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Colorado’s Christmas Gift to Trump

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Posted By: Garnet, 12/25/2023 2:32:00 AM

Colorado is generally regarded as a blue state, but it is home to many Republicans. In the last presidential election, nearly 1.4 million voters cast ballots for then-President Trump. Yet the state Supreme Court has handed down a ruling that strips them of their right to do so again. Four of the court’s seven Democrat-appointed justices found that Trump’s role in the fabled Jan. 6 “insurrection” disqualifies him from appearing on Colorado’s ballot. This ruling earned them the wrath of the former President’s supporters and the derision of all but a few hyper-partisan constitutional scholars. Nor will it survive the inevitable appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 12/25/2023 3:00:35 AM (No. 1623794)
Once again, Rush’s truism: they can’t win in the arena of ideas. IMHO, the article focused on the disenfranchisement of the voters. To me, the emphasis and goal is to DESTROY PDJT. By whatever means necessary. He is, in their eyes, the head of the snake,
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mifla 12/25/2023 6:00:37 AM (No. 1623802)
I think even one or two liberals on the Supremes is going to vote against these clowns. Be nice to have a sane 9-0 vote by the Supremes as a ray of hope for the nation.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 12/25/2023 8:18:24 AM (No. 1623865)
Every lefty columnist and editor from WaPO, NYT to the Guardian has jumped on the bandwagon of obvious truth that If you oppose him you must defeat Trump at the ballot box. Well duh! The elephant in the room is the fact that we are allowing ourselves to be ruled by an illegal regime that fraudulently stole the last election and disenfranchised nearly 75 million legal voters.
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 12/25/2023 9:11:52 AM (No. 1623886)
#3, a greater danger is we are allowing ourselves to be ruled by unelected, in some cases unqualified, and unaccountable tyrants in black dresses.
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Krause 12/25/2023 10:28:15 AM (No. 1623924)
An unserious Colorado Supreme Court.
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: law428 12/25/2023 11:34:44 AM (No. 1623970)
This bogus, falsely labeled, "insurrection" was and is a frame job by the left, meant to kneecap President Donald Trump. Ray Epps was present at the Capitol, cheering on participants, while wearing a MAGA hat and laughing all the way in apparent triumph at have pulled off the frame job. I despise the left and their criminal antics meant to destroy our Nation. They are nothing more that enemies of this USA and their allegiance is to the Deep State and its perpetual criminal intent!
8 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Omen55 12/25/2023 4:53:51 PM (No. 1624083)
The more any of dem try to stop Trump the stronger he becomes. Godzilla is rising from the sea.
1 person likes this.

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Colorado’s Christmas Gift to Trump 7 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/25/2023 2:32:00 AM Post Reply
Colorado is generally regarded as a blue state, but it is home to many Republicans. In the last presidential election, nearly 1.4 million voters cast ballots for then-President Trump. Yet the state Supreme Court has handed down a ruling that strips them of their right to do so again. Four of the court’s seven Democrat-appointed justices found that Trump’s role in the fabled Jan. 6 “insurrection” disqualifies him from appearing on Colorado’s ballot. This ruling earned them the wrath of the former President’s supporters and the derision of all but a few hyper-partisan constitutional scholars. Nor will it survive the inevitable appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Signs From the Far Left That the Colorado
Supremes Stepped in It
3 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/22/2023 12:28:10 PM Post Reply
Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Yerzenwul felt that it was almost time to share his love of hamster haiku with everyone in Omelette Appreciation Club. It has been a whirlwind few days since the Colorado Supreme Court took a plunge off of the progressive cliff and booted Donald Trump from the state's GOP primary ballot. In the first 24 hours or so after the ruling, reaction predictably broke along party lines. The rabid, Trump-hating Left was ecstatic, of course. Even Republicans who aren't Trump fans thought the court had severely exceeded its authority. Everyone immediately became a legal expert and opinions were flying like Frisbees at the beach.
Biden’s presidency has become a slow-moving
car crash
12 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/19/2023 3:12:41 PM Post Reply
“Mr. President,” shouted a reporter as Joe Biden stumbled slowly toward his presidential SUV on a rainy night in Delaware on Sunday. “Why are you losing to Trump in the polls?” The leader of the free world stopped in his tracks, looked momentarily bemused, then turned toward his questioner and replied: “You’re reading the wrong polls!” One second later, there was a loud bang as a random vehicle accidentally smashed into his presidential motorcade. Biden looked bemused again before Secret Service agents bundled him inside the armored SUV.
Can Trump Really Win in 2024? 16 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/18/2023 12:41:57 AM Post Reply
It has long been obvious that the Democrats badly want Donald Trump to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024. This may seem counterintuitive in light of a recent spate of polls showing the former president leading Joe Biden, but this is primarily an artifact of the latter’s weakness. The most reliable polls show Trump bumping up against a ceiling of about 47 percent of the popular vote, which is consistent with his performance in the last two elections. Moreover, in order to win in the Electoral College, he must recapture several swing states Biden narrowly won in 2020.
Biden in 'Deep, Deep Trouble': Calls on
Prominent Election-Denier to Turn Things Around
17 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/12/2023 12:34:52 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is in “deep, deep trouble” in his bid to win re-election. Democrats are scrambling and bringing in the heavy hitters. One heavy hitter, Hillary Clinton, is a known election denier and two-time loser in winning the presidency herself, so what can go wrong? Fox News’ Charlie Hurt had some thoughts on Hillary’s umpteenth re-emergence on the political scene.“But, you know you are in deep, deep trouble if you are picking up the bat phone and calling Hillary Clinton to come help you out,” Hurt added. “And I think it was sort of interesting that their thinking is that he needs help among women voters.
Biden has further to fall in the polls 7 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/11/2023 5:12:52 PM Post Reply
Despite being in bad shape politically, President Joe Biden has not hit rock bottom yet. Unlike in 2020, Biden is going to have to campaign, and he is going to have a record to defend — his alone, not one he inherited from former President Barack Obama. And unlike in 2020 and throughout his presidency, the establishment media will have to cover him. As history has shown, exposure and coverage are not a good combination for Biden. To be sure, Biden is still working from an advantage. As usual, the establishment media have given their preferential pass to a Democrat.
Biden Admin Pays Anti-Israel Group That
Spreads Lies About Gaza War To Fight 'Disinformation'
9 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/11/2023 1:59:34 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration, in its efforts to fight the spread of disinformation in the Middle East, awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money to an anti-Israel nonprofit that has pushed fake news about the Israel-Hamas war.The State Department gave $573,000 on Oct. 1 to MENAACTION Inc., a Virginia-based nonprofit, to protect "media and society against disinformation" and to train Jordanian journalists how to identify "fake news," according to federal spending records. It’s a topic that MENAACTION’s founders know all about. Cofounder Chris Aboukhaled pushed Hamas’s claim that Israel bombed Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. The rocket that struck the hospital was actually fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad,
Dictatorship Is as Dictatorship Does 8 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/11/2023 12:31:10 AM Post Reply
The lower President Biden sinks in the polls, the more outlandish his claims about his likely 2024 opponent become. He insists that the main reason he is running for another term is that former President Trump poses an existential threat to “our democracy.” Recently, for example, Biden equated Trump’s speeches with the “language you heard in Nazi Germany in the ‘30s.” This is an increasingly popular theme with Trump’s antagonists. TDS victim Liz Cheney recently told CBS News that electing Trump was analogous to “sleepwalking into dictatorship.” Trump, on the other hand, says that Biden is the real threat: “Joe Biden is the destroyer of American democracy.”
The Scariest SCOTUS Case This Term 6 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/4/2023 1:51:00 AM Post Reply
Tuesday morning the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments pursuant to a case in which Charles and Kathleen Moore argue that an obscure provision of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is unconstitutional. This is not an “inside baseball” case that only compulsive Court watchers will care about. If the justices rule against the Moores, it will supercharge the government’s confiscatory powers by enabling its inclination to tax unrealized income. This will affect everyone reading this column, not just investors with large stock portfolios.
The Covid Governors’ Debate 2 replies
Posted by Garnet 11/30/2023 1:51:44 PM Post Reply
When Gavin Newsom debates Ron DeSantis Thursday night on Fox News, voters might finally hear a serious discussion of an issue that most politicians and journalists have wanted to forget: the disastrous mistakes of the Covid-19 pandemic. For voters contemplating the 2024 presidential election, that issue is vital, as Covid was by far the most revealing test of leadership over the past four years—not just for those two governors, but also for Donald Trump and Joe Biden. With the possible exception of the Great Depression, no domestic crisis of the past century and a half has been more catastrophic for the nation’s social fabric and economy than the Covid pandemic.
Would Biden help Democrats by dropping out? 14 replies
Posted by Garnet 11/28/2023 2:46:44 PM Post Reply
In recent weeks, whispers among Democrats that President Biden should withdraw from the 2024 presidential race have grown louder amid mounting concerns over the president’s age and fitness. And yet, while everyone seems to be asking whether or not Biden should step aside, the real question is, would Democrats be better off if Biden did withdraw and allow a younger candidate to represent the party in the 2024 election? At this point, the short answer is that Democrats would be unlikely to benefit.To be sure, this is a sensitive topic for Democrats. Whether out of respect for Biden, or hoping to avoid being seen as ageist, party leaders have circled the
Bidenomics: The High Price of Gaslighting 11 replies
Posted by Garnet 11/27/2023 12:49:42 AM Post Reply
Anyone still wondering why voters trust former President Trump more than President Biden on the economy should read what the White House posted on X about inflation last week: “Ahead of the holiday season, costs are down for everything from airline tickets and car rentals to toys and TVs.” Biden and his underlings continue to believe public disapproval of his disastrous economic performance can be improved with happy talk and cherry picked statistics. It assumes Americans can’t remember how much less the cost of living was when Biden was elected.
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‘So angry’: Chris Matthews says dealing
with rural Americans is like ‘fighting terrorism’
30 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/26/2023 7:12:10 PM Post Reply
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said that dealing with angry rural Americans is similar to combating terrorism on “Morning Joe” Tuesday. Matthews highlighted the importance of anger in mobilizing voters during elections as he drew the analogy. He said rural Americans harbor a deep-seated anger toward liberal elites and then seemed to liken it to the sentiments of terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq following the U.S. military presence there. “This is rural rage. They are so angry at the liberal establishment, the coastal elite, they look at people on television … ‘They don’t have to worry about us,’” Matthews stated.
More Bad News For Biden: Just 34% Of Americans
Say They’re Better Off Than Four Years
Ago: I&I/TIPP Poll
23 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/26/2023 9:06:31 AM Post Reply
Despite a multi-year campaign by the White House and its allies to convince the public that the economy is booming, the vast majority of Americans say they’re worse off today than they were four years ago. And despite claims that partisanship is driving the public’s sour mood, negative views about the economy and President Joe Biden’s performance are almost universal. That’s according to the latest I&I/TIPP poll of likely voters, which finds that 58% say they aren’t better off than they were four years ago – before the COVID-19 pandemic – while only 34% say they are. Meanwhile, a mere 23% of
Buttigieg: Americans Won’t Be Driving
‘Old’ Gas-Powered Cars in 2050
22 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/26/2023 6:44:52 PM Post Reply
On last Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co.,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that he doubts “that Americans in 2050 are still going to be driving that old technology, that combustion technology that we inherited from the 20th century.” Buttigieg said, “[T]he share of EVs has been dramatically increasing every single year, and that’s continuing. Now, our goal is, by the end of this decade, to be about half-and-half. We think that that can and will happen. But what isn’t guaranteed is, first of all, is that EV revolution going to continue to be made in America?
WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional
Farming (VIDEO)
21 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/26/2023 5:33:39 PM Post Reply
World Health Organization (WHO) head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared war on meat and traditional farming. “Our food systems are harming the health of people and planet. Food systems contribute to over 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, and account for almost one-third of the global burden of disease. Transforming food systems is therefore essential,” Tedros said in a video message published last Thursday for the COP28 official event. WATCH: [Video] Earlier this month the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) rolled out its food guidance for first-world countries in an effort to reduce carbon emissions. The message to ‘rich’ countries? Consume less meat.
Sen. Susan Collins Is Hard at Work Crafting
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21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:08:22 AM Post Reply
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) is working on legislation ostensibly intended to prevent mass shootings like the one that happened in Maine on October 27. The tragic incident took place when Robert Card, a member of the Armed Forces, went on a spree in various locations, killing 18 people. He was later found dead after a manhunt. It was later revealed that Card had a history of mental illness and had even threatened violence against his fellow servicemembers at a military base. Yet, he was still able to legally purchase a firearm despite Maine’s yellow flag law, which allows for the temporary seizure of firearms from those deemed to be a risk
Michelle Obama Absolutely Is Political 19 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 9:23:43 PM Post Reply
Upon hearing the notion that Michelle Obama may be the presidential candidate for Democrats in 2024, many Republicans reflexively recite the mantra that she is enjoying her life and is not political. Let me make one thing clear: Michelle Obama is a political animal. Republicans must quickly begin to prepare for her candidacy. Michelle grew up as the daughter of a Chicago Democrat party precinct captain. She has written about making the rounds with her father from age 4, visiting homes in her area to get out the black vote for the white liberal Chicago Democrat party machine.
With support for Biden fading, and the
corruption case building, will he quit
the presidential race?
19 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/26/2023 3:01:02 PM Post Reply
"I have decided that I will no longer be a candidate for president in the 2024 election." Most Democrats and the vast majority of voters overall hope that Joe Biden will utter those words sometime before the party’s national convention, which convenes in Chicago next August. It could happen. More importantly, it should happen. Polls show that Biden is deeply unpopular. Beyond serious concerns about his advanced age and diminished mental acuity, his job performance on every major policy issue that Americans care about is a dismal report card of inept management or misjudgment.
Donald Trump’s 2024 Vice President 17 replies
Posted by earlybird 12/26/2023 2:17:32 PM Post Reply
Given the recent discussions about a potential Vice President pick by Donald Trump, several people have asked for my perspective.Because I look at the office of the presidency slightly different than most, and specifically because the real challenge that needs to be addressed is located deep inside each institution of government, my perspective on the running mate is somewhat different than most. The Vice President is the safety mechanism for continuity of government in the event that something happens to the President.
Ex-Tennessee Official Admits Selling ‘Hundreds’
of Fake Driver’s Licenses to Illegal
Immigrants with Her Husband
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/26/2023 1:37:34 PM Post Reply
A former Tennessee official and her husband pleaded guilty on Thursday to illegally producing “hundreds” (of) Tennessee driver’s licenses for sale to illegal immigrants. Cheryl Huff and husband Mario Paz-Mejia, both of Knoxville, pleaded guilty to one “count of conspiracy to produce, without lawful authority, identification documents or false identification documents,” according to the Department of Justice (DOJ), which revealed in a press release that Huff abused her position at the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDSHS) to create the illicit documents.
Hitler Wasn't Available: New York Times
Runs Article by Hamas Official
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:28:56 AM Post Reply
The New York Times wants you to weep for the people of Gaza, and for what Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, which Gazans cheered in large numbers, has brought upon them. In service of that goal, on Christmas Eve the Paper of Record ran a weepy piece by a prominent Gazan, someone who has witnessed the Israeli incursion firsthand. Did the Times give this plumb editorial space to a “moderate” Gazan, a known foe of the Hamas regime, one of those “innocent Palestinians” who have nothing, nothing whatsoever, to do with Hamas? Uh, not quite. “I Am Gaza City’s Mayor. Our Lives and Culture Are in Rubble,”
Kanye West apologizes to Jewish community
in Hebrew after ‘unintended’ antisemitic ‘outburst’
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:17:57 AM Post Reply
Kanye West apologized to the Jewish community early Tuesday for his series of “unintended” antisemitic “outbursts.” The “All of the Lights” rapper shared the message, which was written entirely in Hebrew, on Instagram in the final hours of Christmas Day. “I sincerely apologize to the Jewish community for any unintended outburst caused by my words or actions, it was not my intention to hurt or disrespect, and I deeply regret any pain I may have caused,” read West’s message, translated from Hebrew. “I am committed to starting with myself and learning from this experience to ensure greater sensitivity and understanding in the future.” West, 46, concluded his nativity note
‘Blasphemous’: Church Slammed For
Same-Sex Nativity Scene
13 replies
Posted by Imright 12/26/2023 9:19:44 PM Post Reply
A church in Italy took considerable backlash for its “dangerous” and “blasphemous” nativity scene featuring a figure of a second woman — in place of Joseph — alongside the figures of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus. The Church of Saints Peter and Paul, in Capocastello di Mercogliano, is under fire after Father Vitaliano Della Sala decided it would be a good idea to have a “more inclusive” nativity in his church, Reuters reported.“I wanted to show with this scene that families are no longer just the traditional ones,” Della Sala told the outlet.
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