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Manipulating with Lies and Manufactured
Sob Stories

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Posted By: FlyRight, 11/26/2023 5:29:30 AM

As has been the case since the barbarous attack on Israel by Hamas aided by Palestinian civilians, international organizations have chosen by their silence to ally themselves with the butchers instead of condemning the 10/7 attack. Canary Mission, which tracks anti-Semitism (and these days it’s not untoward to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, because it comes from the same fetid font: hatred of Jews and the globalists’ anti-nationalism) notes the silence of those entities from whom we were led to expect more: Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking as head of the WHO (World Health Organization); Amnesty, the International Red Cross, the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 11/26/2023 6:06:59 AM (No. 1605113)
Every time I see some Palestinian do their woe-is-me phony sobbing and wailing I want to vomit. Bibi, please don't stop. Anybody seen that story of those female tank crews taking on the terrorists? Those women are too excellent!
51 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Rumblehog 11/26/2023 6:49:54 AM (No. 1605122)
Emotion is the enemy of rational thought. Yes, make it, "Bombs Away, Bibi !!"
39 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: philsner 11/26/2023 7:40:55 AM (No. 1605136)
This is a reminder to every poster here: Make sure you put your posts from The Guardian, to the WaPo to the AP, in context. When they tell you that Israel is an "occupier" or that "Covid shots work", they are simply ignorant liars trying to hold on to control.
27 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 11/26/2023 8:06:30 AM (No. 1605153)
Once again - - for the umpty-umpth time - - there are NO "Palestinians" - - none. The vicious scum responsible for the attacks are Gazan Arabs. I hope L-Dotters will refrain from referring to those barbarians as "Palestinians."
38 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: BaldGuy 11/26/2023 8:43:09 AM (No. 1605169)
But wait....if we just give them their own "state" they will leave us alone....Don't they already have 25 miles of beautiful ocean front property??? They should be as prosperous as Cancun!
23 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 11/26/2023 8:54:14 AM (No. 1605179)
Clarice continues to be a diamond among a field of broken stones. She chews her incompetent media competition up, spits them out and does so using non-politically correct, hard-hitting language. The practice of trading multiple prisoners for every one of the enemy was started by Obama and was continued by Biden in his latest Iranian trade. The only way to stop this hostage trading madness is to stop it. I can't help but sympathize with the prisoners kidnapped by Hamas but we can't stop that horrendous cruelty if we continue play their game. Wipe out Hamas completely in the most efficient timeline and mourn for our losses when the time comes. You can't beat terrorists by continuing to play the game their way. No pauses, no cease fire, just get the job done. Screw the UN and the US.
35 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: VietVet68 11/26/2023 9:43:26 AM (No. 1605219)
With all the money poured into Gaza for the people every person there should be a millionaire living very comfortably in their own homes. But Hamas, the controlling authority in the area, siphons off all that money in its quest to eliminate Israel. This is criminal and the bought-and-paid for Pro-Palestine protestors in the world need to recognize this.
22 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Laotzu 11/26/2023 9:59:07 AM (No. 1605231)
No love of the Jew-hating Left, here. But Jewish Americans gave their vote to the Democrat Party a long time ago (remember the New York district that voted 105% Hillary?), and when people are learing lessons the hard way, I generally stay out of it.
15 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: john56 11/26/2023 11:13:31 AM (No. 1605278)
I would like to salute the IDF. If you believe the "journalists" and their Hamas sources, every Israeli strike hits its target (a "civilian" building, of course), and kills exactly 10,000 innocent civilians but no Hamas fightets.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Zigrid 11/26/2023 11:49:01 AM (No. 1605313)
Yes...poster #2...I was amazed at the female tank drivers in that's a woman....she can bring home the war and fry the terrorist with her tank...and never ever let you forget she's a REAL man!!
11 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Lawsy0 11/26/2023 7:57:59 PM (No. 1605487)
As long as my enemy needs to dig themselves into a hole, I won't try to stop them. I know practically nothing about burying myself alive!
2 people like this.

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Posted by FlyRight 11/28/2023 8:21:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 11/28/2023 5:03:06 AM Post Reply
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Why the Arabs 'Betrayed' the Palestinians 11 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 10:39:13 AM Post Reply
The stance of the Arabs and Muslims is yet another indication of their disillusionment with the Palestinians in general and Iran's proxies -- Hamas, Hizballah and the Houthis -- in particular. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan are as opposed to Hamas as they are to Israel. Hamas is another branch of the Muslim Brotherhood organization, which has long posed a threat to their national security. In 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut ties with Qatar after accusing it of providing support for Islamist terrorists, including Hamas and the Taliban, as well as Iran.
The Guy Who Can’t Win v. The Guy Who
Will Lose
25 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 4:53:48 AM Post Reply
Based on the current polls, we may very well have an immovable object meets an irresistible force scenario, except here it is two aging, past-their-prime retreads who, in any normal time, would have retired to enjoy the remaining sands of the hourglass but have decided to instead run again for president. Both have fatal flaws. Under the old rules, we knew the election outcome without a doubt. Trump can’t possibly win, and Biden is certain to lose. But someone has to win, and it will not be that RFK weirdo. This spectacle is not a done deal. Though he’s far ahead today, Trump can still lose the nomination. I
It’s not migrants — saving New York
City requires union concessions
6 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/27/2023 4:51:12 AM Post Reply
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A Monstrous Conundrum in the Middle East 4 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 10:21:51 AM Post Reply
Rather than be filled with joy that some of the hostages in Israel are released, I’m sick to my stomach at the monstrous nature and sheer audacity of the “deal.” Biden is squarely on the backs of the Israelis, who know better than to become handmaidens of Hamas. Dozens more, perhaps hundreds more of Israel’s soldiers and thousands more civilians in Gaza will be killed as a result of this “kindness.”Seven-plus weeks into what history may eventually consider one of the most sadistic, cruel, and calculated terrorist events in world history,
Mayor Eric Adams rips ‘vile show of
antisemitism’ at NYC school where ‘radicalized’
riot forced pro-Israel teacher to hide
16 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 10:18:20 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams blasted the “vile show of antisemitism” at a Queens high school Saturday, hours after The Post exclusively reported that a “radicalized” mob of students rioted this week after learning a teacher attended a pro-Israel rally, forcing her to hide in an office. Teenagers at Jamaica’s Hillcrest High School shut down the school for two hours on Monday as they marched through the hallways in a pre-planned protest after finding a Facebook post of the teacher attending a rally holding a sign that read, “I stand with Israel.” The terrified teacher locked herself away as the students allegedly tried to barge in.
Manipulating with Lies and Manufactured
Sob Stories
11 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/26/2023 5:29:30 AM Post Reply
As has been the case since the barbarous attack on Israel by Hamas aided by Palestinian civilians, international organizations have chosen by their silence to ally themselves with the butchers instead of condemning the 10/7 attack. Canary Mission, which tracks anti-Semitism (and these days it’s not untoward to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, because it comes from the same fetid font: hatred of Jews and the globalists’ anti-nationalism) notes the silence of those entities from whom we were led to expect more: Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking as head of the WHO (World Health Organization); Amnesty, the International Red Cross, the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights,
13 Israeli hostages, 4 foreigners released
from captivity in the Gaza Strip, Israeli
military says
2 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/25/2023 4:58:53 PM Post Reply
Hamas released 13 Israelis and four foreigners late Saturday in the second round of swaps under a cease-fire deal, the Israeli military said, after the militant group initially delayed the exchange for several hours and claimed that Israel had violated the terms of a truce deal. The army said Red Cross representatives transferred the freed hostages, including four Thais, to Egypt late Saturday. They were to be transferred to Israel later in the evening. Israel was to free 39 Palestinians later Saturday as part of the deal that ultimately went through after international mediation efforts.
Qatar plays host to terror 2 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/25/2023 7:21:57 AM Post Reply
Qatar loves to play host. In 2022, they hosted the prestigious FIFI World Cup. Presently and into next year, they will be hosting the AFC Asian Cup, and in 2030, they will host a multi-sport event called the Asian Games. There are plans in the making for Qatar to host the 2036 Olympics. Don’t be surprised if it happens. But Qatar is not just about hosting sporting events. Qatar loves to playhost to important Hamas leaders like Khalid Mashaal, Ismail Haniyeh, and Moussa Abu Marzuk. These three Hamas billionaires are permanent guests of Qatar. While they enjoy the highlife,
Israel-Hamas war live: 14 Israeli hostages
to be released in exchange for 42 Palestinian prisoners
10 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/25/2023 7:18:46 AM Post Reply
More than three dozen Palestinian prisoners returned home to a heroes’ welcome in the occupied West Bank on Friday following their release from Israeli prisons as part of a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, the Associated Press reports. The freed prisoners, some accused of minor offences and others convicted in attacks, at a checkpoint outside Jerusalem were greeted by a massive crowd of chanting, clapping, hand-waving and shouting Palestinians.Fifteen dazed teenagers and young men, all in stained grey prison sweatsuits and looking gaunt, were carried through the streets on the shoulders of their teary-eyed fathers as fireworks exploded overhead and Palestinian pop music blared.
Can Europe Become Western Again? 9 replies
Posted by FlyRight 11/25/2023 7:15:46 AM Post Reply
For the first time in a millennium, Europe no longer plays a critical role in promoting Western civilization nor in world history at large. Ostensibly it should. Some 750 million people live on the European subcontinent. Europe still remains the most popular tourist spot on earth. Its hallowed architecture, art, infrastructure, and natural beauty still remind millions of visitors of the world's once most dynamic and grandiose civilization. Even now, European nations, in and out of the Europe Union, still produce a combined gross domestic product of $24 trillion, second only to the United States.
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United Nations set to call on Americans
to reduce meat consumption
61 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 11/28/2023 9:32:31 AM Post Reply
A lead United Nations agency overseeing food and agriculture policy is expected to issue a road map in the coming weeks which will call on the West, including America, to dramatically reduce its meat consumption. The UN's Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will publish its so-called global food systems’ road map during the upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai which will kick off on Thursday and extend nearly two weeks until mid-December. FAO's first-of-its-kind document will recommend nations that "over-consume meat" to limit their consumption as part of a broader effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Bloomberg reported. "The failure
Bernie Sanders: Israel Doesn’t Have
a Right ‘to Kill 12,000 People in Six,
Seven Weeks’
44 replies
Posted by Imright 11/28/2023 8:40:50 AM Post Reply
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said Monday to CBS News that Israel did not have a right “to kill 12,000 people in six, seven weeks” in response to the October 7 terror attack. Sanders said, “Well, this was how I respond. Look, Israel was attacked in an absolutely horrific way by Hamas, 1,300 innocent people were slaughtered. Israel has a right to defend itself, but what Israel does not have a right to do, in my view, is to kill 12,000 people in six, seven weeks, two-thirds of whom are women and children. That they don’t have right to do, that’s a violation of international law.”
Influential Koch network backs Nikki Haley
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28 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/28/2023 10:07:44 AM Post Reply
The influential network associated with billionaire Charles Koch will throw its money and influence behind former South Caroline Gov. Nikki Haley in the Republican presidential primary, the group announced Tuesday. The decision could dramatically reshape the Republican field – roughly seven weeks before the Iowa caucuses – as Americans for Prosperity Action deploys its vast resources and standing army of conservative activists on behalf of the former South Carolina governor. The endorsement marks the latest sign that powerful Republican donors are coalescing behind the candidacy of the former US ambassador to the United Nations. She has seen prominent figures join her campaign in recent weeks, particularly after
Biden emails nearly 1 million student
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 11/28/2023 4:49:28 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden sent an email Tuesday to nearly 1 million student borrowers alerting them that their loans had been forgiven through steps he has taken over the past three years. Biden's email was sent to 813,000 borrowers whose loans had previously been forgiven by Biden's actions, according to the White House. White House officials did not answer questions on how the borrowers had been selected to receive an email from the president. "For too long, the student loan program failed to live up to its commitments — and millions like you never got the relief you were owed because of errors and administrative failures," Biden wrote
After Pledging $70 Million, Charles Koch
Selects Nikki Haley as the Vessel to Remove His Trump Problem
24 replies
Posted by earlybird 11/28/2023 9:25:41 PM Post Reply
In the era where they refuse to accept their irrelevance, billionaires and their political money are easy parted. So goes the game of grift amid the professional political class when contrast against the power of We The People. It’s actually quite funny to watch and doesn’t annoy me one bit. Charles Koch, a man of notorious disposition who loves open borders and multinational trade – which puts him on the outside of the America First movement, had previously pledged to spend $70 million (through his American’s For Prosperity political action committee) to remove President Trump. Today, Charles Koch selected Nikki Haley over Ron DeSantis
Top evangelical says ‘Iowa will rise
up’ against Trump
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Posted by Harlowe 11/29/2023 12:27:30 AM Post Reply
Influential Iowa evangelical leader Bob Vander Plaats is doubling down on his disdain for former President Trump and his support for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to take the GOP presidential nomination next year. [Snip] “The number one hurdle for Donald Trump is I’ve never met a dad or a mom or a grandpa or a grandma who have told me they want their son or daughter, grandchild to grow up to be like him,” Vander Plaats said. “That’s a big deal.” “Iowa will rise up,” he continued. “This is not leadership our country needs.”
Victor Davis Hanson Warns America: ‘Brace
Yourself for What’s Coming in 2024’ (Video)
22 replies
Posted by DW626 11/28/2023 12:22:55 PM Post Reply
Conservative historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson has released a new video and it is basically a warning for America. The essence of Hanson’s message is a reminder of how far the left went to stop Trump last time and that people should be prepared for them to do anything this time. It’s an ominous warning but it’s important to think ahead and be mentally prepared for anything, because that’s what is on the table.
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames ‘Right-Wing
Extremists’ for City’s Problems
21 replies
Posted by Imright 11/29/2023 12:18:04 AM Post Reply
Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson blamed “right-wing extremism” for some of the ills facing his crime-ridden city. Johnson issued his statement about the “far right” during a press conference on Tuesday.“What we’ve seen is a very raggedy form of right-wing extremism”‘ the mayor said. “Everyone knows that the right-wing extremism in this country has targeted democratically run cities, and quite frankly, they have been quite intentional about going after democratically ran cities that are led by people of color.”
Disney admitted foray into politics, culture
wars hurt its bottom line in SEC filing:
Jonathan Turley
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/28/2023 12:17:05 AM Post Reply
The Walt Disney Co. seems to have admitted "its controversial political and social agenda" has hurt the company and shareholders, according to Jonathan Turley. Turley, a George Washington University law professor and Fox News contributor, used the 300th birthday of famed economist Adam Smith, whose "invisible hand" metaphor explained how people could exercise their choice between particular products, to put a spotlight on Disney's struggles. "Disney appears to acknowledge that Smith’s invisible hand is giving the ‘House of Mouse’ the middle finger. In a new corporate disclosure, Disney acknowledges that its controversial political and social agenda is costing the company and shareholders," Turley wrote in a piece for The Hill.
Weakness: Biden National White House Christmas
Tree Toppled
19 replies
Posted by Imright 11/29/2023 12:35:58 AM Post Reply
A giant gust of wind reportedly toppled the U.S. National Christmas tree on Tuesday, just days before its scheduled lighting ceremony with President Joe Biden. Reports showed that a giant crane had been employed to put the toppled tree back into its upright position. Typically, the trees are in the ground but, according to @rawsalerts, they had to be cut down this year due to a fungal outbreak.“The National Christmas Tree, where President Joe Biden was scheduled to deliver the Christmas tree lighting, has been toppled over after a significant gust of wind occurred, according to the National Park Service,” said @rawsalerts on X.
Rosalynn Carter's daughter Amy chokes
back tears reading letter father Jimmy
wrote his wife 75 years ago - because
he can't speak: Mourners including the
Bidens, Melania Trump, Michelle Obama
and the Clintons hear their love story
at Georgia funeral
19 replies
Posted by Imright 11/28/2023 3:28:13 PM Post Reply
Amy Carter choked back tears on Wednesday as she talked about the love story of her parents, Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter. Her father, the former president Jimmy Carter, sat in the front row as she spoke. He arrived at his late wife Rosalynn's memorial in wheelchair and underneath a blanket bearing her face in a heartbreaking goodbye to his wife of 77 years. The 99-year-old sat in the front row with his family and alongside all the living first ladies - Melania Trump, Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, and Jill Biden - and President Joe Biden and Bill Clinton.
Biden slammed for bragging he is bringing
prices down - even though they are UP
since he entered office: President launches
bid to take credit despite the majority
of Americans disapproving of his economic record
19 replies
Posted by Imright 11/28/2023 9:04:02 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Monday touted his administration's success in bringing down the price of gas, groceries and airline tickets during the past year but received little thanks for his efforts. Republicans ridiculed his claims. 'FACT: Since Biden took office, airfare is up 21%, Thanksgiving dinner was up 25%, and gas prices are $0.86/gallon higher,' the Republican National Committee said on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. It illustrates the difficulty Biden faces as he tries to sell what his administration believes is an economic good news story ahead of next year's general election.
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