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Mea Culpa: Google Is Even More Evil Than
I Thought

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Posted By: Hazymac, 3/6/2024 2:10:50 PM

Let me start by telling you that I am perhaps unrivaled in my disgust for Google, parent company Alphabet, feckless CEO Sundar Pichai, and every single one of the company's products and services. I've gone so far as to switch to a paid search engine — Kagi — as part of my endless quest to remove myself forever from Google's revenue stream yet remain an internet user. That aside for a moment, I owe you an apology that I'll get to after this quick refresher on Google's latest self-own. My grudge against Google is deeply personal. Google — along with Facebook, another service I boycott — is on an endless

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 3/6/2024 2:13:24 PM (No. 1671938)
I've posted it here many times. Google is evil. It always has been. Anyone helping Google by using their search engine is supporting evil.
25 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: FormerDem 3/6/2024 3:59:53 PM (No. 1672006)
I am trying out Grok which is right on the menu there when you use X, if you have the premium verion, which I like anyway because it puts all my messages at the top and I'm like that. So there is Grok. We have been discussing the UK election schedule and what we think of Trudeau. Friendly little chappie.
3 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: texaspast 3/6/2024 5:15:23 PM (No. 1672044)
duckduckgo works just fine for me. That and running a Linux browser (Brave) keeps pop-ups and tracking to near zero.
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Newtsche 3/6/2024 6:24:32 PM (No. 1672083)
"..[diversity] is the product" The product of what will be an omnipresent entity, an undeniable threat to our humanity.
2 people like this.

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57,000 Reasons - and Counting Every Day
- Why You Need an AR-15
9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 6:13:31 PM Post Reply
I don't want to sound like an alarmist but that part of the oath our military, police, and politicians take that mentions "enemies foreign and domestic" might be more than just a phrase. When Gropey Joe Biden isn't fighting to keep the borders open or flying 320,000 illegal immigrants to our airports at all hours of the night, he is doing his dementia-best to disarm We the People, especially of those big, scary AR-15 rifles. FACT-O-RAMA! Your pink-haired pinko-in-law likely thinks the AR in AR-15 stands for "assault rifle." It stands for "Armalite rifle." Armalite is the company that originally designed the weapon. No one knows how many
This Is the Moment Donald Trump Won the
2024 Election
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 4:36:44 PM Post Reply
Super Tuesday may have been the day that Joe Biden lost the 2024 presidential election and Donald Trump won it. Both outcomes will have had nothing to do with the vote tallies on Tuesday when a third of the nominating delegates were up for grabs. This moment will have had everything to do with Biden's treachery and Trump's rectitude, if you can believe it. Let's back up for a moment for those curious enough to have read this far. After "justice," the next job of government is the nation's security. In order to accomplish that, elected leaders are required by the binding contract with citizens — the Constitution —
Rachel Levine Plays the Race Card on Climate Change 10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 4:29:07 PM Post Reply
The 2020s are like a South Park episode. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman, earlier this month took time away from encouraging pre-adolescent children to explore their gender identities through the wonders of endocrine-disrupting pharmaceuticals to lecture the public about how climate change might be racist. In a video posted on X, Levine said, “Black Americans are more likely than White Americans to live in areas in housing that increase their susceptibility to climate-related health issues,” and added that “65% of Black Americans report feeling anxious about climate change’s impact.” (X) The Department of Health and Human Services website that viewers
Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000
migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce
the number of crossings at the border
has national security 'vulnerabilities'
28 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 3:37:02 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden's administration has admitted transporting migrants on secret flights into the U.S. and lawyers for its immigration agencies claim revealing the locations could create national security 'vulnerabilities'. Customs and Border Protection has refused to disclose information about a program last year secretly arranging flights for thousands of undocumented immigrants from foreign airports directly to U.S. cities. It means that while record numbers of migrants were flowing over the southern border last year, the Biden White House was also directly transporting them into the country. Use of a cell phone app has allowed for the near undetected arrival by air of 320,000 aliens with no legal rights
ATF Chief Tells CBS He’s Willing To
Skirt Laws To Ban Guns He Doesn’t Even
Know How To Use
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 3:18:00 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Director Steven Dettelbach seems to know as much about guns as Democrat-nominated Supreme Court justices. As ATF head, Dettelbach, who was confirmed in 2022 with the help of Senate Democrats and two Republicans, is expected to understand to some degree the items his agency regulates and enforces. Unfortunately for Americans who have endured a slew of attacks on their Second Amendment rights at the hands of the Biden administration, Dettelbach is publicly ignorant about the guns and gun parts his agency wants to ban. During his appearance on CBS’s “Face The Nation” over the weekend, Dettelbach outlined for CBS News’s Margaret Brennan the ATF’s
Mea Culpa: Google Is Even More Evil Than
I Thought
4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 2:10:50 PM Post Reply
Let me start by telling you that I am perhaps unrivaled in my disgust for Google, parent company Alphabet, feckless CEO Sundar Pichai, and every single one of the company's products and services. I've gone so far as to switch to a paid search engine — Kagi — as part of my endless quest to remove myself forever from Google's revenue stream yet remain an internet user. That aside for a moment, I owe you an apology that I'll get to after this quick refresher on Google's latest self-own. My grudge against Google is deeply personal. Google — along with Facebook, another service I boycott — is on an endless
There's Only One Terrifying Reason for
a Woke Indoctrinated Military and This
Is It
11 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/5/2024 4:44:19 PM Post Reply
"America was founded on racism" and "parents need to stay out of their kids' education and shouldn't have a say in what they learn," are the kinds of things you'd expect to read on the pages of Pravda, back during the bad old days of the Cold War when the Communists were running Russia. I have some news for you. Pravda is now part of the U.S. military's training manuals and the Communists are running Washington. This exposé is courtesy of the invaluable Chaya Raichik, aka Libs of TikTok. (X) Raichik added, "There’s so much more where this came from," and I don't doubt it.
Joe Biden Has a Creepy Fascination With
‘Young People’ and How They ‘Make Love'
11 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/5/2024 3:47:34 PM Post Reply
According to a report from New York Magazine's Intelligencer, Joe Biden's aides are hard at work trying to combat the image that he is too old to be president by revealing more behind-the-scenes details that are supposed to make us all feel better about the fact that he doesn't seem to know where he is half the time. "His staffers say Biden swears in private, chews out aides who aren’t performing up to standards, and is well versed in the details of complex regulatory issues. According to two accounts, Biden can also get a little spicy, in a Diamond Joe sort of way," reports New York Magazine's Matt Stieb.
Immolate to the Party 7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/5/2024 11:36:47 AM Post Reply
Last week, murdered college student Laken Riley trended on Twitter, with conservatives pointing out, correctly, that Biden hadn’t said a word about the young life that was violently taken by one of his beloved illegals. Author/strategist Ryan James Girdusky tweeted, “If only people went to the streets to demand change in the name of Laken Riley, like they did for George Floyd.” Ryan, one of the sharpest young guys on the scene today, was making a rhetorical point. But all the same, I’d like to address it. A day or so after Ryan’s tweet, an Air Force dumbass named Aaron Bushnell immolated himself outside the Israeli Embassy in D.C.
Everything But the Skirt — WaPo and
NY Times in Helpful Cheerleader Mode for
Biden's SOTU
3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/5/2024 11:05:16 AM Post Reply
There is a popular game on social media lately that asks people to explain that they are something without mentioning the something. I'll use "went to high school in the '70s" as an example. "Tell me you went to high school in the '70s without telling me that you went to high school in the '70s." I would then respond with something like a picture of me in a powder blue prom tux that had lapels you could land a 747 on. The Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media are currently acting like the respondents in a version of the game that starts with, "Tell me the idiot president
A Glorious Twofer — Unanimous SCOTUS
Decision and Unanimous Dem Meltdown
5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/5/2024 10:53:14 AM Post Reply
Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) Well, that was certainly an interesting way to kick off the week. One generally doesn't emerge from a weekend expecting the Supreme Court to put a spring into one's Monday step. These interesting times we live in are occasionally the good kind of interesting. The complete, thorough, and utter beatdown of the Colorado Supreme Court by the Supreme Court of the United States (which Matt covered for us here) was quite the blow to the Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers in the American judiciary. I'm no legal expert, and I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night,
Ex-Pastor Has a Sorry Excuse for Defacing
Neighbor's Package With a Swastika
4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/5/2024 10:46:36 AM Post Reply
In this business, one can find oneself traveling down rabbit trails. A promising bit of news may turn out to be not nearly as engaging or important as advertised, or it may be outdated. That sends a writer back to the drawing board. This happened Monday afternoon. A story I thought was worth investigating turned out to have its origins back on December 5, 2023. I muttered a word that I cannot write here and wondered why no one in the media seems to understand the words "news cycle" anymore. But I kept on reading because, occasionally, the story is not just about the facts but the background.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Mark Cuban vows to back Joe Biden over
Donald Trump, even if Biden 'was being
given last rites'
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 1:19:21 PM Post Reply
Mark Cuban, the minority stake owner of the Dallas Mavericks, reaffirmed his political support for President Joe Biden and vocal opposition to former President Donald Trump. In an interview with Bloomberg News that published Monday, Cuban went as far as saying that he would vote for Biden even if Biden was on his death bed. “If they were having his last wake, and it was him versus Trump, and he was being given last rites, I would still vote for Joe Biden,” Cuban told Bloomberg. The ages of Biden and Trump, the presumptive nominee for the Republican party, has become a topic of intense debate as the U.S. gears up
Biden administration ADMITS flying 320,000
migrants secretly into the U.S. to reduce
the number of crossings at the border
has national security 'vulnerabilities'
28 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/6/2024 3:37:02 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden's administration has admitted transporting migrants on secret flights into the U.S. and lawyers for its immigration agencies claim revealing the locations could create national security 'vulnerabilities'. Customs and Border Protection has refused to disclose information about a program last year secretly arranging flights for thousands of undocumented immigrants from foreign airports directly to U.S. cities. It means that while record numbers of migrants were flowing over the southern border last year, the Biden White House was also directly transporting them into the country. Use of a cell phone app has allowed for the near undetected arrival by air of 320,000 aliens with no legal rights
Kathy Hochul deploys National Guard to
conduct bag checks in NYC subway
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 1:11:51 PM Post Reply
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) and Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) are fighting back against crime in the New York City subway system by reinstating bag checks. Hochul announced Wednesday she is deploying 1,000 additional law enforcement officers to the subway, including 750 New York National Guard members and 250 members of law enforcement. Adams ordered an additional 1,000 law enforcement officials to patrol the subway in February after the city saw a 45% increase in crime in January compared to January of last year. “We know people feel unsafe,” Adams said. “We are reinstituting bag checks. There are several things we are reinstituting in the system.”
Jonathan Turley 'astonished' Fani Willis,
Nathan Wade have not stepped aside as
case gets 'worse by the day'
27 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/6/2024 9:43:49 AM Post Reply
There is a new twist in the Fani Willis-Nathan Wade legal saga after a co-chief deputy district attorney for Cobb County claimed key witness Terrence Bradley lied about his knowledge of Willis and Wade's relationship. While there has been no ruling on Willis' disqualification, legal scholar Jonathan Turley questioned on "America's Newsroom" Tuesday why the pair has not "stepped aside" as their legal quagmire worsens "by the day." JONATHAN TURLEY: It was painful to watch. It had that look of a hostage tape, where he was just saying, 'I know nothing, I heard nothing. If I said anything, I didn't mean it.'
Nikki Haley to Trump: You're Going to
Have to Earn my Vote
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/6/2024 5:58:38 PM Post Reply
Haley voters are up for grabs. Who wants them more - Donald Trump or Joe Biden? That's the question today. Nikki Haley suspended her campaign today. "I have no regrets," she said as she delivered a short speech to supporters. She did not endorse Donald Trump. I didn't anticipate that she would do that today. That may change down the road, we'll have to wait and see. She did offer her congratulations to Trump and wished him well. Haley liked to say that her campaign was not all about her, that it was not personal. She said she was running for the sake of America.
Biden, Trump Are Neck-And-Neck, But Is
Winning 2024 Popular Vote Enough? I&I/TIPP Poll
25 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/6/2024 6:01:48 AM Post Reply
Each side in today’s often-angry political debate over the upcoming presidential election seems convinced that its candidate has a clear advantage. But, as of now, neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump has an obvious edge in the popular vote as we enter the final eight months of the 2024 election season, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Despite being widely criticized for his lackluster campaign and showing continuing signs of age-related mental impairment, Biden holds a slender 43% to 42% lead over Trump. The online national poll of 1,246 registered voters was taken
MSNBC anchors mock Virginia voters for
calling immigration their top issue and
laugh over concerns with flood of migrants
into US
23 replies
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 2:47:39 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchors Jen Psaki, Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow joked about Virginia voters' concerns over immigration during the Super Tuesday election coverage at the left-leaning network. In Virginia, which in recent elections has become a swing state, early exit polls indicated immigration was the top issue for Republican primary voters, reported MSNBC. While discussing those exit poll results on air, anchors from the liberal network mocked voters from the Old Dominion state for their concerns.
MSNBC’s Wallace: If Trump Is Elected,
America Will Be ‘Threat to the World Order’
22 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/7/2024 1:43:03 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace said Wednesday on “Deadline” that if former President Donald Trump is elected president again, the United States would become a threat to the world order. Wallace said, “One of my favorite conversations you had last night we were talking about sort of the things that were still in the DNA of the two parties, that the Republicans fall in line and the Democrats sort of wait to fall I think they largely love Joe Biden and what he’s done, but they want to be more madly in love with someone or something. It was on display last night. Donald Trump has all this resistance
Poll: 45% of young voters unwilling to
spend $10/month to fight ‘climate change’
despite it apparently being a top priority
20 replies
Posted by DVC 3/6/2024 10:49:09 AM Post Reply
In perhaps the most scathing condemnation yet of the young “activists” known for their pseudo-concerns for the environment, a new poll revealed that around half of them are unwilling to put their money, even a measly ten bucks (or less), where their mouth is. Here are the details, from an exclusive report at Daily Mail: Nearly half of all young voters are not willing to pay more than $10 a month to fight climate change, despite Joe Biden claiming it’s an ‘existential threat’ and making it the center of his re-election campaign.
Ukraine's First Lady and Alexei Navalny's
widow both turn down White House invitations
to Biden's State of the Union address
18 replies
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 1:45:21 PM Post Reply
Olena Zelenska, Ukraine's first lady, turned down an invitation from the White House to attend Thursday's State of the Union address, dashing President Joe Biden's dreams of seating her next to Alexi Navalvny's widow in a show of force against Russia. The White House intended to place Zelenska and Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of murdered Russian opposition leader, in Jill Biden's box on the night of the president's prime time address. The plan was to use the women as powerful image against Russian President Vladimir Putin, coming at a time when Biden wants Congress to approve more aid for the Ukraine.
COVID-19 Protests Are Back 18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/6/2024 1:26:01 AM Post Reply
If you jump in the time machine with me, we'll go back to the days of protests over mask mandates, business closures, social distancing, and lockdowns. In those days, many people were incensed that the government had disrupted so many lives with a list of restrictions and warnings that many credited with helping foment the social unrest in the months and years that followed. COVID-19 protests are making a comeback. But this time, the shoe is on the other foot. Or, more appropriately, the mask is on the other face. This time around, protestors are gathering later this month to express their ire
House passes $460BILLION package to fund
six government agencies just three days
before another shutdown: Democrats help
Republicans advance six bills in the face
of conservative uprising
17 replies
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 6:53:03 PM Post Reply
The House on Wednesday passed a $460 billion spending package that will fund six agencies of government, relying Democratic support to make up for the majority of Republicans who opposed it. The bill passed 339-85, with 132 Republicans voting yes, 83 voting no, and all but two Democrats voting for it. The package brought together funding for Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science, Energy-Water, Interior-Environment, Military Construction-VA and Transportation and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under one vote.
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