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House Democrats Stick a Fork in 'Bidenomics'
- The Question Is: Why Did They Wait So Long?

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Posted By: Hazymac, 12/4/2023 2:14:11 PM

Yep, "Bidenomics." Hustler Joe Biden has continued to tout the ridiculous term like a slick snake oil salesman long after the vast majority of the country has rejected it outright. Still, Lyin' Biden has continued to push. "C'mon! Don't believe your lying eyes, America! Bidenomics is the best thing since sliced bread!" Except it isn't. It never was. Now, someone else isn't buying it. And that "someone" is the House Democrat Caucus. House Democrats have finally rejected the White House's months-long smoke-and-mirrors campaign to sell the silly term. And why wouldn't they? Better question: Why'd they wait so long?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MattMusson1 12/4/2023 2:58:35 PM (No. 1610467)
Bidenomics is the exact opposite of Reganomics. More Taxes More Government Spending More Regulation
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 12/4/2023 3:23:01 PM (No. 1610491)
So they want to go with "People Over Politics" instead of "Bidenomics"? Democrats always make up slogans that are the opposite to the true goals. This makes it too easy to figure that the opposite is "Politics Over People".
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: singermom9 12/4/2023 4:24:56 PM (No. 1610514)
I hear, from Outnumbered, that they want to change it to MAGANOMICS. I am sure then they will blame it on Trump.
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: snakeoil 12/4/2023 4:48:20 PM (No. 1610524)
The economy is so rough Quid Pro Joe may have to reduce his cut from 10% to 9.98%. It's like Monty Python's Dead Parrot skit. It's no dead. It's just resting.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: stablemoney 12/4/2023 5:14:37 PM (No. 1610536)
Like I believe this.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: scottj 12/4/2023 6:27:10 PM (No. 1610554)
House and Senate Democrats are 100% responsible for every bit of Bidenomics. Biden can't do it by himself. They had to approve all of it. They were all in on all that spending. Now that there is an election coming up and Bidenomics is a disaster they are all trying to pretend they had nothing to do with it. They had EVERYTHING to do with it. The Congressional Democrats are responsible for all of it.
8 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 12/4/2023 6:51:38 PM (No. 1610571)
What took so long? It's an election year! See?!? The Democrats truly are responsive! Vote Democrat!
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: padiva 12/4/2023 8:04:24 PM (No. 1610613)
I thought the House was to oversee the spending of the taxpayers' money. Why is the House letting biden throw millions of the taxpayers' dollars here and there? Biden can give away his own money. The US Treasury is NOT biden's piggy bank!
3 people like this.

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Forget Hamas, the Feds Still Think We're
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4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/5/2023 7:06:52 AM Post Reply
Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. (Snip) The Democrats and their idiot cheerleaders in the media have long been known for exhibiting textbook cases of projection when accusing Republicans of almost anything. In my most recent column, I examine the new fever-pitch false narrative about the "alarm" that Donald Trump will end free elections and trample on civil rights if he returns to the presidency. Honestly, even if he did go that route, he would have a difficult time one-upping the current occupant of the White House. To anyone paying attention to reality, Joe Biden and his rogue goon squad Justice Department
House Democrats Stick a Fork in 'Bidenomics'
- The Question Is: Why Did They Wait So Long?
8 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/4/2023 2:14:11 PM Post Reply
Yep, "Bidenomics." Hustler Joe Biden has continued to tout the ridiculous term like a slick snake oil salesman long after the vast majority of the country has rejected it outright. Still, Lyin' Biden has continued to push. "C'mon! Don't believe your lying eyes, America! Bidenomics is the best thing since sliced bread!" Except it isn't. It never was. Now, someone else isn't buying it. And that "someone" is the House Democrat Caucus. House Democrats have finally rejected the White House's months-long smoke-and-mirrors campaign to sell the silly term. And why wouldn't they? Better question: Why'd they wait so long?
For the West to Live, Immigration(ism)
Must Die
7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/4/2023 1:15:13 PM Post Reply
After expelling a large number of illegal aliens approximately 20 to 25 years ago, the Japanese government made a firm statement I’ll never forget. “Japan is for Japanese,” Tokyo unabashedly explained. “Others are welcome to come and visit, but they’re expected to go home.” And just like that, Japan exhibited the historical norm: defending your homeland and preserving national cohesion — without hesitation or apology. The West — the modern West — has been a different story. Shortly before his death at age 100, famed diplomat Henry Kissinger warned of immigration’s effects after having witnessed the support for Hamas inside Germany.
Can Trump Actually Win in November? 11 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/4/2023 12:06:29 PM Post Reply
There’s a huge difference between some chud with a username like @MagaBeefcake8008 insisting that Trump can win in the general election, and some neutral guy who’s earned a little bit of respect for actually performing adequately over time with his predictions saying so. Well, that’s happening. People who are not bizarre weirdos who previously thought Donald Trump was doomed in the general are now arguing that Donald Trump might well win. Is it true? That’s debatable, and I am not convinced. But what’s not debatable is that some intelligent and reasonable people who are not involved in Trump’s campaign
Educatile Dysfunction 4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/4/2023 10:54:32 AM Post Reply
“We’re from the government. We’re here to help!” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona thinks President Reagan said that, but the actual quote is: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Commentators rightly lampooned Cardona but overlooked a couple of back stories. According to his official bio, Cardona earned a bachelor’s degree from Central Connecticut State University, and a master’s degree and PhD from the University of Connecticut. The bio fails to explain that the degrees are in “education,” not exactly a discipline on a par with physics, economics or history. Despite his ignorance, Cardona may not be
EV Owners Waking Up to the Nightmare of
Massive Repair Bills
10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/3/2023 3:12:22 PM Post Reply
"Sticker shock" has taken on a whole new meaning when new electric vehicle owners get their first repair bill following a simple fender bender. The Wall Street Journal reports that a San Francisco resident got in a minor accident with his electric truck. He thought that repairs would be "a couple-thousand-dollar bill from the repair shop and to be without his truck for a couple of weeks." Instead, the first-time EV owner was shocked to get a $22,000 bill for repairs that took 2 1/2 months. The Biden administration has a goal to have 50% of all new cars on the road in 2030 be electric vehicles.
U.S. Not Giving Enough Extortion Money
for Climate Change, Say Poor Countries
7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/3/2023 2:57:14 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is in Dubai this week to take part in the UN's annual effort to extort money from rich countries to give to poor countries. It's called the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC ( United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). COP28 for short.“Today, I am also proud to announce a new $3 billion pledge to the Green Climate Fund, which helps developing countries invest in resilience, clean energy and nature-based solutions,” Harris said Friday during a speech at the summit. Does anyone have any idea what a "nature-based solution" to climate change might be?
No Oscar for Susan Sarandon’s Apology 6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/3/2023 2:27:07 PM Post Reply
Hollywood celebrities have a horrible reputation for speaking without thinking. Actors and actresses who are encased in self-righteous bubbles and locked safely behind gates in secure communities drop opinions about things they have no knowledge of. It isn’t that they have opinions that’s annoying. It’s the smugness that they deliver them with and the anticipation they have that they will be lauded as brilliant. Susan Sarandon is a typical example of this. She threw out a comment regarding the Israel/Hamas conflict that she was sure would be met with liberal approval. However, what transpired was something Hollywood types are not used to. Sarandon is no stranger to controversy.
Donald Trump: Man in the Arena 15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/3/2023 7:02:01 AM Post Reply
Sundance, that tireless intellectual warrior standing guard over at The Conservative Treehouse, occasionally jeers: “You ‘conservative pundits’ still don’t get it. Trump isn’t our candidate. He’s our murder weapon. And the GOP is our victim.” Recently, he returned to that refrain after highlighting an interview in which Mitt Romney announced his intention to vote for a Democrat unless Republican primary voters nominated Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, or Ron DeSantis for president. Given that Romney tried to remove President Trump from office for Joe Biden’s quid-pro-quo crimes in Ukraine and elsewhere, his continued betrayal of grassroots voters is no surprise. Still, considering how many ordinary
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Fox News Cuts Off Donald Trump During
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45 replies
Posted by minuteman 12/4/2023 1:37:21 PM Post Reply
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Subtle Like a Brick Through a Window -
CIA Outlet Approves Donald Trump Assassination
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Posted by Kate318 12/4/2023 8:14:19 PM Post Reply
I have stayed away from this subject for eight years; however, everyone in/around U.S. politics knows the Washington Post, owned by Big Tech Amazon, is effectively the PR firm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). No one inside the DC beltway does not understand this basic truth. Therefore, when the husband of State Dept official Victoria Nuland, a man named Robert Kagan, writes an op-ed in the CIA newsletter, effectively calling for President Trump to receive the Julius Caesar treatment, the non-subtle message is for the CIA to repeat their Kennedy performance and kill President Trump.
Republicans suckered into expelling George
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28 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 12/4/2023 6:07:30 AM Post Reply
You don’t have to approve of George Santos to understand it should have been left to his constituents in Long Island and Queens to decide on his suitability to remain in Congress. Nonetheless, despite a slim majority in the House and crucial votes looming as they head into an election year, 105 Republicans were suckered by moral vanity into expelling one of their own Friday. The 35-year-old gay son of Brazilian immigrants, Santos had the most conservative voting record of the entire New York delegation, and now he is gone, taking his vote with him.
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27 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 12/4/2023 2:51:42 PM Post Reply
MOSCOW - Temperatures in parts of Siberia plummeted to minus 56 degrees Celsius (minus 69 degrees Fahrenheit) on Monday while blizzards blanketed Moscow in record snowfall and disrupted flights as winter weather swept across Russia. In the Sakha Republic, located in the northeastern part of Siberia and home to Yakutsk, one of the world's coldest cities, temperatures fell below minus 50 C, according to the region's weather stations. In Oymyakon, an area in Sakha, the temperature was recorded at minus 56 degrees Celsius on Monday evening. Russian forecasters said it would feel like more than minus 60 degrees Celsius in Oymyakon
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– Black Chicago Residents Issue Warning
to Democrats and Biden (Video)
27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/4/2023 8:49:14 AM Post Reply
Black Chicago residents are furious that Joe Biden’s illegal aliens are taking up the city’s resources. Black residents issued a stark warning to the Democrat party last week at Chicago City Hall. Earlier this year the Democrat National Committee announced that Chicago will host the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Chicago residents have been outraged over the influx of illegal aliens and the strain they are putting on the city’s resources.
BREAKING NEWS FBI director says US is
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'exploit' the southern border
26 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 1:40:34 PM Post Reply
FBI director Christopher Wray has warned that the United States is facing the highest risk of a terrorist attack in years in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas atrocity in Israel. Wray warned the Senate Judiciary Committee that there are 'blinking red lights everywhere' when asked to assess the 'threat matrix' faced by the U.S. 'The threat level has gone to a whole 'nother level since October 7,' Wray said. His comments come at a time when U.S. forces are being subjected to a barrage of strikes in the Middle East and with Jewish and Muslim communities being targeted at home.
'This makes me sick to my stomach!' Outrage
as transgender women take gold AND silver
medal at Illinois cycling championships
26 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 2:14:15 AM Post Reply
A pair of transgender women won first and second place in a female race at the Illinois State Cyclocross Championships over the weekend, sparking fury among advocates for women's athletics. The championships were held on December 3 and were comprised of some one dozen different competitions divided into men, women, and junior athlete categories. But it was two biological men who placed atop the podium for the Women's Singlespeed category.
Israeli Minister: Michelle Obama Has Refused
to Condemn October 7 Attack on Israeli
Women; ‘Silence’
26 replies
Posted by Imright 12/4/2023 8:46:24 AM Post Reply
May Golan, Minister for the Advancement of the Status of Women of Israel, said Saturday that she had approached former U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama to condemn attacks on Israeli women by Hamas on October 7 — and been met with complete silence. Golan, a member of the ruling Likud party, spoke to host Erel Segal on Israel’s Channel 14, in the course of an interview about the broader failure of women’s rights organizations to condemn allegations of sexual violence against women during the terror attack.
America's 250th birthday logo is revealed:
Patriotic red, white and blue ribbon design
was tested on t-shirts, CAKES, and caps
before it was signed off ahead of 2026 celebrations
25 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 2:01:17 AM Post Reply
A patriotic new logo has been unveiled that will be used to celebrate the United States' 250th birthday on July 4, 2026. The semiquincentennial - which celebrates the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence - is set to be part of an attempt to unite America around the landmark. The logo uses the number 250 with red, white and blue outlines in a ribbon type font, alongside the word 'America' in a classic black typeface. Sagi Haviv, one of the designers of the new logo, said coming up with the right symbol for the semiquincentennial has been tough,
Breaking: Hundreds of Pro-Hamas Protesters
Ignite Smoke Bombs at UPenn, Chant 'Intifada Revolution'
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/4/2023 1:00:20 AM Post Reply
Pro-Hamas protesters on Sunday night took to the streets of the West Philadelphia neighborhood known as University City, home to Ivy-league school UPenn, igniting smoke bombs with the colors of the Palestinian flag and chanting “Intifada revolution.” Merriam-Webster describes intifada as an “UPRISING, [or] REBELLION,” while Wikipedia defines it further: An intifada (Arabic: انتفاضة intifāḍah) is a rebellion or uprising, or a resistance movement. It is a key concept in contemporary Arabic usage referring to a uprising against oppression.[1 Yes, they are on the streets of an American city calling for rebellion. As Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik writes, "Imagine being a Jewish student there…"
Senator Dick Durbin Proposes Allowing
Illegal Immigrants to Join U.S. Military
as a Pathway to Citizenship (Video)
23 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 12:16:04 AM Post Reply
In a controversial turn of policy advocacy, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is now advocating for a bold and contentious plan as proposed by another Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL): allowing illegal immigrants to serve in the U.S. military as a pathway to citizenship. In his recent address, highlighted the demand for legal immigration, suggesting that illegal immigrants who can pass physical and background tests should be allowed to serve in the military. In return for their honorable service, they would be granted U.S. citizenship. Durbin’s rationale hinges on the military’s current recruitment struggles. He argues that there are illegal immigrants eager to serve
Liz Cheney Exploring Third-Party 2024
Presidential Bid
21 replies
Posted by Imright 12/5/2023 1:54:03 PM Post Reply
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Monday she is exploring a third-party 2024 presidential bid after dramatically losing Wyoming’s congressional seat in the 2022 GOP primary by about 40 points before settling for a professorship at the University of Virginia. If Cheney decides to run, she said the calculation would include how to spoil former President Donald Trump’s path to reelection. She said that plan could entail joining a bipartisan ticket.
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