You Won’t Believe How Elites Plan To
Keep EVs From Overwhelming Power Grids
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Posted By: RockyTCB,
6/26/2024 9:52:28 AM
The Washington Post ran a lengthy article last week bemoaning the fact that AI (artificial intelligence) is sucking up so much power that it’s already straining the nation’s electric grid and is bad for the environment. Seriously? So, how will the grid be able to handle the millions of electric cars environmentalists want to force on the road? The answer might shock you.
The Post reports that:
“As the tech giants compete in a global AI arms race, a frenzy of data center construction is sweeping the country. Some computing campuses require as much energy as a modest-sized city, turning
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
jasonB 6/26/2024 10:06:38 AM (No. 1743804)
Soooo, basically the Government can come siphon the gas out of your tank. It's just electricity instead.
You THINK you know how much they despise/look down on you. You're not even close.
30 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
marbles 6/26/2024 10:07:17 AM (No. 1743805)
Not to worry, electric everything was never planned to work.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 6/26/2024 10:12:06 AM (No. 1743812)
Gerbils are inexpensive - - they breed rapidly - - and they perform well on exercise wheels.
My estimate is that 3,235,400,000 gerbils can generate enough electric power to keep us going for another two centuries. Of course - - a lot more land would have to be dedicated to the growing of carrots - - but that can be worked out.
If I can think of simple solutions like that - - why can't all the "energy experts" also do it?
23 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
MickTurn 6/26/2024 10:15:43 AM (No. 1743818)
It will be just like watering your lawn days...You can only charge your EV on the day of the week of the last number of your address. If it's a letter you're out of luck.
17 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
SkyKing1222 6/26/2024 10:23:29 AM (No. 1743828)
FTA-“The batteries in an electric vehicle are very powerful. They are an asset that can power much more than just the vehicle,” says state Sen. Nancy Skinner.”
As George Orwell said,
“Some ideas are so stupid, that only intellectual’s believe them”
32 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
privateer 6/26/2024 10:24:03 AM (No. 1743830)
Just as with so many Govt. policies that use double-speak to deny the true effect---Inflation Reduction Act comes to mind---this 'biderectional charging' really amounts to 'battery power confiscation'.; for the good of the State, of course. Maybe they'll leave enough in your car to get you home.
16 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 6/26/2024 10:28:02 AM (No. 1743835)
In Cheyenne, WY, officials approved construction of a 3,800 acre solar farm eyesore. All the power generated to be routed to Microsoft and Meta data centers. County commissioners and an industrial siting council sold out Cheyenne residents.
24 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Quigley 6/26/2024 10:29:14 AM (No. 1743838)
They've located the gerbils, but forgot to manufacture the tread wheels before they turned off the power.
It's very efficient because they're going to feed the dead gerbils to the insects they're raising to feed you.
And if that doesn't work, they can make complaining illegal. And suspend voting until morale improves.
18 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 6/26/2024 10:36:03 AM (No. 1743843)
Who plugs in to recharge when they have a charge left? You can't squeeze blood from a turnip. The real way they will keep EVs From Overwhelming Power Grids is by charging so much for the power that no one can afford it except the elite. Already started.
17 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Birddog 6/26/2024 10:38:53 AM (No. 1743846)
If "They" think that way about the electricity in your car/house batteries, do you believe "They" think any differently about the money in your Bank? Your investments, the value of that Paper that says YOU own anything at all, including your house or land?
23 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
franq 6/26/2024 10:43:06 AM (No. 1743847)
Rationing and population reduction is their ultimate goal. They are not your friend.
19 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 6/26/2024 10:48:39 AM (No. 1743849)
Welcome to modern day feudalism. You will be restricted to the 'sustainable' city (ghetto) you are assigned to live in. This was never meant to work. Another region going electric is Europe. I see Europeans on various forums criticizing Americans for their stand on EVs. I ask the Europeans if their countries have implemented the necessary infrastructure to make things work and they are curiously silent. I just want to know if anyone has successfully made a mass EV design work anywhere. I don't know of any.
15 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 6/26/2024 10:57:53 AM (No. 1743856)
Re#3. May be very close to the mark. Instead of 3.2 billion gerbils, it will be 3.2 billion humans. Think about all those unskilled uneducated migrants flooding the west. Walking a treadmill would be the ideal job.
12 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
stevendm 6/26/2024 11:16:30 AM (No. 1743865)
If they really implement this there is an easy way around it. Plug in your car to charge it but then unplug from the charger when charging is complete. No electrical connection, they can't steal your power.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
crashnburn 6/26/2024 11:18:05 AM (No. 1743867)
I guess liberals don't realize the only electricity you get from the air is lightning!
I expect after draining your EV batteries is implemented, they'll put remote controls on your EV charger so you can only charge when they allow you.
Conservatives won't be able to recharge the week before any election.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
mc squared 6/26/2024 11:21:04 AM (No. 1743869)
Ha....I'm laughing so hard, I can 't even type this....
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
jimincalif 6/26/2024 11:24:59 AM (No. 1743872)
It’s completely believable, because it makes perfect sense theoretically, when everyone is viewed not individually but as a collective group. They don’t care that some people will need their cars ready to go at a time that is contrary to the collective need.
11 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
DVC 6/26/2024 11:30:41 AM (No. 1743877)
"You will own nothing".......not even the power you paid for and put into your vehicle.
14 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
MarkTwain 6/26/2024 11:44:17 AM (No. 1743891)
You will own nothing. Not even the juice in your batteries. Why? Because you let us take it. Suckers.
11 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
Daisymay 6/26/2024 11:56:18 AM (No. 1743895)
I really don't worry about what will happen when thousand of EV's are running around. I don't think it's going to happen! I think it's wishful thinking. I live in a Senior Community of over 150,000. When I'm out and about it's rare to see an EV. People just are not buying them. We bought a new car in February. There was only one EV sitting there. I asked our Salesman if they sell a lot of them. He laughed and said that Car has been here for months. Nobody even opens the door to look inside! We went back to that Dealership recently. That same car is still there! Enough said about the flood of EV's to worry about! They are pretty to look at, but nobody wants them anyway!
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 6/26/2024 11:58:44 AM (No. 1743896)
I’d laugh if all the little enviro-weenies came be-bopping into their garages in the morning only to find dead batteries in their EVs because the state utility decided it needed more power.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
bpl40 6/26/2024 12:25:57 PM (No. 1743914)
EV demand on the grid peaking at 25% more than current levels is a stupid cruel joke. Experts who know what they are talking about are estimating 25 TIMES today's power when (and if) every vehicle turns electric. Talk about misinformation!
8 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
Mizz Fixxit 6/26/2024 12:52:30 PM (No. 1743933)
Please excuse the second reply.
“You will own nothing.”
Fifty years ago our mother said, you own nothing because the government can take everything you have at any time.
7 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
DrOstrow 6/26/2024 1:52:37 PM (No. 1743965)
Where do I start with this insanity ?
#10, you're on the right track ! Look up 'unrealized capital gains' for a plan to tax your
capital gains BEFORE, perhaps LONG BEFORE you sell the asset !!
'your stock WILL BE WORTH this much in 10 years so you owe the taxes NOW on the
AMOUNT THAT IT WILL BE WORTH in 10 YEARS ' Scary to say the least.
And if I UNPLUG my fully or partially charged car so that the battery WILL NOT be drained,
what happens ? Jail ? Fines ? Concentration camp ? What ?
These people are insane on top of ignorant ! I doubt one of them knows the difference
between a volt, an ohm, a watt and a kitchen toaster !
It's all magic to them.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
DrOstrow 6/26/2024 2:05:25 PM (No. 1743971)
One more thing, sorry.
AI is a marketing term. It is simply more, bigger, more complicated, LESS reliable and
more buggy computer programs.
Until, at least, the computer generated voice over / narrations can STOP putting the
emPHASIS on the wrong syllABLE I'm not too worried about them taking over the world !!
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
KatieJo 6/26/2024 4:49:39 PM (No. 1744027)
The goal IS to overwhelm the power grid, that and strand people without transportation.
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