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Even CNN Notices How Terrible Kamala's
Economic Proposals Are; Hosts Rip Her
in Two Separate Segments

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Posted By: Hazymac, 8/17/2024 10:45:27 AM

Well it's hardly a surprise that writers at outlets like RedState aren't thrilled with Kamala Harris' Soviet-style economic proposals, but it is startling to see even far-left outlets criticizing the vice president and Democrat presidential nominee because usually she can do no wrong in their eyes. As my colleague Nick Arama wrote, even a Washington Post columnist trashed her ideas in a Thursday op-ed titled (beautifully, I must say), "When your opponent calls you 'communist,' maybe don't propose price controls?" Even CNN—normally a reliable mouthpiece for the DNC—jumped in with two separate segments savaging Kamala's "price gouging" proposals, which seem to come straight out of Venezuela.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: NeverVoteDem 8/17/2024 10:49:42 AM (No. 1779766)
Yes but the Joy. /s Comrade KaKKKles is a commie and Walz is worse.
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 8/17/2024 11:27:17 AM (No. 1779791)
Commies just can't help themselves, its all they know. To a commie every problem is a nail so every solution is a hammer.
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jalo1951 8/17/2024 11:32:27 AM (No. 1779797)
High School Econ class 101. Guess she didn't take it. Commie DEI VP picks another commie for future DEI VP. Isn't that sweet. We made this inflation mess, have done nothing about it except to lie and make it worse. Time to slip in one of the biggest commie disasters ever, food control. But let's remember "those who control the food control the people". America had better wake up. Are you better off today then you were 4 years ago? Do you trust these liars to do anything that will honestly help America? What they are proposing will be a disaster.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: kdsils60 8/17/2024 11:47:55 AM (No. 1779805)
Did anyone at CNN notice that she couldn't draw 125 people to her: amazing, spectacular "drum roll please" declaration of how to magically make the economy a democrat victory in the fall? Have y'all seen the pictures of that event? It's been reported there were 109 people there, including staff and reporters (and they're trying to hide that) 109 PEOPLE... did I say 109 people there!!! Yep, this entire demoncrat ticket is an illusion and I'm hearing some conservative pundits falling for a few garbage polls out there saying she is ahead nationally... now, remember 109 people (including staff and reporters) in liberal Raleigh NC!!! Don't fall for it - we are winning and we are winning "bigly huge"! Stay strong, focused, committed and keep exposing this farce on the American people! Our country is at stake... and don't be ashamed... let Trump, be Trump!
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 8/17/2024 1:17:43 PM (No. 1779837)
Seriously, who is writing policy for the Democrats? I guarantee it is not Harris. Whoever wrote this wants our country to fail. They are putting words in Kamela Harris' mouth, and she lets them. How far can the country go into debt before the entire economy implodes? Federal debt is at 35 trillion. Total US debt is 101 trillion. This cannot go on for much longer. Many on the left think these are great ideas. All I would ask of them is to think about their own self-preservation. They will be hit by economic collapse too. Don't fall for this.
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: mifla 8/18/2024 5:04:54 AM (No. 1780140)
Joe, time for another speech about how you and Kamala lead the country to this wonderful economy.
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Krause 8/18/2024 6:44:11 AM (No. 1780157)
Everyone knew Biden would be bad. He had a long history of mediocracy. Kamala is even worse than that. She's a real doozy! And they're the best of the Dems!
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: privateer 8/18/2024 7:17:20 AM (No. 1780167)
I agree, she's stupid enough to promote this insanity. But she's not clever or devious enough to have dreamed it up. This reeks of the Odungbomb gang.
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: janjan 8/18/2024 8:14:34 AM (No. 1780201)
The plan here was that the media would obediently do a PR blitz for Harris that would turn her from a complete idiot into a rock star. What could go wrong? Um, they let her speak. The dramatic rollout of her ‘economic plan’, announced to a mainly empty room, was an embarrassment. The plan consisted of explaining how bad everything has gotten under the Biden/Harris Administration and that the cure is to turn us into communists. It looks like the media are going to have a few stressful months.
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Lawsy0 8/18/2024 8:39:34 AM (No. 1780214)
Thanks for the jolly headline visuals of "hosts Rip Her in Two." Puts a smile on my face, any way. Maybe it was just some "cartoon violence" where she jumped up and ran away.
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Samsquanch 8/18/2024 9:49:32 AM (No. 1780250)
Cackles closes her speeches with "this is a Leninist goal."
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/18/2024 10:17:32 AM (No. 1780274)
This is what WE call..."the chickens coming home to roost"...even WE conservatives are laughing at heels up now...she doesn't have a clue...this is not's America...the land of the free and home of the proven by our fearless leader...President Trump...who yesterday defied the odds and went back to rally in Pennsylvania were he had been shot...yes Wray...of the a bullet not shrapnel...and hiding the information about the munchkin shooter isn't gonna help...WE have our own investigators working on the truth...
3 people like this.

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Posted by Hazymac 8/18/2024 4:22:25 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 8/18/2024 3:46:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 8/18/2024 7:37:39 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 8/17/2024 5:11:26 PM Post Reply
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Even CNN Notices How Terrible Kamala's
Economic Proposals Are; Hosts Rip Her
in Two Separate Segments
12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/17/2024 10:45:27 AM Post Reply
Well it's hardly a surprise that writers at outlets like RedState aren't thrilled with Kamala Harris' Soviet-style economic proposals, but it is startling to see even far-left outlets criticizing the vice president and Democrat presidential nominee because usually she can do no wrong in their eyes. As my colleague Nick Arama wrote, even a Washington Post columnist trashed her ideas in a Thursday op-ed titled (beautifully, I must say), "When your opponent calls you 'communist,' maybe don't propose price controls?" Even CNN—normally a reliable mouthpiece for the DNC—jumped in with two separate segments savaging Kamala's "price gouging" proposals, which seem to come straight out of Venezuela.
The Washington Post's Editorial Board
Just Decimated Kamala Harris
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/17/2024 10:08:14 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris’ plan to avoid the media because her team laughably thinks that no one pays attention to significant networks or prominent newspapers isn’t going to last. Yes, media is an ever-changing landscape, but solely focusing on TikTok and social media is a surefire way to lose an election. People need to hear ideas and policies that will help them, and Kamala hasn’t offered much. What she has provided is a throwback to Soviet Russia. It’s a window into why her team keeps her from press conferences. The latest pitch to curb inflation is to stomp out price-gouging, which is such
What This Comedian Said About the Trump
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13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/17/2024 9:58:33 AM Post Reply
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Kamala Mocks White People 22 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/17/2024 8:43:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 8/16/2024 12:51:59 PM Post Reply
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A Secret Service agent’s breastfeeding
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Posted by Hazymac 8/16/2024 9:04:13 AM Post Reply
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The Washington Post's 'Rambunctious Rah-Rah'
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3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/16/2024 6:53:42 AM Post Reply
The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, but it reads like it's owned by the Democratic National Committee. Consider the bias by omission. On Aug. 9, Washington Examiner reporter Gabe Kaminsky found an uncomfortable story: "Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, on at least five occasions as governor of Minnesota, hosted a Muslim cleric who celebrated Hamas's Oct. 7 attack last year on Israel and promoted a film popular among Neo-Nazis that glorifies Adolf Hitler." After Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,200 civilians, Imam Asad Zaman wrote he "stands in solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli attacks." The group Zaman leads, the Muslim American Society of Minnesota,
The Weird, Creepy, Surreal -- and Dangerous
-- 2024 Campaign
2 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/16/2024 6:42:30 AM Post Reply
The already-long 2024 presidential campaign has become the strangest in modern history. Here are 10 unanswered questions that illustrate how and why we've entered this bizarro world: 1. How can Kamala Harris merely promise us fixes to come in 2025 for inflation and an open border when she is still vice president for another six months? Why can't she enact her proposed solutions to these problems (which she helped create) right now? 2. Would the media prefer to help her win but lose further credibility themselves by failing to ask why she has disowned her last three decades of leftist agendas, or to reclaim some of their reputations and thereby risk her losing?
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Posted by sunset 8/18/2024 2:38:20 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 9:24:56 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 1:13:34 AM Post Reply
The 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) is scheduled to take place next week from August 19-22, 2024 in Chicago. However, the city is bracing for the chaos of up to 100,000 pro-Hamas protesters flooding the streets and has instituted new courtroom procedures to streamline the process in the event of mass arrests. It is also hoping to avoid the bad optics of the 1968 DNC convention that saw then-Mayor Richard J. Daley ring the convention site with barbed wire and ultimately call in the National Guard to quell the violence.
Internet divided as Kamala reveals secret
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19 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 1:09:56 AM Post Reply
Her words may often come in salad form but when it comes to stress eating Kamala Harris prefers a very cheesy crunchy snack. The vice president has left the internet divided after learning the Democratic presidential nominee's guilty pleasure is Nacho Cheese Doritos - a treat she said soothed her soul after what she labeled the 'shock and dismay' of the 2016 election. In a fundraising email her team sent out on Friday night, Harris revealed she ate an entire bag of the flavored tortilla chips by herself that night.
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Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 9:06:09 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 9:13:07 AM Post Reply
Vot-ER is a group of 50,000 physicians who are signing up patients to vote in the 2024 election. The group is led by Dr. Dr. Alister Martin who served as a White House Fellow in the office of Kamala Harris. Dr. Kat Lindley joined Tom Basile on Newsmax Saturday morning to discuss this latest attempt by the Biden regime to use doctors to register patients to vote. Tom Basile: A code blue for election integrity. Why do doctors need to know your voter registration status? Why would they be tapped to help ensure you’re registered to vote?
Will Democrats Repeat the Fraud of 2020? 15 replies
Posted by Dodge Boy 8/18/2024 8:57:54 AM Post Reply
A plot to steal the 2024 election from President Trump is well underway, and not just by suppressing information online or dragging Trump through the court system. Those are instances of throwing anything and everything at the wall hoping something sticks, but not the master plan. The real plots have a much more direct impact on the election results rather than just swaying voter perception. We know this because those behind these plots are openly revealing them. A recent joint CISA and FBI press release warned of potential “attacks on election infrastructure that support election operations, which could hinder public access to election information.”
Harris holds thin lead over Trump as DNC
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/18/2024 8:10:42 PM Post Reply
Vice President Harris is holding a narrow lead over former President Trump ahead of the Democratic National Convention next week, according to a new poll. The ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll found Harris has 49 percent of support among registered voters while Trump has 45 percent and 5 percent said they would back someone else. This shows Harris pulling ahead, as a previous ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll conducted last month showed President Biden and Trump tied at 46 percent of support each. Harris also holds a thin lead over Trump when third-party candidates are added to the mix. The poll showed Harris with 47 percent of support, Trump with 44 percent
Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right
Now: ‘Violent Crime Dropping’ Edition
14 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/18/2024 11:33:21 AM Post Reply
Axios headline, April 12: “New data shows violent crime dropping sharply in major U.S. cities.” That assertion, the article merrily stated, “puts a serious dent in one of the most frequently used lines of attack by former President Trump and his allies, who have sought to tie Democrats to the issue since 2020.” And it comes surely by coincidence as freshly anointed Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris gives herself a makeover as a hard ass on crime rather than the effusive “defund the police” candidate she ran as in 2020.
Raffensperger blasts proposed rule requiring
hand count of ballots at Georgia polling places
13 replies
Posted by snakeoil 8/18/2024 9:28:16 PM Post Reply
ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia’s secretary of state on Thursday came out against election rule changes pending before the State Election Board, specifically rejecting a proposal to count ballots by hand at polling places on election night. At a meeting in July, the board advanced a proposal that would require three separate poll workers to count ballots at voting precincts on election night to make sure they match the number of ballots recorded by voting machines. That proposal has been posted for public comment and the board is set to vote Monday whether to adopt it.
Why Did Barack Obama and Eric Holder Select Kamala? 13 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/18/2024 4:44:31 PM Post Reply
The DNC Convention starts tomorrow. I have been requested to repost “THE BIG WHY” explanation. When we understand just how much corruption was needed in the weaponization of the modern IC, we start to understand why the effort to hide it will continue. President Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; instead, what they did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons only targeted one side of the political continuum. This point is where many people understandably get confused.
Planned Parenthood to Offer Free Abortions,
Vasectomies at the DNC
12 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 2:24:12 PM Post Reply
Abortion behemoth Planned Parenthood will offer free medication abortions and vasectomies during the Democratic National Convention (DNC). A mobile health center run by Planned Parenthood Great Rivers will set up shop near the convention and provide these services the first two days of the convention, according to The New York Times. The Times noted that there’s already a waiting list for vasectomies. This, the Times reported, shows the Democrats’ “head-on display of a new, unbridled abortion politics” (via NYT):
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