Profound Implications – Trump Transition
Team Likely to Refuse Federal Assistance
and Transition Funding if President Trump
Wins Election
Conservative Treehouse,
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
10/20/2024 11:16:43 AM
This is an inside baseball story that will be overlooked by most, but it carries profound implications.
The winner of the presidential election usually merges the president-elect’s transition team with the federal transition system. Current government bureaucrats then begin a process of briefings, agency/institutional transfer coordination and funding to assist the incoming president’s team. However, as we saw in the aftermath of the 2016 election, the government side of the transition worked behind the scenes to impede Trump’s ascendency into office, and factually supported the corrupt government IC officials who were targeting Trump.
For election 2024, President Trump’s transition team is now saying they are likely to go it alone
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
earlybird 10/20/2024 11:26:05 AM (No. 1816659)
Read about the GSA's part in undermining PDJT from before Day One. And then they coordinated with Mueller et al.
The General Services Administration (GSA) was the originating institution used by the IC in coordination with the FBI/DOJ to set up the framing of the Mar-a-Lago documents case. Every part of the GSA cannot be trusted.
President Trump’s transition team needs to keep distance from the Obama/Biden/Harris network that operates and controls the functionaries who manipulate the DC bureaucracy as instructed by the Intelligence Community.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
privateer 10/20/2024 11:33:18 AM (No. 1816661)
Backbreaking labor is easier without a knife in one's back. Hercules didn't need any help from the
Augean horses.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
tootall 10/20/2024 11:37:39 AM (No. 1816664)
Dear (fill in the blank)
I'm pleased to inform you that you have received a promotion to (fill in the blank)
Please report Monday morning at 8am to your new posting in Katchican, Alaska where you will be give further instructions pertaining to your new role, from your new superior officer Elon Musk. Sincerely
DJT, President of the United States
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Lucky5 10/20/2024 11:48:10 AM (No. 1816670)
I hope he really knows to avoid all of this when he wins. With all the insiders trying to ruin him the first time, it is amazing he still managed to do so much good.
27 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 10/20/2024 12:01:07 PM (No. 1816677)
Basically, there never was a peaceful transition of power from Obama administration to the Trump administration.
Wonder why they wouldn't want to expose themselves again.
When Democrats mention Trump as a "threat to our democracy" they mean their version of democracy with the intent to fool people into thinking it's the democracy most Americans think of when they hear that phrase.
He was President for 4 years and not once did he use the office to punish Democrats.
He was investigated without any real evidence prior to winning, during the transition, and throughout the entire 4 years of his term.
Despite all of that he did amazing things for the country - imagine what he can do if he's not under constant investigations and has the Republicans having his back full stop now that they know it was all bull Schiff the last time.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/20/2024 12:05:02 PM (No. 1816679)
FTA - "This is a background issue of big importance that we should watch closely. I predict the U.S Intelligence Community, FBI and DOJ will be conducting wholesale surveillance of the Trump transition team. They are likely doing that already."
If what Sundance says is true, the surveillance state has already mobilized an extensive intelligence gathering operation to spy on Trump's transition team. The transition team must prepare for 3am FBI raids of their homes now and make sure no high-value documents and communications can be found. They must also figure out how to communicate with each other outside of conventional electronic channels (cell phones, computers, and various messaging apps).
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Skinnydip 10/20/2024 12:33:01 PM (No. 1816695)
“… a presidential transition is charged with identifying candidates to fill thousands of vacancies”. Sounds to me like a great opportunity to begin the process of reducing the size of government.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
red1066 10/20/2024 12:38:03 PM (No. 1816697)
Unless Trump has inside info as to who is going to be on this government transition team already, might I suggest working with them, then if and when things go afoul, he has names and positions of people he can fire and remove from every government dept. It might turn out to be a windfall of info as to the extent of the corruption in every department.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
BarryNo 10/20/2024 1:13:24 PM (No. 1816709)
We need to fire 99.99% of the Federal government. Throw 'em out and don't rehire. The system is a broken, misdesigned, self-perpetuating weed. It's too big to clunky and designed to hide responsibility for any decisions made. The way it works, now is everybody can take credit for whats accomplished and everybody can deny blame if something fails. There is no accountability. Half the Alphabets need dissolved and the work sent to the States. The department of (In) Justice... Homeland (In) Security... and the government (not just the elected people) is not of the People, by the People or for the People.
Fire them ALL!!
If you chose people randomly to fill those positions, the work might actually get done!
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 10/20/2024 3:59:07 PM (No. 1816756)
As we saw after 2016, the federal government began its campaign against Trump during the transition. The FBI and CIA immediately set up a frame and several traps Trump needs to start purging Deep Staters immediately, especially in the military and in the 17-agency Obama-Biden Security Gestapo.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
DVC 10/20/2024 4:59:07 PM (No. 1816785)
Don't trust a single member of the CIA or FBI or any of the cabinet bureaucrats.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
MickTurn 10/21/2024 1:09:04 PM (No. 1817295)
Good Move, last time his staff was infested with RINO's and TRAITORS!
Trump needs to even the score, all of the ones that sold him out need to make a permanent Trip to GITMO for their Tribunals!
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