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The Wall Street Journal Just Caught on
to What We've All Known for Months

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Posted By: Hazymac, 6/11/2024 10:38:44 AM

The last of the party guests left hours ago, and now it's just you and your spouse stuck with the cleanup. There are bottles and glasses stashed almost everywhere, the one ashtray you still have is out on the deck, overflowing with butts, and there are at least two loads worth of dishes to do. The sudden shock of the doorbell almost jolts you out of the headache you feel coming on. You make your way to the door and open it to find a nicely dressed man holding a bottle of wine. He says, "I'm here for the party." "Who the hell are you?" you ask,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: cor-vet 6/11/2024 11:13:59 AM (No. 1735367)
They need to learn/finally figure out that there are no innocent Gazan/Palestinian civilians!
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Northcross 6/11/2024 11:20:52 AM (No. 1735370)
They knew all along, but their masters were not allowing them to report honestly.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Muguy 6/11/2024 12:05:12 PM (No. 1735396)
GREAT article!!
10 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bpl40 6/11/2024 12:52:27 PM (No. 1735430)
Hamas likes it when civilians are killed! Really?
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: formerNYer 6/11/2024 3:31:59 PM (No. 1735526)
The WSJ has let it hatred for DJT affect it conservative mews, shame shame shame.
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: ronbet 6/11/2024 5:50:00 PM (No. 1735591)
The vast majority of media DO NOT work nor report for American Citizens. They mostly do as government tells them to do. They withhold information, distort facts and quite often just lie. When they tell you they are being honest and reporting in an unbiased manner, they are being dishonest. Just like communists countries, we do not know what to believe. News organizations today are but stenographers for the government. Some get paid by government to lie and they do it willingly.
4 people like this.

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As the Associated Press Begs for Cash,
It Teams With Foundering CNN, and It Is
Difficult to Find a Winner
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/12/2024 5:36:05 PM Post Reply
While it is widely known the media landscape is looking like a war zone, with perpetual layoffs and announced closing of outlets coming on the regular, what is not always seen is how far-reaching the ripples can become. With the struggles shown to be widespread, one of the sources that has been affected is one few may have expected – the Associated Press. The well-established news syndicate has also been under duress, and a curious revelation shows just how poorly things have become. Our own Andrew Malcolm shared with me a recent discovery on the news portal site – they are asking for donations from the readers these days. (X)
Women's Sports Wins Huge Victory As Biden's
Title IX Changes Go Down in Flames
5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/12/2024 12:42:59 PM Post Reply
Back in April, Joe Biden, following in Barack Obama's footsteps, unilaterally changed Title IX, which protects women and girls from discrimination in education, by reinterpreting the law to treat “gender identity” the same as biological sex. This move allowed biological males to play women's sports and gave them access to scholarships intended for women, as well as women's locker rooms, private spaces, and single-sex housing. A federal judge in Texas, who called Biden's effort an "unlawful action," just shut that move down. Title IX pertains exclusively to biological sex, with no references to “gender identity,” “gender expression,” or any other weird concept radical left-wing gender ideology
Biden's Massive Incoherence in Ironic
New Remarks on 'Gun Sense' After Hunter's Conviction
9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/11/2024 8:28:28 PM Post Reply
I don't know if you could have planned the coincidence and the irony better. On the very day that Joe Biden's son Hunter was convicted on three gun charges, Joe Biden gave a speech to the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund conference about "gun sense." (X) He was more than an hour and a half late making his remarks. Was there a question going on behind the scenes about what he should say in response? He finally showed up and was immediately incoherent. After he spoke for a couple of minutes, he was immediately heckled by a protester yelling about "genocide."
Biden Still Thinks He Can Win a Civil War 12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/11/2024 8:20:26 PM Post Reply
I'm going to preface this entire article by saying that one of the things I really don't ever want to happen is for our nation to be plunged into an all-out civil war again. If you thought the first one was horrendous, a second one would be even worse, with far less organization and neither side having any modicum of respect for the other. There would be no "north" or "south." It would be a street-to-street conflict that has so many factions that you'd lose track of them all. In the end, it wouldn't be a "war"; it would be a horror story that wouldn't officially end at some courthouse.
What Will Biden Offer Hamas in Hostage Deal? 15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/11/2024 6:13:44 PM Post Reply
Even as the Biden administration is still trying to undermine Israel by pushing its proposed deal which would save Hamas and leave it in charge in Gaza, the administration is also considering a private deal with Hamas. "Biden administration officials have discussed potentially negotiating a unilateral deal with Hamas to secure the release of five Americans being held hostage in Gaza if current cease-fire talks involving Israel fail, according to two current senior U.S. officials and two former senior U.S. officials. Such negotiations would not include Israel and would be conducted through Qatari interlocutors, as current talks have been, said the officials, all of whom have been briefed on the discussions.
Warren Winiarski, Machiavellian Winemaker, RIP 7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/11/2024 3:28:55 PM Post Reply
Sad news of the passing, at age 95, of Warren Winiarski, the founder of one of Napa Valley’s early and legendary wineries, Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars. If you know your Napa lore, you know the famous story of Winiarski’s 1973 Cabernet Sauvignon—the first ever from his new venture—winning the “Judgment of Paris” blind tasting in 1976, which scandalized the French, who couldn’t conceive the possibility that a California wine could compete with their established Bordeaux vintages. Winning the Judgment of Paris put Napa Valley on the world map for wine. You can read a detailed account of Winiarski’s long path to the summit of premier winemaking here.
The Wall Street Journal Just Caught on
to What We've All Known for Months
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/11/2024 10:38:44 AM Post Reply
The last of the party guests left hours ago, and now it's just you and your spouse stuck with the cleanup. There are bottles and glasses stashed almost everywhere, the one ashtray you still have is out on the deck, overflowing with butts, and there are at least two loads worth of dishes to do. The sudden shock of the doorbell almost jolts you out of the headache you feel coming on. You make your way to the door and open it to find a nicely dressed man holding a bottle of wine. He says, "I'm here for the party." "Who the hell are you?" you ask,
It's Time to Arrest James Clapper and
Antony Blinken
10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/10/2024 5:13:11 PM Post Reply
Prosecutors in Donald Trump's New York City trial alleged that he attempted to unlawfully sway the 2016 presidential election by suppressing damaging stories about his personal life. “This was a planned, long-running conspiracy to influence the 2016 election, to help Donald Trump get elected through illegal expenditures to silence people who had something bad to say about his behavior,” prosecutor Matthew Colangelo told the jurors back in April. “It was election fraud, pure and simple.” If trying to suppress damaging stories is a crime, then former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and the 50 other national security officials who signed onto a letter claiming that the infamous Hunter Biden laptop
World Economic Forum says, ‘Let them
eat fake meat!’
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/10/2024 8:56:47 AM Post Reply
The globalist elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are calling on governments to promote fake meat and other alternative proteins in a coordinated effort to change consumers’ behavior. Shocking, I know. The authors of a white paper entitled “Creating a Vibrant Food Innovation Ecosystem: How Israel Is Advancing Alternative Proteins Across Sectors,” claim that changing humans’ eating habits will require a global effort with governments and corporations working together. Yes, bloated governments and big corporations working together to manipulate and coerce the little people’s behavior is a great idea! And perfectly befitting of fascism, or at least a robust oligarchy! Fake meat. Fake genders. Fake news. Artificial intelligence.
The Unexpected Hostage Rescue 2 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/9/2024 2:17:44 PM Post Reply
The IDF pulled off “one of the most complicated hostage rescue missions in history,” by rescuing four hostages from a Hamas stronghold. Israeli author Hen Mazzig explains what made it so hard. "The hostages were held in a heavily civilian populated area, above ground, in buildings of 3-4 stories. The forces stormed the two separate targets where the hostages were held, with Noa held on the first floor and Andrey, Shlomi, and Almog on the third floor of another building, hundreds of meters apart. Hamas moved the four hostages from apartment to apartment, and the concern was that if the forces only stormed one building,
Fetterman: Biden Is ‘The Only Democrat’
Who Can Beat Trump
25 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/9/2024 7:21:55 AM Post Reply
Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) said Friday on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” that he thought President Joe Biden was “the only Democrat” that could beat former President Donald Trump in November. Partial transcript as follows: BILL MAHER: So let’s talk a little politics here because that is your game. Pennsylvania is going to be one of they say probably it could be come down to three states. Pennsylvania will definitely be one. FETTERMAN: Well, I’ve always said that Pennsylvania picks the president and there really is no legitimate path for the president if he doesn’t win. And I really do believe he will win actually, because Trump
Mandate of Heaven 4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/8/2024 11:58:57 AM Post Reply
Like every regulator grant of power to the administrative agencies of the executive branch, the agency has grabbed the power and expanded it beyond its original intent. Take the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards imposed by the Department of Transportation/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration — please. The origin of federal fuel economy standards dates to the oil embargo of 1973-1974 imposed by Arab members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and the subsequent tripling in the price of crude oil. Americans could not be trusted to seek cars with better mileage on their own. Like the old Temporary North of Mines Building at the University of Minnesota,
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Hunter Biden guilty of felony gun charges,
faces 25 years in prison
35 replies
Posted by Kate318 6/11/2024 11:41:56 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden became the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a crime Tuesday after a federal jury found him guilty of lying about his drug use in order to buy a gun. The panel of six men and six women deliberated for three hours across two days before convicting the 54-year-old of making a false statement in the purchase of a firearm, making a false statement related to information required to be kept by a federally licensed firearms dealer, and possession of a firearm by an unlawful user of or addict to a controlled substance.
Biden sparks concerns as he appears to
FREEZE during Juneteenth celebration concert
at the White House alongside a dancing
Kamala Harris - before George Floyd's
brother wraps his arm around him
35 replies
Posted by Imright 6/11/2024 8:19:28 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden sparked concerns Monday night when he appeared to freeze for the better part of a minute before his speech became slurred past the point of comprehension during a lively Juneteenth celebration at the White House. During the event ahead of the national holiday next week, the Commander-in-Chief seemed to short-circuit as the rest of the crowd, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, grooved along to the lively band. Philonise Floyd, brother of the late George Floyd, flanked Biden on his left and eventually noticed the concerning pause he was taking and wrapped his arm around him in an apparent effort to help.
Federal Judge Strikes Down Florida Law
Banning Puberty Blockers, Hormone Treatments
for Children
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/12/2024 12:12:44 AM Post Reply
A federal judge on Tuesday overturned parts of Florida’s law restricting the use of “gender-affirming care” on children. The judge declared multiple statutes related to puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and surgeries to be unconstitutional. The law was aimed at preventing medical facilities from prescribing irreversible “gender-affirming” treatments to young children. Several studies have shown these treatments to be not only ineffective but harmful to minors suffering from gender dysphoria. Nevertheless, the judge struck down the measure. A federal judge on Tuesday struck down parts of Florida’s restrictions on transition-related medical care for transgender minors and adults, declaring several statutes that ban such care unconstitutional.
Polling site FiveThirtyEight gives Biden
narrow edge over Trump
28 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/11/2024 11:49:25 PM Post Reply
Polling website FiveThirtyEight (538) gave President Biden a narrow edge over former President Trump Tuesday as it launched its model for predicting the 2024 race for the White House. Biden wins about 53% of the time in the site’s computer generated analyses compared to 47% for Trump. “Trump has a lead in most key swing states (but) they are close enough that a small amount of movement — or the polls being a little too favorable to Republicans — could result in President Joe Biden’s reelection,” the site said in explaining the model. The model says the most likely electoral college result is 276 for Biden and 262 for Trump. In 0.3%
Fitness Center Internal Memo Labels Pride/BLM
Symbols ‘Freedom Of Expression,’ Bans
US Flag Except For Holidays
25 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2024 12:48:41 AM Post Reply
An internal memo from the 24 Hour Fitness Center labels Black Lives Matter and Pride Symbols “freedom of expression” while banning patriotic items like the American flag, except for holidays. In the letter obtained by Libs Of TikTok, it informs employees that the fitness company is committed to “creating a more inclusive environment” before it details what is and is not allowed. The memo said it encourages employees to “bring their full selves to work everyday” and then lists that “team members” can wear apparel that shows their “solidarity and support” for the following movements. “Black Lives Matter/BLM words.” “‘Pride’ and or pride rainbow logo.” “Juneteenth logo, symbol or date on Juneteenth (June 19).”
Video: California’s In-N-Out Burger
Prices Jump as $20 Minimum Wage Chokes
Fast Food Businesses
22 replies
Posted by Imright 6/11/2024 2:06:19 PM Post Reply
Prices at In-N-Out Burger in Democrat-run California have jumped due to the $20 minimum wage, making it even more expensive for families to enjoy a simple meal together. The fast food restaurant’s Double-Double with fries and a drink costs over $10 in the state before adding in tax, the Orange County Register reported on Sunday. “A meal at In-N-Out is now $10.45 for a Double-Double, $8.65 for a cheeseburger, and $8.15 for a hamburger outside the headquarters in Irvine,” the outlet said. In April, In-N-Out President Lynsi Snyder said she fought in company meetings to keep costs low as fast food prices in California rose due to inflation and
Joe Biden claims Hunter would have received
plea deal ‘if I weren’t running for
re-election’: report
19 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/12/2024 12:12:16 PM Post Reply
President Biden has blamed politics for his son Hunter’s conviction Tuesday on federal gun charges — ignoring that his offspring’s defense attorneys helped scuttle a sweetheart plea bargain last summer that would have staved off the criminal case. “If I weren’t running for re-election, he would have gotten the plea deal,” the elder Biden, 81, told one of his cronies earlier this month, according to Politico. The outlet also reported that the president asked family members for updates on his son’s trial while Joe Biden was in France last week to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The president changed up his schedule and raced to Delaware Tuesday afternoon following the guilty verdict,
Poll: Only 19% of Joe Biden Voters Say
Society Benefits from Marriage, Having Children
19 replies
Posted by Imright 6/12/2024 3:10:21 AM Post Reply
Very few supporters of President Joe Biden believe prioritizing marriage and having children is beneficial for society, polling from the Pew Research Center found. Only 19 percent of Biden voters say that “society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority,” compared to 59 percent of former President Donald Trump supporters and 39 percent of registered voters overall. The results come amid a singleness and loneliness epidemic among young people and as the United States continues to experience the lowest birth rate in a century.
California's pot economy is crashing.
What comes next?
19 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2024 12:33:14 AM Post Reply
Vince Ning has a singular perspective on California’s weed industry. (snip) The number of legal cannabis growers and brands has decreased by more than 70% since legalization first went into effect, according to the Mercury News. A recent report found that pot companies owe the state more than $730 million in back taxes, money that California likely will never see as most of those companies have already folded. (snip) Estimates vary on how large the illicit market is, but the head of enforcement for the state Department of Cannabis Control recently told NPR that the illicit market is “definitely larger” than the legal market.
Trump Liquor Licenses at Golf Clubs Under
Review by New Jersey After Conviction
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/11/2024 1:50:23 AM Post Reply
New Jersey officials are “reviewing” how former President Donald Trump’s liquor licenses for several golf clubs may be impacted by his recent conviction. Officials within the New Jersey Attorney General’s Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control are “reviewing the impact of President Trump’s conviction” on his liquor licenses for the Trump National Golf Club in Colts Neck, Lamington Farm Club, and Trump National Golf Club Philadelphia in Pine Hill, a spokesperson from the state’s attorney general’s office confirmed to the Hill. The spokesperson added that each of the liquor licenses for the former president’s golf clubs are still active. Under New Jersey law: No license of any class shall be issued to any person
Washington teens arrested for scuffing
Pride crosswalk with scooters could face
5 years behind bars
18 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/11/2024 11:25:22 AM Post Reply
Washington teens arrested for allegedly defacing a “Pride” mural learned just how severely the state considered their scooter skid marks that could land them YEARS behind bars. A trap baited for the perpetual victimhood class found three teens in Spokane, Washington snared after witnesses spotted them riding rental scooters in the street where activists and their allies had painted a mural of the “Pride Progress” flag. Taking place a day before a new hate crime law went into effect, 19-year-old Ruslan V. V. Turko and the two unnamed minors who were arrested with him now faced up to five years in jail after being charged with first-degree malicious mischief.
Experts discover earliest record of Jesus'
childhood after deciphering 2,000-year-old
Egyptian manuscript
17 replies
Posted by Imright 6/11/2024 2:53:24 PM Post Reply
The earliest known copy of an incredible story about Jesus performing a miracle as a child has been discovered scrawled on an ancient Egyptian manuscript. The 2,000-year-old papyrus - a material that predates paper - tells the lesser-known story of the 'vivification of the sparrows,' when the five-year-old Messiah is said to have turned clay pigeons into live birds, a tale also referred to as the 'second miracle'. The clumsiness of the handwriting led the researchers to believe it was likely written as part of a class exercise in a school or religious community in 4th or 5th Century Egypt, which was a Christian society in those times.
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