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Media, Suddenly: Say, Did You Know Biden
Is Old, Unpopular, and Corrupt?

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/19/2023 7:06:11 PM

To paraphrase Buffalo Springfield: There’s something happening here … what it is ain’t exactly UNclear, however. Earlier today, Beege beat me to the Axios story based on leaks from current and former White House aides about Biden’s lack of self-awareness about his age. Supposedly these aides feel that Biden’s problem is that he’s trying to do too much, even while claiming that the 81-year-old Dotard in Chief is “extraordinarily energetic for his age.” That falls into the realm of gaslighting, as anyone who’s watched Joe Biden in public can attest. And this part made me almost drench my computer screen with the coffee I sipped while reading it: Why it matters: Current

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Reply 1 - Posted by: NorthernDog 12/19/2023 7:14:02 PM (No. 1620676)
FTA:One has to wonder what will come next if Biden refuses to leave... Watch for more errant sandbags, banana peels, and slippery Air Force One stairways.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 12/19/2023 7:33:41 PM (No. 1620689)
They are going to be saying he was fine functioning perfectly well until just before the end and so everything he did was great but he suddenly took a turn for the worse.
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: FunOne 12/19/2023 7:41:04 PM (No. 1620695)
Gaslighters claim that Biden is “extraordinarily energetic for his age.” huh? They seem unaware that the public can notice that there are numerous octogenarians among the population, and they see them to be very much alive, awake, alert and energetic far beyond that of Joe Biden, Compared to Biden, the difference is very noticeable. In the campaign, Trump will hold 2-3 rallies a day while Biden puts the lid on. I am in that age group, and I am able regularly to walk up and down stairs without stumbling, and my situational awareness is pretty sharp.
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: formerNYer 12/19/2023 7:41:22 PM (No. 1620696)
If I was biden I'd have a food & drink tester. But they have no plan B so that will be interesting.
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: JHHolliday 12/19/2023 7:56:57 PM (No. 1620702)
FJB will not be the nominee. The left realizes that their massive voter fraud won’t be enough to drag him over the finish line. It won’t be the cackling Kamala. She will get a huge payout to disappear. Joe will resign in a few months for legitimate health reasons and my guess it’s probably going to be Newsome, the slick haired POS who had an affair with his best friend’s wife. We have a moral collapse in this country and I won’t even mention the two rump rangers in the Hart Senate Building. For God’s sake, I am no prude but we are in a moral degeneracy that defies common sense. I don’t think God is pleased.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Venturer 12/19/2023 10:00:56 PM (No. 1620774)
He doesn't know his location why should he know his age. This isn't unusual for Alzheimer's patients.
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: buckeye1 12/19/2023 10:52:34 PM (No. 1620789)
It doesn't matter who leads the Dem ticket. Joe Biden or someone else. Joe Biden and his corruption, will be the running mate. No Democrat to this date has acknowledged and has supported him his entire presidency.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: daisey 12/20/2023 1:24:33 AM (No. 1620806)
Biden is definitely not trying to do too much. He’s spent 40% of his time in the WH on vacation. This is bull trying to create the illusion he’s just so busy and full of energy.
1 person likes this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Strike3 12/20/2023 5:04:58 AM (No. 1620846)
Although they still carefully avoid mention of the fried brain, it seems that the media has received the go ahead from Joe's handlers that it's now okay to reveal to the public that he gets a failing grade for his performance. If lying on the beach for four days after attending a couple of breakfast meetings at the White House is "energetic" then yes, Joe is a real fireball.
2 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 12/20/2023 6:34:03 AM (No. 1620877)
Biden was put in place to rescue the dems from Bernie. The dems had to then arrange to corrupt the 2020 election to push Joe across the finish line. Consider that, at that time, Biden, as lousy a candidate as he was, was the best bet for the dems. Now Biden has deteriorated to the point that he is no longer viable, even by cheating at the polls. A good question might be, "Will Joe comprehend that he has been defeated at the polls and leave quietly?". The problem is, the dem "bench" is no deeper than it was 4 years ago. Kamala is a joke. The dem Senate is a political desert for talent. The same is true for governorships. Newsom? He is closer to Bernie than Biden and the decline in California shows the results. Newsom is trying to find a place to flee from the unsurprising outcome of his policies. DeSantis ripped him apart in their debate and Newsom's team pulled the plug early. The dems have no practical answer to "Who's next?".
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Reply 11 - Posted by: nwcudagal 12/20/2023 8:39:11 AM (No. 1620953)
Joe has always been unpopular, but because he is a master at cheating and lying, he is useful. What Obama said about Joe pretty much sums it up.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Dreadnought 12/20/2023 5:29:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/20/2023 4:54:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/20/2023 9:50:18 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/20/2023 12:35:24 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/20/2023 12:29:22 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/20/2023 12:07:43 AM Post Reply
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Media, Suddenly: Say, Did You Know Biden
Is Old, Unpopular, and Corrupt?
11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/19/2023 7:06:11 PM Post Reply
To paraphrase Buffalo Springfield: There’s something happening here … what it is ain’t exactly UNclear, however. Earlier today, Beege beat me to the Axios story based on leaks from current and former White House aides about Biden’s lack of self-awareness about his age. Supposedly these aides feel that Biden’s problem is that he’s trying to do too much, even while claiming that the 81-year-old Dotard in Chief is “extraordinarily energetic for his age.” That falls into the realm of gaslighting, as anyone who’s watched Joe Biden in public can attest. And this part made me almost drench my computer screen with the coffee I sipped while reading it: Why it matters: Current
UK Government Backing Off Gender Transition
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4 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/19/2023 6:55:11 PM Post Reply
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Gaza Hospital Boss Admits He’s a Hamas
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11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/19/2023 2:30:22 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/19/2023 10:18:42 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/19/2023 10:12:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/19/2023 12:56:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/19/2023 12:48:43 AM Post Reply
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The Colorado Supreme Court 4-3 Decision
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They Even Admit It on Page 9
32 replies
Posted by Ruhn 12/19/2023 10:22:04 PM Post Reply
Three main points before getting to the substance.(snip)As long as President Trump appeals the decision to the Supreme Court, the appeals court stays their own ruling – essentially indefinitely. The Colorado primary ballots printed, and the primary election will be over, before the Supreme Court puts this on their docket. In addition to the virtual guarantee the high court will overrule this political nonsense, SCOTUS can make the entire issue moot before them by following their own normal schedule for submissions, arguments, deliberation and opinions delivered by the court.
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Posted by FlyRight 12/19/2023 6:32:12 PM Post Reply
In a stunning and unprecedented decision, the Colorado Supreme Court removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot, ruling that he isn’t an eligible presidential candidate because of the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban.” The ruling was 4-3. The ruling will be placed on hold pending appeal until January 4, pending a certain appeal to the US Supreme Court, which could settle the matter for the nation
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Posted by Imright 12/19/2023 11:55:44 AM Post Reply
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Only Six Percent of Americans Approve
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Posted by Imright 12/19/2023 8:13:37 AM Post Reply
We reported earlier about the new Monmouth national poll showing President Joe Biden has dropped to his lowest approval rating ever, earning a meager 34 percent. But voters are even more unhappy with another politician, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who received an exceptionally low six percent approval rating. Meanwhile, 60 percent of respondents disapproved of the job he's been doing. (X) Monmouth wrote about the McConnell numbers, noting that he’s the only person in the poll who received a net negative score:
Revealed: The four Democrat-picked Colorado
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- Ivy League scholars, a gay icon and
a jazz musician - as legal experts warn
they've lit a fuse under American democracy
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Posted by Imright 12/20/2023 4:54:30 AM Post Reply
The all-Democrat appointed Colorado Supreme Court last night barred Donald Trump from the state's 2024 Republican ballot over his role in the January 6 riot - with legal experts warning they have imperiled American democracy. The 4-3 decision marks the first time in history that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment - which disqualifies insurrectionists from office - has been used to eliminate a presidential candidate. Justices Richard L. Gabriel, Melissa Hart, Monica Márquez and William W. Hood III said that they had 'little difficulty' in determining that the events of January 6 were an insurrection and that Trump did 'engage' in that alleged rebellion.
Sununu: Trump’s ‘Extreme’ Language
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26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/20/2023 12:07:43 AM Post Reply
Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Lead” that former President Donald Trump was using “extreme” language on immigration because he was “nervous his base is going to leave him.” Sununu said, “Everyone knows Donald Trump’s record. You know, as Republicans, we want that border secure. You know, we want the right fiscal policies in place. We wanted to drain the swamp. He didn’t do any of it. And there’s no, you don’t even have to run ads on that. He just didn’t get it done. ” He continued, “You know, it’s funny when you he was here over the weekend, and he spent all this
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Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 5:16:22 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 12/20/2023 7:34:37 AM Post Reply
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it is politically incorrect all the way
22 replies
Posted by DW626 12/20/2023 6:22:42 AM Post Reply
Every year, The Christmas Story is a holiday feature. I enjoy it a lot! The Chinese restaurant ending is great! Everything about this movie is so politically incorrect, from the old man to Mrs. Parker, to just about everything else. Remember the line about the old man being as good as an “Arab trader” when they are looking for Christmas trees? What about the lamp? The late Roger Ebert reviewed this movie in 2000. I’m not sure why he waited so long but he nailed it. This is Mr. Ebert’s review: One of the details that ‘A Christmas Story’ gets right is the threat
Shocking moment five people hanging out
of SUV during 'street takeover' in Colorado
Springs are CRUSHED after car rolls over
as horrified onlookers try lifting vehicle
up to free trapped victims
22 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 12/19/2023 12:32:04 PM Post Reply
Five people were crushed after they hung out of an SUV during a 'street takeover' in a Colorado Springs strip mall as the driver preformed donuts. The incident occurred just after 10:15 pm on Saturday in the parking lot of The Market at Spring Creek in southeast Colorado Springs. When police arrived on the scene, they found several passengers severely injured. They were taken to a local hospital, and their conditions are unknown at this time.
The Real Claudine Gay Scandal 21 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2023 5:19:40 AM Post Reply
Dr. Claudine, current President of Harvard University, is one lucky woman or, as she might describe herself a “a lucky woman of color.” She first survived her dreadful testimony before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, where she refused to unambiguously denounce calls from Harvard students and faculty to kill all Israeli Jews. It was an embarrassing performance filled with weasel words and amorphous defenses such as “it all depends on context” as if genocide might be legitimate in some circumstances. Gay’s second lucky break was to survive clear-cut evidence that she was a career plagiarist, and this scholarly dishonesty far exceeded inadvertent sloppiness.
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