farmwife1 11/17/2024 11:15:19 AM (No. 1836904)
"Tim Walz for being Tim Walz." That one made me laugh!
As for Pelosi, why doesn't she just go home and enjoy her ill-gotten money, her designer ice cream, and her grandkids in her old age?
Answer: She is power-mad!
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Hazymac 11/17/2024 11:31:31 AM (No. 1836919)
Just reelected for the twentieth time twelve days ago, Pelosi Galore has already put in her name for the 2026 House election, her twenty-first, proving that she intends to leave Capitol Hill horizontally, like fellow San Franciscan DiFi. How many hundreds of millions of dollars did the Pelosis earn on insider trading, illegal for everyone except congresscritters? These bipedal pigs, more equal than others, with all of their feet in the trough, should have to disgorge every cent of ill gotten gains (IGG).
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